When /^I click on the primary navigation link "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| visit root_path click_link_within 'ol#nav-node-tree-root', arg1 end Given /^content exists within a branch of the content tree$/ do @_content = Factory(:page_a, :title => 'Top Page', :publish => true) 3.times do |i| @_content = Factory(:page_a, :title => "Level #{i+1} Page", :parent => @_content, :publish => true) end end Then /^I should see a bread\-crumb trail available in the footer that details the content above that content in that branch$/ do page.should have_css( "div#breadcrumbs ul li", :count => 5 ) end When /^I click any content title in the bread\-crumb$/ do click_link_within "div#breadcrumbs", "Level 2 Page" end Then /^I should be taken to (.+)$/ do |page_name| visit path_to(page_name) end Then /^I should be taken to that content$/ do within "#main-content h1" do |heading| heading.should contain "Level 2 Page" end have_css "div#breadcrumbs span", :count => 3 end When /^the mouse hovers over a menu item a drop down should appear with 3 levels of the branch$/ do page.should have_css('ol#nav-node-tree-root li ol li ol li') end When /^I click on the secondary navigation link "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| visit root_path click_link_within '#header .static-nav', arg1 end Then /^I should be taken to the site map page$/ do URI.parse(current_url).path.should == sitemap_path end # Templates Then /^I should see the current branch's tree menu$/ do page.should have_css('div#supporting-content ul#sub-page-nav') end # Then /^I should see (\d+) module areas$/ do |count| # page.should have_css('div.component', :count => count.to_i) # end Given /^a (?:root )?page exists using the "([^\"]*)" template$/ do |template_title| # mongo no understand! mongo sad :( Noodall::Node.all({:permalink => "that-#{template_title}-page"}).each{|n| n.destroy } template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') @_content = Factory(template.to_sym, :title => "That #{template_title} page") @_content.save end Given /^that page has (?:(?:(\d+) )?"([^\"]*)" )?subpages$/ do |count, template_title| template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') unless template_title.nil? (count || 5).to_i.times do Factory(( template.blank? ? :page_b : template.to_sym ), :parent => @_content, :publish => true) end end Given /^that page has an? (?:"([^\"]*)" )?parent$/ do |template_title| template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') @_content.parent = Factory(( template.blank? ? :page_b : template.to_sym ), :publish => true) @_content.save end Given /^that page has all available slots filled$/ do @_content.class.main_slots_count.to_i.times do |i| @_content.send("main_slot_#{i}=", Factory(:hero_panel)) end @_content.class.wide_slots_count.to_i.times do |i| @_content.send("wide_slot_#{i}=", Factory(:gallery)) end @_content.class.small_slots_count.to_i.times do |i| @_content.send("small_slot_#{i}=", Factory(:promo)) end @_content.save end When /^I view a page that's content is in the "([^\"]*)" template and is not the branch root$/ do |template_title| template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') @_content = Factory(template.to_sym, :parent => Node.first, :publish => true) visit node_path(@_content) end When /^I view a page that's content is in the "([^\"]*)" template and is the branch root that does not have published children$/ do |template_title| template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') @_content = Factory(template.to_sym, :title => "a #{template_title} page",:publish => true) visit node_path(@_content) end When /^I view a page that's content is in the "([^\"]*)" template and it's parent is not the branch root that has published children$/ do |template_title| a_page = Factory(:page_a, :publish => true) b_page = Factory(:articles_list, :parent => a_page, :publish => true) template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') @_content = Factory(template.to_sym, :title => "a #{template_title} page", :parent => b_page, :publish => true) 5.times do Factory(:page_a, :parent => b_page, :publish => true) end visit node_path(@_content) end Then /^I should not see the current branch's tree menu$/ do page.should_not have_css('div#supporting-content ul#sub-page-nav') end # Template Checks Then /^the page should be in the (.+) template$/ do |template_name| # Check the correct template was rendered page.should have_css "body.#{template_name.gsub(/\W/, '').underscore}" end Then /^I should see (\d+) module areas$/ do |module_count| # Check the correct number of modules are in the model and the template curent_node = controller.instance_variable_get(:@node) curent_node.class.slots_count.should == module_count.to_i end When /^I view a page which is in the "([^\"]*)" template$/ do |template_title| template = template_title.downcase.gsub(' ','_') @_content = Factory(template.to_sym, :title => "a #{template_title} page", :publish => true) visit node_path(@_content) end Given /^that page contains articles$/ do 5.times do Factory(:article_page, :parent => @_content, :publish => true) end end Then /^I should see a list of related content that is in the "([^\"]*)" template$/ do |arg1| # meh end When /^I click the RSS link$/ do click_link 'RSS' end Then /^I should get an RSS feed of sibling content that is in the "([^\"]*)" template$/ do |arg1| page.should have_css('rss channel') end Given /^that page has a parent list$/ do parent = Factory(:articles_list, :title => "an article list page", :publish => true) @_content.parent =parent @_content.save end Then /^I should see the course information box$/ do within("#course-info") do |course_info| course_info.should contain('Mr Spoon') course_info.should contain('AB1234') end end