require 'spec_helper' Deer = Koala::TyphoeusService describe "TyphoeusService" do describe "TyphoeusService module holder class Deer" do before :each do # reset global settings Deer.always_use_ssl = Deer.proxy = Deer.timeout = nil end it "should define a make_request static module method" do Deer.respond_to?(:make_request).should be_true end it "should include the Koala::HTTPService module defining common features" do Deer.included_modules.include?(Koala::HTTPService).should be_true end describe "when making a request" do before(:each) do # Setup stubs for make_request to execute without exceptions @mock_body = stub('Typhoeus response body') @mock_headers_hash = stub({:value => "headers hash"}) @mock_http_response = stub(Typhoeus::Response, :code => 1, :headers_hash => @mock_headers_hash, :body => @mock_body) # Typhoeus is an included module, so we stub methods on Deer itself Typhoeus::Request.stub(:post).and_return(@mock_http_response) Typhoeus::Request.stub(:get).and_return(@mock_http_response) end it "should use POST if verb is not GET" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).and_return(@mock_http_response) Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should use GET if that verb is specified" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:get).and_return(@mock_http_response) Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'get') end describe "the connection" do it "should use SSL if the request has an access token" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(/https\:/, anything) Deer.make_request('anything', {"access_token" => "123"}, 'anything') end it "should use SSL if always_use_ssl is true, even if there's no token" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(/https\:/, anything) Deer.always_use_ssl = true Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should use SSL if the :use_ssl option is provided, even if there's no token" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(/https\:/, anything) Deer.always_use_ssl = true Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything', :use_ssl => true) end it "should not use SSL if always_use_ssl is false and there's no token" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(/http\:/, anything) Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should use the graph server by default" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(, anything) Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should use the REST server if the :rest_api option is true" do Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(, anything) Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything', :rest_api => true) end end it "should pass the arguments to Typhoeus under the :params key" do args = {:a => 2} Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(anything, hash_including(:params => args)) Deer.make_request('anything', args, "post") end it "should add the method to the arguments if the method isn't get or post" do method = "telekenesis" Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(anything, hash_including(:params => {:method => method})) Deer.make_request('anything', {}, method) end it "should pass :typhoeus_options to Typhoeus if provided" do t_options = {:a => :b} Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(anything, hash_including(t_options)) Deer.make_request("anything", {}, "post", :typhoeus_options => t_options) end it "should pass proxy and timeout :typhoeus_options to Typhoeus if set globally" do Deer.proxy = "http://defaultproxy" Deer.timeout = 20 t_options = {:proxy => "http://defaultproxy", :timeout => 20} Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(anything, hash_including(t_options)) Deer.make_request("anything", {}, "post") end # for live tests, run the Graph API tests with Typhoues, which will run file uploads it "should pass any files directly on to Typhoues" do args = {:file =>, "r")} Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(anything, hash_including(:params => args)).and_return( Deer.make_request("anything", args, :post) end it "should include the path in the request" do path = "/a/b/c/1" Typhoeus::Request.should_receive(:post).with(, anything) Deer.make_request(path, {}, "post") end describe "the returned value" do before(:each) do @response = Deer.make_request('anything', {}, 'anything') end it "should return a Koala::Response object" do @response.class.should == Koala::Response end it "should return a Koala::Response with the right status" do @response.status.should == @mock_http_response.code end it "should reutrn a Koala::Response with the right body" do @response.body.should == @mock_body end it "should return a Koala::Response with the Typhoeus headers as headers" do @response.headers.should == @mock_headers_hash end end # describe return value end end end