# 1.6.0 / 2011-12-09 * Moved to rspec 1.7.0 # 1.5.1 / 2011-08-31 * The whole template has been cleaned so as to have proper line endings and no trailing spaces (eregon) # 1.5.0 / 2011-08-20 * The Gemfile do not depend to the gemspec anymore and reflects fine-grained groups from the .noespec file # 1.4.0 / 2011-07-29 * Fixed some error messages * Bumped all default dependencies to most recent library versions * Removed .gemtest from the template * Changes the spec and test patterns to test_*.rb and updated default spec generated * Changed the regular expression for changelog sections to /^# / instead of /^#/ # 1.3.0 / 2011-02-03 * Enhanced the way library version is handled. A !{upper}::Version module is now generated from the noespec (and is kept safe-overridable by default). !{upper}::VERSION is kept and is set by that module to the correct value. As a side effect, the .gemspec can now be built even if dependencies are not met. * Added the ability of the template to be tested with rubygems-test * spec/spec_helper.rb is not safe-override by default anymore * Fixed a bug that led 'rake -T' to ignore debug_mail # 1.2.0 / 2011-01-17 * A 'description' variable is introduced in .noespec and made mandatory to avoid weird results on rubygems.org when using the whole README.md file for project description. * A 'version' variable is introduced in .noespec and made mandatory. * Enhanced 'rake package/gem' to be configurable from .noespec under variables/rake_tasks/gem * Enhanced 'rake unit_test' to be configurable from .noespec under variables/rake_tasks/unit_test * Enhanced 'rake spec_test' to be configurable from .noespec under variables/rake_tasks/unit_test * Enhanced 'rake yard' to be configurable from .noespec under variables/rake_tasks/yard * Added 'rake debug_mail' which is configurable from .noespec under variables/rake_tasks/debug_mail * lib/__lower__/loader.rb only use plain requires instead of a more complex algorithm. This follows the discussion with Luis Lavena on ruby-talk (http://bit.ly/gqukPw) * Added a proposal dependency (wlang ~> 0.10.1) required by the debug_mail task * Fixed tasks/unit_test.rake under 1.9.2 (raised 'no such file to load -- []' with options=[] instead of nil) # 1.1.0 / 2011-01-11 * Added the tasks folder with well documented rake tasks * Added a dependency loader in __lower__/loader.rb that helps requiring gems the good way * Added Bundler support to easy developer's job trough Gemfile and "require 'bundle/setup'" in Rakefile * LICENCE.txt -> LICENCE.md * Follows a lot of changes from Noe 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0 # 1.0.0 / 2011-01-11 * Birthday