term_def_boilerplate: scope: 適用範囲 symbolsabbrev: 記号及び略語 abbrev: 略語 symbols: 記号 table_of_contents: 目次 introduction: 序文 foreword: まえがき abstract: Abstract acknowledgements: Acknowledgements termsdef: 用語及び定義 termsdefsymbolsabbrev: 用語及び定義並びに記号及び略語 termsdefsymbols: 用語及び定義並びに記号 termsdefabbrev: 用語及び定義並びに略語 normref: 引用規格 bibliography: 参考文献 preface: Preface clause: 箇条 annex: 附属書 appendix: Appendix no_terms_boilerplate: |
internal_terms_boilerplate: |この規格で用いる主な用語及び定義は,次による。
norm_with_refs_pref: 次に掲げる引用規格は,この規格に引用されることによって,その一部又は全部がこの規格の要 求事項を構成している。これらの引用規格のうち,西暦年を付記してあるものは,記載の年の版を適 用し,その後の改正版(追補を含む。)は適用しない。西暦年の付記がない引用規格は,その最新版(追 補を含む。)を適用する。 norm_empty_pref: この規格には,引用規格はない。 external_terms_boilerplate: |この規格で用いる主な用語及び定義は,% による。
internal_external_terms_boilerplate: |この規格で用いる主な用語及び定義は,次によるほか,% による。
term_defined_in: "[term defined in %]" binary_and: "%1 and %2" multiple_and: "%1, and %2" binary_or: "%1 or %2" multiple_or: "%1, or %2" chain_and: "%1 and %2" chain_or: "%1 or %2" chain_from: "%1 from %2" chain_to: "%1~%2" nested_xref: "%1の%2" list_nested_xref: "%1の%2" no_conflate_xref_locations: true ordinal_keys: [] SpelloutRules: spellout-ordinal note: 注記 note_xref: 注記 termnote: 注釈% list: リスト deflist: Definition List figure: 図 diagram: Diagram formula: 式 inequality: Formula table: 表 requirement: 要求事項 recommendation: 推奨事項 permission: 許容事項 box: Box index: 索引 standard_no: 規格番号 number: 番号 # Modspec recommendationtest: Recommendation test requirementtest: Requirement test permissiontest: Permission test recommendationclass: Recommendations class requirementclass: Requirements class permissionclass: Permissions class abstracttest: Abstract test conformanceclass: Conformance class key: 記号説明 example: 例 example_xref: 例 where: ここで, where_one: ここで, wholeoftext: Whole of text draft_label: draft inform_annex: 参考 norm_annex: 規定 modified: modified deprecated: 推奨しない用語 source: 出典 and: and all_parts: 規格群 edition_ordinal: "%Spellout edition" edition: edition version: version toc_figures: List of figures toc_tables: List of tables toc_recommendations: List of recommendations month_january: January month_february: February month_march: March month_april: April month_may: May month_june: June month_july: July month_august: August month_september: September month_october: October month_november: November month_december: December obligation: Obligation admonition: { danger: Danger, warning: 警告, caution: Caution, important: Important, safety precautions: Safety Precautions, editorial: Editorial Note } locality: { section: Section, clause: 箇条, subclause: 細分箇条, part: 部, paragraph: 段落, chapter: Chapter, page: ページ, table: 表, annex: 附属書, figure: 図, example: 例, note: 注記, formula: 式, } grammar_abbrevs: masculine: m feminine: f neuter: n common: common singular: sg dual: dual pl: pl isPreposition: prep isParticiple: part isAdjective: adj isAdverb: adv isNoun: noun isVerb: verb relatedterms: deprecates: deprecates supersedes: supersedes narrower: narrower broader: broader equivalent: equivalent compare: compare contrast: contrast see: see seealso: see also inflection: Clause: sg: Clause pl: Clauses Annex: sg: Annex pl: Annexes Appendix: sg: Appendix pl: Appendixes Note: sg: Note pl: Notes "Note % to entry": sg: Note % to entry pl: Notes % to entry List: sg: List pl: Lists Figure: sg: Figure pl: Figures Formula: sg: Formula pl: Formulas Table: sg: Table pl: Tables Requirement: sg: Requirement pl: Requirements Recommendation: sg: Recommendation pl: Recommendations Permission: sg: Permission pl: Permissions Example: sg: Example pl: Examples Part: sg: Part pl: Parts Section: sg: Section pl: Sections Paragraph: sg: Paragraph pl: Paragraphs Chapter: sg: Chapter pl: Chapters Page: sg: Page pl: Pages doctype_dict: international-standard: 日本産業規格 technical-specification: 標準仕様書 technical-report: 標準報告書 publicly-available-specification: Publicly Available Specification international-workshop-agreement: International Workshop Agreement guide: Guide amendment: 追補 technical-corrigendum: Technical Corrigendum directive: Directive