Feature: Search features In order to have fast access to features and scenarios As a stakeholder I want to be able to search features Scenario Outline: Search feature name Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ @QA Feature: Sample Feature """ And I am on the search page When I search for "" Then I should see a link to "" with the url "" Examples: | query | feature name | url | | Sample | Sample Feature |/features/sample-feature | | sAmPlE | Sample Feature |/features/sample-feature | | @QA | Sample Feature |/features/sample-feature | Scenario: Search scenario name Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature Scenario: Sample Scenario """ And I am on the search page When I search for "Sample Scenario" Then I should see a link to "Sample Scenario" with the url "/features/sample-feature/scenario/sample-scenario" Scenario: Search scenario steps Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature Scenario: Sample Scenario Given I do something """ And I am on the search page When I search for "I do something" Then I should see a link to "Sample Scenario" with the url "/features/sample-feature/scenario/sample-scenario"