module Candlestick_Recognition extend self def candles(candles, debug = false) candles.each_with_index do |bar, i| # rel simply sets a grace limit based on the full height of the bar, so we won't need to use the hard limit of zero begin rel = (bar[:high] - bar[:low]) * 0.1 rescue puts "Warning, found inappropriate bar".light_white + " #{bar}" raise end bar[:rel] = rel bar[:upper] = [bar[:open], bar[:close]].max bar[:lower] = [bar[:open], bar[:close]].min bar[:bar_size] = (bar[:high] - bar[:low]) bar[:body_size] = (bar[:open] - bar[:close]).abs bar[:lower_wick] = (bar[:lower] - bar[:low]) bar[:upper_wick] = (bar[:high] - bar[:upper]) bar.each{|k,v| bar[k] = v.round(8) if v.is_a? Float} # a doji's open and close are same (or only differ by rel) bar[:doji] = true if bar[:body_size] <= rel and bar[:dist] >= 3 bar[:tiny] = true if bar[:dist] <= 5 next if bar[:tiny] bar[:bullish] = true if not bar[:doji] and bar[:close] > bar[:open] bar[:bearish] = true if not bar[:doji] and bar[:close] < bar[:open] bar[:spinning_top] = true if bar[:body_size] <= bar[:bar_size] / 4 and bar[:lower_wick] >= bar[:bar_size] / 4 and bar[:upper_wick] >= bar[:bar_size] / 4 # a marubozu open at high or low and closes at low or high bar[:marubozu] = true if bar[:upper_wick] < rel and bar[:lower_wick] < rel # a bar is considered bearish if it has at least a dist of 5 ticks and it's close it near high (low resp) bar[:bullish_close] = true if (bar[:high] - bar[:close]) <= rel and not bar[:marubozu] bar[:bearish_close] = true if (bar[:close] - bar[:low]) <= rel and not bar[:marubozu] # the distribution of main volume is shown in 5 segments, like [0|0|0|4|5] shows that most volume concentrated at the bottom, [0|0|3|0|0] is heavily centered # TODO end candles end def comparebars(prev, curr) bullishscore = 0 bearishscore = 0 bullishscore += 1 if prev[:high] <= curr[:high] bullishscore += 1 if prev[:low] <= curr[:low] bullishscore += 1 if prev[:close] <= curr[:close] bearishscore += 1 if prev[:close] >= curr[:close] bearishscore += 1 if prev[:low] >= curr[:low] bearishscore += 1 if prev[:high] >= curr[:high] r = {} r[:bullish] = true if bullishscore >= 2 r[:bearish] = true if bearishscore >= 2 return r end def patterns(candles, debug = false) candles.each_with_index do |bar, i| if bar[:slope] = 0 next end pprev= candles[i-2] prev = candles[i-1] succ = candles[i+1] bar[:tr] = [ bar[:high], prev[:close] ].max - [bar[:low], prev[:close]].min bar[:ranges] = prev[:ranges].nil? ? [ bar[:tr] ] : prev[:ranges] + [ bar[:tr] ] bar[:ranges].shift while bar[:ranges].size > 5 bar[:atr] = (bar[:ranges].reduce(:+) / bar[:ranges].size.to_f).round(8) if bar[:ranges].size > 0 bar[:vranges] = prev[:vranges].nil? ? [ bar[:volume] ] : prev[:vranges] + [ bar[:volume] ] bar[:vranges].shift while bar[:vranges].size > 5 bar[:vavg] = (bar[:vranges].reduce(:+) / bar[:vranges].size.to_f).round if bar[:vranges].compact.size > 0 # VOLUME if bar[:volume] > bar[:vavg] * 1.3 bar[:BREAKN_volume] = true elsif bar[:volume] >= bar[:vavg] * 1.1 bar[:RISING_volume] = true elsif bar[:volume] < bar[:vavg] * 0.7 bar[:FAINTN_volume] = true elsif bar[:volume] <= bar[:vavg] * 0.9 bar[:FALLIN_volume] = true else bar[:STABLE_volume] = true end # GAPS bar[:bodygap] = true if bar[:lower] > prev[:upper] or bar[:upper] < prev[:lower] bar[:gap] = true if bar[:low] > prev[:high] or bar[:high] < prev[:low] bar[:slope] = slopescore(pprev, prev, bar, debug) # UPPER_PIVOTs define by having higher highs and higher lows than their neighor bar[:UPPER_ISOPIVOT] = true if succ and prev[:high] < bar[:high] and prev[:low] <= bar[:low] and succ[:high] < bar[:high] and succ[:low] <= bar[:low] and bar[:lower] >= [prev[:upper], succ[:upper]].max bar[:LOWER_ISOPIVOT] = true if succ and prev[:high] >= bar[:high] and prev[:low] > bar[:low] and succ[:high] >= bar[:high] and succ[:low] > bar[:low] and bar[:upper] <= [prev[:lower], succ[:lower]].min bar[:UPPER_PIVOT] = true if succ and prev[:high] < bar[:high] and prev[:low] <= bar[:low] and succ[:high] < bar[:high] and succ[:low] <= bar[:low] and not bar[:UPPER_ISOPIVOT] bar[:LOWER_PIVOT] = true if succ and prev[:high] >= bar[:high] and prev[:low] > bar[:low] and succ[:high] >= bar[:high] and succ[:low] > bar[:low] and not bar[:LOWER_ISOPIVOT] # stopping volume is defined as high volume candle during downtrend then closes above mid candle (i.e. lower_wick > body_size) bar[:stopping_volume] = true if bar[:BREAKN_volume] and prev[:slope] < -5 and bar[:lower_wick] >= bar[:body_size] bar[:stopping_volume] = true if bar[:BREAKN_volume] and prev[:slope] > 5 and bar[:upper_wick] >= bar[:body_size] bar[:volume_lower_wick] = true if bar[:vhigh] and (bar[:vol_i].nil? or bar[:vol_i] >= 2) and bar[:vhigh] <= bar[:lower] and not bar[:FAINTN_volume] and not bar[:FALLIN_volume] bar[:volume_upper_wick] = true if bar[:vlow] and (bar[:vol_i].nil? or bar[:vol_i] >= 2) and bar[:vlow] >= bar[:upper] and not bar[:FAINTN_volume] and not bar[:FALLIN_volume] ################################### # SINGLE CANDLE PATTERNS ################################### # a hammer is a bar, whose open or close is at the high and whose body is lte 1/3 of the size, found on falling slope, preferrably gapping away bar[:HAMMER] = true if bar[:upper_wick] <= bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] <= bar[:bar_size] / 3 and bar[ :slope] <= -6 # same shape, but found at a raising slope without the need to gap away bar[:HANGING_MAN] = true if bar[:upper_wick] <= bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] <= bar[:bar_size] / 3 and prev[:slope] >= 6 # a shooting star is the inverse of the hammer, while the inverted hammer is the inverse of the hanging man bar[:SHOOTING_STAR] = true if bar[:lower_wick] <= bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] <= bar[:bar_size] / 2.5 and bar[ :slope] >= 6 bar[:INVERTED_HAMMER] = true if bar[:lower_wick] <= bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] <= bar[:bar_size] / 3 and prev[:slope] <= -6 # a star is simply gapping away the preceding slope bar[:STAR] = true if ((bar[:lower] >= prev[:upper] and bar[:slope] >= 6) or (bar[:upper] <= prev[:lower] and bar[:slope] <= -6)) and not bar[:doji] bar[:DOJI_STAR] = true if ((bar[:lower] >= prev[:upper] and bar[:slope] >= 6) or (bar[:upper] <= prev[:lower] and bar[:slope] <= -6)) and bar[:doji] # a belthold is has a gap in the open, but reverses strong bar[:BULLISH_BELTHOLD] = true if bar[:lower_wick] <= bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] >= bar[:bar_size] / 2 and prev[:slope] <= -4 and bar[:lower] <= prev[:low ] and bar[:bullish] and not prev[:bullish] and bar[:bar_size] >= prev[:bar_size] bar[:BEARISH_BELTHOLD] = true if bar[:upper_wick] <= bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] >= bar[:bar_size] / 2 and prev[:slope] >= -4 and bar[:upper] <= prev[:high] and bar[:bearish] and not prev[:bearish] and bar[:bar_size] >= prev[:bar_size] ################################### # DUAL CANDLE PATTERNS ################################### # ENGULFINGS bar[:BULLISH_ENGULFING] = true if bar[:bullish] and prev[:bearish] and bar[:lower] <= prev[:lower] and bar[:upper] > prev[:upper] and prev[:slope] <= -6 bar[:BEARISH_ENGULFING] = true if bar[:bearish] and prev[:bullish] and bar[:lower] < prev[:lower] and bar[:upper] >= prev[:upper] and prev[:slope] >= 6 # DARK-CLOUD-COVER / PIERCING-LINE (on-neck / in-neck / thrusting / piercing / PDF pg 63) bar[:DARK_CLOUD_COVER] = true if bar[:slope] > 5 and prev[:bullish] and bar[:open] > prev[:high] and bar[:close] < prev[:upper] - prev[:body_size] * 0.5 and not bar[:BEARISH_ENGULFING] bar[:PIERCING_LINE] = true if bar[:slope] < -5 and prev[:bearish] and bar[:open] < prev[:low ] and bar[:close] > prev[:lower] + prev[:body_size] * 0.5 and not bar[:BULLISH_ENGULFING] bar[:SMALL_CLOUD_COVER] = true if bar[:slope] > 5 and prev[:bullish] and bar[:open] > prev[:high] and bar[:close] < prev[:upper] - prev[:body_size] * 0.25 and not bar[:BEARISH_ENGULFING] and not bar[:DARK_CLOUD_COVER] bar[:THRUSTING_LINE] = true if bar[:slope] < -5 and prev[:bearish] and bar[:open] < prev[:low ] and bar[:close] > prev[:lower] + prev[:body_size] * 0.25 and not bar[:BULLISH_ENGULFING] and not bar[:PIERCING_LINE] # COUNTER ATTACKS are like piercings / cloud covers, but insist on a large reverse while only reaching the preceding close bar[:BULLISH_COUNTERATTACK] = true if bar[:slope] < 6 and prev[:bearish] and bar[:bar_size] > bar[:atr] * 0.66 and (bar[:close] - prev[:close]).abs < 2 * bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] >= bar[:bar_size] * 0.5 and bar[:bullish] bar[:BEARISH_COUNTERATTACK] = true if bar[:slope] > 6 and prev[:bullish] and bar[:bar_size] > bar[:atr] * 0.66 and (bar[:close] - prev[:close]).abs < 2 * bar[:rel] and bar[:body_size] >= bar[:bar_size] * 0.5 and bar[:bearish] # HARAMIs are an unusual long body embedding the following small body bar[:HARAMI] = true if bar[:body_size] < prev[:body_size] / 2.5 and prev[:bar_size] >= bar[:atr] and prev[:upper] > bar[:upper] and prev[:lower] < bar[:lower] and not bar[:doji] bar[:HARAMI_CROSS] = true if bar[:body_size] < prev[:body_size] / 2.5 and prev[:bar_size] >= bar[:atr] and prev[:upper] > bar[:upper] and prev[:lower] < bar[:lower] and bar[:doji] if bar[:HARAMI] or bar[:HARAMI_CROSS] puts [ :date, :open, :high, :low, :close, :upper, :lower ].map{|x| prev[x]}.join("\t") if debug puts [ :date, :open, :high, :low, :close, :upper, :lower ].map{|x| bar[ x]}.join("\t") if debug puts "" if debug end # TODO TWEEZER_TOP and TWEEZER_BOTTOM # actually being a double top / bottom, this dual candle pattern has to be unfolded. It is valid on daily or weekly charts, # and valid if # 1 it has an according ################################### # TRIPLE CANDLE PATTERNS ################################### # morning star, morning doji star next unless prev and pprev bar[:MORNING_STAR] = true if prev[:STAR] and bar[:bullish] and bar[:close] >= pprev[:lower] and prev[:slope] < -6 bar[:MORNING_DOJI_STAR] = true if prev[:DOJI_STAR] and bar[:bullish] and bar[:close] >= pprev[:lower] and prev[:slope] < -6 bar[:EVENING_STAR] = true if prev[:STAR] and bar[:bearish] and bar[:close] <= pprev[:upper] and prev[:slope] > 6 bar[:EVENING_DOJI_STAR] = true if prev[:DOJI_STAR] and bar[:bearish] and bar[:close] <= pprev[:upper] and prev[:slope] > 6 # the abandoned baby escalates above stars by gapping the inner star candle to both framing it bar[:ABANDONED_BABY] = true if (bar[:MORNING_STAR] or bar[:MORNING_DOJI_STAR]) and prev[:high] <= [ pprev[:low ], bar[:low ] ].min bar[:ABANDONED_BABY] = true if (bar[:EVENING_STAR] or bar[:EVENING_DOJI_STAR]) and prev[:low ] >= [ pprev[:high], bar[:high] ].max # UPSIDEGAP_TWO_CROWS bar[:UPSIDEGAP_TWO_CROWS] = true if (prev[:STAR] or prev[:DOJI_STAR]) and prev[:slope] > 4 and bar[:bearish] and prev[:bearish] and bar[:close] > pprev[:close] bar[:DOWNGAP_TWO_RIVERS] = true if (prev[:STAR] or prev[:DOJI_STAR]) and prev[:slope] < 4 and bar[:bullish] and prev[:bullish] and bar[:close] < pprev[:close] # THREE BLACK CROWS / THREE WHITE SOLDIERS bar[:THREE_BLACK_CROWS] = true if [ bar, prev, pprev ].map{|x| x[:bearish] and x[:bar_size] > 0.5 * bar[:atr] }.reduce(:&) and pprev[:close] - prev[ :close] > bar[:atr] * 0.2 and prev[ :close] - bar[ :close] > bar[:atr] * 0.2 bar[:THREE_WHITE_SOLDIERS] = true if [ bar, prev, pprev ].map{|x| x[:bullish] and x[:bar_size] > 0.5 * bar[:atr] }.reduce(:&) and prev[:close] - pprev[:close] > bar[:atr] * 0.2 and bar[ :close] - prev[ :close] > bar[:atr] * 0.2 end end # SLOPE SCORE def slopescore(pprev, prev, bar, debug = false) # the slope between to bars is considered bullish, if 2 of three points match # - higher high # - higher close # - higher low # the opposite counts for bearish # # this comparison is done between the current bar and previous bar # - if it confirms the score of the previous bar, the new slope score is prev + curr # - otherwise the is compared to score of the pprevious bar # - if it confirms there, the new slope score is pprev + curr # - otherwise the trend is destroyed and tne new score is solely curr if bar[:bullish] curr = 1 curr += 1 if bar[:bullish_close] elsif bar[:bearish] curr = -1 curr -= 1 if bar[:bearish_close] else curr = 0 end puts "curr set to #{curr} @ #{bar[:date]}".yellow if debug if prev.nil? puts "no prev found, score == curr: #{curr}" if debug score = curr else comp = comparebars(prev, bar) puts{|k,v| [:high,:low,:close,:score].include?(k)} if debug puts bar if debug puts "COMPARISON 1: #{comp}" if debug if prev[:slope] >= 0 and comp[:bullish] # bullish slope confirmed score = prev[:slope] score += curr if curr > 0 [ :gap, :bodygap ] .each {|x| score += 0.5 if bar[x] } score += 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] score += 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] puts "found bullish slope confirmed, new score #{score}" if debug elsif prev[:slope] <= 0 and comp[:bearish] # bearish slope confirmed score = prev[:slope] score += curr if curr < 0 [ :gap, :bodygap ] .each {|x| score -= 0.5 if bar[x] } score -= 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] score -= 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] puts "found bearish slope confirmed, new score #{score} (including #{curr} and #{bar[:bodygap]} and #{bar[:gap]}" if debug else #if prev[:slope] > 0 # slopes failed puts "confirmation failed: " if debug if pprev.nil? score = curr else comp2 = comparebars(pprev, bar) puts "\t\tCOMPARISON 2: #{comp2}" if debug if pprev[:slope] >= 0 and comp2[:bullish] # bullish slope confirmed on pprev score = pprev[:slope] score += curr if curr > 0 [ :gap, :bodygap ] .each {|x| score += 0.5 if bar[x] } puts "\t\tfound bulliish slope confirmed, new score #{score}" if debug score += 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] score += 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] elsif pprev[:slope] <= 0 and comp2[:bearish] # bearish slope confirmed score = pprev[:slope] score += curr if curr < 0 [ :gap, :bodygap ] .each {|x| score -= 0.5 if bar[x] } score -= 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] score -= 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] puts "\t\tfound bearish slope confirmed, new score #{score}" if debug else #slope confirmation finally failed comp3 = comparebars(pprev, prev) if prev[:slope] > 0 # was bullish, turning bearish now score = curr score -= 1 if comp3[:bearish] score -= 1 if comp[:bearish] score -= 1 if prev[:bearish] score -= 1 if prev[:RISING_volume] and comp3[:bearish] score -= 2 if prev[:BREAKN_volume] and comp3[:bearish] score -= 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] and comp[:bearish] score -= 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] and comp[:bearish] score -= 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] and comp[:bearish] score -= 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] and comp[:bearish] [ :gap, :bodygap ] .each {|x| score += 0.5 if bar[x] } puts "\t\tfinally gave up, turning bearish now, new score #{score}" if debug elsif prev[:slope] < 0 score = curr score += 1 if comp3[:bullish] score += 1 if comp[:bullish] score += 1 if prev[:bullish] score += 1 if prev[:RISING_volume] and comp3[:bullish] score += 2 if prev[:BREAKN_volume] and comp3[:bullish] score += 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] and comp[:bullish] score += 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] and comp[:bullish] score += 1 if bar[:RISING_volume] and comp[:bullish] score += 2 if bar[:BREAKN_volume] and comp[:bullish] [ :gap, :bodygap ] .each {|x| score -= 0.5 if bar[x] } if curr < 0 puts "\t\tfinally gave up, turning bullish now, new score #{score}" if debug else score = 0 end end end end end puts "" if debug score end end CR = Candlestick_Recognition