<% @side_nav = "nav" %>
<% @page_title = "Top Bar" %>

<%= @page_title %>

The Foundation Top Bar gives you a great way to display a complex navigation bar on small or large screens.

Build With HTML Classes

The top bar is a pretty complex piece of magical UI goodness, which makes it really difficult to create a mixin from it. We rely on many presentational classes to accomplish the styles and there's a lot happening in the JS.

Basic Needs

The top bar has four main elements, three of which are needed for proper functionality: ul.title-area, one of the section ul class="right/left elements and the li.toggle-topbar element that will expand the menu in the mobile layout. You can leave out the li class="name" as long as you include the .toggle-topbar element.

Positioning the Bar

The top bar is built with a single nav element with a class of top-bar. It will take on full-browser width by default. To make the top bar stay fixed as you scroll, wrap it in div class="fixed". If you want your navigation to be set to your grid width, wrap it in div class="contain-to-grid". You may use fixed and contain-to-grid together.

Building the Nav

When building your bar it is good to be aware of how many links your're going to need in it so you can customize your responsive breakpoint accordingly. Build your navigation with ul.left and/or ul.right depending where you want links. To add items, simply include li elements with and anchor inside them for your top-level. To build a dropdown menu, you'll need to add has-dropdown to the li and include ul.dropdown after that anchor. Add a class of active to mark the current page.

Other Elements

To make this navigation nice and flexible, we've included patterns for elements like buttons, inputs and dividers. To create dividers between your navigation, just add an empty li.divider and you'll get some separation. You can use a small Foundation button in the nav, just include has-form as a class for its parent li. You can include two different input types: search and text. To use these, add a class of search to the parent li.

Sticky Top Bar

You may also wrap your top bar in div class="contain-to-grid sticky" and put it anywhere within your markup. When the navigation hits the top of the browser, it will act like the fixed top bar and stick to the top as users continue to scroll.

<%= code_example ' ', :html %>

Available SCSS Variables

We do include SCSS variable to help you control some of the styles for the top bar. Overall the styles are written mobile first, so they are much easier to override than the previous iteration of the top bar.

<%= code_example ' /* Background color for the top bar */ $topbar-bg: #111; /* Height and margin */ $topbar-height: 45px; $topbar-margin-bottom: emCalc(30px); /* Control Input height for top bar */ $topbar-input-height: 2.45em; /* Controlling the styles for the title in the top bar */ $topbar-title-weight: bold; $topbar-title-font-size: emCalc(17px); /* Set the link colors and styles for top-level nav */ $topbar-link-color: #fff; $topbar-link-weight: bold; $topbar-link-font-size: emCalc(13px); /* Style the top bar dropdown elements */ $topbar-dropdown-bg: #333; $topbar-dropdown-link-color: #fff; $topbar-dropdown-toggle-size: 5px; $topbar-dropdown-toggle-color: #fff; $topbar-dropdown-toggle-alpha: 0.5; $dropdown-label-color: #555; /* Top menu icon styles */ $topbar-menu-link-transform: uppercase; $topbar-menu-link-font-size: emCalc(13px); $topbar-menu-link-weight: bold; $topbar-menu-link-color: #fff; $topbar-menu-icon-color: #fff; $topbar-menu-link-color-toggled: #888; $topbar-menu-icon-color-toggled: #888; /* Transitions and breakpoint styles */ $topbar-transition-speed: 300ms; $topbar-breakpoint: emCalc(940px); // Change to 9999px for always mobile layout', :css %>

Note: emCalc(); is a function we wrote to convert px to em. It is included in _foundation-global.scss.

Using the JavaScript

You'll need to include foundation.topbar.js to get the topbar to play nice. You'll also need to make sure to include zepto.js and foundation.js above the topbar plugin. Above your closing </body> tag include the following line of code and make sure you have the JS in your directory.

Read how to install Foundation JavaScript

Required Foundation Library: foundation.topbar.js

Optional JavaScript Configuration

Top bar options can only be passed in during initialization at this time.

<%= code_example " { index : 0, stickyClass : 'sticky', custom_back_text: true, // Set this to false and it will pull the top level link name as the back text back_text: 'Back', // Define what you want your custom back text to be if custom_back_text: true init : false }", :js %>
<%= render "_sidebar-components.html.erb" %>