require "thor" module Fontist class CLI < Thor STATUS_SUCCESS = 0 STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1 STATUS_NON_SUPPORTED_FONT_ERROR = 2 STATUS_MISSING_FONT_ERROR = 3 STATUS_LICENSING_ERROR = 4 STATUS_MANIFEST_COULD_NOT_BE_FOUND_ERROR = 5 STATUS_MANIFEST_COULD_NOT_BE_READ_ERROR = 6 STATUS_FONT_INDEX_CORRUPTED = 7 ERROR_TO_STATUS = { Fontist::Errors::UnsupportedFontError => [STATUS_NON_SUPPORTED_FONT_ERROR], Fontist::Errors::MissingFontError => [STATUS_MISSING_FONT_ERROR], Fontist::Errors::LicensingError => [STATUS_LICENSING_ERROR], Fontist::Errors::ManifestCouldNotBeFoundError => [STATUS_MANIFEST_COULD_NOT_BE_FOUND_ERROR, "Manifest could not be found."], Fontist::Errors::ManifestCouldNotBeReadError => [STATUS_MANIFEST_COULD_NOT_BE_READ_ERROR, "Manifest could not be read."], Fontist::Errors::FontIndexCorrupted => [STATUS_FONT_INDEX_CORRUPTED], }.freeze def self.exit_on_failure? false end desc "install FONT", "Install font" option :force, type: :boolean, aliases: :f, desc: "Install even if it's already installed in system" option :accept_all_licenses, type: :boolean, aliases: "--confirm-license", desc: "Accept all license agreements" option :hide_licenses, type: :boolean, desc: "Hide license texts" def install(font) Fontist::Font.install( font, force: options[:force], confirmation: options[:accept_all_licenses] ? "yes" : "no", hide_licenses: options[:hide_licenses] ) success rescue Fontist::Errors::GeneralError => e handle_error(e) end desc "uninstall/remove FONT", "Uninstall font by font or formula" def uninstall(font) fonts_paths = Fontist::Font.uninstall(font) Fontist.ui.success("These fonts are removed:") Fontist.ui.success(fonts_paths.join("\n")) success rescue Fontist::Errors::GeneralError => e handle_error(e) end map remove: :uninstall desc "status [FONT]", "Show paths of FONT or all fonts" def status(font = nil) paths = Fontist::Font.status(font) return error("No font is installed.", STATUS_MISSING_FONT_ERROR) if paths.empty? success rescue Fontist::Errors::GeneralError => e handle_error(e) end desc "list [FONT]", "List installation status of FONT or fonts in fontist" def list(font = nil) formulas = Fontist::Font.list(font) print_list(formulas) success rescue Fontist::Errors::GeneralError => e handle_error(e) end desc "update", "Update formulas" def update Formula.update_formulas_repo Fontist.ui.say("Formulas have been successfully updated") success end desc "manifest-locations MANIFEST", "Get locations of fonts from MANIFEST (yaml)" def manifest_locations(manifest) paths = Fontist::Manifest::Locations.from_file(manifest) print_yaml(paths) success rescue Fontist::Errors::GeneralError => e handle_error(e) end desc "manifest-install MANIFEST", "Install fonts from MANIFEST (yaml)" option :accept_all_licenses, type: :boolean, aliases: "--confirm-license", desc: "Accept all license agreements" option :hide_licenses, type: :boolean, desc: "Hide license texts" def manifest_install(manifest) paths = Fontist::Manifest::Install.from_file( manifest, confirmation: options[:accept_all_licenses] ? "yes" : "no", hide_licenses: options[:hide_licenses] ) print_yaml(paths) success rescue Fontist::Errors::GeneralError => e handle_error(e) end desc "create-formula URL", "Create a new formula with fonts from URL" option :name, desc: "Example: Times New Roman" option :mirror, repeatable: true option :subarchive, desc: "Subarchive to choose when there are several ones" option :subdir, desc: "Subdirectory to take fonts from, starting with the " \ "root dir, e.g.: stixfonts-2.10/fonts/static_otf. May include `fnmatch` patterns." def create_formula(url) require "fontist/import/create_formula" name =, options).call Fontist.ui.say("#{name} formula has been successfully created") success end desc "rebuild-index", "Rebuild formula index (used by formulas maintainers)" long_desc <<-LONGDESC This index is pre-built and served with formulas, so there is no need update it unless something changes in the formulas repo. LONGDESC def rebuild_index Fontist::Index.rebuild Fontist.ui.say("Formula index has been rebuilt.") STATUS_SUCCESS end desc "import-sil", "Import formulas from SIL" def import_sil require "fontist/import/sil_import" end private def success STATUS_SUCCESS end def handle_error(exception) status, message = ERROR_TO_STATUS[exception.class] raise exception unless status error(message || exception.message, status) end def error(message, status) Fontist.ui.error(message) status end def print_yaml(object) Fontist.ui.say(YAML.dump(object)) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def print_list(formulas) formulas.each do |formula, fonts| Fontist.ui.say(formula.key) fonts.each do |font, styles| Fontist.ui.say(" #{}") styles.each do |style, installed| if installed Fontist.ui.success(" #{style.type} (installed)") else Fontist.ui.error(" #{style.type} (uninstalled)") end end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength end end