/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef HAVE_KQUEUE #if defined(__APPLE__) || \ defined(__DragonFly__) || \ defined(__FreeBSD__) || \ defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) || \ defined(__OpenBSD__) || \ defined(__NetBSD__) #define HAVE_KQUEUE 1 #endif #endif #ifndef HAVE_EPOLL #ifdef __linux__ #define HAVE_EPOLL 1 #endif #endif #ifndef HAVE_POLLSET #ifdef __AIX #define HAVE_POLLSET 1 #endif #endif #ifndef HAVE_EVENT_PORTS #if defined(sun) || defined(__sun) #define HAVE_EVENT_PORTS #endif #endif #if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) #include #include #include #elif defined(HAVE_EPOLL) #include #elif defined(HAVE_POLLSET) #include #include #include #elif defined(HAVE_EVENT_PORTS) #include #endif namespace Passenger { using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace oxt; struct BackgroundEventLoopPrivate { struct ev_async exitSignaller; struct ev_async libuvActivitySignaller; uv_loop_t libuv_loop; /** * Coordinates communication between the libuv poller thread and the * libuv activity callback (the latter which runs on the libevent thread. */ uv_sem_t libuv_sem; /** * This timer doesn't do anything. It only exists to prevent * uv_backend_timeout() from returning 0, which would make the * libuv poller thread use 100% CPU. */ uv_timer_t libuv_timer; oxt::thread *thr; oxt::thread *libuvPollerThr; uv_barrier_t startBarrier; bool usesLibuv; bool started; }; static void signalLibevExit(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_async *async, int revents) { BackgroundEventLoop *bg = (BackgroundEventLoop *) async->data; if (bg->priv->usesLibuv) { ev_async_stop(bg->libev_loop, &bg->priv->libuvActivitySignaller); } ev_async_stop(bg->libev_loop, &bg->priv->exitSignaller); ev_break(bg->libev_loop, EVBREAK_ALL); if (bg->priv->usesLibuv) { uv_timer_stop(&bg->priv->libuv_timer); uv_run(bg->libuv_loop, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); } } static void onLibuvActivity(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_async *async, int revents) { BackgroundEventLoop *bg = (BackgroundEventLoop *) async->data; uv_run(bg->libuv_loop, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); uv_sem_post(&bg->priv->libuv_sem); } static void doNothing(uv_timer_t *timer) { // Do nothing } static void runBackgroundLoop(BackgroundEventLoop *bg) { bg->safe->setCurrentThread(); if (bg->priv->usesLibuv) { uv_timer_start(&bg->priv->libuv_timer, doNothing, 99999000, 99999000); uv_run(bg->libuv_loop, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); } uv_barrier_wait(&bg->priv->startBarrier); ev_run(bg->libev_loop, 0); } static void pollLibuv(BackgroundEventLoop *bg) { uv_barrier_wait(&bg->priv->startBarrier); int ret; int fd; int timeout; int lastErrno; bool intrRequested = false; oxt::thread_local_context *ctx = oxt::get_thread_local_context(); assert(ctx != NULL); fd = uv_backend_fd(&bg->priv->libuv_loop); while (!boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) { timeout = uv_backend_timeout(&bg->priv->libuv_loop); ctx->syscall_interruption_lock.unlock(); do { #if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) struct timespec ts; struct kevent event; ts.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; ts.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000; ret = kevent(fd, NULL, 0, &event, 1, (timeout == -1) ? NULL : &ts); #elif defined(HAVE_EPOLL) struct epoll_event ev; ret = epoll_wait(fd, &ev, 1, timeout); #elif defined(HAVE_POLLSET) struct pollfd event; ret = pollset_poll(fd, &event, 1, timeout); #elif defined(HAVE_EVENT_PORTS) struct timespec ts; struct port_event event; ts.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; ts.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000; ret = port_get(fd, &event, (timeout == -1) ? NULL : &ts); #else #error "This platform is not supported. Please add corresponding I/O polling code." #endif lastErrno = errno; } while (ret == -1 && lastErrno == EINTR && (!boost::this_thread::syscalls_interruptable() || !(intrRequested = boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()))); ctx->syscall_interruption_lock.lock(); if (ret == -1 && lastErrno == EINTR && boost::this_thread::syscalls_interruptable() && intrRequested) { throw boost::thread_interrupted(); } ev_async_send(bg->libev_loop, &bg->priv->libuvActivitySignaller); uv_sem_wait(&bg->priv->libuv_sem); } } BackgroundEventLoop::BackgroundEventLoop(bool scalable, bool usesLibuv) : libev_loop(NULL), libuv_loop(NULL), priv(NULL) { struct Guard { BackgroundEventLoop *self; Guard(BackgroundEventLoop *_self) : self(_self) { } ~Guard() { if (self != NULL) { if (self->libev_loop != NULL) { ev_loop_destroy(self->libev_loop); } if (self->libuv_loop != NULL) { uv_loop_close(self->libuv_loop); } delete self->priv; } } void clear() { self = NULL; } }; TRACE_POINT(); Guard guard(this); priv = new BackgroundEventLoopPrivate(); if (scalable) { libev_loop = ev_loop_new(EVBACKEND_KQUEUE); if (libev_loop == NULL) { libev_loop = ev_loop_new(EVBACKEND_EPOLL); } if (libev_loop == NULL) { libev_loop = ev_loop_new(EVFLAG_AUTO); } } else { libev_loop = ev_loop_new(EVBACKEND_POLL); } if (libev_loop == NULL) { throw RuntimeException("Cannot create a libev event loop"); } P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_OPEN2(ev_backend_fd(libev_loop), "libev event loop: backend FD"); ev_async_init(&priv->exitSignaller, signalLibevExit); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_OPEN2(ev_loop_get_pipe(libev_loop, 0), "libev event loop: async pipe 0"); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_OPEN2(ev_loop_get_pipe(libev_loop, 1), "libev event loop: async pipe 1"); priv->exitSignaller.data = this; safe = boost::make_shared(libev_loop); uv_barrier_init(&priv->startBarrier, usesLibuv ? 3 : 2); if (usesLibuv) { ev_async_init(&priv->libuvActivitySignaller, onLibuvActivity); priv->libuvActivitySignaller.data = this; libuv_loop = &priv->libuv_loop; uv_loop_init(&priv->libuv_loop); uv_timer_init(&priv->libuv_loop, &priv->libuv_timer); uv_sem_init(&priv->libuv_sem, 0); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_OPEN2(uv_backend_fd(libuv_loop), "libuv event loop: backend"); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_OPEN2(libuv_loop->signal_pipefd[0], "libuv event loop: signal pipe 0"); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_OPEN2(libuv_loop->signal_pipefd[1], "libuv event loop: signal pipe 1"); } priv->thr = NULL; priv->libuvPollerThr = NULL; priv->usesLibuv = usesLibuv; priv->started = false; guard.clear(); } BackgroundEventLoop::~BackgroundEventLoop() { stop(); if (priv->usesLibuv) { uv_close((uv_handle_t *) &priv->libuv_timer, NULL); while (uv_loop_alive(libuv_loop)) { uv_run(libuv_loop, UV_RUN_NOWAIT); syscalls::usleep(10000); } uv_sem_destroy(&priv->libuv_sem); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_CLOSE(uv_backend_fd(libuv_loop)); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_CLOSE(libuv_loop->signal_pipefd[0]); P_LOG_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_CLOSE(libuv_loop->signal_pipefd[1]); uv_loop_close(libuv_loop); if (ev_is_active(&priv->libuvActivitySignaller)) { ev_async_stop(libev_loop, &priv->libuvActivitySignaller); } } if (ev_is_active(&priv->exitSignaller)) { ev_async_stop(libev_loop, &priv->exitSignaller); } uv_barrier_destroy(&priv->startBarrier); delete priv; } void BackgroundEventLoop::start(const string &threadName, unsigned int stackSize) { assert(priv->thr == NULL); ev_async_start(libev_loop, &priv->exitSignaller); if (priv->usesLibuv) { ev_async_start(libev_loop, &priv->libuvActivitySignaller); } priv->thr = new oxt::thread( boost::bind(runBackgroundLoop, this), threadName, stackSize ); if (priv->usesLibuv) { priv->libuvPollerThr = new oxt::thread( boost::bind(pollLibuv, this), threadName + ": libuv poller", 1024 * 512 ); } uv_barrier_wait(&priv->startBarrier); } void BackgroundEventLoop::stop() { if (priv->thr != NULL) { if (priv->usesLibuv) { priv->libuvPollerThr->interrupt_and_join(); delete priv->libuvPollerThr; priv->libuvPollerThr = NULL; } ev_async_send(libev_loop, &priv->exitSignaller); priv->thr->join(); delete priv->thr; priv->thr = NULL; } } bool BackgroundEventLoop::isStarted() const { return priv->thr != NULL; } pthread_t BackgroundEventLoop::getNativeHandle() const { return priv->thr->native_handle(); } } // namespace Passenger