require 'spec_helper' include Arbre describe Element::Building do # Note - builder methods are specced in integration/element_building_spec.rb. let(:element_class) { } let(:element) { } ###### # Build & insert element describe '#build' do it "should create an element from the given class and build it using the given arguments and block" do block = proc {} expect(element_class).to receive(:new).with(arbre).and_return(element) expect(element).to receive(:build!).with(:arg1, :arg2) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) expect(element.current_element).to be(element) end result =, :arg1, :arg2, &block) expect(result).to be(element) end end describe '#insert' do it "should create an element from the given class, insert it, and build it using the given arguments and block" do block = proc {} parent = expect(element_class).to receive(:new).with(arbre).and_return(element) expect(element).to receive(:build!).with(:arg1, :arg2) do |&blk| # Note: the parent should be known when the build method is called! expect(element.parent).to be(parent) expect(blk).to be(block) expect(element.current_element).to be(element) end result = arbre.within(parent) { arbre.insert(element_class, :arg1, :arg2, &block) } expect(result).to be(element) expect(parent.children).to eq([element]) end end ###### # Within describe '#append_within' do it "should call within_element on to arbre_context" do block = proc{} element = expect(arbre).to receive(:with_current).with(element: element, flow: :append) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) end do append_within element, &block end end it "should resolve any string into an element using 'find'" do block = proc{} element = expect(arbre).to receive(:with_current).with(element: element, flow: :append) context_element = expect(context_element).to receive(:find).with('fieldset#username').and_return([element]) context_element.instance_exec do within 'fieldset#username', &block end end end describe '#append_within?' do it "should call within_element on to arbre_context" do block = proc{} element = expect(arbre).to receive(:with_current).with(element: element, flow: :append) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) end do append_within? element, &block end end it "should do nothing if the given element is nil" do block = proc{} expect(arbre).not_to receive(:with_current) do append_within? nil, &block end end end describe '#prepend_within' do it "should call within and with_flow(:prepend) on the context" do block = proc {} element = expect(arbre).to receive(:with_current).with(element: element, flow: :prepend) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) end do prepend_within element, &block end end it "should resolve any string into an element using 'find'" do block = proc{} element = expect(arbre).to receive(:with_current).with(element: element, flow: :prepend) context_element = expect(context_element).to receive(:find).with('fieldset#username').and_return([element]) context_element.instance_exec do prepend_within 'fieldset#username', &block end end end describe '#append_within?' do it "should call within_element on to arbre_context" do block = proc{} element = expect(arbre).to receive(:with_current).with(element: element, flow: :prepend) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) end do prepend_within? element, &block end end it "should do nothing if the given element is nil" do block = proc{} expect(arbre).not_to receive(:with_current) do prepend_within? nil, &block end end end ###### # Append / prepend describe '#append' do it "should insert an element of the given class using the :append flow" do block = proc {} expect(arbre).to receive(:insert).with(element_class, :one, :two) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) expect(arbre.current_flow).to be(:append) end arbre.append element_class, :one, :two, &block end it "should run the given block :append flow if no block is given" do block = proc do expect(arbre.current_flow).to be(:append) end arbre.append &block end end describe '#prepend' do it "should insert an element of the given class using the :prepend flow" do block = proc {} expect(arbre).to receive(:insert).with(element_class, :one, :two) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) expect(arbre.current_flow).to be(:prepend) end arbre.prepend element_class, :one, :two, &block end it "should run the given block :prepend flow if no block is given" do block = proc do expect(arbre.current_flow).to be(:prepend) end arbre.prepend &block end end ###### # After / before describe '#after' do let(:parent) { } let(:element) { } before { parent << element } it "should insert an element of the given class using the :after flow" do block = proc {} expect(arbre).to receive(:insert).with(element_class, :one, :two) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) expect(arbre.current_element).to be(parent) expect(arbre.current_flow).to eql([:after, element]) end arbre.after element, element_class, :one, :two, &block end it "should run the given block :after flow if no block is given" do block = proc do expect(arbre.current_flow).to eql([:after, element]) end arbre.after element, &block end end describe '#before' do let(:parent) { } let(:element) { } before { parent << element } it "should insert an element of the given class using the :before flow" do block = proc {} expect(arbre).to receive(:insert).with(element_class, :one, :two) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) expect(arbre.current_element).to be(parent) expect(arbre.current_flow).to eql([:before, element]) end arbre.before element, element_class, :one, :two, &block end it "should run the given block :before flow if no block is given" do block = proc do expect(arbre.current_flow).to eql([:before, element]) end arbre.before element, &block end end ###### # Insert child describe '#insert_child' do let(:element) { } let(:existing) { } let(:child) { } context "flow :append" do before { allow(arbre).to receive(:current_flow).and_return(:append) } it "should add the child to the element" do expect(element.children).to receive(:<<).with(child) element.insert_child child end end context "flow :prepend" do before { allow(arbre).to receive(:current_flow).and_return(:prepend) } it "should insert the child at the beginning of the element's children" do expect(element.children).to receive(:insert_at).with(0, child) element.insert_child child end it "should change the flow after inserting the first element" do expect(element.children).to receive(:insert_at).with(0, child) expect(arbre).to receive(:replace_current_flow).with([ :after, child ]) element.insert_child child end end context "flow :after" do before { allow(arbre).to receive(:current_flow).and_return([:after, existing]) } it "should insert the child after the existing child" do expect(element.children).to receive(:insert_after).with(existing, child) element.insert_child child end it "should change the flow after inserting the first element" do expect(element.children).to receive(:insert_after).with(existing, child) expect(arbre).to receive(:replace_current_flow).with([ :after, child ]) element.insert_child child end end context "flow :before" do before { allow(arbre).to receive(:current_flow).and_return([:before, existing]) } it "should insert the child before the existing child" do expect(element.children).to receive(:insert_before).with(existing, child) element.insert_child child end end end ###### # Support describe '#temporary' do it "should build an element with the given block and return it" do block = proc {} expect(arbre).to receive(:build).with(Element) do |&blk| expect(blk).to be(block) element end expect(arbre.temporary(&block)).to be(element) expect(element).to be_orphan end end it "should delegate #current_element to the context" do current_element = expect(arbre).to receive(:current_element).and_return(current_element) element = expect(element.current_element).to be(current_element) end it "should delegate #current_flow to the context" do current_flow = double(:flow) expect(arbre).to receive(:current_flow).and_return(current_flow) element = expect(element.current_flow).to be(current_flow) end end