require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' module Spec module Mocks describe Mock do before(:each) do @mock = mock("test mock") end after(:each) do @mock.rspec_reset end it "should report line number of expectation of unreceived message" do expected_error_line = __LINE__; @mock.should_receive(:wont_happen).with("x", 3) begin @mock.rspec_verify violated rescue MockExpectationError => e # NOTE - this regexp ended w/ $, but jruby adds extra info at the end of the line e.backtrace[0].should match(/#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{expected_error_line}/) end end it "should report line number of expectation of unreceived message after #should_receive after similar stub" do @mock.stub!(:wont_happen) expected_error_line = __LINE__; @mock.should_receive(:wont_happen).with("x", 3) begin @mock.rspec_verify violated rescue MockExpectationError => e # NOTE - this regexp ended w/ $, but jruby adds extra info at the end of the line e.backtrace[0].should match(/#{File.basename(__FILE__)}:#{expected_error_line}/) end end it "should pass when not receiving message specified as not to be received" do @mock.should_not_receive(:not_expected) @mock.rspec_verify end it "should pass when receiving message specified as not to be received with different args" do @mock.should_not_receive(:message).with("unwanted text") @mock.should_receive(:message).with("other text") @mock.message "other text" @mock.rspec_verify end it "should fail when receiving message specified as not to be received" do @mock.should_not_receive(:not_expected) lambda { @mock.not_expected violated }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :not_expected with (no args) 0 times, but received it once") end it "should fail when receiving message specified as not to be received with args" do @mock.should_not_receive(:not_expected).with("unexpected text") lambda { @mock.not_expected("unexpected text") violated }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :not_expected with (\"unexpected text\") 0 times, but received it once") end it "should pass when receiving message specified as not to be received with wrong args" do @mock.should_not_receive(:not_expected).with("unexpected text") @mock.not_expected "really unexpected text" @mock.rspec_verify end it "should allow block to calculate return values" do @mock.should_receive(:something).with("a","b","c").and_return { |a,b,c| c+b+a } @mock.something("a","b","c").should == "cba" @mock.rspec_verify end it "should allow parameter as return value" do @mock.should_receive(:something).with("a","b","c").and_return("booh") @mock.something("a","b","c").should == "booh" @mock.rspec_verify end it "should return nil if no return value set" do @mock.should_receive(:something).with("a","b","c") @mock.something("a","b","c").should be_nil @mock.rspec_verify end it "should raise exception if args don't match when method called" do @mock.should_receive(:something).with("a","b","c").and_return("booh") lambda { @mock.something("a","d","c") violated }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :something with (\"a\", \"b\", \"c\") but received it with (\"a\", \"d\", \"c\")") end it "should raise exception if args don't match when method called even when the method is stubbed" do @mock.stub!(:something) @mock.should_receive(:something).with("a","b","c") lambda { @mock.something("a","d","c") @mock.rspec_verify }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :something with (\"a\", \"b\", \"c\") but received it with (\"a\", \"d\", \"c\")") end it "should raise exception if args don't match when method called even when using null_object" do @mock = mock("test mock", :null_object => true) @mock.should_receive(:something).with("a","b","c") lambda { @mock.something("a","d","c") @mock.rspec_verify }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :something with (\"a\", \"b\", \"c\") but received it with (\"a\", \"d\", \"c\")") end it "should fail if unexpected method called" do lambda { @mock.something("a","b","c") violated }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' received unexpected message :something with (\"a\", \"b\", \"c\")") end it "should use block for expectation if provided" do @mock.should_receive(:something) do | a, b | a.should == "a" b.should == "b" "booh" end @mock.something("a", "b").should == "booh" @mock.rspec_verify end it "should fail if expectation block fails" do @mock.should_receive(:something) {| bool | bool.should be_true} lambda { @mock.something false }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, /Mock 'test mock' received :something but passed block failed with: expected true, got false/) end it "should fail right away when method defined as never is received" do @mock.should_receive(:not_expected).never lambda { @mock.not_expected }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :not_expected with (no args) 0 times, but received it once") end it "should eventually fail when method defined as never is received" do @mock.should_receive(:not_expected).never lambda { @mock.not_expected }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :not_expected with (no args) 0 times, but received it once") end it "should raise when told to" do @mock.should_receive(:something).and_raise(RuntimeError) lambda do @mock.something end.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should raise passed an Exception instance" do error ="error message") @mock.should_receive(:something).and_raise(error) lambda { @mock.something }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "error message") end it "should raise RuntimeError with passed message" do @mock.should_receive(:something).and_raise("error message") lambda { @mock.something }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "error message") end it "should not raise when told to if args dont match" do @mock.should_receive(:something).with(2).and_raise(RuntimeError) lambda { @mock.something 1 }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should throw when told to" do @mock.should_receive(:something).and_throw(:blech) lambda { @mock.something }.should throw_symbol(:blech) end it "should raise when explicit return and block constrained" do lambda { @mock.should_receive(:fruit) do |colour| :strawberry end.and_return :apple }.should raise_error(AmbiguousReturnError) end it "should ignore args on any args" do @mock.should_receive(:something).at_least(:once).with(any_args) @mock.something @mock.something 1 @mock.something "a", 2 @mock.something [], {}, "joe", 7 @mock.rspec_verify end it "should fail on no args if any args received" do @mock.should_receive(:something).with(no_args()) lambda { @mock.something 1 }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :something with (no args) but received it with (1)") end it "should fail when args are expected but none are received" do @mock.should_receive(:something).with(1) lambda { @mock.something }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' expected :something with (1) but received it with (no args)") end it "should return value from block by default" do @mock.stub!(:method_that_yields).and_yield @mock.method_that_yields { :returned_obj }.should == :returned_obj @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield 0 args to blocks that take a variable number of arguments" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).with(no_args()).once.and_yield a = nil @mock.yield_back {|*a|} a.should == [] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield 0 args multiple times to blocks that take a variable number of arguments" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).once.with(no_args()).once.and_yield. and_yield a = nil b = [] @mock.yield_back {|*a| b << a} b.should == [ [], [] ] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield one arg to blocks that take a variable number of arguments" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).with(no_args()).once.and_yield(99) a = nil @mock.yield_back {|*a|} a.should == [99] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield one arg 3 times consecutively to blocks that take a variable number of arguments" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).once.with(no_args()).once.and_yield(99). and_yield(43). and_yield("something fruity") a = nil b = [] @mock.yield_back {|*a| b << a} b.should == [[99], [43], ["something fruity"]] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield many args to blocks that take a variable number of arguments" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).with(no_args()).once.and_yield(99, 27, "go") a = nil @mock.yield_back {|*a|} a.should == [99, 27, "go"] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield many args 3 times consecutively to blocks that take a variable number of arguments" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).once.with(no_args()).once.and_yield(99, :green, "go"). and_yield("wait", :amber). and_yield("stop", 12, :red) a = nil b = [] @mock.yield_back {|*a| b << a} b.should == [[99, :green, "go"], ["wait", :amber], ["stop", 12, :red]] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield single value" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).with(no_args()).once.and_yield(99) a = nil @mock.yield_back {|a|} a.should == 99 @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield single value 3 times consecutively" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).once.with(no_args()).once.and_yield(99). and_yield(43). and_yield("something fruity") a = nil b = [] @mock.yield_back {|a| b << a} b.should == [99, 43, "something fruity"] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield two values" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).with(no_args()).once.and_yield('wha', 'zup') a, b = nil @mock.yield_back {|a,b|} a.should == 'wha' b.should == 'zup' @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield two values 3 times consecutively" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).once.with(no_args()).once.and_yield('wha', 'zup'). and_yield('not', 'down'). and_yield(14, 65) a, b = nil c = [] @mock.yield_back {|a,b| c << [a, b]} c.should == [['wha', 'zup'], ['not', 'down'], [14, 65]] @mock.rspec_verify end it "should fail when calling yielding method with wrong arity" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).with(no_args()).once.and_yield('wha', 'zup') lambda { @mock.yield_back {|a|} }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' yielded |\"wha\", \"zup\"| to block with arity of 1") end it "should fail when calling yielding method consecutively with wrong arity" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).once.with(no_args()).once.and_yield('wha', 'zup'). and_yield('down'). and_yield(14, 65) lambda { a, b = nil c = [] @mock.yield_back {|a,b| c << [a, b]} }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' yielded |\"down\"| to block with arity of 2") end it "should fail when calling yielding method without block" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).with(no_args()).once.and_yield('wha', 'zup') lambda { @mock.yield_back }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' asked to yield |[\"wha\", \"zup\"]| but no block was passed") end it "should be able to mock send" do @mock.should_receive(:send).with(any_args) @mock.send 'hi' @mock.rspec_verify end it "should be able to raise from method calling yielding mock" do @mock.should_receive(:yield_me).and_yield 44 lambda { @mock.yield_me do |x| raise "Bang" end }.should raise_error(StandardError, "Bang") @mock.rspec_verify end it "should clear expectations after verify" do @mock.should_receive(:foobar) @mock.foobar @mock.rspec_verify lambda { @mock.foobar }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "Mock 'test mock' received unexpected message :foobar with (no args)") end it "should restore objects to their original state on rspec_reset" do mock = mock("this is a mock") mock.should_receive(:blah) mock.rspec_reset mock.rspec_verify #should throw if reset didn't work end it "should work even after method_missing starts raising NameErrors instead of NoMethodErrors" do # Object#method_missing throws either NameErrors or NoMethodErrors. # # On a fresh ruby program Object#method_missing: # * raises a NoMethodError when called directly # * raises a NameError when called indirectly # # Once Object#method_missing has been called at least once (on any object) # it starts behaving differently: # * raises a NameError when called directly # * raises a NameError when called indirectly # # There was a bug in Mock#method_missing that relied on the fact # that calling Object#method_missing directly raises a NoMethodError. # This example tests that the bug doesn't exist anymore. # Ensures that method_missing always raises NameErrors. a_method_that_doesnt_exist rescue @mock.should_receive(:foobar) @mock.foobar @mock.rspec_verify lambda { @mock.foobar }.should_not raise_error(NameError) lambda { @mock.foobar }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should temporarily replace a method stub on a mock" do @mock.stub!(:msg).and_return(:stub_value) @mock.should_receive(:msg).with(:arg).and_return(:mock_value) @mock.msg(:arg).should equal(:mock_value) @mock.msg.should equal(:stub_value) @mock.msg.should equal(:stub_value) @mock.rspec_verify end it "should not require a different signature to replace a method stub" do @mock.stub!(:msg).and_return(:stub_value) @mock.should_receive(:msg).and_return(:mock_value) @mock.msg(:arg).should equal(:mock_value) @mock.msg.should equal(:stub_value) @mock.msg.should equal(:stub_value) @mock.rspec_verify end it "should raise an error when a previously stubbed method has a negative expectation" do @mock.stub!(:msg).and_return(:stub_value) @mock.should_not_receive(:msg).and_return(:mock_value) lambda {@mock.msg(:arg)}.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should temporarily replace a method stub on a non-mock" do non_mock = non_mock.stub!(:msg).and_return(:stub_value) non_mock.should_receive(:msg).with(:arg).and_return(:mock_value) non_mock.msg(:arg).should equal(:mock_value) non_mock.msg.should equal(:stub_value) non_mock.msg.should equal(:stub_value) non_mock.rspec_verify end it "should return the stubbed value when no new value specified" do @mock.stub!(:msg).and_return(:stub_value) @mock.should_receive(:msg) @mock.msg.should equal(:stub_value) @mock.rspec_verify end it "should not mess with the stub's yielded values when also mocked" do @mock.stub!(:yield_back).and_yield(:stub_value) @mock.should_receive(:yield_back).and_yield(:mock_value) @mock.yield_back{|v| v.should == :mock_value } @mock.yield_back{|v| v.should == :stub_value } @mock.rspec_verify end it "should yield multiple values after a similar stub" do File.stub!(:open).and_yield(:stub_value) File.should_receive(:open).and_yield(:first_call).and_yield(:second_call) yielded_args = [] {|v| yielded_args << v } yielded_args.should == [:first_call, :second_call] {|v| v.should == :stub_value } File.rspec_verify end it "should assign stub return values" do mock ='name', :message => :response) mock.message.should == :response end end describe "a mock message receiving a block" do before(:each) do @mock = mock("mock") @calls = 0 end def add_call @calls = @calls + 1 end it "should call the block after #should_receive" do @mock.should_receive(:foo) { add_call } @calls.should == 1 end it "should call the block after #should_receive after a similar stub" do @mock.stub!(:foo).and_return(:bar) @mock.should_receive(:foo) { add_call } @calls.should == 1 end it "should call the block after #once" do @mock.should_receive(:foo).once { add_call } @calls.should == 1 end it "should call the block after #twice" do @mock.should_receive(:foo).twice { add_call } @calls.should == 2 end it "should call the block after #times" do @mock.should_receive(:foo).exactly(10).times { add_call } (1..10).each { } @calls.should == 10 end it "should call the block after #any_number_of_times" do @mock.should_receive(:foo).any_number_of_times { add_call } (1..7).each { } @calls.should == 7 end it "should call the block after #ordered" do @mock.should_receive(:foo).ordered { add_call } @mock.should_receive(:bar).ordered { add_call } @calls.should == 2 end end describe 'string representation generated by #to_s' do it 'should not contain < because that might lead to invalid HTML in some situations' do mock = mock("Dog") valid_html_str = "#{mock}" valid_html_str.should_not include('<') end end end end