Class MailSpecificationController
In: app/controllers/mail_specification_controller.rb
Parent: ApplicationController


Public Instance methods

Method is used to edit the sendmail settings and renders the sendmail form.


    # File app/controllers/mail_specification_controller.rb, line 44
44:   def edit_sendmail
45:     @sendmail_old = params[:sendmail]
46:     render :partial => "sendmail_form"
47:   end

Method is used to edit the smtp settings and renders the smtp form.


    # File app/controllers/mail_specification_controller.rb, line 38
38:   def edit_smtp
39:     @smtp_old = params[:smtp]
40:     render :partial => "smtp_form"
41:   end

Method is used to save the sendmail settings.


    # File app/controllers/mail_specification_controller.rb, line 50
50:   def save_sendmail_settings   
51:     str = MailSpecification.validate_sendmail_specification(params[:sendmail])
52:     if str.length < 1
53:       MailSpecification.save_sendmail_specification(params[:sendmail])      
54:     else
55:       sendmail = MailSpecification.sendmail_specification_hash(params[:sendmail])
56:       flash[:sendmail_errors] = str
57:     end
58:     redirect_to :controller => 'admin', :action => 'configuration', :sendmail => sendmail
59:   end

Method is used to save the smtp settings.


    # File app/controllers/mail_specification_controller.rb, line 62
62:   def save_smtp_settings  
63:     str = MailSpecification.validate_smtp_specification(params[:smtp])
64:     if str.length < 1
65:       MailSpecification.save_smtp_specification(params[:smtp])
66:     else
67:       smtp = MailSpecification.smtp_specification_hash(params[:smtp])
68:       flash[:smtp_errors] = str        
69:     end
70:     redirect_to :controller => 'admin', :action => 'configuration', :smtp => smtp
71:   end

Method is used to render the sendmail settings form.


    # File app/controllers/mail_specification_controller.rb, line 26
26:   def sendmail_form
27:     @sendmail_old = MailSpecification.sendmail_specification_hash
28:     render :partial => "sendmail_form"
29:   end

Method is used to render the smtp settings form.


    # File app/controllers/mail_specification_controller.rb, line 32
32:   def smtp_form
33:     @smtp_old = MailSpecification.smtp_specification_hash
34:     render :partial => "smtp_form"
35:   end
