$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'spec' require 'spec/autorun' require 'fileutils' Spec::Runner.configure do |config| end # Tests for the cli # I'm not quite sure what the most effective way to test this is... describe "Ticketmaster CLI" do before(:all) do @ticket = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../bin/tm' @cli_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/ticketmaster/cli' end it "should output help if no command given" do help = `#{@ticket}` $?.should == 0 help.should include('Usage: tm [options] COMMAND [command_options]') end it "should be able to show help pages" do `#{@ticket} help`.should include(File.read(@cli_dir + '/commands/help/help')) `#{@ticket} help config`.should include(File.read(@cli_dir + '/commands/help/config')) `#{@ticket} help console`.should include(File.read(@cli_dir + '/commands/help/console')) end it "should be able to add and edit config info" do pending end it "should be able to open up a console" do pending end describe :generate do it "should generate provider skeleton w/o runtime errors" do provider_name = "test-provider" expected_name = "ticketmaster-#{provider_name}" begin generate = `#{@ticket} generate #{provider_name}` $?.should == 0 File.exists?(expected_name).should == true ensure FileUtils.remove_dir(expected_name) if File.exists? expected_name end end it "should not prefix 'ticketmaster' when not asked to" do provider_name = "test-provider" begin generate = `#{@ticket} generate _#{provider_name}` $?.should == 0 File.exists?(provider_name).should == true ensure FileUtils.remove_dir(provider_name) if File.exists? provider_name end end end end