motion_require './table.rb' motion_require '../helpers/has_style_chain_builder' module MotionPrime class FormSection < TableSection # MotionPrime::FormSection is container for Field Sections. # Forms are located inside Screen and can contain multiple Field Sections. # On render, each field will be added to parent screen. # == Basic Sample # class MyLoginForm < MotionPrime::FormSection # field :email, label: { text: 'E-mail' }, input: { placeholder: 'Your E-mail' } # field :submit, button: { title: 'Login' }, type: :submit, action: :on_submit # # def on_submit # email = view("email:input").text # puts "Submitted email: #{email}" # end # end # class_attribute :fields_options, :text_field_limits, :text_view_limits attr_accessor :fields, :field_indexes, :keyboard_visible, :rendered_views, :grouped_data def table_data if has_many_sections? grouped_data.compact else fields.values end end def reload_cell(section) field = index = field_indexes[field].split('_').map(&:to_i) path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(index.last, inSection: index.first) section.cell.try(:removeFromSuperview) fields[field] = load_field(self.class.fields_options[field]) fields[field].load_section if flat_data? @data[path.row] = fields[field] else @data[path.section][path.row] = fields[field] end set_data_stamp(field_indexes[field]) # table_view.beginUpdates table_view.reloadRowsAtIndexPaths([path], withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationNone) # table_view.endUpdates end def reset_data_stamps set_data_stamp(self.field_indexes.values) end # Returns element based on field name and element name # # Examples: # form.element("email:input") # # @param String name with format "fieldname:elementname" # @return MotionPrime::BaseElement element def element(name) field_name, element_name = name.split(':') if element_name.present? field(field_name).element(element_name.to_sym) else super(field_name) end end # Returns field by name # # Examples: # form.field(:email) # # @param String field name # @return MotionPrime::BaseFieldSection field def field(field_name) self.fields[field_name.to_sym] end def fields_hash fields.to_hash end def register_elements_from_section(section) self.rendered_views ||= {} section.elements.values.each do |element| self.rendered_views[element.view] = {element: element, section: section} end end # Set focus on field cell # # Examples: # form.focus_on(:title) # # @param String field name # @return MotionPrime::BaseFieldSection field def focus_on(field_name, animated = true) # unfocus other field data.flatten.each do |item| item.blur end # focus on field field(field_name).focus end def set_height_with_keyboard return if keyboard_visible self.table_view.height -= KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT self.keyboard_visible = true end def set_height_without_keyboard return unless keyboard_visible self.table_view.height += KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT self.keyboard_visible = false end def keyboard_will_show return if table_view.contentSize.height + <= UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds.size.height - KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT current_inset = table_view.contentInset current_inset.bottom = KEYBOARD_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT + (self.table_element.computed_options[:bottom_content_inset] || 0) table_view.contentInset = current_inset end def keyboard_will_hide current_inset = table_view.contentInset current_inset.bottom = self.table_element.computed_options[:bottom_content_inset] || 0 table_view.contentInset = current_inset end def table_delegate @table_delegate ||= self) end # ALIASES def on_input_change(text_field); end def on_input_edit_begin(text_field); end def on_input_edit_end(text_field); end def on_input_return(text_field) text_field.resignFirstResponder end def allow_string_replacement?(target, limit, range, string) if || (range.length + limit - target.text.length) >= string.length true else target.text.length < limit end end def load_field(field) field_class = class_factory("#{field[:type]}_field_section", true) screen, table: self.weak_ref)) end def render_field?(name, options) return true unless condition = options[:if] if condition.is_a?(Proc) self.instance_eval(&condition) else end end def reload_data @groups_count = nil reset_data init_form_fields reload_table_data end def reset_data super self.fields.values.each(&:clear_observers) end def has_many_sections? section_header_options.present? || grouped_data.count > 1 end def render_table init_form_fields unless self.fields.present? super end def reload_table_data return super unless async_data? sections = number_of_sections.times do |section_id| sections.addIndex(section_id) end table_view.reloadSections sections, withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationFade end # Table View Delegate # --------------------- def number_of_sections(table = nil) has_many_sections? ? grouped_data.compact.count : 1 end def height_for_index(table, index) section = load_cell_by_index(index, preload: false) section.container_height end class << self def inherited(subclass) super subclass.fields_options = self.fields_options.try(:clone) subclass.text_field_limits = self.text_field_limits.try(:clone) subclass.text_view_limits = self.text_view_limits.try(:clone) end def field(name, options = {}, &block) options[:name] = name options[:type] ||= :string options[:block] = block self.fields_options ||= {} self.fields_options[name] = options self.fields_options[name] end def limit_text_field_length(name, limit) self.text_field_limits ||= {} self.text_field_limits[name] = limit end def limit_text_view_length(name, limit) self.text_view_limits ||= {} self.text_view_limits[name] = limit end end private def load_sections; end def init_form_fields self.fields = {} self.field_indexes = {} self.grouped_data = [] section_indexes = [] (self.class.fields_options || {}).each do |key, field| next unless render_field?(key, field) section_id = field[:group].to_i @groups_count = [@groups_count || 1, section_id + 1].max grouped_data[section_id] ||= [] section_indexes[section_id] ||= 0 section = load_field(field) self.fields[key] = section self.field_indexes[key] = "#{section_id}_#{section_indexes[section_id]}" grouped_data[section_id][section_indexes[section_id]] = section section_indexes[section_id] += 1 end init_form_headers reset_data_stamps end def init_form_headers options = Array.wrap(self.class.section_header_options).clone self.section_header_options = options.delete_if.each_with_index { |opts, id| grouped_data[id].nil? } end end end