class RequestLogAnalyzer::Database::Base < ActiveRecord::Base self.abstract_class = true def <=>(other) if (source_id.nil? && other.source_id.nil?) || (source_comparison = source_id <=> other.source_id) == 0 lineno <=> other.lineno else source_comparison end end def line_type$/, '').to_sym end class_inheritable_accessor :line_definition cattr_accessor :database def self.subclass_from_line_definition(definition) klass = klass.set_table_name("#{}_lines") klass.line_definition = definition # Set relations with requests and sources table klass.belongs_to :request klass.belongs_to :source # Serialize complex fields into the database { |c| c.has_key?(:provides) }.each do |capture| klass.send(:serialize, capture[:name], Hash) end RequestLogAnalyzer::Database::Request.has_many "#{}_lines".to_sym RequestLogAnalyzer::Database::Source.has_many "#{}_lines".to_sym return klass end def self.subclass_from_table(table) raise "Table #{table} not found!" unless database.connection.table_exists?(table) klass = klass.set_table_name(table) if klass.column_names.include?('request_id') klass.belongs_to :request RequestLogAnalyzer::Database::Request.has_many table.to_sym end if klass.column_names.include?('source_id') klass.belongs_to :source RequestLogAnalyzer::Database::Source.has_many table.to_sym end return klass end def self.drop_table! database.connection.remove_index(self.table_name, [:source_id]) rescue nil database.connection.remove_index(self.table_name, [:request_id]) rescue nil database.connection.drop_table(self.table_name) if database.connection.table_exists?(self.table_name) end def self.create_table! raise "No line_definition available to base table schema on!" unless self.line_definition unless table_exists? database.connection.create_table(table_name.to_sym) do |t| # Default fields t.column :request_id, :integer t.column :source_id, :integer t.column :lineno, :integer line_definition.captures.each do |capture| # Add a field for every capture t.column(capture[:name], column_type(capture[:type])) # If the capture provides other field as well, create columns for them, too capture[:provides].each { |field, field_type| t.column(field, column_type(field_type)) } if capture[:provides].kind_of?(Hash) end end # Add indices to table for more speedy querying database.connection.add_index(self.table_name.to_sym, [:request_id]) # rescue database.connection.add_index(self.table_name.to_sym, [:source_id]) # rescue end end # Function to determine the column type for a field # TODO: make more robust / include in file-format definition def self.column_type(type_indicator) case type_indicator when :eval; :text when :hash; :text when :text; :text when :string; :string when :sec; :double when :msec; :double when :duration; :double when :float; :double when :double; :double when :integer; :integer when :int; :int when :timestamp; :datetime when :datetime; :datetime when :date; :date else :string end end end