describe("Testing Controllers", function() { describe('Controller DeviceCommandsCtrl:', function() { beforeEach(module('robeaux')); var $scope, $rootScope, $httpBackend, $timeout, testController; beforeEach(inject(function($injector) { $timeout = $injector.get('$timeout'); $httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend'); $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope'); $scope = $rootScope.$new(); var $controller = $injector.get('$controller'); testController = function() { return $controller('DeviceCommandsCtrl', { '$scope': $scope }); }; var controller = testController(); jasmine.getJSONFixtures().fixturesPath='base/test/support'; var data = loadJSONFixtures('myDevice.json')['myDevice.json']; $scope.device = data[0]; $scope.device.results = []; $scope.device.params = [{ name: '', value: '', type: 'string' }]; })); afterEach(function() { $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(); $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); }); describe('command:', function() { it('should be an empty string', function (){ expect($scope.command).toBe(""); }); }); describe('command types:', function() { it('should be an array of string, boolean and number', function (){ var command_types = [ 'string', 'boolean', 'number' ]; expect($scope.types).toEqual(command_types); }); }); describe('isDisabled:', function() { it('should return true if command is empty', function (){ expect($scope.isDisabled()).toBe(true); }); it('should return false if command exist', function (){ $scope.command = 'test_command' expect($scope.isDisabled()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('addParam:', function() { it('should add params if last', function (){ expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(1) $scope.addParam($scope.device); expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(2) }); it('should not add params if not last', function (){ expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(1) $scope.addParam(); expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(1) }); }); describe('removeParam:', function() { it('should remove param if there is more than one', function (){ $scope.device.params = [ { name: '', value: '', type: 'string' }, { name: '', value: '', type: 'string' } ]; expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(2) $scope.removeParam($scope.device); expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(1) }); it('should not remove param if there just one', function (){ $scope.device.params = [ { name: '', value: '', type: 'string' } ]; expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(1) $scope.removeParam($scope.device); expect($scope.device.params.length).toBe(1) }); it('should remove the correct param passed to the function', function (){ $scope.device.params = [ { name: 'param1', value: 'value1', type: 'string' }, { name: 'param2', value: 'value2', type: 'string' } ]; var param_to_remove = { name: 'param1', value: 'value1', type: 'string' }; var param_to_keep = { name: 'param2', value: 'value2', type: 'string' }; expect($scope.device.params[0]).toEqual(param_to_remove) $scope.removeParam(param_to_remove); expect($scope.device.params[0]).toEqual(param_to_keep) }); }); describe('submit:', function() { it('should run command and return results', function (){ $scope.robot = {'name':"myRobot"}; $ = "led"; $scope.command = "brightness"; $scope.device.params = [{'name': 'brightness', 'value': 255, 'type':'string'}]; var params = {'brightness': 255}; var data= {'result': "brightness is 255"}; $scope.submit(); $httpBackend.expectPOST('/api/robots/myRobot/devices/led/commands/brightness', params).respond(data); $httpBackend.flush(); expect($scope.device.results[0]).toEqual({'result': "brightness is 255"}) }); }); }); });