module ONCCertificationG10TestKit class InvalidSMARTTokenRequestTest < Inferno::Test title 'OAuth token exchange fails when supplied invalid code_verifier' description %( If the request failed verification or is invalid, the authorization server returns an error response. ) uses_request :redirect id :invalid_pkce_request input :code, :use_pkce, :pkce_code_verifier, :client_id, :client_secret, :smart_token_url def modify_oauth_params(oauth_params) oauth_params end run do skip_if request.query_parameters['error'].present?, 'Error during authorization request' oauth2_params = { grant_type: 'authorization_code', code:, redirect_uri: config.options[:redirect_uri] } oauth2_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } if client_secret.present? client_credentials = "#{client_id}:#{client_secret}" oauth2_headers['Authorization'] = "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64(client_credentials)}" else oauth2_params[:client_id] = client_id end modify_oauth_params(oauth2_params) post(smart_token_url, body: oauth2_params, name: :token, headers: oauth2_headers) assert_response_status([400, 401]) end end class SMARTInvalidPKCEGroup < Inferno::TestGroup title 'SMART App Launch Error: Invalid PKCE Code Verifier' short_title 'SMART Invalid PKCE Code Verifier' input_instructions %( Register Inferno as a standalone application using the following information: * Redirect URI: `#{SMARTAppLaunch::AppRedirectTest.config.options[:redirect_uri]}` ) description %( # Background The #{title} Group verifies that a SMART Launch Sequence, specifically the [Standalone Launch]( Sequence, verifies that servers properly support PKCE. It does this by ensuring the launch fails in the case where the client sends an invalid PKCE `code_verifier`. This group performs four launches with various forms of an invalid `code_verifier` (e.g. incorrect `code_verifier`, blank `code_identifier`) and verifies that these do not result in a successful launch. Testers can expect to be prompted four times that a redirect will occur in this test. This test is not included as part of the Single Patient App group because there is no way for a client to infer that PKCE is supported on the server properly without performing extra launches. Attempting to verify this within the same launch cannot be done because some servers may not accept an authorization code after it has been used unsuccessfully in this manner. ) id :g10_smart_invalid_pkce_code_verifier_group run_as_group input :use_pkce, title: 'Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)', type: 'radio', default: 'true', locked: true, options: { list_options: [ { label: 'Enabled', value: 'true' }, { label: 'Disabled', value: 'false' } ] } input :pkce_code_challenge_method, optional: true, title: 'PKCE Code Challenge Method', type: 'radio', default: 'S256', locked: true, options: { list_options: [ { label: 'S256', value: 'S256' }, { label: 'Plain', value: 'plain' } ] } input_order :url, :standalone_client_id, :standalone_client_secret, :standalone_requested_scopes, :use_pkce, :pkce_code_challenge_method, :smart_authorization_url, :smart_token_url config( inputs: { client_id: { name: :standalone_client_id, title: 'Standalone Client ID', description: 'Client ID provided during registration of Inferno as a standalone application' }, client_secret: { name: :standalone_client_secret, title: 'Standalone Client Secret', description: 'Client Secret provided during registration of Inferno as a standalone application' }, requested_scopes: { name: :standalone_requested_scopes, title: 'Standalone Scope', description: 'OAuth 2.0 scope provided by system to enable all required functionality', type: 'textarea', default: %( launch/patient openid fhirUser offline_access patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ ).gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ').strip }, url: { title: 'Standalone FHIR Endpoint', description: 'URL of the FHIR endpoint used by standalone applications' }, code: { name: :invalid_token_code }, state: { name: :invalid_token_state }, smart_authorization_url: { title: 'OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint', description: 'OAuth 2.0 Authorize Endpoint provided during the patient standalone launch' }, smart_token_url: { title: 'OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint', description: 'OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint provided during the patient standalone launch' }, pkce_code_challenge: { name: :invalid_token_pkce_code_challenge }, pkce_code_verifier: { name: :invalid_token_pkce_code_verifier } }, outputs: { code: { name: :invalid_token_code }, state: { name: :invalid_token_state }, expires_in: { name: :invalid_token_expires_in }, pkce_code_challenge: { name: :invalid_token_pkce_code_challenge }, pkce_code_verifier: { name: :invalid_token_pkce_code_verifier } }, requests: { redirect: { name: :invalid_token_redirect }, token: { name: :invalid_token_token } } ) test from: :smart_app_redirect_stu2, id: :smart_no_code_verifier_redirect, config: { options: { redirect_message_proc: lambda do |auth_url| %( ### Invalid PKCE code_verifier 1/4 This launch does not provide a `code_verifier` and verifies the server does not issue an access token. [Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server](#{auth_url}). Tests will resume once Inferno receives a request at `#{config.options[:redirect_uri]}` with a state of `#{state}`. ) end } } test from: :smart_code_received, id: :smart_no_code_verifier_code_received test from: :invalid_pkce_request do title 'OAuth token exchange fails when no code_verifier is given' id :smart_no_verifier_token_request end test from: :smart_app_redirect_stu2, id: :smart_blank_code_verifier_redirect, config: { options: { redirect_message_proc: lambda do |auth_url| %( ### Invalid PKCE code_verifier 2/4 This launch provides a blank `code_verifier` and verifies the server does not issue an access token. [Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server](#{auth_url}). Tests will resume once Inferno receives a request at `#{config.options[:redirect_uri]}` with a state of `#{state}`. ) end } } test from: :smart_code_received, id: :smart_blank_code_verifier_code_received test from: :invalid_pkce_request do title 'OAuth token exchange fails when code_verifier is blank' id :smart_blank_verifier_token_request def modify_oauth_params(oauth_params) oauth_params.merge!(code_verifier: '') end end test from: :smart_app_redirect_stu2, id: :smart_bad_code_verifier_redirect, config: { options: { redirect_message_proc: lambda do |auth_url| %( ### Invalid PKCE code_verifier 3/4 This launch provides an invalid `code_verifier` and verifies the server does not issue an access token. [Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server](#{auth_url}). Tests will resume once Inferno receives a request at `#{config.options[:redirect_uri]}` with a state of `#{state}`. ) end } } test from: :smart_code_received, id: :smart_bad_code_verifier_code_received test from: :invalid_pkce_request do title 'OAuth token exchange fails when code_verifier is incorrect' id :smart_bad_code_verifier_token_request def modify_oauth_params(oauth_params) oauth_params.merge!(code_verifier: "#{SecureRandom.uuid}-#{SecureRandom.uuid}") end end test from: :smart_app_redirect_stu2, id: :smart_plain_code_verifier_redirect, config: { options: { redirect_message_proc: lambda do |auth_url| %( ### Invalid PKCE code_verifier 4/4 This launch provides a `plain` `code_verifier` instead of one encoded with `S256` and verifies the server does not issue an access token. [Follow this link to authorize with the SMART server](#{auth_url}). Tests will resume once Inferno receives a request at `#{config.options[:redirect_uri]}` with a state of `#{state}`. ) end } } test from: :smart_code_received, id: :smart_plain_code_verifier_code_received test from: :invalid_pkce_request do title 'OAuth token exchange fails when code_verifier matches code_challenge' id :smart_plain_code_verifier_token_request input :pkce_code_challenge def modify_oauth_params(oauth_params) oauth_params.merge!(code_verifier: pkce_code_challenge) end end end end