require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::AM::Archetype::Assertion describe Assertion do before(:each) do expression = stub(ExprItem, :type => 'Boolean') $string_expression = "/[at0001]/speed[at0002]/kilometres/magnitude = " + "/[at0003]/speed[at0004]/miles/magnitude * 1.6" variables = stub(Array, :size => 2) @assertion = => 'validity', :expression => expression, :string_expression => $string_expression, :variables => variables) end it 'should be an instance of Assertion' do @assertion.should be_an_instance_of OpenEHR::AM::Archetype::Assertion::Assertion end it 'expression should be assigned properly' do @assertion.expression.type.should == 'Boolean' end it 'should raise ArgumentError when expression is nil' do lambda { @assertion.expression = nil }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should raise ArgumentError when expression type is not Boolean' do invalid_expression = stub(ExprItem, :type => 'Real') lambda { @assertion.expression = invalid_expression }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'tag should be assigned properly' do @assertion.tag.should == 'validity' end it 'tag should not be empty' do lambda { @assertion.tag = '' }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'should not raise ArgumentError when tag = nil' do lambda { @assertion.tag = nil }.should_not raise_error ArgumentError end it 'string_expression should be assigned properly' do @assertion.string_expression.should == $string_expression end it 'variables should be assigned properly' do @assertion.variables.size.should be_equal 2 end end