require 'hiera/scope' require_relative 'sub_lookup' module Puppet::Pops module Lookup # Adds support for interpolation expressions. The expressions may contain keys that uses dot-notation # to further navigate into hashes and arrays # # @api public module Interpolation include SubLookup # @param value [Object] The value to interpolate # @param context [Context] The current lookup context # @param allow_methods [Boolean] `true` if interpolation expression that contains lookup methods are allowed # @return [Object] the result of resolving all interpolations in the given value # @api public def interpolate(value, context, allow_methods) case value when String value.index('%{').nil? ? value : interpolate_string(value, context, allow_methods) when Array { |element| interpolate(element, context, allow_methods) } when Hash result = {} value.each_pair { |k, v| result[interpolate(k, context, allow_methods)] = interpolate(v, context, allow_methods) } result else value end end private EMPTY_INTERPOLATIONS = { '' => true, '::' => true, '""' => true, "''" => true, '"::"' => true, "'::'" => true }.freeze # Matches a key that is quoted using a matching pair of either single or double quotes. QUOTED_KEY = /^(?:"([^"]+)"|'([^']+)')$/ def interpolate_string(subject, context, allow_methods) lookup_invocation = context.is_a?(Invocation) ? context : context.invocation lookup_invocation.with(:interpolate, subject) do subject.gsub(/%\{([^\}]*)\}/) do |match| expr = $1 # Leading and trailing spaces inside an interpolation expression are insignificant expr.strip! value = nil unless EMPTY_INTERPOLATIONS[expr] method_key, key = get_method_and_data(expr, allow_methods) is_alias = method_key == :alias # Alias is only permitted if the entire string is equal to the interpolate expression fail(Issues::HIERA_INTERPOLATION_ALIAS_NOT_ENTIRE_STRING) if is_alias && subject != match value = interpolate_method(method_key).call(key, lookup_invocation, subject) # break gsub and return value immediately if this was an alias substitution. The value might be something other than a String return value if is_alias value = lookup_invocation.check(method_key == :scope ? "scope:#{key}" : key) { interpolate(value, lookup_invocation, allow_methods) } end value.nil? ? '' : value end end end def interpolate_method(method_key) @@interpolate_methods ||= begin global_lookup = lambda do |key, lookup_invocation, _| scope = lookup_invocation.scope if scope.is_a?(Hiera::Scope) && !lookup_invocation.global_only? # "unwrap" the Hiera::Scope scope = scope.real end lookup_invocation.with_scope(scope) do |sub_invocation| sub_invocation.lookup(key) { Lookup.lookup(key, nil, '', true, nil, sub_invocation) } end end scope_lookup = lambda do |key, lookup_invocation, subject| segments = split_key(key) { |problem|"#{problem} in string: #{subject}") } root_key = segments.shift value = lookup_invocation.with(:scope, 'Global Scope') do ovr = lookup_invocation.override_values if ovr.include?(root_key) lookup_invocation.report_found_in_overrides(root_key, ovr[root_key]) else scope = lookup_invocation.scope val = scope[root_key] if val.nil? && !nil_in_scope?(scope, root_key) defaults = lookup_invocation.default_values if defaults.include?(root_key) lookup_invocation.report_found_in_defaults(root_key, defaults[root_key]) else nil end else lookup_invocation.report_found(root_key, val) end end end unless value.nil? || segments.empty? found = nil; catch(:no_such_key) { found = sub_lookup(key, lookup_invocation, segments, value) } value = found; end lookup_invocation.remember_scope_lookup(key, root_key, segments, value) value end { :lookup => global_lookup, :hiera => global_lookup, # this is just an alias for 'lookup' :alias => global_lookup, # same as 'lookup' but expression must be entire string and result is not subject to string substitution :scope => scope_lookup, :literal => lambda { |key, _, _| key } }.freeze end interpolate_method = @@interpolate_methods[method_key] fail(Issues::HIERA_INTERPOLATION_UNKNOWN_INTERPOLATION_METHOD, :name => method_key) unless interpolate_method interpolate_method end # Because the semantics of Puppet::Parser::Scope#include? differs from Hash#include? def nil_in_scope?(scope, key) if scope.is_a?(Hash) scope.include?(key) else scope.exist?(key) end end def get_method_and_data(data, allow_methods) match = data.match(/^(\w+)\((?:["]([^"]+)["]|[']([^']+)['])\)$/) if match fail(Issues::HIERA_INTERPOLATION_METHOD_SYNTAX_NOT_ALLOWED) unless allow_methods key = match[1].to_sym data = match[2] || match[3] # double or single qouted else key = :scope end [key, data] end def fail(issue, args = EMPTY_HASH) raise issue.format(args), nil, nil, nil, nil, issue.issue_code) end end end end