require 'erb' module OutputToHTML TEMPLATE_HEADER = <<"EOT".freeze
All times are rounded to the nearest thousandth for display purposes. Speedups next to each time are computed before any rounding occurs. Also, all speedup calculations are computed by comparing a given time against the very first column (which is always the default ActiveRecord::Base.create method.
EOT TEMPLATE = <<"EOT".freeze <% columns.each do |col| %> <% end %> <% times.each do |time| %> <% end %>
<%= col %>
<%= time %>
EOT def self.output_results( filename, results ) html = '' results.each do |result_set| columns = [] times = [] result_set.each do |result| columns << result.description if result.failed times << "failed" else time = result.tms.real.round_to( 3 ) speedup = ( result_set.first.tms.real / result.tms.real ).round times << result == result_set.first ? time.to_s : "#{time} (#{speedup}x speedup)" end end template = TEMPLATE, 0, "%<>") html << template.result( binding ) end filename, 'w' ) { |file| file.write( TEMPLATE_HEADER + html ) } end end