require 'json' require 'fileutils' require 'kytoon/util' require 'base64' require 'ipaddr' module Kytoon module Providers module Xenserver # All in one XenServer server group provider. # # Required setup: # 1) add your ssh key to the XenServer box. # # 2) Pre-download any .xva images you'd like to use. These images *must* # have the OpenStack guest agent installed (including Xen Guest Tools). # # 3) Generate an ssh keypair on your XenServer host. # # 4) Add an ip to the private Xen bridge you'd like to use for instances. # This IP should match the range you'd like to use in your server group # config file. Example: # ip addr add brd scope global dev xenbr1 # class ServerGroup @@data_dir=File.join(KYTOON_PROJECT, "tmp", "xenserver") def self.data_dir @@data_dir end def self.data_dir=(dir) @@data_dir=dir end CONFIG_FILE = KYTOON_PROJECT + File::SEPARATOR + "config" + File::SEPARATOR + "server_group.json" attr_accessor :id attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :gateway_ip attr_accessor :netmask attr_accessor :gateway attr_accessor :broadcast attr_accessor :network_type attr_accessor :bridge attr_accessor :public_ip_bridge attr_accessor :dns_nameserver attr_accessor :cleanup_before_create def initialize(options={}) @id = options[:id] || @name = options[:name] @netmask = options[:netmask] @gateway = options[:gateway] @broadcast = options[:broadcast] @network_type = options[:network_type] @bridge = options[:bridge] @public_ip_bridge = options[:public_ip_bridge] @dns_nameserver = options[:dns_nameserver] @cleanup_before_create = options[:cleanup_before_create] @gateway_ip = options[:gateway_ip] @gateway_ip = ENV['GATEWAY_IP'] if @gateway_ip.nil? raise ConfigException, "Please specify a GATEWAY_IP" if @gateway_ip.nil? @servers=[] end def server(name) {|s| s['hostname'] == name}[0] if @servers.size > 0 end def servers @servers end def gateway_ip @gateway_ip end # generate a Server Group XML from server_group.json def self.from_json(json) json_hash=JSON.parse(json) :id => json_hash["id"], :name => json_hash["name"], :netmask => json_hash['netmask'], :gateway => json_hash['gateway'], :gateway_ip => json_hash['gateway_ip'], :broadcast => json_hash['broadcast'], :dns_nameserver => json_hash['dns_nameserver'], :network_type => json_hash['network_type'], :public_ip_bridge => json_hash['public_ip_bridge'], :cleanup_before_create => json_hash['cleanup_before_create'], :bridge => json_hash['bridge'] ) json_hash["servers"].each do |server_hash| sg.servers << { 'hostname' => server_hash['hostname'], 'ip_address' => server_hash['ip_address'], 'mac' => server_hash['mac'], 'image_path' => server_hash['image_path'] } end return sg end def pretty_print puts "Group ID: #{@id}" puts "name: #{@name}" puts "Servers:" servers.each do |server| puts "\tname: #{server['hostname']}" puts "\t--" end end def server_names names=[] servers.each do |server| if block_given? then yield server['hostname'] else names << server['hostname'] end end names end def cache_to_disk sg_hash = { 'id' => @id, 'name' => @name, 'netmask' => @netmask, 'gateway' => @gateway, 'gateway_ip' => @gateway_ip, 'broadcast' => @broadcast, 'dns_nameserver' => @dns_nameserver, 'cleanup_before_create' => @cleanup_before_create, 'network_type' => @network_type, 'public_ip_bridge' => @public_ip_bridge, 'bridge' => @bridge, 'servers' => [] } @servers.each do |server| sg_hash['servers'] << {'hostname' => server['hostname'], 'ip_address' => server['ip_address'], 'image_path' => server['image_path'], 'mac' => server['mac']} end FileUtils.mkdir_p(@@data_dir), "#{@id}.json"), 'w') do |f| f.chmod(0600) f.write(sg_hash.to_json) end end def delete ServerGroup.cleanup_instances(@gateway_ip) out_file=File.join(@@data_dir, "#{@id}.json") File.delete(out_file) if File.exists?(out_file) end def self.create(sg) ServerGroup.cleanup_instances(sg.gateway_ip) if sg.cleanup_before_create sg.cache_to_disk init_host(sg) status, host_ssh_public_key = Kytoon::Util.remote_exec(%{ if [ -f /root/.ssh/ ]; then cat /root/.ssh/ elif [ -f /root/.ssh/ ]; then cat /root/.ssh/ else exit 1 fi }, sg.gateway_ip) sg.servers.each do |server| create_instance(sg.gateway_ip, server['image_path'], server['hostname'], server['mac'], sg.bridge, host_ssh_public_key) network_type = sg.network_type if network_type == 'static' then configure_static_networking(sg.gateway_ip, server['hostname'], server['ip_address'], sg.netmask, sg.gateway, sg.broadcast, server['mac'], sg.dns_nameserver) else raise "Unsupported network type '#{sg.network_type}'" end end sg end def self.get(options={}) id = options[:id] if id.nil? then group=ServerGroup.most_recent raise NoServerGroupExists, "No server group files exist." if group.nil? end out_file=File.join(@@data_dir, "#{id}.json") raise NoServerGroupExists, "No server group files exist." if not File.exists?(out_file) ServerGroup.from_json( end def self.index(options={}) server_groups=[] Dir[File.join(ServerGroup.data_dir, '*.json')].each do |file| server_groups << ServerGroup.from_json( end server_groups end def self.most_recent server_groups=[] Dir[File.join(@@data_dir, "*.json")].each do |file| server_groups << ServerGroup.from_json( end if server_groups.size > 0 then server_groups.sort { |a,b| <=> }[0] else nil end end def self.init_host(sg) cidr ="1") hosts_file_data = "\tlocalhost localhost.localdomain\n" sg.servers.each do |server| hosts_file_data += "#{server['ip_address']}\t#{server['hostname']}\t#{server['hostname']}.local\n" end Kytoon::Util.remote_exec(%{ # Add first IP to bridge if ! ip a | grep #{sg.gateway}/#{cidr} | grep #{sg.bridge}; then ip a add #{sg.gateway}/#{cidr} dev #{sg.bridge} fi cat > /etc/hosts <<-EOF_CAT #{hosts_file_data} EOF_CAT # FIXME... probably a bit insecure but most people are probably using # boxes behind another firewall anyway. iptables -F iptables -X iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -F iptables -t mangle -X iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o #{sg.public_ip_bridge} -j MASQUERADE echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward }, sg.gateway_ip) end def self.create_instance(gw_ip, image_path, hostname, mac, xen_bridge='xenbr1', ssh_public_key=nil) file_data = Base64.encode64("/root/.ssh/authorized_keys,#{ssh_public_key}") Kytoon::Util.remote_exec(%{ BASE_VM_NAME=$(basename #{image_path}) BASE_VM_UUID=$(xe vm-list name-label=$BASE_VM_NAME | grep uuid | sed -e 's|.*: ||') if [ -z "$BASE_VM_UUID" ]; then # create base vm for future use BASE_UUID=$(xe vm-import filename=#{image_path}) xe vm-param-set name-label=$BASE_VM_NAME uuid=$BASE_UUID xe vm-param-set other-config:kytoon_base_vm=true uuid=$BASE_UUID fi UUID=$(xe vm-clone vm=$BASE_VM_NAME new-name-label=${BASE_VM_NAME}_new) xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=kytoon_base_vm uuid=$UUID xe vm-param-set name-label=#{hostname} uuid=$UUID NETWORK_UUID=$(xe network-list bridge=#{xen_bridge} | grep -P "^uuid" | cut -f2 -d: | cut -f2 -d" ") xe vif-destroy uuid=$VIF_UUID &> /dev/null for VIF_UUID in $(xe vif-list vm-uuid=$UUID | grep uuid | sed -e 's|.*: ||'); do echo "Destroying Xen VIF uuid: $VIF_UUID" xe vif-destroy uuid=$VIF_UUID &> /dev/null done xe vif-create vm-uuid=$UUID mac=#{mac} network-uuid=$NETWORK_UUID device=0 &> /dev/null xe vm-start uuid=$UUID &> /dev/null # inject ssh from host DOMID=$(xe vm-param-get uuid=$UUID param-name="dom-id") xenstore-rm -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/guest/ssh_key 2> /dev/null xenstore-write -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/host/ssh_key '{"name": "injectfile", "value": "#{file_data}"}' until [ -n "$INJECT_RETVAL" ]; do INJECT_RETVAL=$(xenstore-read -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/guest/ssh_key 2> /dev/null) done xenstore-rm -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/host/ssh_key }, gw_ip) do |ok, out| if not ok puts out raise KytoonException, "Failed to create instance #{hostname}." end end end def self.cleanup_instances(gw_ip) Kytoon::Util.remote_exec(%{ for UUID in $(xe vm-list is-control-domain=false | grep uuid | sed -e 's|.*: ||'); do # destroy all instances except the basevm's if ! xe vm-param-get param-name=other-config uuid=$UUID | grep -c kytoon_base_vm; then echo "Destroying Xen instance uuid: $UUID" xe vm-shutdown force=true uuid=$UUID xe vm-uninstall uuid=$UUID force=true fi done for VDI_UUID in $(xe vdi-list read-only=false | grep -v sr-uuid | grep uuid | sed -e 's|.*: ||'); do # destroy all vdi's which aren't in use IN_USE=$(xe vbd-list vdi-uuid=$VDI_UUID | grep vdi-uuid | grep -c $VDI_UUID) if [[ "$IN_USE" -eq "0" ]]; then echo "removing VDI: $VDI_UUID" xe vdi-destroy uuid=$VDI_UUID fi done }, gw_ip) do |ok, out| if not ok puts out raise "Failed to cleanup instances." end end end def self.configure_static_networking(gw_ip, hostname, ip_address, netmask, gateway, broadcast, mac, dns_nameserver) # networking network_info = { "label" => "public", "broadcast" => broadcast, "ips" => [{ "ip" => ip_address, "netmask" => netmask, "enabled" => "1"}], "mac" => mac, "dns" => [dns_nameserver], "gateway" => gateway } Kytoon::Util.remote_exec(%{ UUID=$(xe vm-list name-label=#{hostname} | grep uuid | sed -e 's|.*: ||') DOMID=$(xe vm-param-get uuid=$UUID param-name="dom-id") xenstore-write -s /local/domain/$DOMID/vm-data/hostname '#{hostname}' xenstore-write -s /local/domain/$DOMID/vm-data/networking/123_nw_info '#{network_info.to_json}' xenstore-write -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/host/123_reset_nw '{"name": "resetnetwork", "value": ""}' xenstore-rm -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/guest/123_reset_nw 2> /dev/null until [ -n "$NW_RETVAL" ]; do NW_RETVAL=$(xenstore-read -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/guest/123_reset_nw 2> /dev/null) done xenstore-rm -s /local/domain/$DOMID/data/host/123_reset_nw xe vm-reboot uuid=$UUID &> /dev/null COUNT=0 until ping -c 1 #{hostname} &> /dev/null; do COUNT=$(( $COUNT + 1 )) [ $COUNT -eq 10 ] && break done until ssh #{Kytoon::Util::SSH_OPTS} -o ConnectTimeout=1 #{hostname} &> /dev/null; do COUNT=$(( $COUNT + 1 )) [ $COUNT -eq 20 ] && break sleep 1 done ssh #{Kytoon::Util::SSH_OPTS} #{hostname} bash <<-EOF_SSH_BASH hostname #{hostname}.local EOF_SSH_BASH scp #{Kytoon::Util::SSH_OPTS} /etc/hosts #{hostname}:/etc/hosts }, gw_ip) do |ok, out| puts out if not ok puts out raise "Failed to setup static networking for #{hostname}." end end end end end end end