# encoding: UTF-8 # We use the codes here (prefer 2 letters when possible) # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes # "en": name: English native: English encoding: UTF-8 feature: Feature background: Background scenario: Scenario scenario_outline: Scenario Outline examples: Examples given: Given when: When then: Then and: And but: But # Please help us keeping the languages below uptodate. The parsers for a language # that is missing a keyword will expect the English word until the missing word(s) # are added. # # Please keep the grammars in alphabetical order by name from here and down. "ar": name: Arabic native: العربية encoding: UTF-8 feature: خاصية scenario: سيناريو given: بفرض when: متى then: اذاً and: و but: لكن "cy": name: Welsh native: Cymraeg encoding: UTF-8 feature: Arwedd scenario: Scenario examples: Enghreifftiau given: anrhegedig a when: Pryd then: Yna and: A but: Ond "da": name: Danish native: dansk encoding: UTF-8 feature: Egenskab background: Baggrund scenario: Scenarie scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario examples: Eksempler given: Givet when: Når then: Så and: Og but: Men "de": name: German native: Deutsch encoding: UTF-8 feature: Funktionalität scenario: Szenario scenario_outline: Szenariogrundriss examples: Beispiele given: Gegeben sei when: Wenn then: Dann and: Und but: Aber "en-lol": name: LOLCAT native: LOLCAT encoding: UTF-8 feature: OH HAI background: B4 scenario: MISHUN scenario_outline: MISHUN SRSLY examples: EXAMPLZ given: GIVN when: WEN then: DEN and: AN but: BUT "en-tx": name: Texan native: Texan encoding: UTF-8 feature: Feature scenario: Scenario scenario_outline: Scenario Outline examples: Examples given: Given y'all when: When y'all then: Then y'all and: And y'all but: But y'all "es": name: Spanish native: español encoding: UTF-8 background: Antecedentes feature: Característica scenario: Escenario scenario_outline: Esquema del escenario examples: Ejemplos given: Dado when: Cuando then: Entonces and: Y but: Pero "et": name: Estonian native: eesti keel encoding: UTF-8 feature: Omadus scenario: Stsenaarium given: Eeldades when: Kui then: Siis and: Ja but: Kuid "fi": name: Finnish native: suomi encoding: UTF-8 feature: Ominaisuus scenario: Tapaus scenario_outline: Tapausaihio examples: Tapaukset given: Oletetaan when: Kun then: Niin and: Ja but: Mutta "fr": name: French native: français encoding: UTF-8 feature: Fonctionnalité scenario: Scénario scenario_outline: Scénario esquisse examples: Exemples given: Etant donné when: Lorsque then: Alors and: Et but: Mais "id": name: Indonesian native: Bahasa Indonesia encoding: UTF-8 feature: Fitur scenario: Skenario scenario_outline: Skenario konsep examples: Contoh given: Dengan when: Ketika then: Maka and: Dan but: Tapi "it": name: Italian native: italiano encoding: UTF-8 feature: Funzionalità scenario: Scenario more_examples: Più esempi given: Dato when: Quando then: Allora and: E but: Ma "ja": name: Japanese native: 日本語 encoding: Shift_JIS feature: フィーチャ scenario: シナリオ more_examples: 他のサンプル given: 前提 when: もし then: ならば and: かつ but: しかし "lt": name: Lithuanian native: lietuvių kalba encoding: UTF-8 feature: Sąvybė scenario: Scenarijus examples: Pavyzdžių given: Duota when: Kai then: Tada and: Ir but: Bet "nl": name: Dutch native: Nederlands encoding: UTF-8 feature: Functionaliteit scenario: Scenario given: Gegeven when: Als then: Dan and: En but: Maar "no": name: Norwegian native: norsk encoding: UTF-8 feature: Egenskap background: Bakgrunn scenario: Scenario scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario examples: Eksempler given: Gitt when: Når then: Så and: Og but: Men "pl": name: Polish native: polski encoding: UTF-8 feature: Właściwość scenario: Scenariusz given: Dane when: Jeżeli then: Wtedy and: Oraz but: Ale "pt": name: Portuguese native: português encoding: UTF-8 feature: Característica scenario: Cenário given: Dado when: Quando then: Então and: E but: Mas "ro": name: Romanian native: română encoding: UTF-8 feature: Functionalitate scenario: Scenariu given: Daca when: Cand then: Atunci and: Si but: Dar "ro2": name: Romanian (diacritical) native: română (diacritical) encoding: UTF-8 feature: Funcționalitate scenario: Scenariu given: Dacă when: Când then: Atunci and: Și but: Dar "ru": name: Russian native: русский язык encoding: UTF-8 feature: Функционал scenario: Сценарий given: Сначала when: Если then: То and: И but: Но "se": name: Swedish native: Svenska encoding: UTF-8 feature: Egenskap background: Bakgrund scenario: Scenario scenario_outline: Abstrakt Scenario examples: Exempel given: Givet when: När then: Så and: Och but: Men "zh-CN": name: Chinese simplified native: 中文 encoding: UTF-8 feature: 功能 scenario: 场景 given: 假如 when: 当 then: 那么 and: 而且 but: 但是 "ko": name: Korean native: 한국어 encoding: UTF-8 feature: 기능 scenario: 예 given: 조건 when: 만일 then: 그러면 and: 그리고 but: 하지만