require "spec_helper" require "parallel_tests/rspec/runner" describe ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner do test_tests_in_groups(ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner, 'spec', '_spec.rb') describe :run_tests do before do File.stub!(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return false File.stub!(:file?).with('spec/spec.opts').and_return false File.stub!(:file?).with('spec/parallel_spec.opts').and_return false File.stub!(:file?).with('.rspec_parallel').and_return false ParallelTests.stub!(:bundler_enabled?).and_return false end def call(*args) ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner.run_tests(*args) end def should_run_with(regex) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:execute_command).with{|a,b,c,d| a =~ regex} end def should_not_run_with(regex) ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:execute_command).with{|a,b,c,d| a !~ regex} end it "runs command using nice when specifed" do ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:execute_command_and_capture_output).with{|a,b,c| b =~ %r{^nice rspec}} call('xxx', 1, 22, :nice => true) end it "runs with color when called from cmdline" do should_run_with %r{ --tty} $stdout.should_receive(:tty?).and_return true call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "runs without color when not called from cmdline" do should_not_run_with %r{ --tty} $stdout.should_receive(:tty?).and_return false call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "runs with color for rspec 1 when called for the cmdline" do File.should_receive(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return true ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:execute_command).with { |a, b, c, d| d[:env] == {"RSPEC_COLOR" => "1"} } $stdout.should_receive(:tty?).and_return true call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "runs without color for rspec 1 when not called for the cmdline" do File.should_receive(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return true ParallelTests::Test::Runner.should_receive(:execute_command).with { |a, b, c, d| d[:env] == {} } $stdout.should_receive(:tty?).and_return false call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "run bundle exec spec when on bundler rspec 1" do File.stub!(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return false ParallelTests.stub!(:bundler_enabled?).and_return true ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner.stub!(:run).with("bundle show rspec-core").and_return "Could not find gem 'rspec-core' in bundler." should_run_with %r{bundle exec spec} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "run bundle exec rspec when on bundler rspec 2" do File.stub!(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return false ParallelTests.stub!(:bundler_enabled?).and_return true ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner.stub!(:run).with("bundle show rspec-core").and_return "/foo/bar/rspec-core-2.0.2" should_run_with %r{bundle exec rspec} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "runs script/spec when script/spec can be found" do File.should_receive(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return true should_run_with %r{script/spec} call('xxx' ,1, 22, {}) end it "runs spec when script/spec cannot be found" do File.stub!(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return false should_not_run_with %r{ script/spec} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "uses no -O when no opts where found" do File.stub!(:file?).with('spec/spec.opts').and_return false should_not_run_with %r{spec/spec.opts} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "uses -O spec/spec.opts when found (with script/spec)" do File.stub!(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return true File.stub!(:file?).with('spec/spec.opts').and_return true should_run_with %r{script/spec\s+-O spec/spec.opts} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "uses -O spec/parallel_spec.opts when found (with script/spec)" do File.stub!(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return true File.should_receive(:file?).with('spec/parallel_spec.opts').and_return true should_run_with %r{script/spec\s+-O spec/parallel_spec.opts} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "uses -O .rspec_parallel when found (with script/spec)" do File.stub!(:file?).with('script/spec').and_return true File.should_receive(:file?).with('.rspec_parallel').and_return true should_run_with %r{script/spec\s+-O .rspec_parallel} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "uses -O spec/parallel_spec.opts with rspec1" do File.should_receive(:file?).with('spec/parallel_spec.opts').and_return true ParallelTests.stub!(:bundler_enabled?).and_return true ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner.stub!(:run).with("bundle show rspec-core").and_return "Could not find gem 'rspec-core'." should_run_with %r{spec\s+-O spec/parallel_spec.opts} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "uses -O spec/parallel_spec.opts with rspec2" do File.should_receive(:file?).with('spec/parallel_spec.opts').and_return true ParallelTests.stub!(:bundler_enabled?).and_return true ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner.stub!(:run).with("bundle show rspec-core").and_return "/foo/bar/rspec-core-2.4.2" should_run_with %r{rspec\s+--color --tty -O spec/parallel_spec.opts} call('xxx', 1, 22, {}) end it "uses options passed in" do should_run_with %r{rspec -f n} call('xxx', 1, 22, :test_options => '-f n') end it "returns the output" do ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner.should_receive(:execute_command).and_return :x => 1 call('xxx', 1, 22, {}).should == {:x => 1} end end describe :find_results do def call(*args) ParallelTests::RSpec::Runner.find_results(*args) end it "finds multiple results in spec output" do output = " ....F... .. failute fsddsfsd ... ff.**.. 0 examples, 0 failures, 0 pending ff.**.. 1 example, 1 failure, 1 pending " call(output).should == ['0 examples, 0 failures, 0 pending','1 example, 1 failure, 1 pending'] end it "is robust against scrambeled output" do output = " ....F... .. failute fsddsfsd ... ff.**.. 0 exFampl*es, 0 failures, 0 ff.**.. 1 exampF.les, 1 failures, 1 " call(output).should == ['0 examples, 0 failures, 0 pending','1 examples, 1 failures, 1 pending'] end end end