module Zen module Spec module Helper ## # Module providing general spec helpers. # # @since 2012-02-18 # module General ## # Allows developers to create stubbed objects similar to Mocha's stub() method. # # @example # obj = stub(:language => 'Ruby') # puts obj.language # => "Ruby" # # @since 0.2.8 # @param [Hash] attributes A hash containing all the attributes to set and # their values. # @return [Class] # def stub(attributes) obj =*attributes.keys).new attributes.each do |k, v| obj.send("#{k}=", v) end return obj end ## # Returns a hash with a stubbed custom field and a stubbed custom field value. # # @since 0.2.8 # @param [String] field_type_name The name of the field type. # @param [Hash] options Additional options to pass to the stub() call for the # custom field. # @return [Hash] # def stub_custom_field(field_type_name, options = {}) custom_field_type = CustomFields::Model::CustomFieldType[ :name => field_type_name ] options = { :id => 1, :name => 'Field', :slug => 'field', :description => 'A stubbed field', :sort_order => 0, :format => 'markdown', :required => false, :text_editor => false, :textarea_rows => nil, :text_limit => 100, :custom_field_group_id => 1, :custom_field_type_id =>, :custom_field_type => custom_field_type }.merge(options) return { :custom_field => stub(options), :custom_field_value => stub( :id => 1, :value => 'Ruby', :custom_field_id => 1, :section_entry_id => 1 ) } end end # General end # Helper end # Spec end # Zen