// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok same */ // ....................................................... // updateLayerLocation() // var parent, child, parentLayer, childLayer; module("SC.View#updateLayerLocation", { setup: function() { parent = SC.View.create({ childViews: [SC.View] }); child = parent.childViews[0]; parent.createLayer(); parentLayer = parent.get('layer'); childLayer = child.get('layer'); }, teardown: function() { parent = child = parentLayer = childLayer = null; } }); test("returns receiver", function() { var view = SC.View.create(); equals(view.updateLayerLocation(), view, 'returns receiver'); }); // helper method for testing if a parent still contains a child node function parentHasChild(parent, child) { var cur = parent.firstChild; while(cur) { if (cur === child) return YES; cur = cur.nextSibling ; } return NO ; } test("CASE 1: remove child from parent - remove child layer from parent layer", function() { equals(childLayer.parentNode, parentLayer, 'child layer currently belongs to parent'); child.removeFromParent(); child.updateLayerLocation(); ok(!parentHasChild(parentLayer, childLayer), 'child layer no longer belongs to parent node') ; }); test("CASE 2: add child to new parent view with no layer if its own, destroy the layer...", function() { var newParent = SC.View.create(); ok(!newParent.get('layer'), 'precond - new parent has no layer'); newParent.appendChild(child); child.updateLayerLocation() ; ok(!parentHasChild(parentLayer, childLayer), 'child layer was removed from parent layer'); ok(!child.get('layer'), 'child no longer has layer either'); }); test("CASE 3: add child with no layer or parent with no layer. nothing to do. this test ensures no errors are thrown", function() { // create a few new views w/ no layers... var newParent = SC.View.create(); var newChild = SC.View.create(); ok(!newParent.get('layer'), 'precond - new parent has no layer'); ok(!newChild.get('layer'), 'precond - new child has no layer'); newParent.appendChild(newChild); ok(!newParent.get('layer'), 'new parent still has no layer'); ok(!newChild.get('layer'), 'new child still has no layer'); }); test("CASE 4: add child with no layer to parent with layer. create layer for child", function() { var newChild = SC.View.create(); ok(!newChild.get('layer'), 'precond - new child has no layer'); parent.appendChild(newChild); newChild.updateLayerLocation(); var layer = newChild.get('layer'); ok(layer, 'newChild now has layer'); equals(layer.parentNode, parentLayer, 'newChild layer belongs to parent layer'); }); test("CASE 5: add child with layer to parent with layer. move layer from previous location to new parent", function() { var newParent = SC.View.create(); var layer = newParent.createLayer().get('layer'); ok(layer, 'precond - newParent has layer'); newParent.appendChild(child); child.updateLayerLocation(); ok(!parentHasChild(parentLayer, childLayer), 'old parent layer no longer has child layer'); ok(parentHasChild(layer, childLayer), 'newParent layer now has child'); }); test("CASE 5a: insert child before a sibling w/ layer - should insert child layer before sibling layer", function() { var newParent = SC.View.create({ childViews: [SC.View] }).createLayer(); var newParentLayer = newParent.get('layer'); var sibling = newParent.childViews[0]; var siblingLayer = sibling.get('layer'); ok(newParentLayer, 'precond - newParent has layer'); ok(siblingLayer, 'precond - sibling has layer'); ok(parentHasChild(newParentLayer, siblingLayer), 'precond - siblingLayer belongs to new parent layer') ; newParent.insertBefore(child, sibling); child.updateLayerLocation(); equals(childLayer.nextSibling, siblingLayer, 'child layer inserted before sibling layer'); ok(parentHasChild(newParentLayer, childLayer), 'newParentLayer does not have childLayer'); }); test("CASE 5b: insert child w/ layer before a sibling w/ NO layer - should create and insert sibling & child's layers", function() { var newParent = SC.View.create().createLayer(); var newParentLayer = newParent.get('layer'); var sibling = SC.View.create(); ok(newParentLayer, 'precond - newParent has layer'); ok(!sibling.get('layer'), 'precond - sibling should have NO layer'); // add layer-less sibling to parent before child.. newParent.appendChild(sibling); newParent.insertBefore(child, sibling); ok(sibling.get('layerLocationNeedsUpdate'), 'sibling.layerLocationNeedsUpdate should be YES'); child.updateLayerLocation(); var siblingLayer = sibling.get('layer'); ok(siblingLayer, 'sibling should have layer now'); ok(parentHasChild(newParentLayer, siblingLayer), 'sibling layer should belong to newParent layer'); equals(childLayer.nextSibling, siblingLayer, 'child layer should be inserted before sibling layer'); ok(parentHasChild(newParentLayer, childLayer), 'newParentLayer should have childLayer'); }); // ....................................................... // updateLayerLocationIfNeeded() // var view, runCount ; module("SC.View#updateLayerLocationIfNeeded",{ setup: function() { view = SC.View.create({ updateLayerLocation: function() { runCount++; } }); runCount = 0; }, teardown: function() { view = null; } }); test("returns receiver", function() { equals(view.updateLayerLocationIfNeeded(), view, 'returns receiver'); }); test("invokes updateLayerLocation if layerLocationNeedsUpdate is YES", function() { view.set('layerLocationNeedsUpdate', YES); view.updateLayerLocationIfNeeded(); equals(runCount, 1, 'did invoke'); }); test("does NOT invoke updateLayerLocation if layerLocationNeedsUpdate is NO", function() { view.set('layerLocationNeedsUpdate', NO); view.updateLayerLocationIfNeeded(); equals(runCount, 0, 'did NOT invoke'); }); test("sets layerLocationNeedsUpdate to NO when run", function() { var view = SC.View.create(); // this needs to _not_ override updateLayerLocation. view.set('layerLocationNeedsUpdate', YES); view.updateLayerLocationIfNeeded(); equals(view.get('layerLocationNeedsUpdate'), NO, 'did reset'); });