module Fastlane module Actions class CopyArtifactsAction < Action def # we want to make sure that our target folder exist already target_folder_command = 'mkdir -p ' + params[:target_path] # construct the main command that will do the copying/moving for us base_command = params[:keep_original] ? 'cp' : 'mv' options = [] options << '-f' options << '-R' if params[:keep_original] # we only want the -R flag for the cp command, which we get when the user asks to keep the original options << params[:artifacts].map { |e|' ', '\ ') } options << params[:target_path] command = ([base_command] + options).join(' ') # if we don't want to fail on missing files, then we need to swallow the error from our command, by ORing with the nil command, guaranteeing a 0 status code command += ' || :' unless params[:fail_on_missing] # call our command UI.success('Build artifacts sucesfully copied!') end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Small action to save your build artifacts. Useful when you use reset_git_repo" end def self.available_options [ :keep_original, description: "Set this to true if you want copy, rather than move, semantics", is_string: false, optional: true, default_value: true), :target_path, description: "The directory in which you want your artifacts placed", is_string: false, optional: false, default_value: 'artifacts'), :artifacts, description: "An array of file patterns of the files/folders you want to preserve", is_string: false, optional: false, default_value: []), :fail_on_missing, description: "Fail when a source file isn't found", is_string: false, optional: true, default_value: false) ] end def self.authors ["lmirosevic"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end