window._lang = window._lang || "default" ; window._l10s = window._l10s || { } ; window._l10s[_lang] = window._l10s[_lang] || { } function _(string_to_localize) { var args = [ ] ; var string_to_localize = arguments[0] ; for(var i=1 ; i1 ? 2 : 1)] ; } else { translated = translated[args[0]>1 ? 1 : 0] ; } } return translated.interpolate(args) ; } function register_onload(func) { Event.observe(window, 'load', func, false); } function show_dates_as_local_time() { $$('span.typo_date').each(function(e){ var classname = e.className ; var gmtdate = '' ; res = classname.match( /gmttimestamp-(\d+)/ ) ; if (!res) { gmtdate = e.title ; } else { gmtdate = new Date() ; gmtdate.setTime( parseInt(res[1]) * 1000 ) ; } e.update(get_local_time_for_date(gmtdate)) }) } function get_local_time_for_date(time) { if (typeof(time)=='date') { system_date = time ; } else { system_date = new Date(time); } user_date = new Date(); delta_minutes = Math.floor((user_date - system_date) / (60 * 1000)); if (Math.abs(delta_minutes) <= (8*7*24*60)) { // eight weeks... I'm lazy to count days for longer than that distance = distance_of_time_in_words(delta_minutes); if (delta_minutes < 0) { return _("#{0} from now", distance) ; } else { return _("#{0} ago", distance) ; } } else { return _('on #{0}', system_date.toLocaleDateString()); } } // a vague copy of rails' inbuilt function, // but a bit more friendly with the hours. function distance_of_time_in_words(minutes) { if (minutes.isNaN) return ""; minutes = Math.abs(minutes); if (minutes < 1) return (_('less than a minute')); if (minutes < 50) return (_( '#{0} minute' + (minutes == 1 ? '' : 's'), minutes)); if (minutes < 90) return (_('about one hour')); if (minutes < 1080) return (_("#{0} hours", Math.round(minutes / 60))); if (minutes < 1440) return (_('one day')); if (minutes < 2880) return (_('about one day')); else return (_("#{0} days", Math.round(minutes / 1440))) ; } function commentAdded(request) { Element.cleanWhitespace('commentList'); new Effect.BlindDown($('commentList').lastChild); if ($('dummy_comment')) { Element.remove('dummy_comment'); } $('commentform').elements["comment_body"].value = ''; $('commentform').elements["comment_body"].focus(); } function failure(request) { $('errors').innerHTML = request.responseText; new Effect.Highlight('errors'); } function loading() { $('form-submit-button').disabled = true;'comment_loading'); new Element.hide('preview'); } function complete(request) { Element.hide('comment_loading');'commentform'); $('form-submit-button').disabled = false; if (request.status == 200) { commentAdded() }; } function popup(mylink, windowname) { if (! window.focus) return true; var href;, windowname, 'width=400,height=500,scrollbars=yes'); return false; } // From function check_all(checkbox) { var form = checkbox.form, z = 0; for(z=0; z