require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'rake/testtask' require 'jslint/tasks' JSLint.config_path = '.jslint.yml' namespace :test do # Separate the unit and integration tests when running the entire suite. do |t| t.libs.push('lib') t.test_files = FileList[File.expand_path('../test/unit/**/*_test.rb', __FILE__)] t.verbose = true end :unit) do |t| t.libs.push('lib') t.test_files = FileList[File.expand_path('../test/integration/**/*_test.rb', __FILE__)] t.verbose = true end end # Keep a default test task for manually running any test do |t| t.libs.push('lib') t.test_files = FileList[File.expand_path('../test/**/*_test.rb', __FILE__)] t.verbose = true end desc 'Start the web interface for development' task server: 'server:start' namespace :server do task :start do sh('shotgun') end desc 'Copy the current configuration for use with the development web interface' task :copy_config do FileUtils.mkdir_p('./tmp/web') FileUtils.copy( File.expand_path('.gitdocs/config.db', ENV['HOME']), './tmp/web/config.db' ) end end task default: 'test:integration'