module Katello class Api::Rhsm::CandlepinProxiesController < Api::V2::ApiController include Katello::Authentication::ClientAuthentication before_action :disable_strong_params wrap_parameters false around_action :repackage_message before_action :find_host, :only => [:consumer_show, :consumer_destroy, :consumer_checkin, :enabled_repos, :upload_package_profile, :regenerate_identity_certificates, :facts, :available_releases, :serials, :upload_tracer_profile] before_action :authorize, :only => [:consumer_create, :list_owners, :rhsm_index] before_action :authorize_client_or_user, :only => [:consumer_show, :upload_package_profile, :regenerate_identity_certificates, :upload_tracer_profile, :facts] before_action :authorize_client_or_admin, :only => [:hypervisors_update] before_action :authorize_proxy_routes, :only => [:get, :post, :put, :delete] before_action :authorize_client, :only => [:consumer_destroy, :consumer_checkin, :enabled_repos, :available_releases] before_action :add_candlepin_version_header before_action :proxy_request_path, :proxy_request_body before_action :set_organization_id, :except => :hypervisors_update before_action :find_hypervisor_organization, :only => [:hypervisors_update] def repackage_message yield ensure if response.status >= 400 begin body_json = JSON.parse(response.body) if body_json['message'] && body_json['displayMessage'].nil? body_json['displayMessage'] = body_json['message'] end response.body = body_json.to_s # rubocop:disable HandleExceptions rescue JSON::ParserError # Not a json response, leave as-is end end end rescue_from RestClient::Exception do |e| Rails.logger.error pp_exception(e) if request_from_katello_cli? render :json => { :errors => [e.http_body] }, :status => e.http_code else render :text => e.http_body, :status => e.http_code end end def proxy_request_path @request_path = drop_api_namespace(@_request.fullpath) end def proxy_request_body @request_body = @_request.body end def drop_api_namespace(original_request_path) prefix = "/rhsm" original_request_path.gsub(prefix, '') end def get r = Resources::Candlepin::Proxy.get(@request_path) logger.debug r render :json => r end def delete r = Resources::Candlepin::Proxy.delete(@request_path, logger.debug r render :json => r end def post r =, logger.debug r render :json => r end def put r = Resources::Candlepin::Proxy.put(@request_path, logger.debug r render :json => r end #api :GET, "/consumers/:id", N_("Show a system") #param :id, String, :desc => N_("UUID of the consumer"), :required => true def consumer_show render :json => Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(params[:id]) end #api :GET, "/owners/:organization_id/environments", N_("List environments for RHSM") def rhsm_index organization = find_organization @all_environments = get_content_view_environments(params[:name], organization).collect do |env| { :id => env.cp_id, :name => env.label, :display_name =>, :description => env.content_view.description } end respond_for_index :collection => @all_environments end #api :POST, "/hypervisors", N_("Update the hypervisors information for environment") #desc 'See virt-who tool for more details.' def hypervisors_update login = User.consumer? ? User.anonymous_api_admin.login : User.current.login task = do params['owner'] = @organization.label #override owner label if params['env'] = nil #hypervisors don't need an environment sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Host::Hypervisors, params.except(:controller, :action, :format)) end render :json => task.output[:results] end #api :PUT, "/consumers/:id/checkin/", N_("Update consumer check-in time") #param :date, String, :desc => N_("check-in time") def consumer_checkin @host.update_attributes(:last_checkin => params[:date])[:date]) render :json => Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(@host.subscription_facet.uuid) end #api :PUT, "/consumers/:id/packages", N_("Update installed packages") #api :PUT, "/consumers/:id/profile", N_("Update installed packages") #param :id, String, :desc => N_("UUID of the consumer"), :required => true def upload_package_profile User.as_anonymous_admin do async_task(::Actions::Katello::Host::UploadPackageProfile, @host, params[:_json]) end render :json => Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(@host.subscription_facet.uuid) end api :PUT, "/consumers/:id/tracer", N_("Update services requiring restart") param :traces, Hash, :required => true def upload_tracer_profile User.as_anonymous_admin do @host.import_tracer_profile(params[:traces]) end render :json => Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(@host.subscription_facet.uuid) end def available_releases render :json => @host.content_facet.try(:available_releases) || [] end def list_owners orgs = User.current.allowed_organizations # rhsm expects owner (Candlepin format) respond_for_index :collection => { |o| { :key => o.label, :displayName => } } end #api :POST, "/consumers/:id", N_("Regenerate consumer identity") #param :id, String, :desc => N_("UUID of the consumer") #desc 'Schedules the consumer identity certificate regeneration' def regenerate_identity_certificates uuid = @host.subscription_facet.uuid render :json => Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(uuid) end api :PUT, "/systems/:id/enabled_repos", N_("Update the information about enabled repositories") desc <<-DESC Used by katello-agent to keep the information about enabled repositories up to date. This information is then used for computing the errata available for the system. DESC param :enabled_repos, Hash, :required => true do param :repos, Array, :required => true do param :baseurl, Array, :desc => N_("List of enabled repo urls for the repo (Only first is used.)"), :required => false end end param :id, String, :desc => N_("UUID of the system"), :required => true def enabled_repos repos_params = params['enabled_repos'] rescue raise(HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Expected attribute is missing:") + " enabled_repos") repos_params = repos_params['repos'] || [] paths = do |repo| if !repo['baseurl'].blank? URI(repo['baseurl'].first).path else logger.warn("System #{} (#{}) attempted to bind to unspecific repo (#{repo}).") nil end end result = nil User.as_anonymous_admin do result = @host.content_facet.update_repositories_by_paths(paths.compact) end respond_for_show :resource => result end #api :POST, "/environments/:environment_id/consumers", N_("Register a consumer in environment") def consumer_create content_view_environment = find_content_view_environment host = Katello::Host::SubscriptionFacet.find_or_create_host(content_view_environment.environment.organization, rhsm_params) sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Host::Register, host, rhsm_params, content_view_environment) host.reload update_host_registered_through(host, request.headers) render :json => Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(host.subscription_facet.uuid) end #api :DELETE, "/consumers/:id", N_("Unregister a consumer") #param :id, String, :desc => N_("UUID of the consumer"), :required => true def consumer_destroy User.as_anonymous_admin do if Setting['unregister_delete_host'] sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Host::Destroy, @host) else sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Host::Unregister, @host) end end render :text => _("Deleted consumer '%s'") % params[:id], :status => 204 end # used for registering with activation keys #api :POST, "/consumers", N_("Register a system with activation key (compatibility)") #param :activation_keys, String, :required => true def consumer_activate # Activation keys are userless by definition so use the internal generic user # Set it before calling find_activation_keys to allow communication with candlepin User.current = User.anonymous_admin activation_keys = find_activation_keys host = Katello::Host::SubscriptionFacet.find_or_create_host(activation_keys.first.organization, rhsm_params) sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Host::Register, host, rhsm_params, nil, activation_keys) update_host_registered_through(host, request.headers) host.reload render :json => Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(host.subscription_facet.uuid) end #api :GET, "/status", N_("Shows version information") #description N_("This service is available for unauthenticated users") def server_status candlepin_response = status = { :managerCapabilities => candlepin_response['managerCapabilities'], :result => candlepin_response['result'], :rulesSource => candlepin_response['rulesSource'], :rulesVersion => candlepin_response['rulesVersion'], :standalone => candlepin_response['standalone'], :timeUTC =>, :version => Katello::VERSION } render :json => status end def facts sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Host::Update, @host, rhsm_params) update_host_registered_through(@host, request.headers) render :json => {:content => _("Facts successfully updated.")}, :status => 200 end def serials @host.subscription_facet.last_checkin =! render :json => Katello::Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.serials(@host.subscription_facet.uuid) end def get_parent_host(headers) hostnames = headers["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER"] host = hostnames.split(",")[0] if hostnames host || Facter.value(:fqdn) || SETTINGS[:fqdn] end private def disable_strong_params params.permit! end def deny_access fail HttpErrors::Forbidden, 'Access denied' end def set_organization_id params[:organization_id] = params[:owner] if params[:owner] end def find_host(uuid = nil) uuid ||= params[:id] facet = Katello::Host::SubscriptionFacet.where(:uuid => uuid).first if facet.nil? # check with candlepin if consumer is Gone, raises RestClient::Gone User.as_anonymous_admin { Resources::Candlepin::Consumer.get(uuid) } fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find consumer '%s'") % uuid end @host = end def find_content_view_environment environment = nil if params.key?(:environment_id) environment = get_content_view_environment("cp_id", params[:environment_id]) elsif params.key?(:organization_id) && !params.key?(:environment_id) organization = find_organization environment = organization.library.content_view_environment elsif User.current.default_organization.present? environment = User.current.default_organization.library.content_view_environment else fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("User '%s' did not specify an organization ID and does not have a default organization.") % current_user.login end environment end def find_hypervisor_organization if User.consumer? host = find_host(User.current.uuid) @organization = host.organization elsif params[:owner] @organization = Organization.find_by(:label => params[:owner]) end deny_access unless @organization end def find_organization organization = nil if params.key?(:organization_id) organization = Organization.find_by(:label => params[:organization_id]) end if organization.nil? message = _("Couldn't find Organization '%s'.") fail HttpErrors::NotFound, message % params[:organization_id] end if User.current && !User.consumer? && !User.current.allowed_organizations.include?(organization) message = _("User '%{user}' does not belong to Organization '%{organization}'.") fail HttpErrors::NotFound, message % {:user => current_user.login, :organization => params[:organization_id]} end organization end def find_activation_keys organization = find_organization if (ak_names = params[:activation_keys]) ak_names = ak_names.split(",") activation_keys = do |ak_name| activation_key = organization.activation_keys.find_by(:name => ak_name) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find activation key '%s'") % ak_name unless activation_key if !activation_key.unlimited_hosts && activation_key.usage_count >= activation_key.max_hosts fail Errors::MaxHostsReachedException, _("Max Hosts (%{limit}) reached for activation key '%{name}'") % { :limit => activation_key.max_hosts, :name => } end activation_key end else activation_keys = [] end if activation_keys.empty? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("At least one activation key must be provided") end activation_keys end def get_content_view_environment(key, value) cve = nil if value cve = ContentViewEnvironment.where(key => value).first fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find environment '%s'") % value unless cve deny_access unless cve.readable? || User.consumer? end cve end def get_content_view_environments(label = nil, organization = nil) organization ||= @organization environments = ContentViewEnvironment.joins(:content_view => :organization). where("#{Organization.table_name}.id = ?", environments = environments.where("#{Katello::ContentViewEnvironment.table_name}.label = ?", label) if label environments.reject { |env| (env.content_view.default && !env.environment.readable?) || !env.content_view.readable? } end def rhsm_params params.slice(:name, :type, :facts, :installedProducts, :autoheal, :releaseVer, :serviceLevel, :uuid, :capabilities, :guestIds, :lastCheckin) end def logger ::Foreman::Logging.logger('katello/cp_proxy') end def respond_for_index(options = {}) collection = options[:collection] || resource_collection status = options[:status] || :ok format = options[:format] || :json render format => collection, :status => status end def respond_for_show(options = {}) resource = options[:resource] || resource status = options[:status] || :ok format = options[:format] || :json render format => resource, :status => status end def authorize_client_or_user client_authorized? || authorize end def authorize_client_or_admin unless client_authorized? deny_access unless authorize end end def authorize_client deny_access unless client_authorized? end def client_authorized? authorized = authenticate_client && User.consumer? authorized = (User.current.uuid == @host.subscription_facet.uuid) if @host && User.consumer? authorized end def update_host_registered_through(host, headers) parent_host = get_parent_host(headers) host.subscription_facet.update_attribute(:registered_through, parent_host) end # rubocop:disable MethodLength def authorize_proxy_routes deny_access unless (authenticate || authenticate_client) route, params = Engine.routes.router.recognize(request) do |rte, parameters| break rte, parameters if end # route names are defined in routes.rb (:as => :name) case when "rhsm_proxy_consumer_deletionrecord_delete_path" User.consumer? || Organization.deletable? when "rhsm_proxy_owner_pools_path" find_organization if params[:consumer] User.consumer? && current_user.uuid == params[:consumer] else User.consumer? || ::User.current.can?(:view_organizations, self) end when "rhsm_proxy_owner_servicelevels_path" find_organization (User.consumer? || ::User.current.can?(:view_organizations, self)) when "rhsm_proxy_consumer_certificates_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_releases_path", "rhsm_proxy_certificate_serials_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_entitlements_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_entitlements_post_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_entitlements_delete_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_dryrun_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_owners_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_compliance_path" User.consumer? && current_user.uuid == params[:id] when "rhsm_proxy_consumer_certificates_delete_path" User.consumer? && current_user.uuid == params[:consumer_id] when "rhsm_proxy_pools_path" User.consumer? && current_user.uuid == params[:consumer] when "rhsm_proxy_subscriptions_post_path" User.consumer? && current_user.uuid == params[:consumer_uuid] when "rhsm_proxy_consumer_content_overrides_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_content_overrides_put_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_content_overrides_delete_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_guestids_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_guestids_get_guestid_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_guestids_put_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_guestids_put_guestid_path", "rhsm_proxy_consumer_guestids_delete_guestid_path", "rhsm_proxy_entitlements_path" # These queries are restricted in Candlepin User.consumer? when "rhsm_proxy_deleted_consumers_path" current_user.admin? else Rails.logger.warn "Unknown proxy route #{request.method} #{request.fullpath}, access denied" deny_access end end end end