en: shieldify: controllers: emails: confirmation: success_messages: "Email successfully confirmed" models: email_authenticatable: registerable: password: errors: invalid: "invalid" password_complexity: format: It must include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character (@$!%*?&) confirmable: email_confirmation_token: errors: invalid: "invalid" expired: "has expired" unconfirmed_email: errors: not_found: "not found" email_confirmation_token_generated_at: mailer: email_confirmation_instructions: subject: "Email Confirmation Instructions" title: "Email Confirmation Instructions" greeting: "Hello %{email}," thanks: "Please confirm your email by clicking on the following link:" confirm_account: "Confirm email" ignore: "If you did not request this confirmation, please ignore this email." reset_password_instructions: subject: "Password Reset Instructions" title: "Password Reset Instructions" greeting: "Hello %{email}," instructions: "Someone has requested a link to change your password. You can do this through the link below:" change_password: "Change my password" ignore: "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email. Your password will not change." link_expiration: "This link will expire in %{expiration_hours} hours." unlock_instructions: subject: "Account Unlock Instructions" title: "Account Unlock Instructions" greeting: "Hello %{email}," instructions: "Your account has been locked due to an excessive number of failed login attempts. Please unlock your account by clicking on the following link:" unlock_account: "Unlock Account" ignore: "If you did not request this, please ignore this email. Your account will remain secure." email_changed: subject: "Email Updated" title: "Email Updated" greeting: "Hello %{email}," message: "We received a request to change the email address associated with your account to %{unconfirmed_email}." ignore: "If you did not make this change, please contact support immediately." password_changed: subject: "Password Updated" title: "Password Updated" greeting: "Hello %{email}," message: "This is a notification that your password has been successfully changed." advice: "If you did not make this change, please contact our support team immediately."