/*** * * @package Inflections * @dependency string * @description Pluralization similar to ActiveSupport including uncountable words and acronyms. Humanized and URL-friendly strings. * ***/ /*** * String module * ***/ var plurals = [], singulars = [], uncountables = [], humans = [], acronyms = {}, Downcased, Inflector; function removeFromArray(arr, find) { var index = arr.indexOf(find); if(index > -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } function removeFromUncountablesAndAddTo(arr, rule, replacement) { if(isString(rule)) { removeFromArray(uncountables, rule); } removeFromArray(uncountables, replacement); arr.unshift({ rule: rule, replacement: replacement }) } function paramMatchesType(param, type) { return param == type || param == 'all' || !param; } function isUncountable(word) { return uncountables.some(function(uncountable) { return new regexp('\\b' + uncountable + '$', 'i').test(word); }); } function inflect(word, pluralize) { word = isString(word) ? word.toString() : ''; if(word.isBlank() || isUncountable(word)) { return word; } else { return runReplacements(word, pluralize ? plurals : singulars); } } function runReplacements(word, table) { iterateOverObject(table, function(i, inflection) { if(word.match(inflection.rule)) { word = word.replace(inflection.rule, inflection.replacement); return false; } }); return word; } function capitalize(word) { return word.replace(/^\W*[a-z]/, function(w){ return w.toUpperCase(); }); } Inflector = { /* * Specifies a new acronym. An acronym must be specified as it will appear in a camelized string. An underscore * string that contains the acronym will retain the acronym when passed to %camelize%, %humanize%, or %titleize%. * A camelized string that contains the acronym will maintain the acronym when titleized or humanized, and will * convert the acronym into a non-delimited single lowercase word when passed to String#underscore. * * Examples: * String.Inflector.acronym('HTML') * 'html'.titleize() -> 'HTML' * 'html'.camelize() -> 'HTML' * 'MyHTML'.underscore() -> 'my_html' * * The acronym, however, must occur as a delimited unit and not be part of another word for conversions to recognize it: * * String.Inflector.acronym('HTTP') * 'my_http_delimited'.camelize() -> 'MyHTTPDelimited' * 'https'.camelize() -> 'Https', not 'HTTPs' * 'HTTPS'.underscore() -> 'http_s', not 'https' * * String.Inflector.acronym('HTTPS') * 'https'.camelize() -> 'HTTPS' * 'HTTPS'.underscore() -> 'https' * * Note: Acronyms that are passed to %pluralize% will no longer be recognized, since the acronym will not occur as * a delimited unit in the pluralized result. To work around this, you must specify the pluralized form as an * acronym as well: * * String.Inflector.acronym('API') * 'api'.pluralize().camelize() -> 'Apis' * * String.Inflector.acronym('APIs') * 'api'.pluralize().camelize() -> 'APIs' * * %acronym% may be used to specify any word that contains an acronym or otherwise needs to maintain a non-standard * capitalization. The only restriction is that the word must begin with a capital letter. * * Examples: * String.Inflector.acronym('RESTful') * 'RESTful'.underscore() -> 'restful' * 'RESTfulController'.underscore() -> 'restful_controller' * 'RESTfulController'.titleize() -> 'RESTful Controller' * 'restful'.camelize() -> 'RESTful' * 'restful_controller'.camelize() -> 'RESTfulController' * * String.Inflector.acronym('McDonald') * 'McDonald'.underscore() -> 'mcdonald' * 'mcdonald'.camelize() -> 'McDonald' */ 'acronym': function(word) { acronyms[word.toLowerCase()] = word; var all = object.keys(acronyms).map(function(key) { return acronyms[key]; }); Inflector.acronymRegExp = regexp(all.join('|'), 'g'); }, /* * Specifies a new pluralization rule and its replacement. The rule can either be a string or a regular expression. * The replacement should always be a string that may include references to the matched data from the rule. */ 'plural': function(rule, replacement) { removeFromUncountablesAndAddTo(plurals, rule, replacement); }, /* * Specifies a new singularization rule and its replacement. The rule can either be a string or a regular expression. * The replacement should always be a string that may include references to the matched data from the rule. */ 'singular': function(rule, replacement) { removeFromUncountablesAndAddTo(singulars, rule, replacement); }, /* * Specifies a new irregular that applies to both pluralization and singularization at the same time. This can only be used * for strings, not regular expressions. You simply pass the irregular in singular and plural form. * * Examples: * String.Inflector.irregular('octopus', 'octopi') * String.Inflector.irregular('person', 'people') */ 'irregular': function(singular, plural) { var singularFirst = singular.first(), singularRest = singular.from(1), pluralFirst = plural.first(), pluralRest = plural.from(1), pluralFirstUpper = pluralFirst.toUpperCase(), pluralFirstLower = pluralFirst.toLowerCase(), singularFirstUpper = singularFirst.toUpperCase(), singularFirstLower = singularFirst.toLowerCase(); removeFromArray(uncountables, singular); removeFromArray(uncountables, plural); if(singularFirstUpper == pluralFirstUpper) { Inflector.plural(new regexp('({1}){2}$'.assign(singularFirst, singularRest), 'i'), '$1' + pluralRest); Inflector.plural(new regexp('({1}){2}$'.assign(pluralFirst, pluralRest), 'i'), '$1' + pluralRest); Inflector.singular(new regexp('({1}){2}$'.assign(pluralFirst, pluralRest), 'i'), '$1' + singularRest); } else { Inflector.plural(new regexp('{1}{2}$'.assign(singularFirstUpper, singularRest)), pluralFirstUpper + pluralRest); Inflector.plural(new regexp('{1}{2}$'.assign(singularFirstLower, singularRest)), pluralFirstLower + pluralRest); Inflector.plural(new regexp('{1}{2}$'.assign(pluralFirstUpper, pluralRest)), pluralFirstUpper + pluralRest); Inflector.plural(new regexp('{1}{2}$'.assign(pluralFirstLower, pluralRest)), pluralFirstLower + pluralRest); Inflector.singular(new regexp('{1}{2}$'.assign(pluralFirstUpper, pluralRest)), singularFirstUpper + singularRest); Inflector.singular(new regexp('{1}{2}$'.assign(pluralFirstLower, pluralRest)), singularFirstLower + singularRest); } }, /* * Add uncountable words that shouldn't be attempted inflected. * * Examples: * String.Inflector.uncountable('money') * String.Inflector.uncountable('money', 'information') * String.Inflector.uncountable(['money', 'information', 'rice']) */ 'uncountable': function(first) { var add = array.isArray(first) ? first : multiArgs(arguments); uncountables = uncountables.concat(add); }, /* * Specifies a humanized form of a string by a regular expression rule or by a string mapping. * When using a regular expression based replacement, the normal humanize formatting is called after the replacement. * When a string is used, the human form should be specified as desired (example: 'The name', not 'the_name') * * Examples: * String.Inflector.human(/_cnt$/i, '_count') * String.Inflector.human('legacy_col_person_name', 'Name') */ 'human': function(rule, replacement) { humans.unshift({ rule: rule, replacement: replacement }) }, /* * Clears the loaded inflections within a given scope (default is 'all'). * Options are: 'all', 'plurals', 'singulars', 'uncountables', 'humans'. * * Examples: * String.Inflector.clear('all') * String.Inflector.clear('plurals') */ 'clear': function(type) { if(paramMatchesType(type, 'singulars')) singulars = []; if(paramMatchesType(type, 'plurals')) plurals = []; if(paramMatchesType(type, 'uncountables')) uncountables = []; if(paramMatchesType(type, 'humans')) humans = []; if(paramMatchesType(type, 'acronyms')) acronyms = {}; } }; Downcased = [ 'and', 'or', 'nor', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'so', 'but', 'to', 'of', 'at', 'by', 'from', 'into', 'on', 'onto', 'off', 'out', 'in', 'over', 'with', 'for' ]; Inflector.plural(/$/, 's'); Inflector.plural(/s$/gi, 's'); Inflector.plural(/(ax|test)is$/gi, '$1es'); Inflector.plural(/(octop|vir|fung|foc|radi|alumn)(i|us)$/gi, '$1i'); Inflector.plural(/(census|alias|status)$/gi, '$1es'); Inflector.plural(/(bu)s$/gi, '$1ses'); Inflector.plural(/(buffal|tomat)o$/gi, '$1oes'); Inflector.plural(/([ti])um$/gi, '$1a'); Inflector.plural(/([ti])a$/gi, '$1a'); Inflector.plural(/sis$/gi, 'ses'); Inflector.plural(/f+e?$/gi, 'ves'); Inflector.plural(/(cuff|roof)$/gi, '$1s'); Inflector.plural(/([ht]ive)$/gi, '$1s'); Inflector.plural(/([^aeiouy]o)$/gi, '$1es'); Inflector.plural(/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/gi, '$1ies'); Inflector.plural(/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/gi, '$1es'); Inflector.plural(/(matr|vert|ind)(?:ix|ex)$/gi, '$1ices'); Inflector.plural(/([ml])ouse$/gi, '$1ice'); Inflector.plural(/([ml])ice$/gi, '$1ice'); Inflector.plural(/^(ox)$/gi, '$1en'); Inflector.plural(/^(oxen)$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.plural(/(quiz)$/gi, '$1zes'); Inflector.plural(/(phot|cant|hom|zer|pian|portic|pr|quart|kimon)o$/gi, '$1os'); Inflector.plural(/(craft)$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.plural(/([ft])[eo]{2}(th?)$/gi, '$1ee$2'); Inflector.singular(/s$/gi, ''); Inflector.singular(/([pst][aiu]s)$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/([aeiouy])ss$/gi, '$1ss'); Inflector.singular(/(n)ews$/gi, '$1ews'); Inflector.singular(/([ti])a$/gi, '$1um'); Inflector.singular(/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/gi, '$1$2sis'); Inflector.singular(/(^analy)ses$/gi, '$1sis'); Inflector.singular(/(i)(f|ves)$/i, '$1fe'); Inflector.singular(/([aeolr]f?)(f|ves)$/i, '$1f'); Inflector.singular(/([ht]ive)s$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/gi, '$1y'); Inflector.singular(/(s)eries$/gi, '$1eries'); Inflector.singular(/(m)ovies$/gi, '$1ovie'); Inflector.singular(/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/([ml])(ous|ic)e$/gi, '$1ouse'); Inflector.singular(/(bus)(es)?$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/(o)es$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/(shoe)s?$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/(cris|ax|test)[ie]s$/gi, '$1is'); Inflector.singular(/(octop|vir|fung|foc|radi|alumn)(i|us)$/gi, '$1us'); Inflector.singular(/(census|alias|status)(es)?$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/^(ox)(en)?/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/(vert|ind)(ex|ices)$/gi, '$1ex'); Inflector.singular(/(matr)(ix|ices)$/gi, '$1ix'); Inflector.singular(/(quiz)(zes)?$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/(database)s?$/gi, '$1'); Inflector.singular(/ee(th?)$/gi, 'oo$1'); Inflector.irregular('person', 'people'); Inflector.irregular('man', 'men'); Inflector.irregular('child', 'children'); Inflector.irregular('sex', 'sexes'); Inflector.irregular('move', 'moves'); Inflector.irregular('save', 'saves'); Inflector.irregular('save', 'saves'); Inflector.irregular('cow', 'kine'); Inflector.irregular('goose', 'geese'); Inflector.irregular('zombie', 'zombies'); Inflector.uncountable('equipment,information,rice,money,species,series,fish,sheep,jeans'.split(',')); extend(string, true, false, { /*** * @method pluralize() * @returns String * @short Returns the plural form of the word in the string. * @example * * 'post'.pluralize() -> 'posts' * 'octopus'.pluralize() -> 'octopi' * 'sheep'.pluralize() -> 'sheep' * 'words'.pluralize() -> 'words' * 'CamelOctopus'.pluralize() -> 'CamelOctopi' * ***/ 'pluralize': function() { return inflect(this, true); }, /*** * @method singularize() * @returns String * @short The reverse of String#pluralize. Returns the singular form of a word in a string. * @example * * 'posts'.singularize() -> 'post' * 'octopi'.singularize() -> 'octopus' * 'sheep'.singularize() -> 'sheep' * 'word'.singularize() -> 'word' * 'CamelOctopi'.singularize() -> 'CamelOctopus' * ***/ 'singularize': function() { return inflect(this, false); }, /*** * @method humanize() * @returns String * @short Creates a human readable string. * @extra Capitalizes the first word and turns underscores into spaces and strips a trailing '_id', if any. Like String#titleize, this is meant for creating pretty output. * @example * * 'employee_salary'.humanize() -> 'Employee salary' * 'author_id'.humanize() -> 'Author' * ***/ 'humanize': function() { var str = runReplacements(this, humans); str = str.replace(/_id$/g, ''); str = str.replace(/(_)?([a-z\d]*)/gi, function(match, _, word){ return (_ ? ' ' : '') + (acronyms[word] || word.toLowerCase()); }); return capitalize(str); }, /*** * @method titleize() * @returns String * @short Creates a title version of the string. * @extra Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer looking title. String#titleize is meant for creating pretty output. * @example * * 'man from the boondocks'.titleize() -> 'Man from the Boondocks' * 'x-men: the last stand'.titleize() -> 'X Men: The Last Stand' * 'TheManWithoutAPast'.titleize() -> 'The Man Without a Past' * 'raiders_of_the_lost_ark'.titleize() -> 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' * ***/ 'titleize': function() { var fullStopPunctuation = /[.:;!]$/, hasPunctuation, lastHadPunctuation, isFirstOrLast; return this.spacify().humanize().words(function(word, index, words) { hasPunctuation = fullStopPunctuation.test(word); isFirstOrLast = index == 0 || index == words.length - 1 || hasPunctuation || lastHadPunctuation; lastHadPunctuation = hasPunctuation; if(isFirstOrLast || Downcased.indexOf(word) === -1) { return capitalize(word); } else { return word; } }).join(' '); }, /*** * @method parameterize() * @returns String * @short Replaces special characters in a string so that it may be used as part of a pretty URL. * @example * * 'hell, no!'.parameterize() -> 'hell-no' * ***/ 'parameterize': function(separator) { var str = this; if(separator === undefined) separator = '-'; if(str.normalize) { str = str.normalize(); } str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-_]+/gi, separator) if(separator) { str = str.replace(new regexp('^{sep}+|{sep}+$|({sep}){sep}+'.assign({ 'sep': escapeRegExp(separator) }), 'g'), '$1'); } return encodeURI(str.toLowerCase()); } }); string.Inflector = Inflector; string.Inflector.acronyms = acronyms;