# frozen_string_literal: true module Spotlight ## # PageConfigurations is a simple class to gather and return all # configurations needed for the various SirTrevor widgets. # A downstream application (or gem) can inject its own data through the Spotlight's engine config like so # Spotlight::Engine.config.page_configurations = { # 'my-key': 'my_val' # } # You can also pass anything that responds to #call (eg. a lambda or custom ruby class) # as the value and it will be evaluted within the PageConfiguration context # (which has access to the view context). # Spotlight::Engine.config.page_configurations = { # 'exhibit-path': ->(context) { context.spotlight.exhibit_path(context.current_exhibit) } # } class PageConfigurations delegate :available_view_fields, :blacklight_config, :current_exhibit, :spotlight, :t, to: :context DOCUMENT_TITLE_KEY = '__spotlight_document_title___' attr_reader :context, :page def initialize(context:, page:) @context = context @page = page end def as_json(*) { 'blacklight-configuration-index-fields': available_caption_fields, 'blacklight-configuration-search-views': available_view_configs, 'attachment-endpoint': attachment_endpoint, 'autocomplete-exhibit-catalog-path': exhibit_autocomplete_endpoint, 'autocomplete-exhibit-pages-path': page_autocomplete_endpoint, 'autocomplete-exhibit-browse-groups-path': browse_groups_autocomplete_endpoint, 'autocomplete-exhibit-searches-path': search_autocomplete_endpoint, 'preview-url': page_preview_url, 'exhibit-path': spotlight.exhibit_path(current_exhibit) }.merge(downstream_parameters) end private def available_caption_fields default_caption_fields + blacklight_config.index_fields.reject { |_k, v| v.caption == false }.map { |k, v| { key: k, label: v.display_label } } end def default_caption_fields fields = [] fields << { key: DOCUMENT_TITLE_KEY, label: t(:'spotlight.pages.form.title_placeholder') } unless blacklight_config.index_fields.key? DOCUMENT_TITLE_KEY fields end def available_view_configs available_view_fields.map { |k, v| { key: k, label: v.display_label } } end def attachment_endpoint spotlight.exhibit_attachments_path(current_exhibit) end def browse_groups_autocomplete_endpoint spotlight.exhibit_groups_path(current_exhibit) end def exhibit_autocomplete_endpoint spotlight.autocomplete_exhibit_catalog_path(current_exhibit, q: '%QUERY', format: 'json') end def page_autocomplete_endpoint spotlight.exhibit_pages_path(current_exhibit, format: 'json') end def search_autocomplete_endpoint spotlight.exhibit_searches_path(current_exhibit, format: 'json') end def page_preview_url return unless page.persisted? spotlight.exhibit_preview_block_path(current_exhibit, page) end def downstream_parameters configured_params.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hsh| hsh[key] = if value.respond_to?(:call) value.call(self) else value end end end def configured_params Spotlight::Engine.config.page_configurations || {} end end end