# frozen_string_literal: true require "hanami/cli" Hanami::CLI::RakeTasks.register_tasks do desc "Load the app environment" task :environment do require "hanami/prepare" end # Ruby ecosystem compatibility # # Most of the hosting SaaS automatic tasks are designed after Ruby on Rails. # They expect the following Rake tasks to be present: # # * db:migrate # * assets:precompile # # See https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby/issues/442 # # === # # These Rake tasks are **NOT** listed when someone runs `rake -T`, because we # want to encourage developers to use `hanami` CLI commands. # # In order to migrate the database or compile assets a developer should use: # # * hanami db migrate # * hanami assets compile # # This is the preferred way to run Hanami command line tasks. # Please use them when you're in control of your deployment environment. # # If you're not in control and your deployment requires these "standard" # Rake tasks, they are here only to solve this specific problem. if Hanami.bundled?("hanami-db") namespace :db do task :migrate do Hanami::CLI::Commands::App::DB::Migrate.new.call end end end if Hanami.bundled?("hanami-assets") namespace :assets do task :precompile do Hanami::CLI::Commands::App::Assets::Compile.new.call end end end end Hanami::CLI::RakeTasks.install_tasks