@wip Feature: Managing remote servers In order to reduce cost of referencing remote servers by explicit --host/--port options As a user I want a directory of remote servers I frequently use Background: Given I have a Hudson server running And the Hudson server has no current jobs Scenario: No remote servers When I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "list" Then I should see "Either use --host or add remote servers." Scenario: Add a remote server When I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "remotes add --host localhost --port 3010" And I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "remotes add --host localhost --port 3011" And I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "list" Then I should not see "Either use --host or add remote servers." And I should see "localhost:3010 -" And I should see "No jobs" And I should see "localhost:3011 - no connection" Scenario: Add a remote server and access by abbreviation When I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "remotes add --host localhost --port 3010" When I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "remotes add --host another.server" And I run local executable "hudson" with arguments "list --server local" And I should see "localhost:3010 -" And I should see "No jobs" And I should not see "another.server"