# OmniHooks::CoreWarehouse

This gem implements a Core Warehouse Webhook strategy for OmniHooks.

The strategy will accept the HTTP POST message from CoreWarehouse, using the root XML node name as the event type.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omnihooks-core-warehouse'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install omnihooks-core-warehouse

## Usage

Rack::Builder.new do
	use OmniHooks::Builder do
	  provider :core_warehouse do
	  	configure do |c|
	  	  c.subscribe 'Shipment', Proc.new { |event| nil }

The Strategy will expect a query parameter `owner` as part of the HTTP request.

### Sample HTTP Request

`curl -X POST --data '<xml-payload-here>' http://example.com/hooks/core-warehouse?owner=foo%20bar`

### Sample Event Data

	owner: "foo bar", 
	event: {"Shipment"=>{"OrderNum"=>"90350837","ReferenceNum"=>"5196","ShipDate"=>"20170503","ShipMethod"=>"UP04","OrderLines"=>{"OrderLine"=>{"Item"=>"847860038626", "QuantityShipped"=>"1"}},"PackageDetails"=>{"PackageDetail"=>{"TrackingNumber"=>"testshipment04281", "Weight"=>"6.2"}}}}

See [Omnihooks Usage](https://github.com/dropstream/omnihooks#usage) for additional usage options for subscribing to events.

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/omnihooks-core-warehouse.