Sets the from-account of a sum interval.<br />Parameters: sumIntervalHandle: Handle for the sum interval. value: The new from-account of the sum interval.
Gets the to-account of a sum interval.<br />Parameters: sumIntervalHandle: Handle for the sum interval.
Sets the to-account of a sum interval.<br />Parameters: sumIntervalHandle: Handle for the sum interval. value: The new to-account of the sum interval.
Returns an template collection data object for a given template collection.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the template collection.
Returns template collection data objects for a given set of template collection handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the template collection handles.
Returns handles for all template collections.
Returns handles for the template collections with the given name.
Gets name of the template collection.<br />Parameters: templateCollectionHandle: Handle for the template collection.
Sets name of the template collection.<br />Parameters: templateCollectionHandle: Handle for the template collection. name: New name of the template collection.
Creates a new term of payment from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new term of payment.
Creates new terms of payment from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new terms of payment.
Update termn of payments from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a term of payment from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an term of payment data object for a given term of payment.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the term of payment.
Returns term of paryment data objects for a given set of term of payment handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the term of payment handles.
Creates a new term of payment. If the type is PaidInCash or Factoring then the contra account(s) are set to the first enterable account.<br />Parameters: name: The name of the new term of payment. type: The type of the new term of payment. days: The number of days until payment is due if the type is Net or InvoiceMonth or InvoiceWeekStartingMonday or InvoiceWeekStartingSunday.
Returns handles for all term of payments.
Returns a handle for the term of payment with a given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Deletes a term of peyment.<br />ParametersL termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Gets the name of a term of payment.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Sets the name of a term of payment.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment. value: The new name of the term of payment.
Gets the type of a term of payment.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Gets the number of days before payment is due for a term of payment if the type is TermOfPaymentType.Net or TermOfPaymentType.InvoiceMonth or TermOfPaymentType.InvoiceWeekStartingMonday or TermOfPaymentType.InvoiceWeekStartingSunday.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Gets the description of a term of payment.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Sets the description of a term of payment.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment. value: The description of the term of payment.
Gets the first contra account for a term of payment if the type is TermOfPaymentType.PaidInCash or TermOfPaymentType.Factoring.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Sets the first contra account for a term of payment if the type is TermOfPaymentType.PaidInCash or TermOfPaymentType.Factoring.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment. value: The first contra account.
Gets the second contra account for a term of payment if the type is TermOfPaymentType.Factoring.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Sets the second contra account for a term of payment if the type is TermOfPaymentType.Factoring.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment. value: The second contra account.
Gets the distribution in percent for the first contra account if the type of the term of payment is TermOfPaymentType.Factoring.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Sets the distribution in percent of the first contra account for a term of payment if the type is TermOfPaymentType.Factoring.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment. value: A value between 0 and 100.
Gets the distribution in percent for the second contra account if the type of the term of payment is TermOfPaymentType.Factoring.<br />Parameters: termOfPaymentHandle: Handle for the term of payment.
Creates a new time entry from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new time entry.
Creates new time entries from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new time entries.
Update time entries from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a time entry from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a time entry data object for a given time entry.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the time entry.
Returns time entries data objects for a given set of time entry handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the time entries handles.
Creates a new time entry.<br />Parameters: project: The project of the new time entry. activity: The activity of the new time entry. employee: The employee of the new time entry. date: The date of the new time entry. text: The text of the new time entry. numberOfHours: The number of hours of the new time entry.
Returns handles for all time entries.
Return handles for all time entries from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Returns an array of handles for the TimeEntry entries with numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: fromDate: The beginning of the interval. toDate: the end of the interval.
Deletes a time entry.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Gets handle for the project of a time entry. To set, use UpdateFromData or UpdateFromDataArray.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Gets handle for the activity of a time entry. To set, use UpdateFromData or UpdateFromDataArray.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Gets a handle for the employee of a time entry. To set, use UpdateFromData or UpdateFromDataArray.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Gets the date of a time entry. To set, use UpdateFromData or UpdateFromDataArray.<br />Parameters: ctimeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Gets the text of a time entry.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Sets the text of a time entry.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry. value: new text value.
Gets the number of hours of a time entry. To set, use UpdateFromData or UpdateFromDataArray.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Gets whether the time entry is approved.<br />Parameters: timeEntryHandle: Handle for the time entry.
Creates a new unit from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new unit.
Creates new units from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new units.
Update units from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a unit from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an unit data object for a given unit.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the unit.
Returns unit data objects for a given set of unit handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the unit handles.
Creates a new unit.<br />Parameters: name: The name of the new unit.
Returns handles for all units.
Returns handles for units with a given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Returns a handle for the unit with a given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the untis corresponding to the given unit numbers. If a unit with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Deletes a unit.<br />Parameters: unitHandle: Handle for the unit.
Gets the number of a unit.<br />Parameters: unitHandle: Handle for the unit.
Gets the name of a unit.<br />Parameters: unitHandle: Handle for the unit.
Sets the name of a unit.<br />Parameters: unitHandle: Handle for the unit. value: The new name of the unit.
Update VAT accounts from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a VAT account from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an VAT account data object for a given VAT account.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the VAT account.
Returns VAT account data objects for a given set of VAT account handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the VAT account handles.
Returns handles for all VAT accounts.
Returns handle for the VAT account with a given VAT code.<br />Parameters: vatCode: The VAT code to search for.
Gets the VAT code of a VAT account.<br />Parameters: vatAccountHandle: Handle for the VAT account.
Gets the name of a VAT account.<br />Parameters: vatAccountHandle: Handle for the VAT account.
Gets the type of a VAT account.<br />Parameters: vatAccountHandle: Handle for the VAT account.
Gets the rate of a VAT account.<br />Parameters: vatAccountHandle: Handle for the VAT account.
Gets the account of a VAT account.<br />Parameters: vatAccountHandle: Handle for the VAT account.
Gets the contra account of a VAT account.<br />Parameters: vatAccountHandle: Handle for the VAT account.
Set the registered date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The new registered date of the subscriber.
Gets the end date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Set the end date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The new end date of the subscriber.
Gets the expiry date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Set the expiry date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The new expiry of the subscriber.
Gets the discount expiry date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Set the discount expiry date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The discount expiry date of the subscriber.
Gets or sets the extra text for the invoice for the subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets the extra text for the invoice for the subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The extra text for the invoice for the subscriber.
Gets the comments of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets the comments of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The new name for the subscriber.
Gets the special price of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets the special price of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The new special price for the subscriber.
Gets the quantity factor of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets the quantity factor of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The quantity factor for the subscriber.
Gets the price index of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets the price index of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The price index for the subscriber.
Gets the discount percentage of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the discount percentage.
Sets the discount percentage of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the discount percentage. value: The new name for the discount percentage.
Creates a new subscription from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new subscription.
Creates new subscriptions from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new subscriptions.
Update subscriptions from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a subscription from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a subscription data object for a given subscripton.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the subscription.
Returns current subscriptions objects for a given set of subscription handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the subscription handles.
Gets the number of the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Set the name of the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The new name of the subscription.
Gets the name of the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Sets the description for the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The new description of the subscription.
Gets the description for the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Gets whether or not the subscription name should be included as the first product line.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Sets whether or not the subscription name should be included as the first product line.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The new value of the parameter.
Gets the interval of the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Sets the interval of the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The new interval of the subscription.
Gets whether or not the subscripton should be created based on the calendar year.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Sets whether or not the subscripton should be created based on the calendar year.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The new calendar year state of the subscription.
Gets whether or not there should be a Full or Proportional collection for the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Sets whether or not there should be a Full or Proportional collection for the subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The new collection type of the subscription.
Gets the status whether or not a period should be added after the subscription name.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Sets the status whether or not a period should be added after the subscription name.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The status whether or not a period should be added after the subscription name.
Gets or sets whether more than one subscription is allowed for each debtor.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Sets or sets whether more than one subscription is allowed for each debtor.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription. value: The new value of the property.
Creates a new subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionNumber: subscription number for the subscription. subscriptionName: subscription name for the subscription. description: description for the subscription. includeName: Enables include name for the subscription. subscriptionInterval: subscription interval for the subscription, calendarYearBasis: Enables calendar year for the subscription. collection: Collection for the subscription. addPeriod: enables add period for the subscription. allowMoreThanOneForEachDebtor: enables to allow more than one for each debitor for the subscription.
Returns handle for subscription with a given number.
Returns handles for the subscriptions with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Returns handles for the lines of the subscription
Returns the next available subscription number.
Deletes a subscription.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for the subscription.
Gets handles for the subscribers of the subscription
Returns handles for all subscriptions.
Creates a new subscription line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new subscription line.
Creates new subscription lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new subscription lines.
Update subscription lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a subscription line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a subscription line data object for a given subscription line.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the subscription line.
Returns subscription line data objects for subscription lines.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: The array of subscription line handles.
Gets the number of a subscription line.<br />Parameters: SubscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line.
Gets a handle for the subscription of a subscription line.<br />Parameters: SubscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line.
Gets a handle for the product of a subscription line.<br />Parameters: SubscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line.
Sets the product of a subscription line. Setting the product also sets the unit cost price to the cost price of the product. The product must be set before setting the quantity and the unit net price.<br />Parameters: SubscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line. valueHandle: Handle for the new product of the subscription line.
Gets the primary quantity of a subscription line.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line.
Sets the primary quantity of a subscription line. The product of the subscription line must be set before setting this property.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line. value: The new primary quantity of the subscription line.
Gets a handle for the department of a subscription line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line.
Sets the department of a subscription line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line. value: Handle for the new department of the subscription line.
Gets the description of a subscription line.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line.
Sets the description of a subscription line.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line. value: The new description of the subscription line.
Gets the special price of a product.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the current subscription line.
Sets the special price of a product.<br />Parameters: subscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the current subscription line.
Creates a new subscription line.<br />Parameters: subscriptionHandle: Handle for a subscription line.
Returns handles for subscription lines that use a given products.<br />Parameters: product: The product to search for.
Returns handles for subscription lines that use a given set of products.<br />Parameters: products: The products to search for.
Returns handles for subscription lines that use a given subscriptions.<br />Parameters: subscription: The subscription to search for.
Returns handles for subscription lines that use a given set of subscriptions.<br />Parameters: subscriptions: The subscriptions to search for.
Returns handles for all current subsciption lines.
Deletes a subscription line.<br />Parameters: SubscriptionLineHandle: Handle for the subscription line.
Creates a new sum interval from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new sum interval.
Creates new sum interval from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new sum interval.
Update sum interval entities from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a sum interval from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a sum interval data object for a given sum interval.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the sum interval.
Returns sum interval data objects for a given set of sum interval handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the sum interval handles.
Creates a new sum interval.<br />Parameters: account: The account the sum interval is for. fromAccount: The from-account of the sum interval. toAccount: The to-account of the sum interval.
Deletes a sum interval.<br />Parameters: sumIntervalHandle: Handle for the sum interval.
Gets a handle for the account of a sum interval.<br />Parameters: sumIntervalHandle: Handle for the sum interval.
Gets the from-account of a sum interval.<br />Parameters: sumIntervalHandle: Handle for the sum interval.
Sets the DebtorCounty of an quotation. (UK only)<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new DebtorCounty of the quotation.
Gets the DeliveryCounty of an quotation. (UK only)<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the DeliveryCounty of an quotation. (UK only)<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new DeliveryCounty of the quotation.
Creates a new quotation line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new quotation line.
Creates new quotation lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new quotation lines.
Update quotation lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates an quotation line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an quotation line data object for a given quotation line.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the quotation line.
Returns quotation line data objects for a given set of quotation line handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the quotation line handles.
Gets the number of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Gets a handle for the quotation of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Gets the description of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets the description of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. value: The new description of the quotation line.
Gets the delivery date of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets the delivery date of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. value: The new delivery date of the quotation line.
Gets handle for primary unit of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets primary unit of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. valueHandle: Handle for new primary unit of the quotation line.
Gets handle for product of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets product of an quotation line. Setting the product also sets the unit cost price to the cost price of the product. The product must be set before setting the quantity and the unit net price.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. valueHandle: Handle for new product of the quotation line.
Gets primary quantity of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets primary quantity of an quotation line. The product of the quotation line must be set before setting this property.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. valueHandle: Handle for primary quantity of the quotation line.
Gets price per unit without VAT of an quotation line (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets price per unit without VAT of an quotation line (in the currency of the quotation). The product of the quotation line must be set before setting this property.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. value: The new price per unit without VAT of the quotation line.
Gets discount of an quotation line as percent.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets discount of an quotation line as percent.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. value: The new discount as percent of the quotation line.
Gets the cost price per unit witout VAT of an quotation line (in the default currency).<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Gets the total amount without VAT of an quotation line (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Gets the margin of an quotation line (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Gets the margin as percent of an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Gets a handle for the department of an quotation line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets the department of an quotation line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. value: Handle for the new department of the quotation line.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of an quotation line. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Sets the distribution key of an quotation line. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The distribution key cannot be set when the department is set.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line. value: Handle for the new distribution key of the quotation line.
Creates a new quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for a quotation.
Returns handles for all quotation lines.
Returns handles for quotation lines that uses a given product.<br />Parameters: product: The product to search for.
Returns handles for quotation lines that uses a given set of products.<br />Parameters: products: The products to search for.
Deletes an quotation line.<br />Parameters: quotationLineHandle: Handle for the quotation line.
Returns a ReportCode data object for a given ReportCode.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the ReportCode.
Returns ReportCode data objects for a given set of ReportCode handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the ReportCode handles.
Gets handles for the accounts of a report code.<br />Parameters: reportCodeHandle: Handle for the report code.
Gets the code of the ReportCode.<br />
Gets the fullcode of the ReportCode.<br />
Gets a handle for the parentCode of a ReportCode.<br />Parameters: reportCodeHandle: Handle for the report code.
Returns a ReportCodeSet data object for a given ReportCodeSet.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the ReportCodeSet.
Returns ReportCodeSet data objects for a given set of ReportCodeSet handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the ReportCodeSet handles.
Returns handles for all ReportCodeSets.
Returns handles for the ReportCodeSets with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Gets handles for ReportCodes in a ReportCodeSet.<br />Parameters: reportCodeSetHandle: Handle for the ReportCodeSet.
Gets the name of the ReportCodeSet.<br />
Gets the codeSet of the ReportCodeSet.<br />
Returns a ScannedDocument data object for a given ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the ScannedDocument.
Returns ScannedDocument data objects for a given set of ScannedDocument handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the ScannedDocument handles.
Returns handles for all ScannedDocuments.
Returns a handle for the scanned document with a given voucher number.<br />Parameters: voucherNumber: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for scanned documents with voucher numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: minNumber: The start of the interval. maxNumber: The end of the interval.
Gets the document as a PDF-file.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the number of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the status of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the category of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the note of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the pagecount of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the vouchernumber of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the fromdate of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Gets the todate of a ScannedDocument.<br />Parameters: ScannedDocumentHandle: Handle for the ScannedDocument.
Creates a new subscriber from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new subscriber.
Creates new subscribers from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new subscribers.
Update subscribers from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a subscriber from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a subscriber data object for a given subscriber.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the subscriber.
Returns subscriber data objects for a given set of subscriber handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the subscriber handles.
Creates a new subscriber.<br />Parameters: debtor: Handle for a debtor. subscription: Handle for a subscription. startDate: start date for subscriber. registeredDate: date registered. endDate: end date for subscriber
Returns handles for all current subscribers.
Returns handles for subscribers that use a given subscriptions.<br />Parameters: subscription: The subscription to search for.
Returns handles for subscribers that use a given set of subscriptions.<br />Parameters: subscriptions: The subscriptions to search for.
Deletes a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Gets a handle for the debtor of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets a handle for the debtor of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Gets a handle for the subscription of the subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets a handle for the subscription of the subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Gets a handle for the product of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: SubscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Sets the product of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: SubscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. valueHandle: Handle for the new product of the subscriber.
Gets the start date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Set the start date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber. value: The new start date of the subscriber.
Gets the registered date of a subscriber.<br />Parameters: subscriberHandle: Handle for the subscriber.
Returns quotation data objects for a given set of quotation handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the quotation handles.
Creates a new quotation. The debtor properties of the new quotation are set to those of the debtor.<br />Parameters: Handle for the debtr of the new quotation.
Gets a quotation as a PDF-file.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Returns handles for all quotations.
Returns handles for all quotations.
Returns handles for the quotations with a given other reference.<br />Parameters: otherReference: The other reference to search for.
Returns a handle for the quotation with a given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the quotations with numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: minNumber: The start of the interval. maxNumber: The end of the interval.
Returns handles for quotations in a given interval of days.<br />Parameters: first: First day in interval. last: Last day in interval.
Return handles for all quotations from date. FromDate is based on CET.
Gets handles for lines of a quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Registers a quotation as sent.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Cancels sent status of a quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Upgrades a quotation to an order.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Deletes a quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets a handle for the debtor of the quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets a handle for the debtor of the quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for the new debtor of the quotation.
Gets the number of a quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the debtor number of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the debtor number of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new debtor number of the quotation.
Gets the debtor address of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the debtor address of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new debtor address of the quotation.
Gets the debtor postal code of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the debtor postal code of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new debtor postal code of the quotation.
Gets the debtor city of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the debtor city of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new debtor city of the quotation.
Gets the debtor country of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the debtor country of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new debtor country of the quotation.
Gets the debtor EAN of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the debtor EAN of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new debtor EAN of the quotation.
Gets the public entry numer of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the public entry number of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new public entry number of the quotation.
Gets a handle for the attention of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the attention of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for new attention of the quotation.
Gets a handle for the attention of the debtor of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the attention for the debtor of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for the new reference for the debtor.
Gets a handle for the primary reference of the creditor of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the primary reference of the creditor of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for new primary reference of the creditor of the quotation.
Gets a handle for the secondary reference of the creditor of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the secondary reference of the creditor of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for new secondary reference of the creditor of the quotation.
Gets the date of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the date of an quotation. The due date is calculated accordingly as specified by the term of payment.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new date of the quotation.
Gets a handle for the term of payment of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the term of payment of an quotation. The due date is calculated accordingly.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for new term of payment of the quotation.
Gets the due date of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the due date of an quotation. It is only allowed to set the due date to an actual date when the type of TermOfPayment is set to DueDate.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new due date of the quotation.
Gets a handle for the currency of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the currency of an quotation. The value may not be null.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for new currency of the quotation.
Gets the exchange rate of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the exchange rate of an quotation. The values on the lines are not updated when setting this property.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new exchange of the quotation.
Gets whether the quotation has VAT included.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets whether the quotation has VAT included.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new value indicating whether the quotation should include VAT.
Gets a handle for the layout of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the layout of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for new layout of the quotation.
Gets a handle for the delivery location of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the delivery location of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. valueHandle: Handle for new delivery location of the quotation.
Gets the delivery address of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the delivery address of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new delivery address of the quotation.
Gets the delivery postal code of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the delivery postal code of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new delivery postal code of the quotation.
Gets the delivery city of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the delivery city of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new delivery city of the quotation.
Gets the delivery country of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the delivery country of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new delivery country of the quotation.
Gets the terms of delivery of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the terms of delivery of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new terms of delivery of the quotation.
Gets the delivery date of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the delivery date of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new delivery date of the quotation.
Gets the heading of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the heading of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new heading of the quotation.
Gets the primary line of text of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the primary line of text of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new primary line of text of the quotation.
Gets the secondary line of text of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the secondary line of text of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new secondary line of text of the quotation.
Gets the other reference of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Sets the other reference of an quotation.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation. value: The new other reference of the quotation.
Gets thether an quotation is archived.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets whether an quotation is sent.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the total amount for all the lines without VAT of an quotation (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the total VAT amount for all the lines of an quotation (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the total gross amount for all the lines of an quotation (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the margin of an quotation (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the margin of an quotation as percent.<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the rounding amount for all lines of the quotation (in the currency of the quotation).<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Gets the DebtorCounty of an quotation. (UK only)<br />Parameters: quotationHandle: Handle for the quotation.
Creates a new product group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new product group.
Creates new product groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new product groups.
Update product groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a product group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an product group data object for a given product group.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the product group.
Returns product group data objects for a given set of product group handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the product group handles.
Gets the number of a product group.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group.
Gets the name of a product group.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group.
Sets the name of a product group.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group. value: The new name of the product group.
Sets the the account to use for products of the product group on invoices for VAT liable debtors.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group. valueHandle: Handle for account.
Gets a handle for the account to use for products of the product group on invoices for VAT liable debtors.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group.
Gets a handle for the account to use for products of the product group on invoices for VAT exempt debtors.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group.
Sets the the account to use for products of the product group on invoices for VAT exempt debtors.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group. valueHandle: Handle for account.
Gets a handle for the accrual account of a product group.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group.
Sets the accrual account of a product group.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group. valueHandle: Handle for new accrual account of the product group.
Creates a new product group.<br />Parameters: number: The number of the new product group. name: The name of the new product group. accountForVatLiableDebtorInvoicesCurrent : The account to use for products on invoices with VAT liable debtors.
Returns handles for all product groups.
Returns a handle for the product group with a given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the product groups corresponding to the given product group numbers. If a product group with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for the product groups with a given name.<br />Parameter: name: The name to search for.
Gets handles for products of a product group.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group.
Deletes a product group.<br />Parameters: productGroupHandle: Handle for the product group.
Creates a new product price from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new product price.
Creates new product prices from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new product prices.
Update product price entities from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a product price from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an product price data object for a given product price.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the product price.
Returns product price data objects for a given set of product price handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the product price handles.
Creates a new product price.<br />Parameters: product: Handle for the product of the new product price. currency: Handle for the currency of the new product price. price: The price of the new product price.
Returns a handle for the product price for a given product and currency.<br />Parameters: product: Product to search for. currency: Currency to search for.
Deletes a product price.<br />Parameters: productPriceHandle: Handle for the product price.
Gets a handle for the product of a product price.<br />Parameters: productPriceHandle: Handle for the product price.
Gets a handle for the currency of a product price.<br />Parameters: productPriceHandle: Handle for the product price.
Gets the price of a product price.<br />Parameters: productPriceHandle: Handle for the product price.
Sets the price of a product price.<br />Parameters: productPriceHandle: Handle for the product price. value: The new price of the product price.
Creates a new project from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new project.
Creates new projects from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new projects.
Update projects from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a project from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a project data object for a given project.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the project.
Returns project data objects for a given set of project handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the project handles.
Gets the number of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Gets the name of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Sets the name of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project. value: The new name of the project.
Gets handle for project group of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Sets the project group of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project. valueHandle: Handle for new project group of the project.
Gets whether a project is a main project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Gets which main project the project is attached to.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Gets a handle for the debtor of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Sets a handle for the debtor of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Gets the employee responsible for the project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Sets the employee responsible for the project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project. value: The new employee responsiblelity of the project.
Gets the description of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Sets the description of a project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project. value: The new description of the project.
Gets whether a project is accessible.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Sets whether a project is accessible.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project. value: Value that indicates whether the project should be accessible.
Gets the mileage of the project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Sets the mileage of the project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project. value: Value that indicates the mileage of the project.
Gets whether a project is closed.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Creates a new project.
Return handles for all projects.
Return handles for all projects from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Returns a handle for the project with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the projects corresponding to the given project numbers. If a project with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains null at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for the projects with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Returns handles for the open sub-projects for a given project.<br />Parameters: name: Handle for main project.
Gets handles for the time entries of the project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Gets handles for the time entries of the project within an interval.<br />Parameters: from: First day in interval. to: Last day in interval.
Gets handles for the mileage entries of the project within an interval.<br />Parameters: from: First day in interval. to: Last day in interval.
Gets handles for the entries of the project.<br />Parameters: projectHandle: Handle for the project.
Returns handles for the entries of the project within the given time interval.<br />Parameters: from: First day in interval. to: Last day in interval.
Returns a project group data object for a given project group.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the project group.
Returns project group data objects for a given set of project group handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the project group handles.
Get the number of a project group.<br />Parameters: projectGroupHandle: Handle for the project group.
Get the name of a project group.<br />Parameters: projectGroupHandle: Handle for the project group.
Returns handles for all project groups.
Returns handles for the project group with a given number.
Returns an array with handles for the project groups corresponding to the given project group numbers. If a project group with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for all project groups with a given name.
Gets handles for projects of a project group.<br />Parameters: projectGroupHandle: Handle for the project group.
Creates a new quotation from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new quotation.
Creates new quotations from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new quotations.
Update quotations from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a quotation from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a quotation data object for a given quotation.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the quotation.
Sets the description of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. value: The new description of the order line.
Gets the delivery date of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets the delivery date of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. value: The new delivery date of the order line.
Gets handle for primary unit of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets primary unit of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. valueHandle: Handle for new primary unit of the order line.
Gets handle for product of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets product of an order line. Setting the product also sets the unit cost price to the cost price of the product. The product must be set before setting the quantity and the unit net price.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. valueHandle: Handle for new product of the order line.
Gets primary quantity of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets primary quantity of an order line. The product of the order line must be set before setting this property.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. valueHandle: Handle for primary quantity of the order line.
Gets price per unit without VAT of an order line (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets price per unit without VAT of an order line (in the currency of the order). The product of the order line must be set before setting this property.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. value: The new price per unit without VAT of the order line.
Gets discount of an order line as percent.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets discount of an order line as percent.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. value: The new discount as percent of the order line.
Gets the cost price per unit witout VAT of an order line (in the default currency).<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Gets the total amount without VAT of an order line (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Gets the margin of an order line (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Gets the margin as percent of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets the department of an order line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. value: Handle for the new department of the order line.
Gets a handle for the department of an order line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of an order line. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Sets the distribution key of an order line. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The distribution key cannot be set when the department is set.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line. value: Handle for the new distribution key of the order line.
Creates a new order line.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for a order.
Returns handles for all order lines.
Returns handles for order lines that uses a given product.<br />Parameters: product: The product to search for.
Returns handles for order lines that uses a given set of products.<br />Parameters: products: The products to search for.
Deletes an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Creates a new PriceGroup from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new PriceGroup.
Creates new PriceGroups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new PriceGroups.
Update PriceGroups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a PriceGroup from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an PriceGroup data object for a given PriceGroup.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the PriceGroup.
Returns PriceGroup data objects for a given set of PriceGroup handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the PriceGroup handles.
Creates a new PriceGroup.<br />Parameters: name: The name of the new PriceGroup.
Gets the number of a price group.<br />Parameters: PriceGroupHandle: Handle for the price group.
Gets the name of a price group.<br />Parameters: priceGroupHandle: Handle for the price group.
Sets the name of a price group.<br />Parameters: priceGroupHandle: Handle for the price group. value: The new name of the price group.
Return handles for all price groups.
Returns a handle for the price group with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for price groups corresponding to the given price group numbers. If a price group with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for the price groups with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Deletes a PriceGroup.<br />Parameters: priceGroupHandle: Handle for the PriceGroup.
Returns the price for the product in the PriceGroup.<br />If no special price is found then the sales price is returned instead.<br />Parameters: productHandle: The product to return the price for.
Creates a new product from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new product.
Creates new products from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new products.
Update products from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a product from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an product data object for a given product.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the product.
Returns product data objects for a given set of product handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the product handles.
Gets the number of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the product group of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. valueHandle: Handle for new product group of the product.
Gets a handle for the product group of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Gets the name of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the name of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: The new name of the product.
Gets the description of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the description of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: The new description of the product.
Gets the bar code of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the bar code of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: The new bar code of the product.
Gets the sales price of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the sales price of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: The new sales price of the product.
Gets the cost price of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the cost price of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: The new cost price of the product.
Gets the recommended price of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the recommended price of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: The new recommended price of the product.
Gets handle for the primary unit of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets primary unit of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: Handle for new primary unit of the product.
Gets whether a product is accessible.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets whether a product is accessible.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: Value that indicates whether the product should be accessible.
Gets the volume of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the volume of a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: The new volume value of the product.
Gets a handle for the department of a product. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the department of a product. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: Handle for the new department of the product.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of a product. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Sets the distribution key of the product. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The distribution key cannot be set when the department is set.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product. value: Handle for the new distribution key of the product.
Gets the quantity in stock of a product. InStock is only accessible when there is access to the Stock add-on module.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Gets the quantity in stock that is already used on orders for a product. OnOrder is only accessible when there is access to the Stock add-on module.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Gets quantity ordered from suppliers for a product. Ordered is only accessible when there is access to the Stock add-on module.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Gets the quantity in stock that is not yet used on orders for a product. Available is only accessible when there is access to the Stock add-on module.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Creates a new product.<br />Parameters: number: The number of the new product. productGroupHandle: The product group of the new product. name: The name of the new product.
Returns handles for all products.
Return handles for all products from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties, when set to True, includes products with only stock status updated.
Returns handle for the product with a given number.<br />Parameters: name: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the products corresponding to the given product numbers. If a product with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for the products with a given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Returns handles for the products with a given bar code.<br />Parameters: barCode: The bar code to search for.
Deletes a product.<br />Parameters: productHandle: Handle for the product.
Cancels sent status of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Upgrades an order to a current invoice.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Deletes an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets a handle for the debtor of the order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets a handle for the debtor of the order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for the new debtor of the order.
Gets the number of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the debtor number of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the debtor number of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new debtor number of the order.
Gets the debtor address of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the debtor address of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new debtor address of the order.
Gets the debtor postal code of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the debtor postal code of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new debtor postal code of the order.
Gets the debtor city of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the debtor city of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new debtor city of the order.
Gets the debtor country of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the debtor country of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new debtor country of the order.
Gets the debtor EAN of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the debtor EAN of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new debtor EAN of the order.
Gets the public entry numer of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the public entry number of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new public entry number of the order.
Gets a handle for the attention of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the attention of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for new attention of the order.
Gets a handle for the attention of the debtor of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the attention for the debtor of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for the new reference for the debtor.
Gets a handle for the primary reference of the creditor of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the primary reference of the creditor of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for new primary reference of the creditor of the order.
Gets a handle for the secondary reference of the creditor of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the secondary reference of the creditor of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for new secondary reference of the creditor of the order.
Gets the date of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the date of an order. The due date is calculated accordingly as specified by the term of payment.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new date of the order.
Gets a handle for the term of payment of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the term of payment of an order. The due date is calculated accordingly.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for new term of payment of the order.
Gets the due date of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the due date of an order. It is only allowed to set the due date to an actual date when the type of TermOfPayment is set to DueDate.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new due date of the order.
Gets a handle for the currency of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the currency of an order. The value may not be null.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for new currency of the order.
Gets the exchange rate of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the exchange rate of an order. The values on the lines are not updated when setting this property.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new exchange of the order.
Gets whether the order has VAT included.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets whether the order has VAT included.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new value indicating whether the order should include VAT.
Gets a handle for the layout of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the layout of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for new layout of the order.
Gets a handle for the delivery location of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the delivery location of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. valueHandle: Handle for new delivery location of the order.
Gets the delivery address of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the delivery address of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new delivery address of the order.
Gets the delivery postal code of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the delivery postal code of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new delivery postal code of the order.
Gets the delivery city of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the delivery city of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new delivery city of the order.
Gets the delivery country of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the delivery country of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new delivery country of the order.
Gets the terms of delivery of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the terms of delivery of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new terms of delivery of the order.
Gets the delivery date of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the delivery date of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new delivery date of the order.
Gets the heading of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the heading of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new heading of the order.
Gets the primary line of text of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the primary line of text of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new primary line of text of the order.
Gets the secondary line of text of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the secondary line of text of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new secondary line of text of the order.
Gets the other reference of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the other reference of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new other reference of the order.
Gets thether an order is archived.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets whether an order is sent.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the total amount for all the lines without VAT of an order (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the total VAT amount for all the lines of an order (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the total gross amount for all the lines of an order (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the margin of an order (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the margin of an order as percent.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the rounding amount for all lines of the order (in the currency of the order).<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the DebtorCounty of an order. (UK only)<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the DebtorCounty of an order. (UK only)<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new DebtorCounty of the order.
Gets the DeliveryCounty of an order. (UK only)<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Sets the DeliveryCounty of an order. (UK only)<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order. value: The new DeliveryCounty of the order.
Creates a new order line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new order line.
Creates new order lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new order lines.
Update order lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates an order line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an order line data object for a given order line.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the order line.
Returns order line data objects for a given set of order line handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the order line handles.
Gets the number of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Gets a handle for the order of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Gets the description of an order line.<br />Parameters: orderLineHandle: Handle for the order line.
Gets a handle for the currency of an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets whether the invoice has VAT included.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the layout of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the delivery location of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the delivery address of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the delivery postal code of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the delivery city of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the delivery country of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the terms of delivery of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the delivery date of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the date of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the due date of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the heading of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the primary line of text of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the secondary line of text of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the other reference of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the order number of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the total amount for all lines without VAT of the invoice (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the total VAT amount for all lines of the invoice (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the total gross amount for all lines of the invoice (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the remainder of the invoice (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the remainder of the invoice (in the default currency).<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the rounding amount for all lines of the invoice (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the DebtorCounty of an invoice. (UK only)<br />Parameters: InvoiceHandle: Handle for the Invoice.
Gets the DeliveryCounty of an invoice. (UK only)<br />Parameters: InvoiceHandle: Handle for the Invoice.
Gets the deduction amount of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Returns an invoice line data object for a given invoice line.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the invoice line.
Returns invoice line data objects for a given set of invoice line handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the invoice line handles.
Gets the number of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets a handle for the invoice of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets description of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets delivery date of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets a handle for the primary unit of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets a handle for the product of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets the primary quantity of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets the price per unit without VAT of an invoice line (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets the discount of an invoice line as percent.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets the cost price per unit without VAT of an invoice line (in the default currency).<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets the VAT rate of an invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets the VAT amount of the invoice line (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets the total amount of an invoice line without VAT (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets a handle for the department of an invoice line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of an invoice line. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: invoiceLineHandle: Handle for the invoice line.
Returns handles for invoice lines that uses a given product.<br />Parameters: product: The product to search for.
Returns handles for invoice lines that uses a given set of products.<br />Parameters: products: The products to search for.
Returns handles for invoice lines for a given invoice number interval.<br />Parameters: fromInvoiceNumber: The minimum invoice number to search for. toInvoiceNumber: The maximum invoice number to search for.
Creates a new mileage entry from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new mileage entry.
Creates new mileage entries from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new mileage entries.
Update mileage entries from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a mileage entry from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a mileage entry data object for a given mileage entry.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the mileage entry.
Returns mileage entries data objects for a given set of mileage entry handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the mileage entries handles.
Gets handle for the project of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Sets the project of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry. value: new project value.
Gets a handle for the employee of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Sets the employee of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry. value: new employee value.
Gets the date of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Sets the date of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry. value: new date value.
Gets the start location of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Sets the start location of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry. value: new start location value.
Gets the end location of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Sets the end location of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry. value: new end location value.
Gets the distance of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Sets the distance of a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry. value: new distance value.
Gets whether the mileage entry is approved.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Creates a new mileage entry.<br />Parameters: project: The project of the new mileage entry. activity: The activity of the new mileage entry. employee: The employee of the new mileage entry. date: The date of the new mileage entry. text: The text of the new mileage entry. numberOfHours: The number of hours of the new mileage entry.
Returns handles for all mileage entries.
Deletes a mileage entry.<br />Parameters: mileageEntryHandle: Handle for the mileage entry.
Creates a new order from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new order.
Creates new orders from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new orders.
Update orders from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates an order from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an order data object for a given order.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the order.
Returns order data objects for a given set of order handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the order handles.
Creates a new order. The debtor properties of the new order are set to those of the debtor.<br />Parameters: Handle for the debtr of the new order.
Gets an order as a PDF-file.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Returns handles for all orders.
Returns handles for the orders with a given other reference.<br />Parameters: otherReference: The other reference to search for.
Returns a handle for the order with a given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the orders with numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: minNumber: The start of the interval. maxNumber: The end of the interval.
Returns handles for orders in a given interval of days.<br />Parameters: first: First day in interval. last: Last day in interval.
Return handles for all orders from date. FromDate is based on CET.
Gets handles for lines of an order.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Registers an order as sent.<br />Parameters: orderHandle: Handle for the order.
Gets the name of a DocumentArchiveCategory.<br />Parameters: DocumentArchiveCategoryHandle: Handle for the DocumentArchiveCategory.
Sets the name of a DocumentArchiveCategory.<br />Parameters: documentArchiveCategoryHandle: Handle for the DocumentArchiveCategory. value: new name of the DocumentArchiveCategory.
Creates a new employee from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new employee.
Creates new employees from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new employees.
Update employees from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates an employee from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an employee data object for a given employee.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the employee.
Returns employee data objects for a given set of employee handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the employee handles.
Creates an employee.<br />Parameters: number: The number of the new employee. group: Handle for the group of the new employee. name: The name of the new employee.
Returns handles for all employees.
The returns handle for the employee with a given number.<br >Parameters: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the employees corresponding to the given product numbers. If an employee with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for employees with a given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Deletes an employee.<br />Parameters: employeeHandle: Handle for the employee.
Gets handles for the time entries of the employee.<br />Parameters: employeeHandle: Handle for the employee.
Gets handles for the time entries of the employee within an interval.<br />Parameters: from: First day in interval. to: Last day in interval.
Gets handles for the mileage entries of the employee within an interval.<br />Parameters: from: First day in interval. to: Last day in interval.
Gets the number of an employee.<br />Parameters: employeeHandle: Handle for the employee.
Gets handle for the group of an employee.<br />Parameters: employeeHandle: Handle for the employee.
Sets handle for the group of an employee.<br />Parameters: employeeHandle: Handle for the employee. valueHandle: Handle for new group of the employee.
Gets name of an employee.<br />Parameters: employeeHandle: Handle for the employee.
Sets name of an employee.<br />Parameters: employeeHandle: Handle for the employee. value: The new name of the employee. The value may not be null.
Creates a new employee group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new employee group.
Creates new employee groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new employee groups.
Update employee groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates an employee group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a employee group data object for a given debtor.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the employee group.
Returns employee group data objects for a given set of employee group handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the employee group handles.
Gets the number of an employee group.<br />Parameters: employeeGroupHandle: Handle for the employee group.
Sets the name of an employee group.<br />Parameters: employeeGroupHandle: Handle for the employee group. value: The new name of the employee group.
Gets the name of an employee group.<br />Parameters: employeeGroupHandle: Handle for the employee group.
Creates an emplyee group.<br />Parameters: number: Number of new employee group. name: Name of new employee group.
Returns handles for all employee groups.
Returns handle for employee group with a given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the products corresponding to the given product numbers. If a product with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for employee groups with a given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Gets handles for employees in an employee group.<br />Parameters: employeeGroupHandle: Handle for the employee group.
Deletes an employee group.<br />Parameters: Handle for employee group to be deleted.
Returns an entry data object for a given entry.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the entry.
Returns entry data objects for a given set of entry handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the entry handles.
Returns the last used serial number, or 0 if no serial numbers exists.
Returns an array of handles for the entries with numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: minNumber: The start of the interval. maxNumber: The end of the interval.
Returns an array of handles for the entries within the given time interval.<br />Parameters: fromDate: First day in interval. toDate: Last day in interval.
Gets the number of an entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Get handle for account of an entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the amount of an entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the amount (in default currency) of an entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the currency of the entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the date of the entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the text of the entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the entry type of entry.<br />
Gets a handle for the department of an entry. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of an entry. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets a handle for the VAT account of an entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the voucher number of the entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets handle for the project of the entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Gets the scanned document of the entry.<br />Parameters: entryHandle: Handle for the entry.
Returns an invoice data object for a given invoice.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the invoice.
Returns invoice data objects for a given set of invoice handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the invoice handles.
Returns handles for all invoices.
Returns a handle for the invoice with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the invoices corresponding to the given invoice numbers. If a invoice with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the invoices with invoice numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: minNumber: The start of the interval. maxNumber: The end of the interval.
Returns handles for invoices in a given interval of days.<br />Parameters: first: First day in interval. last: Last day in interval.
Returns handles for invoices which have the given employee as OurReference.<br />Parameters: ourReferenceHandle: The employee to search for.
Returns handles for the invoices with a given other reference.<br />Parameters: otherReference: The other reference to search for.
Returns handles for the invoices with a given order number.<br />Parameters: orderNumber: The number to search for.
Gets handles for the lines of the invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets an invoice as a PDF-file.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets an OIO XML string representing an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the number of an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the debtor for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the project for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the name for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the debtor address for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the debtor postal code for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the debtor city for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the debtor country for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the debtor EAN for an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the public entry number an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the attention of an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the reference of the debtor of an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the primary reference of the creditor of an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the secodary reference of the creditor of an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets a handle for the term of payment of an invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Returns a debtor group data object for a given debtor group.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the debtor group.
Returns debtor group data objects for a given set of debtor group handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the debtor group handles.
Creates a new debtor group.
Returns handles for all debtor groups.
Returns handles for the debtor group with a given number.
Returns an array with handles for the debtor groups corresponding to the given debtor group numbers. If a debtor group with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for all debtor groups with a given name.
Gets handles for debtors of a debtor group.<br />Parameters: debtorGroupHandle: Handle for the debtor group.
Get the number of a debtor group.<br />Parameters: debtorGroupHandle: Handle for the debtor group.
Get the name of a debtor group.<br />Parameters: debtorGroupHandle: Handle for the debtor group.
Set the name of a debtor group.<br />Parameters: debtorGroupHandle: Handle for the debtor group. value: The new name of the debtor group.
Get handle for account of a debtor group.<br />Parameters: debtorGroupHandle: Handle for the debtor group.
Set the account of a debtor group.<br />Parameters: debtorGroupHandle: Handle for the debtor group. valueHandle: New handle for new account of the debtor group.
Creates a new delivery location contact from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new delivery location.
Creates new delivery locations from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new delivery locations.
Update delivery locations from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a delivery location from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a delivery location data object for a given delivery location.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the delivery location.
Returns delivery location data objects for a given set of delivery location handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the delivery location handles.
Creates a new delivery location.
Returns handles for all delivery locations.
Returns handles for all delivery location with a given external ID.<br />Parameters: externalId: The external ID to search for.
Deletes a delivery location
Gets a handle for the debtor of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Gets the number of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Gets the address of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Sets the address of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location. value: The new address of the delivery location.
Gets the postal code of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Sets the postal code of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location. value: The new postal code of the delivery location.
Gets the city of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Sets the city of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location. value: The new city of the delivery location.
Gets the country of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Sets the country of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location. value: The new country of the delivery location.
Gets the terms of delivery of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Sets the terms of delivery of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location. value: The new terms of delivery of the delivery location.
Gets whether a delivery location is accessible.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Sets whether a delivery location is accessible.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location. value: Value that indicates whether the delivery location should be accessible.
Gets the external ID of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location.
Sets the external ID of a delivery location.<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the delivery location. value: The new external ID of the delivery location.
Gets the County of a delivery location. (UK only)<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the deliveryLocation.
Sets the County of a delivery location. (UK only)<br />Parameters: deliveryLocationHandle: Handle for the deliveryLocation. value: The new County of the deliveryLocation.
Creates a new department from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new department.
Creates new departments from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new departments.
Update departments from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a department from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a department data object for a given department.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the department.
Returns department data objects for a given set of department handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the department handles.
Creates a new department.
Returns handles for all departments.
Returns a handle for the department with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the departments corresponding to the given numbers. If a department with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns a handle for the department with a given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Return handles for all departments from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Deletes a department.<br />Parameters: departmentHandle: Handle for the department.
Gets the number of a department.<br />Parameters: departmentHandle: Handle for the department.
Gets the name of a department.<br />Parameters: departmentHandle: Handle for the department.
Sets the name of a department.<br />Parameters: departmentHandle: Handle for the department. value: The new name for the department.
Update distribution keys from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a distribution key from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a distribution key data object for a given distribution key.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the distribution key.
Returns distribution key data objects for a given set of distribution key handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the distribution key handles.
Return handles for all distributions keys.
Returns a handle for the distribution key with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the distribution keys corresponding to the given numbers. If a distribution key with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for the distribution keys with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Gets the departments of a distribution key.<br />Parameters: distributionKeyHandle: Handle for the distribution key.
Gets the percentage distributions for the departments of a distribution key.<br />Parameters: distributionKeyHandle: Handle for the distribution key.
Gets the number of a distribution key.<br />Parameters: distributionKeyHandle: Handle for the distribution key.
Gets the name of a distribution key.<br />Parameters: distributionKeyHandle: Handle for the distribution key.
Sets the name of a distribution key.<br />Parameters: distributionKeyHandle: Handle for the distribution key. value: The new name of the distribution key.
Gets whether a distributionkey is accessible.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets whether a distributionkey is accessible.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. value: Value that indicates whether the account should be accessible.
Update DocumentArchiveCategories from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a DocumentArchiveCategory from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a DocumentArchiveCategory data object for a given DocumentArchiveCategory.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the DocumentArchiveCategory.
Returns DocumentArchiveCategory data objects for a given set of DocumentArchiveCategory handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the DocumentArchiveCategory handles.
Creates a new DocumentArchiveCategory.<br />Parameters: number: The number of the new DocumentArchiveCategory. name: The name of the new DocumentArchiveCategory.
Returns handles for all DocumentArchiveCategories.
Returns a handle for the scanned document with a given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns handles for the document archive categories with a given name.<br />Parameter: name: The name to search for.
Gets all documents in this category.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the DocumentArchiveCategory.
Deletes a category.<br />Parameters: documentArchiveCategoryHandle: Handle for the category.
Gets the number of a DocumentArchiveCategory.<br />Parameters: DocumentArchiveCategoryHandle: Handle for the DocumentArchiveCategory.
Gets the Corporate Identification Number of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the Corporate Identification Number of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new Corporate Identification Number of the debtor.
Gets a handle for the term of payment of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the term of payment of a debtor. The value may not be omitted.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: Handle for new term of payment of a debtor.
Gets a handle for the layout of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the layout of a debtor. The value may not be omitted.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. valueHandle: Handle for new layout of a debtor.
Gets a handle for the attention of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets attention of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. valueHandle: Handle for new attention of the debtor.
Sets 'your reference' of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. valueHandle: Handle for 'your reference' of the debtor.
Gets a handle for 'your reference' of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets a handle for 'our reference' of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets 'our reference' of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. valueHandle: Handle for 'our reference' of the debtor.
Gets the current balance of the debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the Debtor.
Returns the next available debtor number.
Creates a new debtor.
Return handles for all debtors
Return handles for all debtors from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Returns handle for debtor with a given number.
Returns an array with handles for the debtors corresponding to the given debtor numbers. If a debtort with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for debtors with a given name.<br />Parameters: The name to search for.
Returns handles for debtors with a given partial name.<br />Parameters: The partial name to search for. Asterisks (*) may be used as wildcards.
Returns handle for debtors with a given email.<br />Parameters: The email to search for.
Returns handles for debtors with a given EAN.<br />Parameters: The EAN to search for.
Returns handles for debtors with a given Corporate Identification Number.<br />Parameters: The Corporate Identification Number to search for.
Returns handle for debtors with a given telephone and fax number.<br />Parameters: The telephone and fax number to search for.
Gets handles for delivery locations of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for debtor contacts of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for the invoices of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for the orders of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for the current invoices of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for the quotations of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for the entries of the debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for the open entries of the debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handles for the subscribers of the debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Deletes a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for debtor.
Creates a new debtor contact from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new debtor contact.
Creates new debtor contacts from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new debtor contacts.
Update debtor contacts from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a debtor contact from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a debtor contact data object for a given debtor contact.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the debtor contact.
Returns debtor contact data objects for a given set of debtor contact handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the debtor contact handles.
Gets a handle for the debtor of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Gets the name of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Sets the name of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact. value: The new name of the debtor contact.
Gets the number of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Gets the telephone number of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Sets the telephone number of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact. value: The new telephone number of the debtor contact.
Gets the email of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Sets the email of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact. value: The new email of the debtor contact.
Sets the comments of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact. value: The new comments of the debtor contact.
Gets the comments of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Gets the external ID of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Sets the external ID of a debtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact. value: The new external ID of the debtor contact.
Gets whether the debtor contact is to receive a copy of orders by email.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Sets whether the debtor contact is to receive a copy of orders by email.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact. value: The new value indicating whether the debtor contact is to receive a copy of orders by email.
Gets whether the debtor contact is to receive a copy of invoices by email.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Sets whether the debtor contact is to receive a copy of invoices by email.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact. value: The new value indicating whether the debtor contact is to receive a copy of invoices by email.
Creates a new debtor contact.
Returns handles for all debtor contacts.
Returns handles for debtor contacts with a given name.
Returns handles for debtor contacts with a external ID.
Deletes adebtor contact.<br />Parameters: debtorContactHandle: Handle for the debtor contact.
Returns a debtor entry data object for a given debtor entry.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the debtor entry.
Returns debtor entry data objects for a given set of debtor entry handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the debtor entry handles.
Gets the number of the debtor entry.<br />Parameters: debtorentryHandle: Handle for the debtor entry.
Gets the entry type of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the date of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the debtor of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the account of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the voucher number of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the text of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the amount of the debtor entry in the default currency.<br />
Gets the currency of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the currency amount of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the invoice number of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the due date of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the currency remainder of the debtor entry.<br />
Gets the remainder of the debtor entry in the default currency.<br />
Returns an array of handles for the debtor entries with numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: from: The beginning of the interval. to: the end of the interval.
Returns handles for debtor entries for a given invoice number interval.<br />Parameters: from: The minimum invoice number to search for. to: The maximum invoice number to search for.
Matches the entries passed to the function. No return value.<br />Parameters: entries: The debtor entries to be matched.
Creates a new debtor group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new debtor group.
Creates new debtor groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new debtor groups.
Update debtor groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a debtor group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Gets the margin of a current invoice (in the currency of that current invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets the margin of a current invoice as percent.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets the rounding amount for all lines of the current invoice (in the currency of the invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets the DebtorCounty of a current invoice. (UK only)<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the currentInvoice.
Sets the DebtorCounty of a current invoice. (UK only)<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the currentInvoice. value: The new DebtorCounty of the currentInvoice.
Gets the DeliveryCounty of a current invoice. (UK only)<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the currentInvoice.
Sets the DeliveryCounty of a current invoice. (UK only)<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the currentInvoice. value: The new DeliveryCounty of the currentInvoice.
Gets the deduction amount of the current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Creates a new current invoice line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new current invoice line.
Creates new current invoice lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new current invoice lines.
Update current invoice lines from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a current invoice line from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a current invoice line data object for a given current invoice line.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the current invoice line.
Returns current invoice line data objects for current invoice lines.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: The array of current invoice line handles.
Gets the number of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets a handle for the current invoice of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets the description of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Sets the description of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. value: The new description of the current invoice line.
Gets the delivery date of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Sets the delivery date of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. value: The new delivery date of the current invoice line.
Gets a handle for the primary unit of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Sets the primary unit of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. valueHandle: Handle for the new primary unit of the current invoice line.
Sets the product of a current invoice line. Setting the product also sets the unit cost price to the cost price of the product. The product must be set before setting the quantity and the unit net price.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. valueHandle: Handle for the new product of the current invoice line.
Gets a handle for the product of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets the primary quantity of a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Sets the primary quantity of a current invoice line. The product of the current invoice line must be set before setting this property.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. value: The new primary quantity of the current invoice line.
Sets the price per unit without VAT of a current invoice line (in the currency of its current invoice). The product of the current invoice line must be set before setting this property.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. value: The new price per unit of the current invoice line.
Gets the price per unit without VAT of a current invoice line (in the currency of its current invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets the discount of a current invoice line as percent.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Sets the discount of a current invoice line as percent.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. value: The new discount of the current invoice line as percent.
Gets the cost price per unit without VAT of a current invoice line (in the default currency).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets the total amount without VAT of a current invoice line (in the currency of its current invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets the margin of a current invoice line (in the currency of its current invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets the margin of a current invoice as percent.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Sets the department of a current invoice line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. value: Handle for the new department of the current invoice line.
Gets a handle for the department of a current invoice line. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of a current invoice line. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Sets the distribution key of a current invoice line. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The distribution key cannot be set when the department is set.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line. value: Handle for the new distribution key of the current invoice line.
Creates a new current invoice line.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for a current invoice.
Returns handles for current invoice lines that uses a given products.<br />Parameters: product: The product to search for.
Returns handles for current invoice lines that uses a given set of products.<br />Parameters: products: The products to search for.
Deletes a current invoice line.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceLineHandle: Handle for the current invoice line.
Creates a new debtor from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new debtor.
Creates new debtors from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new debtors.
Update debtors from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a debtor from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a debtor data object for a given debtor.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the debtor.
Returns debtor data objects for a given set of debtor handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the debtor handles.
Gets the number of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handle for debtor group of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the debtor group of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. valueHandle: Handle for new debtor group of the debtor.
Sets the name of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new name of the debtor.
Gets the name of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets handle for vat zone of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets vat zone of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: Handle for new vat zone of the debtor.
Sets currency of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: Handle for new currency of the debtor.
Gets currency of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the price group of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: Handle for the new price group of the debtor.
Gets the price group of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Gets whether a debtor is accessible.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets whether a debtor is accessible.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: Value that indicates whether the debtor should be accessible.
Gets EAN of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets EAN of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new EAN of the debtor.
Gets the public entry number of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the public entry number of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new public entry number of the debtor.
Get the email of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Set the email of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new email of the debtor.
Gets the telephone and fax number of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the telephone and fax number of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new telephone and fax number of the debtor.
Gets the website of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the website of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new website of the debtor.
Gets the address of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the address of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new address of the debtor.
Gets the postal code of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the postal code of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new postal code of the debtor.
Gets the city of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the city of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new city of the debtor.
Gets the country of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the country of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new country of the debtor.
Gets the credit maximum of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the credit maximum of a debtor.<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new credit maximum of the debtor.
Gets the VatNumber of a debtor. (SE,UK only)<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the VatNumber of a debtor. (SE,UK only)<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new VatNumber of the debtor.
Gets the County of a debtor. (UK only)<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor.
Sets the County of a debtor. (UK only)<br />Parameters: debtorHandle: Handle for the debtor. value: The new County of the debtor.
Return handles for all currencies.
Returns a handle for the currency with the given code.<br />Parameters: code: The code to search for.
Gets the code of a currency.<br />Parameters: currencyHandle: Handle for the currency.
Creates a new current invoice from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new current invoice.
Creates new current invoices from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new current invoices.
Update current invoices from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a current invoice from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a current invoice data object for a given current invoice.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the current invoice.
Returns current invoice data objects for a given set of current invoice handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the current invoice handles.
Creates a new current invoice.<br />Parameteres: debtor: Handle for a debitor.
Returns handles for all current invoices.
Returns handles for the current invoices which have the given employee as OurReference.<br />Parameters: ourReferenceHandle: Handle for the employee to search for.
Returns handles for the current invoices with a given other reference.<br />Parameters: otherReference: The other reference to search for.
Returns handles for current invoices in a given interval of days.<br />Parameters: first: First day in interval. last: Last day in interval.
Return handles for all current invoices from date. FromDate is based on CET.
Gets a current invoice as a PDF file.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Books a current invoice. An invoice number greater than all other invoice numbers will be assigned to the resulting invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Books a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. number: The invoice number of the resulting invoice; must be positive and different from all other invoice numbers.
Deletes a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets handles for the lines of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets handle for the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new debtor.
Gets the project of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Set the project of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: invoiceHandle: Handle for the invoice.
Gets the name of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the name of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new name of the debtor of the current invoice.
Gets the address of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the address of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new name of the debtor of the current invoice.
Gets the postal code of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the postal code of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new postal code of the debtor of the current invoice.
Gets the city of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the city of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new city of the debtor of the current invoice.
Gets the country of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the country of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new country of the debtor of the current invoice.
Gets the European Article Number of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the European Article Number of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new EAN of the current invoice.
Gets the public entry number of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the public entry number of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new public entry number of the current invoice.
Gets a handle for the attention of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the attention of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new attention of the current invoice.
Gets a handle for the reference of the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the the reference for the debtor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new reference for the debtor.
Gets a handle for the primary reference of the creditor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the the primary reference of the creditor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new primary reference of the creditor of the current invoice.
Gets a handle for the secondary reference of the creditor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the the secondary reference of the creditor of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new secondary reference of the creditor of the current invoice.
Gets the date of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the date of a current invoice. The due date is calculated accordingly as specified by the term of payment.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new date of the current invoice.
Gets a handle for the term of payment of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the term of payment of a current invoice. The due date is calculated accordingly.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new term of payment of the current invoice.
Gets the due date of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the due date of a current invoice. It is only allowed to set the due date to an actual date when the type of TermOfPayment is set to DueDate.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new due date of the current invoice.
Gets the currency of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the currency of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new currency of the current invoice.
Gets the exchange rate of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the exchange rate of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: New exchange of the current invoice.
Gets whether the current invoice has VAT included.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set whether the current invoice has VAT included.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new layout of the current invoice. value: value indicating whether the current invoice includes VAT or not.
Gets a handle for the layout of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the layout of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new layout of the current invoice.
Gets a handle for the delivery location of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the delivery location of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. valueHandle: Handle for the new delivery location of the current invoice.
Gets the delivery address of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the delivery address of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new delivery address of the current invoice.
Gets the delivery postal code of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the delivery postal code of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new delivery postal code of the current invoice.
Gets the delivery city of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the delivery city of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new delivery city of the current invoice.
Gets the delivery country of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the delivery country of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new delivery country of the current invoice.
Gets the terms of delivery of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Sets the terms of delivery of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the currentInvoice. value: The new terms of delivery of the current invoice.
Gets the delivery date of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the delivery date of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new delivery date of the current invoice.
Gets the heading of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the heading of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new heading of the current invoice.
Gets the primary line of text of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the primary line of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new primary line of text of the current invoice.
Gets the secondary line of text of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the secondary line of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new secondary line of text of the current invoice.
Gets the other reference of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Set the other reference of a current invoice.<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice. value: The new other reference of the current invoice.
Gets the total amount for all the lines without VAT if the current invoice (in the currency of that current invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets the total VAT amount for all the lines of a current invoice (in the currency of that current invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets the total gross amount for all the lines of a current invoice (in the currency of that current invoice).<br />Parameters: currentInvoiceHandle: Handle for the current invoice.
Gets the bank account of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Gets a handle for the attention of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the attention of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. valueHandle: Handle for new attention of the creditor.
Sets 'your reference' of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. valueHandle: Handle for 'your reference' of the creditor.
Gets a handle for 'your reference' of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets 'our reference' of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. valueHandle: Handle for 'our reference' of the creditor.
Gets a handle for 'our reference' of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Gets a handle for the default payment type of a creditor. To set bank payment type, use CashBookEntry_SetRemittanceInformation.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets a handle for the payment creditor id of a creditor. To set bank payment creditor id, use Creditor_SetRemittanceInformation.<br />
Gets the County of a creditor. (UK only)<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the County of a creditor. (UK only)<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new County of the creditor.
Gets a handle for the automatic contra account of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the automatic contra account of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. valueHandle: Handle for new automatic contra account of the creditor.
Return handles for all creditors
Return handles for all creditors from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Returns handle for creditor with a given number.
Returns an array with handles for the creditors corresponding to the given creditor numbers. If a creditor with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handle for creditors with a given name.<br />Parameters: The name to search for.
Gets handles for creditor contacts of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Deletes a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for creditor.
Gets handles for the entries of the creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Gets handles for the open entries of the creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Creates a new creditor contact from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new creditor contact.
Creates new creditor contacts from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new creditor contacts.
Update creditor contacts from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a creditor contact from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a creditor contact data object for a given creditor contact.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the creditor contact.
Returns creditor contact data objects for a given set of creditor contact handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the creditor contact handles.
Gets a handle for the creditor of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Gets the name of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Sets the name of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact. value: The new name of the creditor contact.
Gets the number of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Sets the telephone number of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact. value: The new telephone number of the creditor contact.
Gets the telephone number of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Sets the email of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact. value: The new email of the creditor contact.
Gets the email of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Gets the comments of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Sets the comments of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact. value: The new comments of the creditor contact.
Gets the external ID of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Sets the external ID of a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact. value: The new external ID of the creditor contact.
Creates a new creditor contact.
Returns handles for all creditor contacts.
Returns handles for creditor contacts with the given name.
Deletes a creditor contact.<br />Parameters: creditorContactHandle: Handle for the creditor contact.
Returns a creditor entry data object for a given creditor entry.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the creditor entry.
Returns creditor entry data objects for a given set of creditor entry handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the creditor entry handles.
Gets the number of the creditor entry.<br />Parameters: creditorentryHandle: Handle for the creditor entry.
Gets the entry type of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the date of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the creditor of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the account of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the voucher number of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the text of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the amount of the creditor entry in the default currency.<br />
Gets the currency of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the currency amount of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the invoice number of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the due date of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the currency remainder of the creditor entry.<br />
Gets the remainder of the creditor entry in the default currency.<br />
Returns an array of handles for the creditor entries with numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: from: The beginning of the interval. to: the end of the interval.
Returns an array of handles for the creditor entries with numbers filtered by serial number, entry type, invoice numbers.<br />Parameters: fromSerialNumber: The beginning of the interval. Use null to omit this filter. toSerialNumber: the end of the interval. Use null to omit this filter. entryType: Entry type. invoiceNumbers: Invoice Numbers. Array may also contain null as an entry to search for entries with no invoice number. Use null to omit this filter.
Returns an array of handles for the creditor entries with the specified invoice number.<br />Parameters: invoiceNumber: The invoice number to search for.
Matches the entries passed to the function. No return value.<br />Parameters: entries: The creditor entries to be matched.
Creates a new creditor group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new creditor group.
Creates new creditor groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new creditor groups.
Update creditor groups from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a creditor group from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a creditor group data object for a given creditor group.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the creditor group.
Returns creditor group data objects for a given set of creditor group handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the creditor group handles.
Gets the number of a creditor group.<br />Parameters: creditorGroupHandle: Handle for the creditor group.
Gets the name of a creditor group.<br />Parameters: creditorGroupHandle: Handle for the creditor group.
Sets the name of a creditor group.<br />Parameters: creditorGroupHandle: Handle for the creditor group. value: The new name of the creditor group.
Sets the account of a creditor group.<br />Parameters: creditorGroupHandle: Handle for the creditor group. valueHandle: A handle for the new account of the creditor group.
Gets a handle for the account of a creditor group.<br />Parameters: creditorGroupHandle: Handle for the creditor group.
Creates a new creditor group.
Returns handles for all creditor groups.
Returns a handle for the creditor group with the given number.
Returns an array with handles for the creditor groups corresponding to the given creditor group numbers. If a creditor group with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for all creditor groups with the given name.
Gets handles for creditors of a creditor group.<br />Parameters: creditorGroupHandle: Handle for the creditor group.
Returns a currency data object for a given currency.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the currency.
Returns currency data objects for a given set of currency handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the currency handles.
Gets the end date of the accrual in a cash book entry. To set the end date use CashBookEntry_SetAccrualInformation. The end date is only accessible when there is access to the Accruals add-on module.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the employeeNo of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the employeeNo of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new employeeNo.
Creates a new cash book entry.<br />Parameters: type: The type of the cash book entry. cashBook: The cash book of the cash book entry. debtor: The debtor of the cash book entry. creditor: The creditor of the cash book entry. account: The account of the cash book entry. contraAccount: The contra account of the cash book entry.
Creates a new cash book entry of type DebtorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBook: The cash book of the cash book entry. debtor: The debtor of the cash book entry. account: The account of the cash book entry. contraAccount: The contra account of the cash book entry.
Creates a new cash book entry of type Manual customer invoice.<br />Parameters: cashBook: The cash book of the cash book entry. debtor: The debtor of the cash book entry. account: The account of the cash book entry. contraAccount: The contra account of the cash book entry.
Creates a new cash book entry of type CreditorPayment.<br />Parameters: type: cashBook: The cash book of the cash book entry. creditor: The creditor of the cash book entry. contraAccount: The contra account of the cash book entry.
Creates a new cash book entry of type CreditorInvoice.<br />Parameters: cashBook: The cash book of the cash book entry. creditor: The creditor of the cash book entry. contraAccount: The contra account of the cash book entry.
Creates a new cash book entry of type FinanceVoucher.<br />Parameters: cashBook: The cash book of the cash book entry. account: The account of the cash book entry. contraAccount: The contra account of the cash book entry.
Deletes a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Returns a company data object for a given company.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the company.
Returns company data objects for a given set of company handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of company handles.
Returns a handle for the company
Gets the agreement number of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Currency entity of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Name of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets Address1 of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets Address2 of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Postalcode of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the City of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the County of the Company. (UK only)<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Country of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Telephonenumber of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Faxnumber of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Mobilenumber of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Contact of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Website of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Corporate Identification Number of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the VAT number of the Company. (SE,UK,FI only)<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Gets the Signup Date of the Company.<br />Parameters: companyHandle: Handle for the Company.
Returns a cost type data object for a given cost type.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the cost type.
Returns cost type data objects for a given set of cost type handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the cost type handles.
Gets the number of a cost type.<br />Parameters: costTypeHandle: Handle for the cost type.
Gets the name of a cost type.<br />Parameters: costTypeHandle: Handle for the cost type.
Gets a handle for the CostTypeGroup of a cost type.<br />Parameters: costTypeHandle: Handle for the cost type.
Gets a handle for the VAT account of a cost type.<br />Parameters: costTypeHandle: Handle for the cost type.
Return handles for all cost types.
Returns a handle for the cost type with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for cost types corresponding to the given cost type numbers. If a cost type with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for the cost types with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Return handles for all cost types from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Returns an CostTypeGroup data object for a given CostTypeGroup.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the CostTypeGroup.
Returns CostTypeGroup data objects for a given set of CostTypeGroup handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the CostTypeGroup handles.
Gets the number of a CostTypeGroup.<br />Parameters: costTypeGroupHandle: Handle for the CostTypeGroup.
Gets the name of a CostTypeGroup.<br />Parameters: costTypeGroupHandle: Handle for the CostTypeGroup.
Gets a handle for the ongoing account of a CostTypeGroup.<br />Parameters: costTypeGroupHandle: Handle for the CostTypeGroup.
Gets a handle for the closed account of a CostTypeGroup.<br />Parameters: costTypeGroupHandle: Handle for the CostTypeGroup.
Return handles for all CostTypeGroups.
Returns a handle for the CostTypeGroup with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns handles for the CostTypeGroups with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Creates a new creditor from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new creditor.
Creates new creditor from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new creditors.
Update creditors from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a creditor from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a creditor data object for a given creditor.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the creditor.
Returns creditor data objects for a given set of creditor handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the creditor handles.
Gets the number of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the creditor group of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. valueHandle: Handle for the new creditor group of the creditor.
Gets a handle for the creditor group of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Gets the name of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the name of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new name of the creditor.
Gets handle for vat zone of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets vat zone of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: Handle for new vat zone of the creditor.
Gets currency of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets currency of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: Handle for the new currency of the creditor.
Gets a handle for the term of payment of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the term of payment of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: Handle for the new term of payment of a creditor.
Gets whether a creditor is accessible.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets whether a creditor is accessible.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: Value that indicates whether the creditor should be accessible.
Gets the Corporate Identification Number of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the Corporate Identification Number of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new Corporate Identification Number of the creditor.
Get the e-mail of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Set the e-mail of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new email of the creditor.
Sets the address of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new address of the creditor.
Gets the address of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Gets the postal code of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the postal code of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new postal code of the creditor.
Gets the city of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the city of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new city of the creditor.
Gets the country of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor.
Sets the country of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new country of the creditor.
Sets the bank account of a creditor.<br />Parameters: creditorHandle: Handle for the creditor. value: The new bank account of the creditor.
Returns budget figure data objects for a given set of budget figure handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of budget figure handles.
Get handle for account of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Set the account of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure. valueHandle: New handle for new account of the budget figure.
Gets the text of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Sets the text of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure. value: The new text of the budget figure.
Gets the fromdate of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Sets the fromdate of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure. value: The new fromdate of the budget figure.
Gets the todate of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Sets the todate of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure. value: The new todate of the budget figure.
Gets the amount of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Sets the amount of a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure. value: The new amount of the budget figure.
Gets a handle for the department of a budget figure. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Sets the department of a budget figure. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure. value: Handle for the new department of the budget figure.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of a budget figure. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Sets the distribution key of a budget figure. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The distribution key cannot be set when the department is set.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure. value: Handle for the new distribution key of the budget figure.
Creates a new budget figure.<br />Parameters: account: The account of the budget figure text: The text of the budget figure fromDate: The start date of the budget figure. toDate: The end date of the budget figure. amountDefaultCurrency: The amount in the default currency of the budget figure.
Deletes a budget figure.<br />Parameters: budgetfigureHandle: Handle for the budget figure.
Return handles for all budget figures.
Returns an array with handles for the budget figures within a time interval.<br />Parameters: fromDate: First day in the interval. toDate: Last day in the interval.
Update cash books from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a cash book from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a cash book data object for a given cash book.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the cash book.
Returns cash book data objects for a given set of cash book handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the cash book handles.
Return handles for all cash books.
Returns a handle for the cash book with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the cash books corresponding to the given numbers. If a cash book with a given number does not exist then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns a handle for the cash book with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the cash books corresponding to the given names. If a cash book with a given name does not exist or if no name is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: names: The names to search for.
Assigns a PDF document to a voucher number.<br />Parameters: data: PDF document. voucherNumber: Voucher number. entryDate: Entry date.
Gets the entries in the cashbook.
Books all entries in the cashbook.
Books entries in the cashbook between fromDate and toDate.<br />Parameters: fromDate: The fromDate, toDate: The toDate.
Books entries in the cashbook between fromDate and toDate. Some or all entries are in a closed period.<br />Parameters: fromDate: The fromDate, toDate: The toDate, accrualDate: The accrualDate, accrualText: The accrualText.
Gets the number of a cash book.<br />Parameters: cashBookHandle: Handle for the cash book.
Gets the name of a cash book.<br />Parameters: cashBookHandle: Handle for the cash book.
Sets the name of a cash book.<br />Parameters: cashBookHandle: Handle for the cash book. value: The new name.
Creates a new cash book entry from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new cash book entry.
Creates new cash book entries from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new cash book entries.
Update cash book entries from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a cash book entry from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a cash book entry data object for a given cash book entry.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the cash book entry.
Returns cash book entry data objects for a given set of cash book entry handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the cash book entry handles.
Gets the type of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the cash book of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the debtor of the cash book entry. The debtor is only accessible when the cash book entry is of type DebtorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the debtor of a cash book entry. The debtor is only accessible when the cash book entry is of type DebtorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the creditor of a cash book entry. The creditor is only accessible when the cash book entry is of type CreditorInvoice or CreditorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the creditor of a cash book entry. The creditor is only accessible when the cash book entry is of type CreditorInvoice or CreditorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the account of a cash book entry. The account is only accessible when the cash book entry is of type FinanceVoucher.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the account of a cash book entry. The account is only accessible when the cash book entry is of type FinanceVoucher.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the contra account of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. valueHandle: handle for the new contra couunt.
Gets the contra account of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the date of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the date of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new date value.
Sets the voucher number of a cash book entry. The voucher number must be at least 1.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new voucher number.
Gets the voucher number of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the text of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the text of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new text value.
Gets the amount (in default currency) of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the amount (in default currency) of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new amount value.
Gets the currency of the cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the currency of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. valueHandle: Handle for the new currency of the cash book entry.
Gets the amount of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the amount of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new amount of the cash book entry.
Gets the VAT account of a cash book entry. VAT account is only accessible when cash book entry is of type FinanceVoucher.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the VAT account of a cash book entry. VAT account is only accessible when cash book entry is of type FinanceVoucher.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. valueHandle: new VAT account of the cash book entry.
Gets the contra VAT account of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the contra VAT account of a cash book entry.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. valueHandle: new contra VAT account of the cash book entry.
Gets the debtor invoice number of a cash book entry. Debtor invoice number is only accessible when cash book entry is of type DebtorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the debtor invoice number of a cash book entry. Debtor invoice number is only accessible when cash book entry is of type DebtorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new debtor invoice number.
Gets the creditor invoice number of a cash book entry. Creditor invoice number is only accessible when cash book entry is of type CreditorInvoice or CreditorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the creditor invoice number of a cash book entry. Creditor invoice number is only accessible when cash book entry is of type CreditorInvoice or CreditorPayment.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new debtor invoice number.
Gets the due date of a cash book entry. Due date is only accessible when cash book entry is of type CreditorInvoice.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the due date of a cash book entry. Due date is only accessible when cash book entry is of type CreditorInvoice.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: new due date.
Gets a handle for the department of a cash book entry. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the department of a cash book entry. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: Handle for the new department of the cash book entry.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of a cash book entry. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Sets the distribution key of a cash book entry. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The distribution key cannot be set when the department is set.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry. value: Handle for the new distribution key of the cash book entry.
Gets a handle for the project of a cash book entry. To set project use CashBookEntry_SetProjectAndCostType. The project is only accessible when there is access to the Project Management add-on module.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets a handle for the cost type of a cash book entry. The cost type is only accessible when there is access to the Project Management add-on module. To set cost type use CashBookEntry_SetProjectAndCostType.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets a handle for the bank payment type of a cash book entry. To set bank payment type use CashBookEntry_SetRemittanceInformation.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets a handle for the bank payment creditor id of a cash book entry. To set bank payment creditor id use CashBookEntry_SetRemittanceInformation.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets a handle for the bank payment creditor invoice id of a cash book entry. To set bank payment creditor invoice id use CashBookEntry_SetRemittanceInformation.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the capitalise account of a cash book entry. To set the capitalise account use CashBookEntry_SetAccrualInformation. The capitalise account is only accessible when there is access to the Accruals add-on module.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Gets the start date of the accrual in a cash book entry. To set the start date use CashBookEntry_SetAccrualInformation. The start date is only accessible when there is access to the Accruals add-on module.<br />Parameters: cashBookEntryHandle: Handle for the cash book entry.
Creates a new account from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new account.
Creates new accounts from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new accounts.
Update accounts from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates an account from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns an account data object for a given account.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the account.
Returns account data objects for a given set of account handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the account handles.
Creates a new account.<br />Parameters: number: The number of the new account. name: The name of the new account. type: The type of the new account.
Return handles for all accounts.
Return handles for all accounts from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Returns a handle for the account with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the accounts corresponding to the given account numbers. If an account with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Returns handles for the accounts with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Returns entry totals for the specified accounts and date interval.<br />Parameters: accounts: The accounts for which to return entry totals. first: Start date of interval. last: End date of interval.
Deletes an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Returns an array with handles for the budget figures for the given account.
Returns an array with handles for the budget figures within the given time interval.<br />Parameters: fromDate: First day in the interval. toDate: Last day in the interval.
Returns a handle for the entries within the given time interval.<br />Parameters: First : First day in interval. Last : Last day in interval.
Returns an array with handles for the entries with serial numbers in the given interval.<br />Parameters: minNumber: The start of the interval. maxNumber: The end of the interval.
Returns an array with handles for the sum interval for the given account.
Gets the number of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Gets the name of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets the name of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. value: The new name of the account.
Gets the account type of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets the account type of an account. This also updates the property TotalFrom.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. valueHandle: New account type of the account.
Gets whether an account is a debit or credit account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets whether an account is a debit or credit account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. value: Value that indicates whether the account should be a debit or credit account.
Gets whether an account is accessible.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets whether an account is accessible.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. value: Value that indicates whether the account should be accessible.
Gets whether an account is blocked for direct entries.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets whether an account is blocked for direct entries.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. value: Value that indicates whether the account should be blocked for direct entries.
Gets a handle for the VAT account of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets the VAT account of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. vatAccountHandle: Handle for the new VAT account of the account.
Gets a handle for the contra account of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets the contra account of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. valueHandle: Handle for the new contra account of the account.
Gets a handle for the opening account of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets the opening account of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. valueHandle: Handle for the new opening account of the account.
Gets a handle for the first account to sum from if the type of the account is AccountType.TotalFrom.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets a handle for the first account to sum from if the type of the account is AccountType.TotalFrom. This is only used if the account has account type TotalFrom.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. valueHandle: Handle for the new 'total from'-account.
Gets the balance of an account.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Gets a handle for the department of an account. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets the department of an account. The department is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The department cannot be set when the distribution key is set.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. value: Handle for the new department of the account.
Gets a handle for the distribution key of an account. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module.<br />Parameters: acccountHandle: Handle for the account.
Sets the distribution key of an account. The distribution key is only accessible when there is access to the Dimension add-on module. The distribution key cannot be set when the department is set.<br />Parameters: accountHandle: Handle for the account. value: Handle for the new distribution key of the account.
Returns an AccountingPeriod data object for a given accounting period.<br />Parameters: accountingPeriodHandle: A handle for the accounting period.
Returns AccountingPeriod data objects for a given set of accounting period handles.<br />Parameters: accountingPeriodHandles: An array of the accounting period handles.
Returns handles for all accounting periods.
Return handles for all accounting periods from date. fromDate is based on CET. includeCalculatedProperties is reserved for future usage and should be set to false for now.
Gets the period of an accounting period.<br />Parameters: accountingPeriodHandle: Handle for the accounting period.
Gets a handle for the accounting year of an accounting period.<br />Parameters: accountingPeriodHandle: Handle for the accountingPeriod.
Gets the from-date of the accounting period.<br />Parameters: accountingPeriodHandle: Handle for the accounting period.
Gets the to-date of the accounting period.<br />Parameters: accountingPeriodHandle: Handle for the accounting period.
Gets the status of the accounting period.<br />
Creates a new AccountingYear from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new AccountingYear.
Creates new AccountingYear from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new AccountingYear.
Returns an AccountingYear data object for a given accounting year.<br />Parameters: accountingYearHandle: A handle for the accounting year.
Returns AccountingYear data objects for a given set of accounting year handles.<br />Parameters: accountingYearHandles: An array of the accounting year handles.
Gets the year of an accounting year.<br />Parameters: accountingYearHandle: Handle for the accounting year.
Gets the from-date of the accounting year.<br />Parameters: accountingYearHandle: Handle for the accounting year.
Gets the to-date of the accounting year.<br />Parameters: accountingYearHandle: Handle for the accounting year.
Gets the isClosed boolean of the accounting year.<br />
Creates a new accounting year.<br />Parameters: fromDate: The from date of the new accounting year. toDate: The to date of the new accounting year.
Deletes an accounting year.<br />Parameters: accountingYearHandle: Handle for the accounting year.
Returns handles for all accounting years.
Returns an array of handles for the accounting years within the given time interval.<br />Parameters: fromDate: First day in interval. toDate: Last day in interval.
Returns handles for all accounting periods.
Returns an Activity data object for a given Activity.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the Activity.
Returns Activity data objects for a given set of Activity handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the Activity handles.
Returns handles for all activities.
Returns a handle for the activity with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the activities corresponding to the given numbers. If an activity with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains null at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Gets the number of the activity.<br />Parameters: activityHandle: Handle for the activity.
Gets the name of the activity.<br />
Returns a bank payment type data object for a given bank payment type.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the bank payment type.
Returns bank payment type data objects for a given set of bank payment type handles.<br />Parameters: entityHandles: An array of the bank payment type handles.
Return handles for all bank payment types.
Returns handles for the accounts with the given name.<br />Parameters: name: The name to search for.
Returns a handle for the bank payment type with the given number.<br />Parameters: number: The number to search for.
Returns an array with handles for the bank payment types corresponding to the given bank payment type numbers. If a bank payment type with a given number does not exist or if no number is given then the array contains nothing at that index.<br />Parameters: numbers: The numbers to search for.
Gets the number of a bank payment type.<br />Parameters: bankPaymentTypeHandle: Handle for the bank payment type.
Gets the name of a bank payment type.<br />Parameters: bankPaymentTypeHandle: Handle for the bank payment type.
Creates a new budget figure from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object that specifies the properties of the new budget figure.
Creates new budget figures from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects that specifies the properties of the new budget figures.
Update budget figures from data objects.<br />Parameters: dataArray: The array of data objects.
Updates a budget figure from a data object.<br />Parameters: data: The data object.
Returns a budget figure data object for a given budgetfigure.<br />Parameters: entityHandle: A handle for the budget figure.
Connects to the server.<br />Parameters: agreementNumber: The agreement number for the subscription. userName: The user name of the subscription. password: The password for the user name.
Connects to the server.<br />Parameters: agreementNumber: The agreement number for the subscription. userName: The user name of the subscription. password: The password for the user name.
Connects to the server.<br />Parameters: agreementNumber: The agreement number for the subscription. userName: The user name of the subscription. password: The password for the user name. customerNumber: the internal adminCustomerNumber
Disconnects from the server.
Gets information about the e-conomic API.