package http_parser.lolevel; // name : 200 trailing space on chunked body // raw : "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n25 \r\nThis is the data in the first chunk\r\n\r\n1C\r\nand this is the second one\r\n\r\n0 \r\n\r\n" // type : HTTP_RESPONSE // method: HTTP_DELETE // status code :200 // request_path: // request_url : // fragment : // query_string: // body :"This is the data in the first chunk\r\nand this is the second one\r\n" // body_size :65 // header_0 :{ "Content-Type": "text/plain"} // header_1 :{ "Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"} // should_keep_alive :1 // upgrade :0 // http_major :1 // http_minor :1 import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import http_parser.HTTPMethod; import http_parser.ParserType; public class TestLoaderNG { String fn; public TestLoaderNG(String filename) { this.fn = filename; } static void p(Object o) { System.out.println(o); } public List load () throws Throwable { List list = new LinkedList(); BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fn)); String line = null; Test curr = new Test(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\S+)\\s*:(.*)"); while (null != (line = buf.readLine()) ){ if ("".equals(line.trim())) { list.add (curr); curr = new Test(); continue; } Matcher m = pattern.matcher(line); if (m.matches()) { // you can not be fucking serious!? // this has got to be the most retarded regex // interface in the history of the world ... // (though I'm sure there's worse c++ regexp libs...) MatchResult r = m.toMatchResult(); String key =; String value =; if ("name".equals(key)) { = value;} else if ("raw".equals(key)) {curr.raw = toByteArray(value);} //! else if ("type".equals(key)) {curr.type = ParserType.parse(value);} else if ("method".equals(key)) {curr.method = HTTPMethod.parse(value);} else if ("status_code".equals(key)) {curr.status_code = Integer.parseInt(value);} else if ("request_path".equals(key)) {curr.request_path = value;} else if ("request_url".equals(key)) {curr.request_url = value;} else if ("fragment".equals(key)) {curr.fragment = value;} else if ("query_string".equals(key)) {curr.query_string = value;} else if ("body".equals(key)) {curr.body = toByteArray(value);} //! else if ("body_size".equals(key)) {curr.body_size = Integer.parseInt(value);} else if (key.startsWith("header")) { String [] h = getHeader(value); curr.header.put(h[0], h[1]); } else if ("should_keep_alive".equals(key)) {curr.should_keep_alive = (1 == Integer.parseInt(value));} else if ("upgrade".equals(key)) {curr.upgrade = (1 == Integer.parseInt(value));} else if ("http_major".equals(key)) {curr.http_major = Integer.parseInt(value);} else if ("http_minor".equals(key)) {curr.http_minor = Integer.parseInt(value);} } else { p("WTF?"+line); } } return list; } String [] getHeader(String value) { // { "Host": ""} Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\{ ?\"([^\"]*)\": ?\"([^\"]*)\"}"); Matcher m = p.matcher(value); if (!m.matches()) { p(value); throw new RuntimeException("something wrong"); } String [] result = new String[2]; MatchResult r = m.toMatchResult(); result[0] =; result[1] =; return result; } static final byte BSLASH = 0x5c; static final byte QUOT = 0x22; static final byte CR = 0x0d; static final byte LF = 0x0a; static final byte n = 0x6e; static final byte r = 0x72; static final Byte[] JAVA_GENERICS_ROCK_HARD = new Byte[0]; static byte [] toByteArray (String quotedString) { ArrayList bytes = new ArrayList(); String s = quotedString.substring(1, quotedString.length()-1); byte [] byts = s.getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("ASCII")); boolean escaped = false; for (byte b : byts) { switch (b) { case BSLASH: escaped = true; break; case n: if (escaped) { bytes.add(LF); escaped = false; } else { bytes.add(b); } break; case r: if (escaped) { escaped = false; bytes.add(CR); } else { bytes.add(b); } break; case QUOT: escaped = false; bytes.add(QUOT); break; default: bytes.add(b); } } //Byte [] fuckyou = bytes.toArray(JAVA_GENERICS_ROCK_HARD); //return (byte[])fuckyou; byts = new byte[bytes.size()]; int i = 0; for (Byte b : bytes) { byts[i++]=b; // OMG, WFTBBQ!? } return byts; } public static void main(String [] args) throws Throwable { TestLoaderNG l = new TestLoaderNG(args[0]); List ts = l.load(); for (Test t : ts) { t.execute_permutations(); // t.execute(); // System.exit(0); } } class Test { String name; byte [] raw; ParserType type; HTTPMethod method; int status_code; String request_path; // byte [] ? String request_url; String fragment ; String query_string; byte [] body; int body_size; Map header; boolean should_keep_alive; boolean upgrade; int http_major; int http_minor; boolean message_begin_called; boolean message_complete_called; boolean headers_complete_called; Map parsed_header; String currHField; String currHValue; byte [] pbody; public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("type: "); b.append(type);b.append("\n"); b.append("method: "); b.append(method);b.append("\n"); b.append("status_code: "); b.append(status_code);b.append("\n"); b.append("request_path: "); b.append(request_path);b.append("\n"); b.append("request_url: "); b.append(request_url);b.append("\n"); b.append("fragment: "); b.append(fragment);b.append("\n"); b.append("query_string: "); b.append(query_string);b.append("\n"); b.append("body:\n"); b.append(new String(body));b.append("\n"); b.append("should_keep_alive: "); b.append(should_keep_alive);b.append("\n"); b.append("upgrade: "); b.append(upgrade);b.append("\n"); b.append("http_major: "); b.append(http_major);b.append("\n"); b.append("http_minor: "); b.append(http_minor);b.append("\n"); b.append("message_complete_called: "); b.append(message_complete_called);b.append("\n"); return b.toString(); } Test () { this.header = new HashMap(); reset(); } /* *prepare this Test Instance for reuse. * */ void reset () { this.parsed_header = new HashMap(); this.pbody = null; } void check (boolean val, String mes) { if (!val) { //p(name+" : "+mes); throw new RuntimeException(name+" : "+mes); } } String str (ByteBuffer b, int pos, int len) { byte [] by = new byte[len]; int saved = b.position(); b.position(pos); b.get(by); b.position(saved); return new String(by); } HTTPDataCallback getCB (final String value, final String mes, final TestSettings settings) { return new HTTPDataCallback() { public int cb (HTTPParser p, ByteBuffer b, int pos, int len){ // if ("url".equals(mes)){ // p("pos"+pos); // p("len"+len); // if (8==pos && 5 == len && "connect request".equals(name)) { // //throw new RuntimeException(name); // } // } String str = str(b, pos, len); String prev_val =;, prev_val + str); //check(value.equals(str), "incorrect "+mes+": "+str); if (-1 == pos) { throw new RuntimeException("he?"); } return 0; } }; } void execute () { p(name); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(raw); HTTPParser p = new HTTPParser(); TestSettings s = settings(); p.execute(s, buf); if (!s.success) { throw new RuntimeException("Test: "+name+"failed"); } } // execute void execute_permutations() { /* |-|---------------| |--|--------------| |---|-------------| (...) |---------------|-| |-----------------| */ p(name); for (int i = 2; i != raw.length; ++i) { // p(i); HTTPParser p = new HTTPParser(); TestSettings s = settings(); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(raw); int olimit = buf.limit(); buf.limit(i); parse(p,s,buf); buf.position(i); buf.limit(olimit); parse(p,s,buf); parse(p,s,buf); if (!s.success) { p(this); throw new RuntimeException("Test: "+name+" failed"); } reset(); } //System.exit(0); } // execute_permutations void parse(HTTPParser p, ParserSettings s, ByteBuffer b) { //p("About to parse: "+b.position() + "->" + b.limit()); p.execute(s, b); } TestSettings settings() { final TestSettings s = new TestSettings(); s.on_path = getCB(request_path, "path", s); s.on_query_string = getCB(query_string, "query_string", s); s.on_url = getCB(request_url, "url", s); s.on_fragment = getCB(fragment, "fragment", s); s.on_message_begin = new HTTPCallback() { public int cb (HTTPParser p) { message_begin_called = true; return -1; } }; s.on_header_field = new HTTPDataCallback() { public int cb (HTTPParser p, ByteBuffer b, int pos, int len){ if (null != currHValue && null == currHField) { throw new RuntimeException(name+": shouldn't happen"); } if (null != currHField) { if (null == currHValue) { currHField += str(b,pos,len); return 0; } else { parsed_header.put(currHField, currHValue); currHField = null; currHValue = null; } } currHField = str(b,pos,len); return 0; } }; s.on_header_value = new HTTPDataCallback() { public int cb (HTTPParser p, ByteBuffer b, int pos, int len){ if (null == currHField) { throw new RuntimeException(name+" :shouldn't happen field"); } if (null == currHValue) { currHValue = str(b,pos,len); } else { currHValue += str(b, pos, len); } return 0; } }; s.on_headers_complete = new HTTPCallback() { public int cb (HTTPParser p) { headers_complete_called = true; String parsed_path ="path"); String parsed_query ="query_string"); String parsed_url ="url"); String parsed_frag ="fragment"); if (!request_path.equals(parsed_path)) { throw new RuntimeException(name+": invalid path: "+parsed_path+" should be: "+request_path); } if (!query_string.equals(parsed_query)) { throw new RuntimeException(name+": invalid query: "+parsed_query+" should be: "+query_string); } if (!request_url.equals(parsed_url)) { throw new RuntimeException(">"+name+"<: invalid url: >"+parsed_url+"< should be: >"+request_url+"<"); } if (!fragment.equals(parsed_frag)) { throw new RuntimeException(name+": invalid fragement: "+parsed_frag+" should be: "+fragment); } if (null != currHValue || null != currHField) { if (null == currHField || null == currHValue) { throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen"); } } if (null != currHField) { parsed_header.put(currHField, currHValue); currHField = null; currHValue = null; } return 0; } }; // s.on_headers_complete = new HTTPCallback() { // public int cb (HTTPParser p) { // p("Complete:"+name); // return 0; // } // }; s.on_body = new HTTPDataCallback() { public int cb (HTTPParser p, ByteBuffer b, int pos, int len){ int l = pbody == null ? len : len + pbody.length; int off = pbody == null ? 0 : pbody.length; byte [] nbody = new byte[l]; if (null != pbody) { System.arraycopy(pbody, 0, nbody, 0, pbody.length); } int saved = b.position(); b.position(pos); b.get(nbody, off, len); b.position(saved); pbody = nbody; return 0; } }; s.on_message_complete = new HTTPCallback() { public int cb(HTTPParser p) { message_complete_called = true; if ( p.http_minor != http_minor || p.http_major != http_major || p.status_code != status_code ) { throw new RuntimeException("major/minor/status_code mismatch"); } //check headers if (header.keySet().size() != parsed_header.keySet().size()) { p(parsed_header); throw new RuntimeException(name+": different amount of headers"); } for (String key : header.keySet()) { String pvalue = parsed_header.get(key); if (!header.get(key).equals(pvalue)) { throw new RuntimeException(name+" : different values for :"+key+" is >"+pvalue+"< should: >"+header.get(key)+"<"); } } //check body if (null == pbody && (null == body || body.length == 0 || body.length == 1)) { s.success = true; return 0; } if (null == pbody) { throw new RuntimeException(name+": no body, should be: "+new String(body)); } if (pbody.length != body.length) { p(pbody.length); p(body.length); p(new String(pbody)); p(new String(body)); throw new RuntimeException(name+": incorrect body length"); } for (int i = 0 ; i!= body.length; ++i) { if (pbody[i] != body[i]) { throw new RuntimeException("different body"); } } s.success = true; return 0; } }; return s; } // settings } class TestSettings extends ParserSettings { public boolean success; Map map; TestSettings () { map = new HashMap(); map.put("path", ""); map.put("query_string", ""); map.put("url", ""); map.put("fragment", ""); } } }