# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: strict # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/rubocop-ast/all/rubocop-ast.rbi # # rubocop-ast-1.4.1 module RuboCop end module RuboCop::AST extend RuboCop::AST::RuboCopCompatibility end module RuboCop::AST::Ext end module RuboCop::AST::Ext::Range def line_span(exclude_end: nil); end end class Parser::Source::Range include RuboCop::AST::Ext::Range end module RuboCop::AST::Ext::RangeMinMax end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern def ==(other); end def as_json(_options = nil); end def ast; end def captures(*args, &block); end def encode_with(coder); end def eql?(other); end def freeze; end def init_with(coder); end def initialize(str, compiler: nil); end def marshal_dump; end def marshal_load(pattern); end def match(*args, **rest, &block); end def match_code; end def named_parameters(*args, &block); end def pattern; end def positional_parameters(*args, &block); end def self.descend(element, &block); end def to_s; end extend Forwardable include RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::MethodDefiner end module RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::MethodDefiner def as_lambda; end def compile_as_lambda; end def compile_init; end def def_helper(base, method_name, **defaults); end def def_node_matcher(base, method_name, **defaults); end def def_node_search(base, method_name, **defaults); end def emit_keyword_list(forwarding: nil); end def emit_lambda_code; end def emit_method_code; end def emit_node_search(method_name); end def emit_node_search_body(method_name, prelude:, on_match:); end def emit_param_list; end def emit_params(*first, forwarding: nil); end def emit_retval; end def emit_yield_capture(when_no_capture = nil, yield_with: nil); end def wrapping_block(method_name, **defaults); end end module RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros def def_node_matcher(method_name, pattern_str, **keyword_defaults); end def def_node_search(method_name, pattern_str, **keyword_defaults); end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Invalid < StandardError end module RuboCop::AST::Descendence def child_nodes; end def descendants; end def each_child_node(*types); end def each_descendant(*types, &block); end def each_node(*types, &block); end def visit_descendants(types, &block); end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Builder def emit_atom(type, value); end def emit_call(type, selector, args = nil); end def emit_capture(capture_token, node); end def emit_list(type, _begin, children, _end); end def emit_subsequence(node_list); end def emit_unary_op(type, _operator = nil, *children); end def emit_union(begin_t, pattern_lists, end_t); end def n(type, *args); end def optimizable_as_set?(children); end def union_children(pattern_lists); end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Comment def ==(other); end def initialize(range); end def inspect; end def loc; end def location; end def text; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler def bind(*args, &block); end def binding; end def captures; end def compile_as_atom(node); end def compile_as_node_pattern(node, **options); end def compile_sequence(sequence, var:); end def each_union(enum, &block); end def enforce_same_captures(enum); end def freeze; end def initialize; end def named_parameter(name); end def named_parameters; end def new_capture; end def next_capture; end def parser; end def positional_parameter(number); end def positional_parameters; end def with_temp_variables(*names, &block); end extend Forwardable end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::Subcompiler def compile(node); end def compiler; end def do_compile; end def initialize(compiler); end def node; end def self.inherited(base); end def self.method_added(method); end def self.registry; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::AtomSubcompiler < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::Subcompiler def visit_const; end def visit_named_parameter; end def visit_number; end def visit_other_type; end def visit_positional_parameter; end def visit_regexp; end def visit_set; end def visit_string; end def visit_symbol; end def visit_unify; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::Binding def bind(name); end def forbid(names); end def initialize; end def union_bind(enum); end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::NodePatternSubcompiler < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::Subcompiler def access; end def access_element; end def access_node; end def compile_args(arg_list, first: nil); end def compile_guard_clause; end def compile_value_match(value); end def initialize(compiler, var: nil, access: nil, seq_head: nil); end def multiple_access(kind); end def seq_head; end def visit_ascend; end def visit_capture; end def visit_descend; end def visit_function_call; end def visit_intersection; end def visit_negation; end def visit_node_type; end def visit_other_type; end def visit_predicate; end def visit_sequence; end def visit_unify; end def visit_union; end def visit_wildcard; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::SequenceSubcompiler < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Compiler::Subcompiler def compile(node); end def compile_and_advance(term); end def compile_any_order_branches(matched_var); end def compile_any_order_else; end def compile_captured_repetition(child_code, child_captures); end def compile_case(when_branches, else_code); end def compile_child_nb_guard(arity_range); end def compile_cur_index; end def compile_index(cur = nil); end def compile_loop(term); end def compile_loop_advance(to = nil); end def compile_matched(kind); end def compile_max_matched; end def compile_min_check; end def compile_remaining; end def compile_sequence; end def compile_terms(children = nil, last_arity = nil); end def compile_union_forks; end def cur_index; end def empty_loop; end def handle_prev; end def in_sync; end def initialize(compiler, sequence:, var:); end def merge_forks!(forks); end def preserve_union_start(forks); end def remaining_arities(children, last_arity); end def sync; end def use_index_from_end; end def visit_any_order; end def visit_capture; end def visit_other_type; end def visit_repetition; end def visit_rest; end def visit_union; end def within_loop; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::LexerRex def action; end def filename; end def filename=(arg0); end def location; end def match; end def matches; end def next_token; end def parse(str); end def parse_file(path); end def scanner_class; end def ss; end def ss=(arg0); end def state; end def state=(arg0); end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::LexerRex::LexerError < StandardError end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::LexerRex::ScanError < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::LexerRex::LexerError end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Lexer < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::LexerRex def comments; end def do_parse; end def emit(type); end def emit_comment; end def emit_regexp; end def initialize(source); end def source_buffer; end def token(type, value); end def tokens; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node < Parser::AST::Node def arity; end def arity_range; end def capture?; end def child; end def children_nodes; end def in_sequence_head; end def matches_within_set?; end def nb_captures; end def rest?; end def variadic?; end def with(type: nil, children: nil, location: nil); end extend Forwardable include RuboCop::AST::Descendence end module RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::ForbidInSeqHead def in_sequence_head; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Capture < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def arity(*args, &block); end def capture?; end def in_sequence_head; end def nb_captures; end def rest?(*args, &block); end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Sequence < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def initialize(type, children = nil, properties = nil); end include RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::ForbidInSeqHead end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Predicate < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def arg_list; end def method_name; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Repetition < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def arity; end def operator; end include RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::ForbidInSeqHead end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Rest < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def arity; end def in_sequence_head; end def rest?; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::AnyOrder < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def arity; end def ends_with_rest?; end def rest_node; end def term_nodes; end include RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::ForbidInSeqHead end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Subsequence < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def arity; end def in_sequence_head; end include RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::ForbidInSeqHead end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node::Union < RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Node def arity; end def in_sequence_head; end end class RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Parser < Racc::Parser def _reduce_10(val, _values); end def _reduce_11(val, _values); end def _reduce_13(val, _values); end def _reduce_14(val, _values); end def _reduce_15(val, _values); end def _reduce_16(val, _values); end def _reduce_17(val, _values); end def _reduce_18(val, _values); end def _reduce_19(val, _values); end def _reduce_2(val, _values); end def _reduce_20(val, _values); end def _reduce_21(val, _values); end def _reduce_22(val, _values); end def _reduce_25(val, _values); end def _reduce_26(val, _values); end def _reduce_3(val, _values); end def _reduce_33(val, _values); end def _reduce_37(val, _values); end def _reduce_38(val, _values); end def _reduce_39(val, _values); end def _reduce_4(val, _values); end def _reduce_40(val, _values); end def _reduce_41(val, _values); end def _reduce_42(val, _values); end def _reduce_43(val, _values); end def _reduce_44(val, _values); end def _reduce_45(val, _values); end def _reduce_46(val, _values); end def _reduce_5(val, _values); end def _reduce_6(val, _values); end def _reduce_7(val, _values); end def _reduce_8(val, _values); end def _reduce_9(val, _values); end def _reduce_none(val, _values); end def emit_atom(*args, &block); end def emit_call(*args, &block); end def emit_capture(*args, &block); end def emit_list(*args, &block); end def emit_unary_op(*args, &block); end def emit_union(*args, &block); end def enforce_unary(node); end def initialize(builder = nil); end def inspect; end def next_token(*args, &block); end def on_error(token, val, _vstack); end def parse(source); end extend Forwardable end module RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Sets def self.[](set); end def self.name(set); end def self.uniq(name); end end module RuboCop::AST::Sexp def s(type, *children); end end class RuboCop::AST::Node < Parser::AST::Node def __ENCODING___type?; end def __FILE___type?; end def __LINE___type?; end def alias_type?; end def ancestors; end def and_asgn_type?; end def and_type?; end def arg_expr_type?; end def arg_type?; end def args_type?; end def argument?; end def argument_type?; end def array_pattern_type?; end def array_pattern_with_tail_type?; end def array_type?; end def assignment?; end def assignment_or_similar?(param0 = nil); end def back_ref_type?; end def basic_conditional?; end def basic_literal?; end def begin_type?; end def begin_value_used?; end def block_pass_type?; end def block_type?; end def blockarg_expr_type?; end def blockarg_type?; end def boolean_type?; end def break_type?; end def call_type?; end def case_if_value_used?; end def case_match_type?; end def case_type?; end def casgn_type?; end def cbase_type?; end def chained?; end def class_constructor?(param0 = nil); end def class_definition?(param0 = nil); end def class_type?; end def complete!; end def complete?; end def complex_type?; end def conditional?; end def const_name; end def const_pattern_type?; end def const_type?; end def csend_type?; end def cvar_type?; end def cvasgn_type?; end def def_type?; end def defined_module0(param0 = nil); end def defined_module; end def defined_module_name; end def defined_type?; end def defs_type?; end def dstr_type?; end def dsym_type?; end def each_ancestor(*types, &block); end def eflipflop_type?; end def empty_else_type?; end def empty_source?; end def ensure_type?; end def equals_asgn?; end def erange_type?; end def false_type?; end def falsey_literal?; end def find_pattern_type?; end def first_line; end def float_type?; end def for_type?; end def for_value_used?; end def forward_arg_type?; end def forward_args_type?; end def forwarded_args_type?; end def global_const?(param0 = nil, param1); end def guard_clause?; end def gvar_type?; end def gvasgn_type?; end def hash_pattern_type?; end def hash_type?; end def ident_type?; end def if_guard_type?; end def if_type?; end def iflipflop_type?; end def immutable_literal?; end def in_match_type?; end def in_pattern_type?; end def index_type?; end def indexasgn_type?; end def initialize(type, children = nil, properties = nil); end def int_type?; end def irange_type?; end def ivar_type?; end def ivasgn_type?; end def keyword?; end def kwarg_type?; end def kwargs_type?; end def kwbegin_type?; end def kwnilarg_type?; end def kwoptarg_type?; end def kwrestarg_type?; end def kwsplat_type?; end def lambda?(param0 = nil); end def lambda_or_proc?(param0 = nil); end def lambda_type?; end def last_line; end def left_sibling; end def left_siblings; end def line_count; end def literal?; end def loop_keyword?; end def lvar_type?; end def lvasgn_type?; end def masgn_type?; end def match_alt_type?; end def match_as_type?; end def match_current_line_type?; end def match_guard_clause?(param0 = nil); end def match_nil_pattern_type?; end def match_pattern_p_type?; end def match_pattern_type?; end def match_rest_type?; end def match_var_type?; end def match_with_lvasgn_type?; end def match_with_trailing_comma_type?; end def mlhs_type?; end def module_definition?(param0 = nil); end def module_type?; end def multiline?; end def mutable_literal?; end def new_class_or_module_block?(param0 = nil); end def next_type?; end def nil_type?; end def node_parts; end def nonempty_line_count; end def not_type?; end def nth_ref_type?; end def numargs_type?; end def numblock_type?; end def numeric_type?; end def objc_kwarg_type?; end def objc_restarg_type?; end def objc_varargs_type?; end def op_asgn_type?; end def operator_keyword?; end def optarg_type?; end def or_asgn_type?; end def or_type?; end def pair_type?; end def parent; end def parent=(node); end def parent?; end def parent_module_name; end def parent_module_name_for_block(ancestor); end def parent_module_name_for_sclass(sclass_node); end def parent_module_name_part(node); end def parenthesized_call?; end def pin_type?; end def post_condition_loop?; end def postexe_type?; end def preexe_type?; end def proc?(param0 = nil); end def procarg0_type?; end def pure?; end def range_type?; end def rational_type?; end def receiver(param0 = nil); end def recursive_basic_literal?; end def recursive_literal?; end def redo_type?; end def reference?; end def regexp_type?; end def regopt_type?; end def resbody_type?; end def rescue_type?; end def restarg_expr_type?; end def restarg_type?; end def retry_type?; end def return_type?; end def right_sibling; end def right_siblings; end def root?; end def sclass_type?; end def self_type?; end def send_type?; end def shadowarg_type?; end def shorthand_asgn?; end def sibling_index; end def single_line?; end def source; end def source_length; end def source_range; end def special_keyword?; end def splat_type?; end def str_content(param0 = nil); end def str_type?; end def struct_constructor?(param0 = nil); end def super_type?; end def sym_type?; end def true_type?; end def truthy_literal?; end def undef_type?; end def unless_guard_type?; end def until_post_type?; end def until_type?; end def updated(type = nil, children = nil, properties = nil); end def value_used?; end def variable?; end def visit_ancestors(types); end def when_type?; end def while_post_type?; end def while_type?; end def while_until_value_used?; end def xstr_type?; end def yield_type?; end def zsuper_type?; end extend RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros include RuboCop::AST::Descendence include RuboCop::AST::Sexp end module RuboCop::AST::MethodIdentifierPredicates def assignment_method?; end def bang_method?; end def camel_case_method?; end def comparison_method?; end def const_receiver?; end def enumerable_method?; end def enumerator_method?; end def method?(name); end def negation_method?; end def nonmutating_array_method?; end def nonmutating_binary_operator_method?; end def nonmutating_hash_method?; end def nonmutating_operator_method?; end def nonmutating_string_method?; end def nonmutating_unary_operator_method?; end def operator_method?; end def predicate_method?; end def prefix_bang?; end def prefix_not?; end def self_receiver?; end end module RuboCop::AST::BinaryOperatorNode def conditions; end def lhs; end def rhs; end end module RuboCop::AST::CollectionNode def &(*args, &block); end def *(*args, &block); end def +(*args, &block); end def -(*args, &block); end def <<(*args, &block); end def [](*args, &block); end def []=(*args, &block); end def all?(*args, &block); end def any?(*args, &block); end def append(*args, &block); end def assoc(*args, &block); end def at(*args, &block); end def bsearch(*args, &block); end def bsearch_index(*args, &block); end def chain(*args, &block); end def chunk(*args, &block); end def chunk_while(*args, &block); end def clear(*args, &block); end def collect!(*args, &block); end def collect(*args, &block); end def collect_concat(*args, &block); end def combination(*args, &block); end def compact!(*args, &block); end def compact(*args, &block); end def concat(*args, &block); end def count(*args, &block); end def cycle(*args, &block); end def deconstruct(*args, &block); end def delete(*args, &block); end def delete_at(*args, &block); end def delete_if(*args, &block); end def detect(*args, &block); end def difference(*args, &block); end def dig(*args, &block); end def drop(*args, &block); end def drop_while(*args, &block); end def each(*args, &block); end def each_cons(*args, &block); end def each_entry(*args, &block); end def each_index(*args, &block); end def each_slice(*args, &block); end def each_with_index(*args, &block); end def each_with_object(*args, &block); end def empty?(*args, &block); end def entries(*args, &block); end def fetch(*args, &block); end def fill(*args, &block); end def filter!(*args, &block); end def filter(*args, &block); end def filter_map(*args, &block); end def find(*args, &block); end def find_all(*args, &block); end def find_index(*args, &block); end def first(*args, &block); end def flat_map(*args, &block); end def flatten!(*args, &block); end def flatten(*args, &block); end def grep(*args, &block); end def grep_v(*args, &block); end def group_by(*args, &block); end def include?(*args, &block); end def index(*args, &block); end def inject(*args, &block); end def insert(*args, &block); end def intersection(*args, &block); end def join(*args, &block); end def keep_if(*args, &block); end def last(*args, &block); end def lazy(*args, &block); end def length(*args, &block); end def map!(*args, &block); end def map(*args, &block); end def max(*args, &block); end def max_by(*args, &block); end def member?(*args, &block); end def min(*args, &block); end def min_by(*args, &block); end def minmax(*args, &block); end def minmax_by(*args, &block); end def none?(*args, &block); end def one?(*args, &block); end def pack(*args, &block); end def partition(*args, &block); end def permutation(*args, &block); end def pop(*args, &block); end def prepend(*args, &block); end def product(*args, &block); end def push(*args, &block); end def rassoc(*args, &block); end def reduce(*args, &block); end def reject!(*args, &block); end def reject(*args, &block); end def repeated_combination(*args, &block); end def repeated_permutation(*args, &block); end def replace(*args, &block); end def reverse!(*args, &block); end def reverse(*args, &block); end def reverse_each(*args, &block); end def rindex(*args, &block); end def rotate!(*args, &block); end def rotate(*args, &block); end def sample(*args, &block); end def select!(*args, &block); end def select(*args, &block); end def shelljoin(*args, &block); end def shift(*args, &block); end def shuffle!(*args, &block); end def shuffle(*args, &block); end def size(*args, &block); end def slice!(*args, &block); end def slice(*args, &block); end def slice_after(*args, &block); end def slice_before(*args, &block); end def slice_when(*args, &block); end def sort!(*args, &block); end def sort(*args, &block); end def sort_by!(*args, &block); end def sort_by(*args, &block); end def sum(*args, &block); end def take(*args, &block); end def take_while(*args, &block); end def tally(*args, &block); end def to_ary(*args, &block); end def to_h(*args, &block); end def to_set(*args, &block); end def transpose(*args, &block); end def union(*args, &block); end def uniq!(*args, &block); end def uniq(*args, &block); end def unshift(*args, &block); end def values_at(*args, &block); end def zip(*args, &block); end def |(*args, &block); end extend Forwardable end module RuboCop::AST::ConditionalNode def body; end def condition; end def multiline_condition?; end def single_line_condition?; end end module RuboCop::AST::HashElementNode def delimiter_delta(other); end def key; end def key_delta(other, alignment = nil); end def same_line?(other); end def value; end def value_delta(other); end end class RuboCop::AST::HashElementNode::HashElementDelta def delimiter_delta; end def delta(first, second, alignment = nil); end def first; end def initialize(first, second); end def key_delta(alignment = nil); end def keyword_splat?; end def second; end def valid_argument_types?; end def value_delta; end end module RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode def access_modifier?; end def adjacent_def_modifier?(param0 = nil); end def arithmetic_operation?; end def assignment?; end def bare_access_modifier?; end def bare_access_modifier_declaration?(param0 = nil); end def binary_operation?; end def block_literal?; end def block_node; end def command?(name); end def const_receiver?; end def def_modifier?; end def dot?; end def double_colon?; end def implicit_call?; end def in_macro_scope?(param0 = nil); end def lambda?; end def lambda_literal?; end def macro?; end def method_name; end def non_bare_access_modifier?; end def non_bare_access_modifier_declaration?(param0 = nil); end def receiver; end def safe_navigation?; end def self_receiver?; end def setter_method?; end def special_modifier?; end def unary_operation?; end extend RuboCop::AST::NodePattern::Macros include RuboCop::AST::MethodIdentifierPredicates end module RuboCop::AST::ModifierNode def modifier_form?; end end module RuboCop::AST::NumericNode def sign?; end end module RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode def arguments?; end def block_argument?; end def first_argument; end def last_argument; end def parenthesized?; end def rest_argument?; end def splat_argument?; end end module RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::WrappedArguments def arguments; end include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode end module RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::RestArguments def arguments; end def arguments?; end def first_argument; end def last_argument; end include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode end module RuboCop::AST::PredicateOperatorNode def logical_operator?; end def operator; end def semantic_operator?; end end module RuboCop::AST::BasicLiteralNode def value; end end class RuboCop::AST::AliasNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def new_identifier; end def old_identifier; end end class RuboCop::AST::AndNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def alternate_operator; end def inverse_operator; end include RuboCop::AST::BinaryOperatorNode include RuboCop::AST::PredicateOperatorNode end class RuboCop::AST::ArgNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def default?; end def default_value; end def name; end end class RuboCop::AST::ArgsNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def argument_list; end def empty_and_without_delimiters?; end include RuboCop::AST::CollectionNode end class RuboCop::AST::ArrayNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def bracketed?; end def each_value(&block); end def percent_literal?(type = nil); end def square_brackets?; end def values; end end class RuboCop::AST::BlockNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def argument_list; end def arguments; end def arguments?; end def body; end def braces?; end def closing_delimiter; end def delimiters; end def keywords?; end def lambda?; end def method_name; end def multiline?; end def numbered_arguments; end def opening_delimiter; end def send_node; end def single_line?; end def void_context?; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodIdentifierPredicates end class RuboCop::AST::BreakNode < RuboCop::AST::Node include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::WrappedArguments end class RuboCop::AST::CaseMatchNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def each_in_pattern(&block); end def else?; end def else_branch; end def in_pattern_branches; end def keyword; end include RuboCop::AST::ConditionalNode end class RuboCop::AST::CaseNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def branches; end def each_when(&block); end def else?; end def else_branch; end def keyword; end def when_branches; end include RuboCop::AST::ConditionalNode end class RuboCop::AST::ClassNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end def identifier; end def parent_class; end end class RuboCop::AST::ConstNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def absolute?; end def class_name?; end def each_path(&block); end def module_name?; end def namespace; end def relative?; end def short_name; end end class RuboCop::AST::DefNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def argument_forwarding?; end def arguments; end def body; end def endless?; end def method_name; end def receiver; end def void_context?; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodIdentifierPredicates include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode end class RuboCop::AST::DefinedNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def arguments; end def node_parts; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode end class RuboCop::AST::EnsureNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end end class RuboCop::AST::ForNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end def collection; end def do?; end def keyword; end def variable; end def void_context?; end end class RuboCop::AST::ForwardArgsNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def to_a; end include RuboCop::AST::CollectionNode end class RuboCop::AST::FloatNode < RuboCop::AST::Node include RuboCop::AST::BasicLiteralNode include RuboCop::AST::NumericNode end class RuboCop::AST::HashNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def braces?; end def each_key(&block); end def each_pair; end def each_value(&block); end def empty?; end def keys; end def mixed_delimiters?; end def pairs; end def pairs_on_same_line?; end def values; end end class RuboCop::AST::IfNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def branches; end def each_branch(&block); end def else?; end def else_branch; end def elsif?; end def elsif_conditional?; end def if?; end def if_branch; end def inverse_keyword; end def keyword; end def modifier_form?; end def nested_conditional?; end def node_parts; end def ternary?; end def unless?; end include RuboCop::AST::ConditionalNode include RuboCop::AST::ModifierNode end class RuboCop::AST::IndexNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def assignment_method?; end def attribute_accessor?; end def first_argument_index; end def method_name; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::RestArguments end class RuboCop::AST::IndexasgnNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def assignment_method?; end def attribute_accessor?; end def first_argument_index; end def method_name; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::RestArguments end class RuboCop::AST::IntNode < RuboCop::AST::Node include RuboCop::AST::BasicLiteralNode include RuboCop::AST::NumericNode end class RuboCop::AST::KeywordSplatNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def colon?; end def hash_rocket?; end def node_parts; end def operator; end include RuboCop::AST::HashElementNode end class RuboCop::AST::LambdaNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def assignment_method?; end def attribute_accessor?; end def first_argument_index; end def lambda?; end def lambda_literal?; end def method_name; end def receiver; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::RestArguments end class RuboCop::AST::ModuleNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end def identifier; end end class RuboCop::AST::NextNode < RuboCop::AST::Node include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::WrappedArguments end class RuboCop::AST::OrNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def alternate_operator; end def inverse_operator; end include RuboCop::AST::BinaryOperatorNode include RuboCop::AST::PredicateOperatorNode end class RuboCop::AST::PairNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def colon?; end def delimiter(*deprecated, with_spacing: nil); end def hash_rocket?; end def inverse_delimiter(*deprecated, with_spacing: nil); end def value_on_new_line?; end include RuboCop::AST::HashElementNode end class RuboCop::AST::Procarg0Node < RuboCop::AST::ArgNode def name; end end class RuboCop::AST::RangeNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def begin; end def end; end end class RuboCop::AST::RegexpNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def content; end def delimiter?(char); end def delimiters; end def extended?; end def ignore_case?; end def interpolation?; end def multiline_mode?; end def no_encoding?; end def options; end def percent_r_literal?; end def regopt; end def regopt_include?(option); end def single_interpolation?; end def slash_literal?; end def to_regexp; end end class RuboCop::AST::RescueNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end def branches; end def else?; end def else_branch; end def resbody_branches; end end class RuboCop::AST::ResbodyNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end def branch_index; end def exception_variable; end def exceptions; end end class RuboCop::AST::ReturnNode < RuboCop::AST::Node include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::WrappedArguments end class RuboCop::AST::SelfClassNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end def identifier; end end class RuboCop::AST::SendNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def attribute_accessor?(param0 = nil); end def first_argument_index; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode::RestArguments end class RuboCop::AST::StrNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def heredoc?; end include RuboCop::AST::BasicLiteralNode end class RuboCop::AST::DstrNode < RuboCop::AST::StrNode def value; end end class RuboCop::AST::SuperNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def arguments; end def node_parts; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode end class RuboCop::AST::SymbolNode < RuboCop::AST::Node include RuboCop::AST::BasicLiteralNode end class RuboCop::AST::UntilNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def do?; end def inverse_keyword; end def keyword; end include RuboCop::AST::ConditionalNode include RuboCop::AST::ModifierNode end class RuboCop::AST::WhenNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def body; end def branch_index; end def conditions; end def each_condition(&block); end def then?; end end class RuboCop::AST::WhileNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def do?; end def inverse_keyword; end def keyword; end include RuboCop::AST::ConditionalNode include RuboCop::AST::ModifierNode end class RuboCop::AST::YieldNode < RuboCop::AST::Node def arguments; end def node_parts; end include RuboCop::AST::MethodDispatchNode include RuboCop::AST::ParameterizedNode end class RuboCop::AST::Builder < Parser::Builders::Default def n(type, children, source_map); end def node_klass(type); end def string_value(token); end end class RuboCop::AST::ProcessedSource def [](*args); end def ast; end def ast_with_comments; end def blank?; end def buffer; end def checksum; end def comment_at_line(line); end def comment_index; end def commented?(source_range); end def comments; end def comments_before_line(line); end def contains_comment?(source_range); end def create_parser(ruby_version); end def current_line(token); end def diagnostics; end def each_comment(&block); end def each_comment_in_lines(line_range); end def each_token(&block); end def file_path; end def find_comment(&block); end def find_token(&block); end def first_token_index(range_or_node); end def first_token_of(range_or_node); end def following_line(token); end def initialize(source, ruby_version, path = nil); end def last_token_index(range_or_node); end def last_token_of(range_or_node); end def line_indentation(line_number); end def line_with_comment?(line); end def lines; end def parse(source, ruby_version); end def parser_class(ruby_version); end def parser_error; end def path; end def preceding_line(token); end def raw_source; end def ruby_version; end def self.from_file(path, ruby_version); end def sorted_tokens; end def source_range(range_or_node); end def start_with?(string); end def tokenize(parser); end def tokens; end def tokens_within(range_or_node); end def valid_syntax?; end end module RuboCop::AST::RuboCopCompatibility def rubocop_loaded; end end class RuboCop::AST::Token def begin_pos; end def column; end def comma?; end def comment?; end def end?; end def end_pos; end def equal_sign?; end def initialize(pos, type, text); end def left_array_bracket?; end def left_brace?; end def left_bracket?; end def left_curly_brace?; end def left_parens?; end def left_ref_bracket?; end def line; end def pos; end def rescue_modifier?; end def right_bracket?; end def right_curly_brace?; end def right_parens?; end def self.from_parser_token(parser_token); end def semicolon?; end def space_after?; end def space_before?; end def text; end def to_s; end def type; end end module RuboCop::AST::Traversal def on_(node); end def on___ENCODING__(node); end def on___FILE__(node); end def on___LINE__(node); end def on_alias(node); end def on_and(node); end def on_and_asgn(node); end def on_arg(node); end def on_arg_expr(node); end def on_args(node); end def on_array(node); end def on_array_pattern(node); end def on_array_pattern_with_tail(node); end def on_back_ref(node); end def on_begin(node); end def on_block(node); end def on_block_pass(node); end def on_blockarg(node); end def on_break(node); end def on_case(node); end def on_case_match(node); end def on_casgn(node); end def on_cbase(node); end def on_class(node); end def on_complex(node); end def on_const(node); end def on_const_pattern(node); end def on_csend(node); end def on_cvar(node); end def on_cvasgn(node); end def on_def(node); end def on_defined?(node); end def on_defs(node); end def on_dstr(node); end def on_dsym(node); end def on_eflipflop(node); end def on_empty_else(node); end def on_ensure(node); end def on_erange(node); end def on_false(node); end def on_find_pattern(node); end def on_float(node); end def on_for(node); end def on_forward_arg(node); end def on_forward_args(node); end def on_forwarded_args(node); end def on_gvar(node); end def on_gvasgn(node); end def on_hash(node); end def on_hash_pattern(node); end def on_if(node); end def on_if_guard(node); end def on_iflipflop(node); end def on_in_match(node); end def on_in_pattern(node); end def on_index(node); end def on_indexasgn(node); end def on_int(node); end def on_irange(node); end def on_ivar(node); end def on_ivasgn(node); end def on_kwarg(node); end def on_kwargs(node); end def on_kwbegin(node); end def on_kwnilarg(node); end def on_kwoptarg(node); end def on_kwrestarg(node); end def on_kwsplat(node); end def on_lambda(node); end def on_lvar(node); end def on_lvasgn(node); end def on_masgn(node); end def on_match_alt(node); end def on_match_as(node); end def on_match_current_line(node); end def on_match_nil_pattern(node); end def on_match_pattern(node); end def on_match_pattern_p(node); end def on_match_rest(node); end def on_match_var(node); end def on_match_with_lvasgn(node); end def on_match_with_trailing_comma(node); end def on_mlhs(node); end def on_module(node); end def on_mrasgn(node); end def on_next(node); end def on_nil(node); end def on_not(node); end def on_nth_ref(node); end def on_numblock(node); end def on_op_asgn(node); end def on_optarg(node); end def on_or(node); end def on_or_asgn(node); end def on_pair(node); end def on_pin(node); end def on_postexe(node); end def on_preexe(node); end def on_procarg0(node); end def on_rasgn(node); end def on_rational(node); end def on_redo(node); end def on_regexp(node); end def on_regopt(node); end def on_resbody(node); end def on_rescue(node); end def on_restarg(node); end def on_retry(node); end def on_return(node); end def on_sclass(node); end def on_self(node); end def on_send(node); end def on_shadowarg(node); end def on_splat(node); end def on_str(node); end def on_super(node); end def on_sym(node); end def on_true(node); end def on_undef(node); end def on_unless_guard(node); end def on_until(node); end def on_until_post(node); end def on_when(node); end def on_while(node); end def on_while_post(node); end def on_xstr(node); end def on_yield(node); end def on_zsuper(node); end def walk(node); end extend RuboCop::AST::Traversal::CallbackCompiler end class RuboCop::AST::Traversal::DebugError < RuntimeError end module RuboCop::AST::Traversal::CallbackCompiler def arity_check(range); end def body(signature, prelude); end def def_callback(type, *signature, arity: nil, arity_check: nil, body: nil); end end module RuboCop::AST::Version end