require 'test_plugin_helper' class Api::V2::HostReportsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase let :host_report do as_admin do FactoryBot.create(:host_report) end end let :report_body do read_report('foreman-web.json', URI.parse(host_report.proxy.url).host) end setup do Resolv.any_instance.stubs(:getnames).returns([URI.parse(host_report.proxy.url).host]) SmartProxy.any_instance.stubs(:with_features).returns([host_report.proxy]) SmartProxy.any_instance.stubs(:find_by).returns([host_report.proxy]) ProxyAPI::V2::Features.any_instance.stubs(:features).returns({ "reports" => { "state" => "running" } }) end context 'when user does not have permission to view hosts' do setup { setup_user('view', 'host_reports') } test 'cannot view any reports' do get :show, params: { id: }, session: set_session_user.merge(user: assert_response :not_found end test 'cannot delete host reports' do setup_user 'destroy', 'host_reports' delete :destroy, params: { id: }, session: set_session_user.merge(user: assert_response :not_found end end describe 'Non Admin User' do def setup User.current = users(:one) # use an unprivileged user, not apiadmin end let :host do as_admin { FactoryBot.create(:host) } end def test_create_valid User.current = nil post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, }, session: set_session_user assert_response :success end def test_create_invalid User.current = nil post :create, params: { host_report: { body: report_body } }, session: set_session_user assert_response :unprocessable_entity end test 'store statuses' do User.current = nil post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, keywords: %w[HasError HasFailedResource], change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, }, session: set_session_user report = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) assert_response :created assert_equal 1, report['change'] assert_equal 2, report['nochange'] assert_equal 3, report['failure'] end test 'assign keywords' do User.current = nil post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, keywords: %w[HasError HasFailedResource], change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, }, session: set_session_user report = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) assert_response :created refute_empty report['keywords'] end test 're-use existing keywords' do User.current = nil assert_difference('ReportKeyword.count', 2) do post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, keywords: %w[HasError HasFailedResource], change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, }, session: set_session_user post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, keywords: %w[HasError HasFailedResource], change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, }, session: set_session_user end end test 'when ":restrict_registered_smart_proxies" is false, HTTP requests should be able to create a report' do Setting[:restrict_registered_smart_proxies] = false SETTINGS[:require_ssl] = false Resolv.any_instance.stubs(:getnames).returns(['else.where']) post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, } assert_nil @controller.detected_proxy assert_response :created end test 'hosts with a registered smart proxy and SSL cert should create a report successfully' do Setting[:restrict_registered_smart_proxies] = true @request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on' @request.env['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'] = "CN=#{URI.parse(host_report.proxy.url).host}" @request.env['SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY'] = 'SUCCESS' post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, } assert_response :created end test 'hosts without a registered smart proxy but with an SSL cert should not be able to create a report' do Setting[:restrict_registered_smart_proxies] = true @request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on' @request.env['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'] = "CN=else.where" @request.env['SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY'] = 'SUCCESS' post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, } assert_response :forbidden end test 'hosts with an unverified SSL cert should not be able to create a report' do Setting[:restrict_registered_smart_proxies] = true @request.env['HTTPS'] = 'on' @request.env['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN'] = 'CN=else.where' @request.env['SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY'] = 'FAILED' post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, } assert_response :forbidden end test 'when "require_ssl" is true, HTTP requests should not be able to create a report' do Setting[:restrict_registered_smart_proxies] = true SETTINGS[:require_ssl] = true Resolv.any_instance.stubs(:getnames).returns(['else.where']) post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, } assert_response :redirect end test 'when "require_ssl" is false, HTTP requests should be able to create reports' do Setting[:restrict_registered_smart_proxies] = true SETTINGS[:require_ssl] = false post :create, params: { host_report: { host:, body: report_body, reported_at: Time.current, change: 1, nochange: 2, failure: 3 }, } assert_response :created end end test 'should get index' do FactoryBot.create(:host_report) get :index assert_response :success refute_nil assigns(:host_reports) reports = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) refute_empty reports['results'] end context 'with organization given' do let(:host_report_org) { Organization.first } let(:host_report_loc) { Location.first } let(:reporting_host) do FactoryBot.create(:host, location: host_report_loc, organization: host_report_org) end let(:host_report) do FactoryBot.create(:host_report, host: reporting_host) end test 'should get host reports in organization' do! get :index, params: { organization_id: } assert_response :success refute_nil assigns(:host_reports) reports = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) refute_empty reports['results'] end end test 'should show individual record' do report = FactoryBot.create(:host_report) get :show, params: { id: report.to_param } assert_response :success show_response = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) refute_empty show_response end test 'should destroy report' do report = FactoryBot.create(:host_report) assert_difference('HostReport.count', -1) do delete :destroy, params: { id: report.to_param } end assert_response :success refute HostReport.unscoped.find_by(id: end test 'should get reports for given host only' do report = FactoryBot.create(:host_report) get :index, params: { host_id: } assert_response :success refute_nil assigns(:host_reports) reports = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) refute_empty reports['results'] assert_equal 1, reports['results'].count end test 'should return empty result for host with no reports' do host = FactoryBot.create(:host) get :index, params: { host_id: host.to_param } assert_response :success refute_nil assigns(:host_reports) reports = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body) assert_empty reports['results'] assert_equal 0, reports['results'].count end end