module Adhearsion class DialPlan class ConfirmationManager class << self def encode_hash_for_dial_macro_argument(options) options = options.clone macro_name = options.delete :macro options[:play] &&= options[:play].kind_of?(Array) ? options[:play].join('++') : options[:play] encoded_options = URI.escape { |key,value| "#{key}:#{value}" }.join('!') "M(#{macro_name}^#{encoded_options})".tap do |str| if str.rindex('^') != str.index('^') raise ArgumentError, "You seem to have supplied a :confirm option with a caret (^) in it!" + " Please remove it. This will blow Asterisk up." end end end def handle(call) new(call).handle end def confirmation_call?(call) call.variables.has_key?(:network_script) && call.variables[:network_script].starts_with?('confirm!') end def decode_hash(encoded_hash) encoded_hash = encoded_hash =~ /^M\((.+)\)$/ ? $1 : encoded_hash encoded_hash = encoded_hash =~ /^([^:]+\^)?(.+)$/ ? $2 : encoded_hash # Remove the macro name if it's there unencoded = URI.unescape(encoded_hash).split('!') unencoded.shift unless unencoded.first.include?(':') unencoded = { |pair| key, value = pair.split(':'); [key.to_sym ,value] }.flatten Hash[*unencoded].tap do |hash| hash[:timeout] &&= hash[:timeout].to_i hash[:play] &&= hash[:play].split('++') end end end attr_reader :call def initialize(call) @call = call extend Adhearsion::VoIP::Commands.for(call.originating_voip_platform) end def handle variables = self.class.decode_hash call.variables[:network_script] answer loop do response = interruptible_play(*variables[:play]) if response && response.to_s == variables[:key].to_s # Don't set a variable to pass through to dial() break elsif response && response.to_s != variables[:key].to_s next else response = wait_for_digit variables[:timeout] if response if response.to_s == variables[:key].to_s # Don't set a variable to pass through to dial() break else next end else # By setting MACRO_RESULT to CONTINUE, we cancel the dial. variable 'MACRO_RESULT' => "CONTINUE" break end end end end end end end