# General project information. #-- # Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. module RubyVPI PROJECT_ID = 'ruby-vpi' PROJECT_NAME = 'Ruby-VPI' PROJECT_URL = "http://#{PROJECT_ID}.rubyforge.org" PROJECT_SUMMARY = "Ruby interface to IEEE 1364-2005 Verilog VPI" PROJECT_DETAIL = "#{PROJECT_NAME} is a #{PROJECT_SUMMARY} and a platform for unit testing, rapid prototyping, and systems integration of Verilog modules through Ruby. It lets you create complex Verilog test benches easily and wholly in Ruby." Simulator = Struct.new(:name, :compiler_args, :linker_args) # List of supported Verilog simulators. SIMULATORS = { :cver => Simulator.new('GPL Cver', '-DPRAGMATIC_CVER', ''), :ivl => Simulator.new('Icarus Verilog', '-DICARUS_VERILOG', ''), :vcs => Simulator.new('Synopsys VCS', '-DSYNOPSYS_VCS', ''), :vsim => Simulator.new('Mentor Modelsim', '-DMENTOR_MODELSIM', ''), :ncsim => Simulator.new('Cadence NC-Sim', '-DCADENCE_NCSIM', ''), } # Speaks the given message using printf(). def RubyVPI.say fmt, *args #:nodoc: VPI.vpi_printf("#{PROJECT_NAME}: #{fmt}\n", *args) end end