require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe SlippersParser do before(:each) do @parser = end it "should return the string unparsed when there are no keywords in it" do @parser.parse('').eval(nil).should eql('') @parser.parse(' ').eval(nil).should eql(' ') @parser.parse('this should be returned unchanged').eval.should eql('this should be returned unchanged') @parser.parse(' this should be returned unchanged ').eval.should eql(' this should be returned unchanged ') @parser.parse('this should be 1234567890 ').eval.should eql('this should be 1234567890 ') @parser.parse('this should be abc1234567890 ').eval.should eql('this should be abc1234567890 ') @parser.parse('this should be !@£%^&*()').eval.should eql('this should be !@£%^&*()') end it 'should find the keyword within the delimiters' do message ={:message => 'the message', :message2 => 'the second message', :name => 'fred', :full_name => 'fred flinstone'}) @parser.parse('$message$').eval(message).should eql('the message') @parser.parse('$message$ for $name$').eval(message).should eql('the message for fred') @parser.parse('we want to find $message$').eval(message).should eql('we want to find the message') @parser.parse('$message$ has spoken').eval(message).should eql('the message has spoken') @parser.parse('Yes! $message$ has spoken').eval(message).should eql('Yes! the message has spoken') @parser.parse('Yes! $full_name$ has spoken').eval(message).should eql('Yes! fred flinstone has spoken') @parser.parse('Yes! $message2$ has spoken').eval(message).should eql('Yes! the second message has spoken') @parser.parse('Yes! "$message2$" has spoken').eval(message).should eql('Yes! "the second message" has spoken') @parser.parse('$$').eval(message).should eql('') end it 'should not match on escaped delimiters' do @parser.parse('stuff \$notmatched\$').eval(stub(:nothing)).should eql('stuff \$notmatched\$') end it "should render a list of objects" do people = [{:name => 'fred'}),{:name => 'barney'}) ] @parser.parse('this is $name$').eval(people).should eql("this is fredbarney") end it "should render the default string when the attribute cannot be found on the object to render" do Slippers::Engine::DEFAULT_STRING.should eql('') @parser.parse("This is the $adjective$ template with $message$.").eval( eql("This is the template with .") @parser.parse("$not_me$").eval(:object).should eql('') Slippers::Engine::DEFAULT_STRING = "foo" @parser.parse("$not_me$").eval(:object).should eql('foo') Slippers::Engine::DEFAULT_STRING = "" end it "should convert attribute to string" do fred ={:name => 'fred', :dob =>, 1, 2)}) template_group = => {:date =>'$year$')} ) @parser.parse("This is $name$ who was born in $dob:date()$").eval(fred, template_group).should eql('This is fred who was born in 1983') end it "should render a hash" do hash_object = {:title => 'Domain driven design', :author => 'Eric Evans', :find => 'method on a hash'} @parser.parse("should parse $title$ by $author$").eval(hash_object).should eql("should parse Domain driven design by Eric Evans") @parser.parse("should parse a symbol before a $find$").eval(hash_object).should eql('should parse a symbol before a method on a hash') end it "should render a symbol on a hash before its methods" do hash_object = {:find => 'method on a hash'} @parser.parse("should parse a symbol before a $find$").eval(hash_object).should eql('should parse a symbol before a method on a hash') @parser.parse("should still render the method $size$").eval(hash_object).should eql('should still render the method 1') end it 'should return an empty string if the template is not correctly formed' do @parser.parse("$not_properly_formed").should eql(nil) end it 'should use the specified expression options to render list items' do @parser.parse('$list; null="-1", seperator=", "$').eval(:list => [1,2,nil,3]).should eql("1, 2, -1, 3") @parser.parse('$list; seperator=", "$').eval(:list => [1,2,3]).should eql("1, 2, 3") @parser.parse('$list; seperator="!!"$').eval(:list => [1,2,3,nil]).should eql("1!!2!!3") @parser.parse('$list; null="-1"$').eval(:list => [1,nil,3]).should eql("1-13") end it 'should conditionally parse some text' do @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ Hello $end$").eval(:greeting => true).should eql(" Hello ") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ Hello $end$").eval(:greeting => true).should eql(" Hello ") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ Hello $end$").eval(:greeting => false).should eql("") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ Hello $end$").eval(:greeting => nil).should eql("") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$Hello$else$Goodbye$end$").eval(:greeting => true).should eql("Hello") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ Hello $else$ Goodbye $end$").eval(:greeting => false).should eql(" Goodbye ") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ Hello $end$").eval(:greetingzzzz => true).should eql("") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ $greeting$ $end$").eval(:greeting => 'Hi').should eql(" Hi ") end it 'should conditionally parse a template' do @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$ $greeting$ $end$").eval(:greeting => 'Hi').should eql(" Hi ") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$$greeting$ $else$ Nothing to see here $end$").eval(:greeting => 'Hi').should eql("Hi ") @parser.parse("$if(greeting)$$greeting$ $else$ Nothing to see here $end$").eval(:greeting => nil).should eql(" Nothing to see here ") end end