module Thermometer module Evaluate module CalcsForTime def time_diff_for(date, increment=:days, now = diff = (now - date).to_i (diff.to_f/1.send(increment)).send(increment) end ## # @sample is an array of timestamps # @reference is a point in time to evaluate the time_diff def average(sample, increment=:days, ( { |s| time_diff_for(s,increment,reference) }. inject{ |d,e| d+ e}.to_f / sample.size.send(increment)).send(increment) end def min end def max end end module Temperatures include Thermometer::Evaluate::CalcsForTime def has_temperature(options={}) sample = sample_records options if sample.size > 1 evaluate_level(average(sample)) elsif sample.size == 1 evaluate_level(time_diff_for(sample.first)) else :none end end ## # Read the direct read_temperature on the instance itself # def has_temperature?(level,options={}) level.to_s == has_temperature(options).to_s end def is_warmer_than?(level,options={}) compare_level_to(level,options) do |x,y| x > y end end def is_colder_than?(level,options={}) compare_level_to(level,options) do |x,y| x < y end end private def evaluate_level(days, ranges=Thermometer.configuration.default_time_range) level = :none ranges.each do |k,v| if v.include?(days) level = k break end end return level end def compare_level_to(level, options) yield Thermometer.configuration.default_time_range[level].max, Thermometer.configuration.default_time_range[has_temperature(options)].min end def sample_records raise "Subclass is responsible for defining this method." end end end end