module Admin module FilePreviewHelper def get_type_of_attachment(attachment) if defined?(Paperclip) && attachment.is_a?(Paperclip::Attachment) :paperclip elsif defined?(Dragonfly) && attachment.is_a?(Dragonfly::ActiveModelExtensions::Attachment) :dragonfly end end def link_to_detach_attribute(attribute) validators = @item.class.validators.delete_if { |i| i.class != ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator }.map { |i| i.attributes } { |i| i.to_s } attachment = @item.send(attribute) # We are here and we already know we are handling attachments, but # `dragonfly` and `paperclip` have different behaviors. if defined?(Paperclip) present = case attachment when Paperclip::Attachment attachment.exists? else attachment.present? end else present = attachment.present? end field = case get_type_of_attachment(attachment) when :dragonfly then attribute when :paperclip then "#{attribute}_file_name" end if present && !validators.include?(field) && attachment attribute_i18n = @item.class.human_attribute_name(attribute) message = Typus::I18n.t("Remove") label_text = <<-HTML #{attribute_i18n} #{link_to message, { :action => 'update', :id =>, :attribute => attribute }, :confirm => Typus::I18n.t("Are you sure?")} HTML label_text.html_safe end end def typus_file_preview(item, attribute, options = {}) if (attachment = item.send(attribute)) adapter = get_type_of_attachment(attachment) send("typus_file_preview_for_#{adapter}", attachment, options) end end def typus_file_preview_for_dragonfly(attachment, options = {}) if attachment.mime_type =~ /^image\/.+/ render "admin/helpers/file_preview", :preview => attachment.process(:thumb, Typus.image_preview_size).url, :thumb => attachment.process(:thumb, Typus.image_thumb_size).url, :options => options else link_to, attachment.url end end def typus_file_preview_for_paperclip(attachment, options = {}) return unless attachment.exists? styles = attachment.styles.keys if attachment.content_type =~ /^image\/.+/ && styles.include?(Typus.file_preview) && styles.include?(Typus.file_thumbnail) render "admin/helpers/file_preview", :preview => attachment.url(Typus.file_preview, false), :thumb => attachment.url(Typus.file_thumbnail, false), :options => options else link_to attachment.original_filename, attachment.url(:original, false) end end end end