/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Part of the Processing project - http://processing.org Copyright (c) 2012-15 The Processing Foundation Copyright (c) 2004-12 Ben Fry and Casey Reas Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package processing.opengl; import processing.core.*; import processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.GLResourceShader; import java.net.URL; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.HashMap; /** * This class encapsulates a GLSL shader program, including a vertex and a * fragment shader. Based on the GLSLShader class from GLGraphics, which in turn * was originally based in the code by JohnG: * http://processing.org/discourse/beta/num_1159494801.html * * @webref rendering:shaders */ public class PShader implements PConstants { /** * */ static protected final int POINT = 0; /** * */ static protected final int LINE = 1; /** * */ static protected final int POLY = 2; /** * */ static protected final int COLOR = 3; /** * */ static protected final int LIGHT = 4; /** * */ static protected final int TEXTURE = 5; /** * */ static protected final int TEXLIGHT = 6; /** * */ static protected String pointShaderAttrRegexp = "attribute *vec2 *offset"; /** * */ static protected String pointShaderInRegexp = "in *vec2 *offset;"; /** * */ static protected String lineShaderAttrRegexp = "attribute *vec4 *direction"; /** * */ static protected String lineShaderInRegexp = "in *vec4 *direction"; /** * */ static protected String pointShaderDefRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_POINT_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String lineShaderDefRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_LINE_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String colorShaderDefRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_COLOR_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String lightShaderDefRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_LIGHT_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String texShaderDefRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_TEXTURE_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String texlightShaderDefRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_TEXLIGHT_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String polyShaderDefRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_POLYGON_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String triShaderAttrRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_TRIANGLES_SHADER"; /** * */ static protected String quadShaderAttrRegexp = "#define *PROCESSING_QUADS_SHADER"; /** * */ protected PApplet parent; // The main renderer associated to the parent PApplet. //protected PGraphicsOpenGL pgMain; // We need a reference to the renderer since a shader might // be called by different renderers within a single application // (the one corresponding to the main surface, or other offscreen // renderers). /** * */ protected PGraphicsOpenGL primaryPG; /** * */ protected PGraphicsOpenGL currentPG; /** * */ protected PGL pgl; /** * */ protected int context; // The context that created this shader. // The shader type: POINT, LINE, POLY, etc. /** * */ protected int type; /** * */ public int glProgram; /** * */ public int glVertex; /** * */ public int glFragment; private GLResourceShader glres; /** * */ protected URL vertexURL; /** * */ protected URL fragmentURL; /** * */ protected String vertexFilename; /** * */ protected String fragmentFilename; /** * */ protected String[] vertexShaderSource; /** * */ protected String[] fragmentShaderSource; /** * */ protected boolean bound; /** * */ protected HashMap uniformValues = null; /** * */ protected HashMap textures; /** * */ protected HashMap texUnits; // Direct buffers to pass shader data to GL /** * */ protected IntBuffer intBuffer; /** * */ protected FloatBuffer floatBuffer; /** * */ protected boolean loadedAttributes = false; /** * */ protected boolean loadedUniforms = false; // Uniforms common to all shader types /** * */ protected int transformMatLoc; /** * */ protected int modelviewMatLoc; /** * */ protected int projectionMatLoc; /** * */ protected int ppixelsLoc; /** * */ protected int ppixelsUnit; /** * */ protected int viewportLoc; /** * */ protected int resolutionLoc; // Uniforms only for lines and points /** * */ protected int perspectiveLoc; /** * */ protected int scaleLoc; // Lighting uniforms /** * */ protected int lightCountLoc; /** * */ protected int lightPositionLoc; /** * */ protected int lightNormalLoc; /** * */ protected int lightAmbientLoc; /** * */ protected int lightDiffuseLoc; /** * */ protected int lightSpecularLoc; /** * */ protected int lightFalloffLoc; /** * */ protected int lightSpotLoc; // Texturing uniforms /** * */ protected Texture texture; /** * */ protected int texUnit; /** * */ protected int textureLoc; /** * */ protected int texMatrixLoc; /** * */ protected int texOffsetLoc; /** * */ protected float[] tcmat; // Vertex attributes /** * */ protected int vertexLoc; /** * */ protected int colorLoc; /** * */ protected int normalLoc; /** * */ protected int texCoordLoc; /** * */ protected int normalMatLoc; /** * */ protected int directionLoc; /** * */ protected int offsetLoc; /** * */ protected int ambientLoc; /** * */ protected int specularLoc; /** * */ protected int emissiveLoc; /** * */ protected int shininessLoc; /** * */ public PShader() { parent = null; pgl = null; context = -1; this.vertexURL = null; this.fragmentURL = null; this.vertexFilename = null; this.fragmentFilename = null; glProgram = 0; glVertex = 0; glFragment = 0; intBuffer = PGL.allocateIntBuffer(1); floatBuffer = PGL.allocateFloatBuffer(1); bound = false; type = -1; } /** * * @param parent */ public PShader(PApplet parent) { this(); this.parent = parent; primaryPG = (PGraphicsOpenGL) parent.g; pgl = primaryPG.pgl; context = pgl.createEmptyContext(); } /** * Creates a shader program using the specified vertex and fragment shaders. * * @param parent the parent program * @param vertFilename name of the vertex shader * @param fragFilename name of the fragment shader */ public PShader(PApplet parent, String vertFilename, String fragFilename) { this.parent = parent; primaryPG = (PGraphicsOpenGL) parent.g; pgl = primaryPG.pgl; this.vertexURL = null; this.fragmentURL = null; this.vertexFilename = vertFilename; this.fragmentFilename = fragFilename; fragmentShaderSource = pgl.loadFragmentShader(fragFilename); vertexShaderSource = pgl.loadVertexShader(vertFilename); glProgram = 0; glVertex = 0; glFragment = 0; intBuffer = PGL.allocateIntBuffer(1); floatBuffer = PGL.allocateFloatBuffer(1); int vertType = getShaderType(vertexShaderSource, -1); int fragType = getShaderType(fragmentShaderSource, -1); if (vertType == -1 && fragType == -1) { type = PShader.POLY; } else if (vertType == -1) { type = fragType; } else if (fragType == -1) { type = vertType; } else if (fragType == vertType) { type = vertType; } else { PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.INCONSISTENT_SHADER_TYPES); } } /** * @param parent * @param vertURL network location of the vertex shader * @param fragURL network location of the fragment shader */ public PShader(PApplet parent, URL vertURL, URL fragURL) { this.parent = parent; primaryPG = (PGraphicsOpenGL) parent.g; pgl = primaryPG.pgl; this.vertexURL = vertURL; this.fragmentURL = fragURL; this.vertexFilename = null; this.fragmentFilename = null; fragmentShaderSource = pgl.loadFragmentShader(fragURL); vertexShaderSource = pgl.loadVertexShader(vertURL); glProgram = 0; glVertex = 0; glFragment = 0; intBuffer = PGL.allocateIntBuffer(1); floatBuffer = PGL.allocateFloatBuffer(1); int vertType = getShaderType(vertexShaderSource, -1); int fragType = getShaderType(fragmentShaderSource, -1); if (vertType == -1 && fragType == -1) { type = PShader.POLY; } else if (vertType == -1) { type = fragType; } else if (fragType == -1) { type = vertType; } else if (fragType == vertType) { type = vertType; } else { PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.INCONSISTENT_SHADER_TYPES); } } /** * * @param parent * @param vertSource * @param fragSource */ public PShader(PApplet parent, String[] vertSource, String[] fragSource) { this.parent = parent; primaryPG = (PGraphicsOpenGL) parent.g; pgl = primaryPG.pgl; this.vertexURL = null; this.fragmentURL = null; this.vertexFilename = null; this.fragmentFilename = null; vertexShaderSource = vertSource; fragmentShaderSource = fragSource; glProgram = 0; glVertex = 0; glFragment = 0; intBuffer = PGL.allocateIntBuffer(1); floatBuffer = PGL.allocateFloatBuffer(1); int vertType = getShaderType(vertexShaderSource, -1); int fragType = getShaderType(fragmentShaderSource, -1); if (vertType == -1 && fragType == -1) { type = PShader.POLY; } else if (vertType == -1) { type = fragType; } else if (fragType == -1) { type = vertType; } else if (fragType == vertType) { type = vertType; } else { PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.INCONSISTENT_SHADER_TYPES); } } /** * * @param vertFilename */ public void setVertexShader(String vertFilename) { this.vertexFilename = vertFilename; vertexShaderSource = pgl.loadVertexShader(vertFilename); } /** * * @param vertURL */ public void setVertexShader(URL vertURL) { this.vertexURL = vertURL; vertexShaderSource = pgl.loadVertexShader(vertURL); } /** * * @param vertSource */ public void setVertexShader(String[] vertSource) { vertexShaderSource = vertSource; } /** * * @param fragFilename */ public void setFragmentShader(String fragFilename) { this.fragmentFilename = fragFilename; fragmentShaderSource = pgl.loadFragmentShader(fragFilename); } /** * * @param fragURL */ public void setFragmentShader(URL fragURL) { this.fragmentURL = fragURL; fragmentShaderSource = pgl.loadFragmentShader(fragURL); } /** * * @param fragSource */ public void setFragmentShader(String[] fragSource) { fragmentShaderSource = fragSource; } /** * Initializes (if needed) and binds the shader program. */ public void bind() { init(); if (!bound) { pgl.useProgram(glProgram); bound = true; consumeUniforms(); bindTextures(); } if (hasType()) { bindTyped(); } } /** * Unbinds the shader program. */ public void unbind() { if (hasType()) { unbindTyped(); } if (bound) { unbindTextures(); pgl.useProgram(0); bound = false; } } /** * Returns true if the shader is bound, false otherwise. * * @return */ public boolean bound() { return bound; } /** * @webref rendering:shaders * @brief Sets a variable within the shader * @param name the name of the uniform variable to modify * @param x first component of the variable to modify */ public void set(String name, int x) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT1, new int[]{x}); } /** * @param name * @param y second component of the variable to modify. The variable has to be * declared with an array/vector type in the shader (i.e.: int[2], vec2) * @param x */ public void set(String name, int x, int y) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT2, new int[]{x, y}); } /** * @param name * @param z third component of the variable to modify. The variable has to be * declared with an array/vector type in the shader (i.e.: int[3], vec3) * @param x * @param y */ public void set(String name, int x, int y, int z) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT3, new int[]{x, y, z}); } /** * @param name * @param x * @param w fourth component of the variable to modify. The variable has to be * declared with an array/vector type in the shader (i.e.: int[4], vec4) * @param z * @param y */ public void set(String name, int x, int y, int z, int w) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT4, new int[]{x, y, z, w}); } /** * * @param name * @param x */ public void set(String name, float x) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT1, new float[]{x}); } /** * * @param name * @param x * @param y */ public void set(String name, float x, float y) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT2, new float[]{x, y}); } /** * * @param name * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public void set(String name, float x, float y, float z) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT3, new float[]{x, y, z}); } /** * * @param name * @param x * @param y * @param z * @param w */ public void set(String name, float x, float y, float z, float w) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT4, new float[]{x, y, z, w}); } /** * @param name * @param vec modifies all the components of an array/vector uniform variable. * PVector can only be used if the type of the variable is vec3. */ public void set(String name, PVector vec) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT3, new float[]{vec.x, vec.y, vec.z}); } /** * * @param name * @param x */ public void set(String name, boolean x) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT1, new int[]{(x) ? 1 : 0}); } /** * * @param name * @param x * @param y */ public void set(String name, boolean x, boolean y) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT2, new int[]{(x) ? 1 : 0, (y) ? 1 : 0}); } /** * * @param name * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public void set(String name, boolean x, boolean y, boolean z) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT3, new int[]{(x) ? 1 : 0, (y) ? 1 : 0, (z) ? 1 : 0}); } /** * * @param name * @param x * @param y * @param z * @param w */ public void set(String name, boolean x, boolean y, boolean z, boolean w) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT4, new int[]{(x) ? 1 : 0, (y) ? 1 : 0, (z) ? 1 : 0, (w) ? 1 : 0}); } /** * * @param name * @param vec */ public void set(String name, int[] vec) { set(name, vec, 1); } /** * @param name * @param ncoords number of coordinates per element, max 4 * @param vec */ public void set(String name, int[] vec, int ncoords) { if (ncoords == 1) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT1VEC, vec); } else if (ncoords == 2) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT2VEC, vec); } else if (ncoords == 3) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT3VEC, vec); } else if (ncoords == 4) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.INT4VEC, vec); } else if (4 < ncoords) { PGraphics.showWarning("Only up to 4 coordinates per element are " + "supported."); } else { PGraphics.showWarning("Wrong number of coordinates: it is negative!"); } } /** * * @param name * @param vec */ public void set(String name, float[] vec) { set(name, vec, 1); } /** * * @param name * @param vec * @param ncoords */ public void set(String name, float[] vec, int ncoords) { if (ncoords == 1) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT1VEC, vec); } else if (ncoords == 2) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT2VEC, vec); } else if (ncoords == 3) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT3VEC, vec); } else if (ncoords == 4) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.FLOAT4VEC, vec); } else if (4 < ncoords) { PGraphics.showWarning("Only up to 4 coordinates per element are " + "supported."); } else { PGraphics.showWarning("Wrong number of coordinates: it is negative!"); } } /** * * @param name * @param vec */ public void set(String name, boolean[] vec) { set(name, vec, 1); } /** * * @param name * @param boolvec * @param ncoords */ public void set(String name, boolean[] boolvec, int ncoords) { int[] vec = new int[boolvec.length]; for (int i = 0; i < boolvec.length; i++) { vec[i] = (boolvec[i]) ? 1 : 0; } set(name, vec, ncoords); } /** * @param name * @param mat matrix of values */ public void set(String name, PMatrix2D mat) { float[] matv = {mat.m00, mat.m01, mat.m10, mat.m11}; setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.MAT2, matv); } /** * * @param name * @param mat */ public void set(String name, PMatrix3D mat) { set(name, mat, false); } /** * @param name * @param use3x3 enforces the matrix is 3 x 3 * @param mat */ public void set(String name, PMatrix3D mat, boolean use3x3) { if (use3x3) { float[] matv = {mat.m00, mat.m01, mat.m02, mat.m10, mat.m11, mat.m12, mat.m20, mat.m21, mat.m22}; setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.MAT3, matv); } else { float[] matv = {mat.m00, mat.m01, mat.m02, mat.m03, mat.m10, mat.m11, mat.m12, mat.m13, mat.m20, mat.m21, mat.m22, mat.m23, mat.m30, mat.m31, mat.m32, mat.m33}; setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.MAT4, matv); } } /** * @param name * @param tex sets the sampler uniform variable to read from this image * texture */ public void set(String name, PImage tex) { setUniformImpl(name, UniformValue.SAMPLER2D, tex); } /** * Extra initialization method that can be used by subclasses, called after * compiling and attaching the vertex and fragment shaders, and before linking * the shader program. * */ protected void setup() { } /** * * @param idxId * @param count * @param offset */ protected void draw(int idxId, int count, int offset) { pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, idxId); pgl.drawElements(PGL.TRIANGLES, count, PGL.INDEX_TYPE, offset * PGL.SIZEOF_INDEX); pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } /** * Returns the ID location of the attribute parameter given its name. * * @param name String * @return int */ protected int getAttributeLoc(String name) { init(); return pgl.getAttribLocation(glProgram, name); } /** * Returns the ID location of the uniform parameter given its name. * * @param name String * @return int */ protected int getUniformLoc(String name) { init(); return pgl.getUniformLocation(glProgram, name); } /** * * @param loc * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param normalized * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setAttributeVBO(int loc, int vboId, int size, int type, boolean normalized, int stride, int offset) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vboId); pgl.vertexAttribPointer(loc, size, type, normalized, stride, offset); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, int x) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform1i(loc, x); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x * @param y */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, int x, int y) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform2i(loc, x, y); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x * @param y * @param z */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, int x, int y, int z) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform3i(loc, x, y, z); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x * @param y * @param z * @param w */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, int x, int y, int z, int w) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform4i(loc, x, y, z, w); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, float x) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform1f(loc, x); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x * @param y */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, float x, float y) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform2f(loc, x, y); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x * @param y * @param z */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, float x, float y, float z) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform3f(loc, x, y, z); } } /** * * @param loc * @param x * @param y * @param z * @param w */ protected void setUniformValue(int loc, float x, float y, float z, float w) { if (-1 < loc) { pgl.uniform4f(loc, x, y, z, w); } } /** * * @param loc * @param vec * @param ncoords * @param length */ protected void setUniformVector(int loc, int[] vec, int ncoords, int length) { if (-1 < loc) { updateIntBuffer(vec); switch (ncoords) { case 1: pgl.uniform1iv(loc, length, intBuffer); break; case 2: pgl.uniform2iv(loc, length, intBuffer); break; case 3: pgl.uniform3iv(loc, length, intBuffer); break; case 4: pgl.uniform3iv(loc, length, intBuffer); break; default: break; } } } /** * * @param loc * @param vec * @param ncoords * @param length */ protected void setUniformVector(int loc, float[] vec, int ncoords, int length) { if (-1 < loc) { updateFloatBuffer(vec); switch (ncoords) { case 1: pgl.uniform1fv(loc, length, floatBuffer); break; case 2: pgl.uniform2fv(loc, length, floatBuffer); break; case 3: pgl.uniform3fv(loc, length, floatBuffer); break; case 4: pgl.uniform4fv(loc, length, floatBuffer); break; default: break; } } } /** * * @param loc * @param mat */ protected void setUniformMatrix(int loc, float[] mat) { if (-1 < loc) { updateFloatBuffer(mat); switch (mat.length) { case 4: pgl.uniformMatrix2fv(loc, 1, false, floatBuffer); break; case 9: pgl.uniformMatrix3fv(loc, 1, false, floatBuffer); break; case 16: pgl.uniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, false, floatBuffer); break; default: break; } } } /** * * @param loc * @param tex */ protected void setUniformTex(int loc, Texture tex) { if (texUnits != null) { Integer unit = texUnits.get(loc); if (unit != null) { pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0 + unit); tex.bind(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find unit for texture " + tex); } } } /** * * @param name * @param type * @param value */ protected void setUniformImpl(String name, int type, Object value) { if (uniformValues == null) { uniformValues = new HashMap<>(); } uniformValues.put(name, new UniformValue(type, value)); } /** * */ protected void consumeUniforms() { if (uniformValues != null && 0 < uniformValues.size()) { int unit = 0; for (String name : uniformValues.keySet()) { int loc = getUniformLoc(name); if (loc == -1) { PGraphics.showWarning("The shader doesn't have a uniform called \"" + name + "\" OR the uniform was removed during " + "compilation because it was unused."); continue; } UniformValue val = uniformValues.get(name); switch (val.type) { case UniformValue.INT1: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); pgl.uniform1i(loc, v[0]); break; } case UniformValue.INT2: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); pgl.uniform2i(loc, v[0], v[1]); break; } case UniformValue.INT3: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); pgl.uniform3i(loc, v[0], v[1], v[2]); break; } case UniformValue.INT4: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); pgl.uniform4i(loc, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT1: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); pgl.uniform1f(loc, v[0]); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT2: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); pgl.uniform2f(loc, v[0], v[1]); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT3: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); pgl.uniform3f(loc, v[0], v[1], v[2]); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT4: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); pgl.uniform4f(loc, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); break; } case UniformValue.INT1VEC: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); updateIntBuffer(v); pgl.uniform1iv(loc, v.length, intBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.INT2VEC: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); updateIntBuffer(v); pgl.uniform2iv(loc, v.length / 2, intBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.INT3VEC: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); updateIntBuffer(v); pgl.uniform3iv(loc, v.length / 3, intBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.INT4VEC: { int[] v = ((int[]) val.value); updateIntBuffer(v); pgl.uniform4iv(loc, v.length / 4, intBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT1VEC: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); updateFloatBuffer(v); pgl.uniform1fv(loc, v.length, floatBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT2VEC: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); updateFloatBuffer(v); pgl.uniform2fv(loc, v.length / 2, floatBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT3VEC: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); updateFloatBuffer(v); pgl.uniform3fv(loc, v.length / 3, floatBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.FLOAT4VEC: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); updateFloatBuffer(v); pgl.uniform4fv(loc, v.length / 4, floatBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.MAT2: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); updateFloatBuffer(v); pgl.uniformMatrix2fv(loc, 1, false, floatBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.MAT3: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); updateFloatBuffer(v); pgl.uniformMatrix3fv(loc, 1, false, floatBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.MAT4: { float[] v = ((float[]) val.value); updateFloatBuffer(v); pgl.uniformMatrix4fv(loc, 1, false, floatBuffer); break; } case UniformValue.SAMPLER2D: PImage img = (PImage) val.value; Texture tex = currentPG.getTexture(img); if (textures == null) { textures = new HashMap<>(); } textures.put(loc, tex); if (texUnits == null) { texUnits = new HashMap<>(); } if (texUnits.containsKey(loc)) { unit = texUnits.get(loc); pgl.uniform1i(loc, unit); } else { texUnits.put(loc, unit); pgl.uniform1i(loc, unit); } unit++; break; default: break; } } uniformValues.clear(); } } /** * * @param vec */ protected void updateIntBuffer(int[] vec) { intBuffer = PGL.updateIntBuffer(intBuffer, vec, false); } /** * * @param vec */ protected void updateFloatBuffer(float[] vec) { floatBuffer = PGL.updateFloatBuffer(floatBuffer, vec, false); } /** * */ protected void bindTextures() { if (textures != null && texUnits != null) { textures.keySet().forEach((loc) -> { Texture tex = textures.get(loc); Integer unit = texUnits.get(loc); if (unit != null) { pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0 + unit); tex.bind(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find unit for texture " + tex); } }); } } /** * */ protected void unbindTextures() { if (textures != null && texUnits != null) { textures.keySet().forEach((loc) -> { Texture tex = textures.get(loc); Integer unit = texUnits.get(loc); if (unit != null) { pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0 + unit); tex.unbind(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find unit for texture " + tex); } }); pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0); } } /** * */ public void init() { if (glProgram == 0 || contextIsOutdated()) { create(); if (compile()) { pgl.attachShader(glProgram, glVertex); pgl.attachShader(glProgram, glFragment); setup(); pgl.linkProgram(glProgram); validate(); } } } /** * */ protected void create() { context = pgl.getCurrentContext(); glres = new GLResourceShader(this); } /** * * @return */ protected boolean compile() { boolean vertRes = true; if (hasVertexShader()) { vertRes = compileVertexShader(); } else { PGraphics.showException("Doesn't have a vertex shader"); } boolean fragRes = true; if (hasFragmentShader()) { fragRes = compileFragmentShader(); } else { PGraphics.showException("Doesn't have a fragment shader"); } return vertRes && fragRes; } /** * */ protected void validate() { pgl.getProgramiv(glProgram, PGL.LINK_STATUS, intBuffer); boolean linked = intBuffer.get(0) != 0; if (!linked) { PGraphics.showException("Cannot link shader program:\n" + pgl.getProgramInfoLog(glProgram)); } pgl.validateProgram(glProgram); pgl.getProgramiv(glProgram, PGL.VALIDATE_STATUS, intBuffer); boolean validated = intBuffer.get(0) != 0; if (!validated) { PGraphics.showException("Cannot validate shader program:\n" + pgl.getProgramInfoLog(glProgram)); } } /** * * @return */ protected boolean contextIsOutdated() { boolean outdated = !pgl.contextIsCurrent(context); if (outdated) { dispose(); } return outdated; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean hasVertexShader() { return vertexShaderSource != null && 0 < vertexShaderSource.length; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean hasFragmentShader() { return fragmentShaderSource != null && 0 < fragmentShaderSource.length; } /** * @return */ protected boolean compileVertexShader() { pgl.shaderSource(glVertex, PApplet.join(vertexShaderSource, "\n")); pgl.compileShader(glVertex); pgl.getShaderiv(glVertex, PGL.COMPILE_STATUS, intBuffer); boolean compiled = intBuffer.get(0) != 0; if (!compiled) { PGraphics.showException("Cannot compile vertex shader:\n" + pgl.getShaderInfoLog(glVertex)); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * @return */ protected boolean compileFragmentShader() { pgl.shaderSource(glFragment, PApplet.join(fragmentShaderSource, "\n")); pgl.compileShader(glFragment); pgl.getShaderiv(glFragment, PGL.COMPILE_STATUS, intBuffer); boolean compiled = intBuffer.get(0) != 0; if (!compiled) { PGraphics.showException("Cannot compile fragment shader:\n" + pgl.getShaderInfoLog(glFragment)); return false; } else { return true; } } /** * */ protected void dispose() { if (glres != null) { glres.dispose(); glVertex = 0; glFragment = 0; glProgram = 0; glres = null; } } /** * * @param source * @param defaultType * @return */ static protected int getShaderType(String[] source, int defaultType) { for (String source1 : source) { String line = source1.trim(); if (PApplet.match(line, colorShaderDefRegexp) != null) { return PShader.COLOR; } else if (PApplet.match(line, lightShaderDefRegexp) != null) { return PShader.LIGHT; } else if (PApplet.match(line, texShaderDefRegexp) != null) { return PShader.TEXTURE; } else if (PApplet.match(line, texlightShaderDefRegexp) != null) { return PShader.TEXLIGHT; } else if (PApplet.match(line, polyShaderDefRegexp) != null) { return PShader.POLY; } else if (PApplet.match(line, triShaderAttrRegexp) != null) { return PShader.POLY; } else if (PApplet.match(line, quadShaderAttrRegexp) != null) { return PShader.POLY; } else if (PApplet.match(line, pointShaderDefRegexp) != null) { return PShader.POINT; } else if (PApplet.match(line, lineShaderDefRegexp) != null) { return PShader.LINE; } else if (PApplet.match(line, pointShaderAttrRegexp) != null) { return PShader.POINT; } else if (PApplet.match(line, pointShaderInRegexp) != null) { return PShader.POINT; } else if (PApplet.match(line, lineShaderAttrRegexp) != null) { return PShader.LINE; } else if (PApplet.match(line, lineShaderInRegexp) != null) { return PShader.LINE; } } return defaultType; } // *************************************************************************** // // Processing specific /** * * @return */ protected int getType() { return type; } /** * * @param type */ protected void setType(int type) { this.type = type; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean hasType() { return POINT <= type && type <= TEXLIGHT; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean isPointShader() { return type == POINT; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean isLineShader() { return type == LINE; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean isPolyShader() { return POLY <= type && type <= TEXLIGHT; } /** * * @param type * @return */ protected boolean checkPolyType(int type) { if (getType() == PShader.POLY) { return true; } if (getType() != type) { switch (type) { case TEXLIGHT: PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.NO_TEXLIGHT_SHADER_ERROR); break; case LIGHT: PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.NO_LIGHT_SHADER_ERROR); break; case TEXTURE: PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.NO_TEXTURE_SHADER_ERROR); break; case COLOR: PGraphics.showWarning(PGraphicsOpenGL.NO_COLOR_SHADER_ERROR); break; default: break; } return false; } return true; } /** * * @return */ protected int getLastTexUnit() { return texUnits == null ? -1 : texUnits.size() - 1; } /** * * @param pg */ protected void setRenderer(PGraphicsOpenGL pg) { this.currentPG = pg; } /** * */ protected void loadAttributes() { if (loadedAttributes) { return; } vertexLoc = getAttributeLoc("vertex"); if (vertexLoc == -1) { vertexLoc = getAttributeLoc("position"); } colorLoc = getAttributeLoc("color"); texCoordLoc = getAttributeLoc("texCoord"); normalLoc = getAttributeLoc("normal"); ambientLoc = getAttributeLoc("ambient"); specularLoc = getAttributeLoc("specular"); emissiveLoc = getAttributeLoc("emissive"); shininessLoc = getAttributeLoc("shininess"); directionLoc = getAttributeLoc("direction"); offsetLoc = getAttributeLoc("offset"); loadedAttributes = true; } /** * */ protected void loadUniforms() { if (loadedUniforms) { return; } transformMatLoc = getUniformLoc("transform"); if (transformMatLoc == -1) { transformMatLoc = getUniformLoc("transformMatrix"); } modelviewMatLoc = getUniformLoc("modelview"); if (modelviewMatLoc == -1) { modelviewMatLoc = getUniformLoc("modelviewMatrix"); } projectionMatLoc = getUniformLoc("projection"); if (projectionMatLoc == -1) { projectionMatLoc = getUniformLoc("projectionMatrix"); } viewportLoc = getUniformLoc("viewport"); resolutionLoc = getUniformLoc("resolution"); ppixelsLoc = getUniformLoc("ppixels"); normalMatLoc = getUniformLoc("normalMatrix"); lightCountLoc = getUniformLoc("lightCount"); lightPositionLoc = getUniformLoc("lightPosition"); lightNormalLoc = getUniformLoc("lightNormal"); lightAmbientLoc = getUniformLoc("lightAmbient"); lightDiffuseLoc = getUniformLoc("lightDiffuse"); lightSpecularLoc = getUniformLoc("lightSpecular"); lightFalloffLoc = getUniformLoc("lightFalloff"); lightSpotLoc = getUniformLoc("lightSpot"); textureLoc = getUniformLoc("texture"); if (textureLoc == -1) { textureLoc = getUniformLoc("texMap"); } texMatrixLoc = getUniformLoc("texMatrix"); texOffsetLoc = getUniformLoc("texOffset"); perspectiveLoc = getUniformLoc("perspective"); scaleLoc = getUniformLoc("scale"); loadedUniforms = true; } /** * */ protected void setCommonUniforms() { if (-1 < transformMatLoc) { currentPG.updateGLProjmodelview(); setUniformMatrix(transformMatLoc, currentPG.glProjmodelview); } if (-1 < modelviewMatLoc) { currentPG.updateGLModelview(); setUniformMatrix(modelviewMatLoc, currentPG.glModelview); } if (-1 < projectionMatLoc) { currentPG.updateGLProjection(); setUniformMatrix(projectionMatLoc, currentPG.glProjection); } if (-1 < viewportLoc) { float x = currentPG.viewport.get(0); float y = currentPG.viewport.get(1); float w = currentPG.viewport.get(2); float h = currentPG.viewport.get(3); setUniformValue(viewportLoc, x, y, w, h); } if (-1 < resolutionLoc) { float w = currentPG.viewport.get(2); float h = currentPG.viewport.get(3); setUniformValue(resolutionLoc, w, h); } if (-1 < ppixelsLoc) { ppixelsUnit = getLastTexUnit() + 1; setUniformValue(ppixelsLoc, ppixelsUnit); pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0 + ppixelsUnit); currentPG.bindFrontTexture(); } else { ppixelsUnit = -1; } } /** * */ protected void bindTyped() { if (currentPG == null) { setRenderer(primaryPG.getCurrentPG()); loadAttributes(); loadUniforms(); } setCommonUniforms(); if (-1 < vertexLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(vertexLoc); } if (-1 < colorLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(colorLoc); } if (-1 < texCoordLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(texCoordLoc); } if (-1 < normalLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(normalLoc); } if (-1 < normalMatLoc) { currentPG.updateGLNormal(); setUniformMatrix(normalMatLoc, currentPG.glNormal); } if (-1 < ambientLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(ambientLoc); } if (-1 < specularLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(specularLoc); } if (-1 < emissiveLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(emissiveLoc); } if (-1 < shininessLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(shininessLoc); } int count = currentPG.lightCount; setUniformValue(lightCountLoc, count); if (0 < count) { setUniformVector(lightPositionLoc, currentPG.lightPosition, 4, count); setUniformVector(lightNormalLoc, currentPG.lightNormal, 3, count); setUniformVector(lightAmbientLoc, currentPG.lightAmbient, 3, count); setUniformVector(lightDiffuseLoc, currentPG.lightDiffuse, 3, count); setUniformVector(lightSpecularLoc, currentPG.lightSpecular, 3, count); setUniformVector(lightFalloffLoc, currentPG.lightFalloffCoefficients, 3, count); setUniformVector(lightSpotLoc, currentPG.lightSpotParameters, 2, count); } if (-1 < directionLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(directionLoc); } if (-1 < offsetLoc) { pgl.enableVertexAttribArray(offsetLoc); } if (-1 < perspectiveLoc) { if (currentPG.getHint(ENABLE_STROKE_PERSPECTIVE) && currentPG.nonOrthoProjection()) { setUniformValue(perspectiveLoc, 1); } else { setUniformValue(perspectiveLoc, 0); } } if (-1 < scaleLoc) { if (currentPG.getHint(DISABLE_OPTIMIZED_STROKE)) { setUniformValue(scaleLoc, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { float f = PGL.STROKE_DISPLACEMENT; if (currentPG.orthoProjection()) { setUniformValue(scaleLoc, 1, 1, f); } else { setUniformValue(scaleLoc, f, f, f); } } } } /** * */ protected void unbindTyped() { if (-1 < offsetLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(offsetLoc); } if (-1 < directionLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(directionLoc); } if (-1 < textureLoc && texture != null) { pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0 + texUnit); texture.unbind(); pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0); texture = null; } if (-1 < ambientLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(ambientLoc); } if (-1 < specularLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(specularLoc); } if (-1 < emissiveLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(emissiveLoc); } if (-1 < shininessLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(shininessLoc); } if (-1 < vertexLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(vertexLoc); } if (-1 < colorLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(colorLoc); } if (-1 < texCoordLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(texCoordLoc); } if (-1 < normalLoc) { pgl.disableVertexAttribArray(normalLoc); } if (-1 < ppixelsLoc) { pgl.enableFBOLayer(); pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0 + ppixelsUnit); currentPG.unbindFrontTexture(); pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0); } pgl.bindBuffer(PGL.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } /** * * @param tex */ protected void setTexture(Texture tex) { texture = tex; float scaleu = 1; float scalev = 1; float dispu = 0; float dispv = 0; if (tex != null) { if (tex.invertedX()) { scaleu = -1; dispu = 1; } if (tex.invertedY()) { scalev = -1; dispv = 1; } scaleu *= tex.maxTexcoordU(); dispu *= tex.maxTexcoordU(); scalev *= tex.maxTexcoordV(); dispv *= tex.maxTexcoordV(); setUniformValue(texOffsetLoc, 1.0f / tex.width, 1.0f / tex.height); if (-1 < textureLoc) { texUnit = -1 < ppixelsUnit ? ppixelsUnit + 1 : getLastTexUnit() + 1; setUniformValue(textureLoc, texUnit); pgl.activeTexture(PGL.TEXTURE0 + texUnit); tex.bind(); } } if (-1 < texMatrixLoc) { if (tcmat == null) { tcmat = new float[16]; } tcmat[0] = scaleu; tcmat[4] = 0; tcmat[8] = 0; tcmat[12] = dispu; tcmat[1] = 0; tcmat[5] = scalev; tcmat[9] = 0; tcmat[13] = dispv; tcmat[2] = 0; tcmat[6] = 0; tcmat[10] = 0; tcmat[14] = 0; tcmat[3] = 0; tcmat[7] = 0; tcmat[11] = 0; tcmat[15] = 0; setUniformMatrix(texMatrixLoc, tcmat); } } /** * * @return */ protected boolean supportsTexturing() { return -1 < textureLoc; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean supportLighting() { return -1 < lightCountLoc || -1 < lightPositionLoc || -1 < lightNormalLoc; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean accessTexCoords() { return -1 < texCoordLoc; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean accessNormals() { return -1 < normalLoc; } /** * * @return */ protected boolean accessLightAttribs() { return -1 < ambientLoc || -1 < specularLoc || -1 < emissiveLoc || -1 < shininessLoc; } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setVertexAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(vertexLoc, vboId, size, type, false, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setColorAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(colorLoc, vboId, size, type, true, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setNormalAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(normalLoc, vboId, size, type, false, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setTexcoordAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(texCoordLoc, vboId, size, type, false, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setAmbientAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(ambientLoc, vboId, size, type, true, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setSpecularAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(specularLoc, vboId, size, type, true, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setEmissiveAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(emissiveLoc, vboId, size, type, true, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setShininessAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(shininessLoc, vboId, size, type, false, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setLineAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(directionLoc, vboId, size, type, false, stride, offset); } /** * * @param vboId * @param size * @param type * @param stride * @param offset */ protected void setPointAttribute(int vboId, int size, int type, int stride, int offset) { setAttributeVBO(offsetLoc, vboId, size, type, false, stride, offset); } // *************************************************************************** // // Class to store a user-specified value for a uniform parameter // in the shader /** * */ protected static class UniformValue { static final int INT1 = 0; static final int INT2 = 1; static final int INT3 = 2; static final int INT4 = 3; static final int FLOAT1 = 4; static final int FLOAT2 = 5; static final int FLOAT3 = 6; static final int FLOAT4 = 7; static final int INT1VEC = 8; static final int INT2VEC = 9; static final int INT3VEC = 10; static final int INT4VEC = 11; static final int FLOAT1VEC = 12; static final int FLOAT2VEC = 13; static final int FLOAT3VEC = 14; static final int FLOAT4VEC = 15; static final int MAT2 = 16; static final int MAT3 = 17; static final int MAT4 = 18; static final int SAMPLER2D = 19; int type; Object value; UniformValue(int type, Object value) { this.type = type; this.value = value; } } }