module Neo4j::ActiveNode module Persistence class RecordInvalidError < RuntimeError attr_reader :record def initialize(record) @record = record super(@record.errors.full_messages.join(', ')) end end extend ActiveSupport::Concern extend Forwardable include Neo4j::Shared::Persistence # Saves the model. # # If the model is new a record gets created in the database, otherwise the existing record gets updated. # If perform_validation is true validations run. # If any of them fail the action is cancelled and save returns false. # If the flag is false validations are bypassed altogether. # See ActiveRecord::Validations for more information. # There's a series of callbacks associated with save. # If any of the before_* callbacks return false the action is cancelled and save returns false. def save(*) update_magic_properties association_proxy_cache.clear create_or_update end # Persist the object to the database. Validations and Callbacks are included # by default but validation can be disabled by passing :validate => false # to #save! Creates a new transaction. # # @raise a RecordInvalidError if there is a problem during save. # @param (see Neo4j::Rails::Validations#save) # @return nil # @see #save # @see Neo4j::Rails::Validations Neo4j::Rails::Validations - for the :validate parameter # @see Neo4j::Rails::Callbacks Neo4j::Rails::Callbacks - for callbacks def save!(*args) fail RecordInvalidError, self unless save(*args) end # Creates a model with values matching those of the instance attributes and returns its id. # @private # @return true def create_model(*) create_magic_properties set_timestamps create_magic_properties properties = self.class.declared_property_manager.convert_properties_to(self, :db, props) node = _create_node(properties) init_on_load(node, node.props) send_props(@relationship_props) if @relationship_props @relationship_props = nil true end def _create_node(*args) session = self.class.neo4j_session props = self.class.default_property_values(self) props.merge!(args[0]) if args[0].is_a?(Hash) set_classname(props) labels = self.class.mapped_label_names session.create_node(props, labels) end module ClassMethods # Creates and saves a new node # @param [Hash] props the properties the new node should have def create(props = {}) association_props = extract_association_attributes!(props) || {} new(props).tap do |obj| yield obj if block_given? association_props.each do |prop, value| obj.send("#{prop}=", value) end end end # Same as #create, but raises an error if there is a problem during save. def create!(*args) props = args[0] || {} association_props = extract_association_attributes!(props) || {} new(*args).tap do |o| yield o if block_given?! association_props.each do |prop, value| o.send("#{prop}=", value) end end end def merge(attributes) neo4j_session.query.merge(n: {self.mapped_label_names => attributes}) .on_create_set(n: on_create_props(attributes)) .on_match_set(n: on_match_props) .pluck(:n).first end def find_or_create(find_attributes, set_attributes = {}) on_create_attributes = set_attributes.merge(on_create_props(find_attributes)) on_match_attributes = set_attributes.merge(on_match_props) neo4j_session.query.merge(n: {self.mapped_label_names => find_attributes}) .on_create_set(n: on_create_attributes).on_match_set(n: on_match_attributes) .pluck(:n).first end # Finds the first node with the given attributes, or calls create if none found def find_or_create_by(attributes, &block) find_by(attributes) || create(attributes, &block) end # Same as #find_or_create_by, but calls #create! so it raises an error if there is a problem during save. def find_or_create_by!(attributes, &block) find_by(attributes) || create!(attributes, &block) end def load_entity(id) Neo4j::Node.load(id) end private def on_create_props(find_attributes) {id_property_name => id_prop_val(find_attributes)}.tap do |props| now = set_props_timestamp!('created_at', props, now) set_props_timestamp!('updated_at', props, now) end end # The process of creating custom id_property values is different from auto uuids. This adapts to that, calls the appropriate method, # and raises an error if it fails. def id_prop_val(find_attributes) custom_uuid_method = id_property_info[:type][:on] id_prop_val = custom_uuid_method ? : default_properties[id_property_name].call fail 'Unable to create custom id property' if id_prop_val.nil? id_prop_val end def on_match_props set_props_timestamp!('updated_at') end def set_props_timestamp!(key_name, props = {}, stamp = props[key_name.to_sym] = stamp if attributes_nil_hash.key?(key_name) props end end end end