require 'helper' class TestParseP1 < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup #Data string as received on a Ruby on Rails application with some uncleared data in front of it @data = "sBs\u0012C\u0002\u0002\nK*r\"CKR[Wh)\r\n1-0:2.8.1(00000.000*kWh)\r\n1-0:2.8.2(00000.\r\n/ABc1\\1AB123-4567\r\n\r\n0-0:96.1.1(1A123456789012345678901234567890)\r\n1-0:1.8.1(00136.787*kWh)\r\n1-0:1.8.2(00131.849*kWh)\r\n1-0:2.8.1(00002.345*kWh)\r\n1-0:2.8.2(00054.976*kWh)\r\n0-0:96.14.0(0002)\r\n1-0:1.7.0(0003.20*kW)\r\n1-0:2.7.0(0000.12*kW)\r\n0-0:17.0.0(0999.00*kW)\r\n0-0:96.3.10(1)\r\n0-0:96.13.1()\r\n0-0:96.13.0()\r\n0-1:24.1.0(3)\r\n0-1:96.1.0(1234567890123456789012345678901234)\r\n0-1:24.3.0(120502150000)(00)(60)(1)(0-1:24.2.1)(m3)\r\n(00092.112)\r\n0-1:24.4.0(1)\r\n!" @p1 = end should 'return the p1_string' do assert_equal @data, end should 'tell if string is P1 valid' do assert_equal true, @p1.valid? end context 'Device identifiers' do should 'return the device_id of the meter' do assert_equal 'ABc1\1AB123-4567', @p1.device_id end #Sn (n=0..96), octet string is NOT true should 'return the electra meter identifier of the meter' do assert_equal '1A123456789012345678901234567890', @p1.electra_meter_id end #Sn (n=0..96) octet string should 'return the gas meter identifier of the meter' do assert_equal '1234567890123456789012345678901234', @p1.gas_meter_id end end context 'Electricity data' do #S4 tag 4 bit string is NOT true should 'return the electricity tariff indicator' do assert_equal 2, @p1.electricity_tariff_indicator end #F4(1,1) should 'return the electricity actual threshold' do assert_equal 999.0, @p1.electricity_actual_threshold end #F9 (3,3) should 'return electricity with a corresponding obis code' do assert_equal 136.787, @p1.electricity('1-0:1.8.1') end #F9 (3,3) should 'return imported electricty with low tarif' do assert_equal 136.787, @p1.electricity(:type => :import, :tariff => :low) assert_equal 136.787, @p1.electra_import_low end #F9 (3,3) should 'return imported electricty with normal tarif' do assert_equal 131.849, @p1.electricity(:type => :import, :tariff => :normal) assert_equal 131.849, @p1.electra_import_normal end #F9 (3,3) should 'return electricty produced by client low tarif' do assert_equal 2.345, @p1.electricity(:type => :export, :tariff => :low) assert_equal 2.345, @p1.electra_export_low end #F9 (3,3) should 'return electricty produced by client normal tarif' do assert_equal 54.976, @p1.electricity(:type => :export, :tariff => :normal) assert_equal 54.976, @p1.electra_export_normal end context 'Actual data' do #F5 (3,3) should 'return actual power imported' do assert_equal 3200, @p1.electricity(:type => :import, :actual => true) assert_equal 3200, @p1.actual_electra end #F5 (3,3) should 'return actual power in case of a low tarif' do assert_equal 120, @p1.electricity(:type => :export, :actual => true) end end end context 'Gas data' do should 'return the last hourly reading of gas usage' do assert_equal,5,2,15,0), @p1.last_hourly_reading_gas end should 'return the measurement unit of gas usage' do assert_equal 'm3', @p1.measurement_unit_gas end should 'return the total usage of gas' do assert_equal 92.112, @p1.gas_usage end end end