begin require "rubygems" require "bundler" Bundler.setup :default rescue => e puts "AlgoliaSearch: #{e.message}" end require 'algoliasearch' require 'algoliasearch/utilities' if defined? Rails begin require 'algoliasearch/railtie' rescue LoadError end end module AlgoliaSearch class NotConfigured < StandardError; end class BadConfiguration < StandardError; end class NoBlockGiven < StandardError; end autoload :Configuration, 'algoliasearch/configuration' extend Configuration autoload :Pagination, 'algoliasearch/pagination' class << self attr_reader :included_in def included(klass) @included_in ||= [] @included_in << klass @included_in.uniq! klass.send :include, InstanceMethods klass.extend ClassMethods end end class IndexSettings # AlgoliaSearch settings OPTIONS = [:attributesToIndex, :minWordSizefor1Typo, :minWordSizefor2Typos, :hitsPerPage, :attributesToRetrieve, :attributesToHighlight, :attributesToSnippet, :attributesToIndex, :ranking, :customRanking, :queryType, :attributesForFaceting, :separatorsToIndex, :optionalWords] OPTIONS.each do |k| define_method k do |v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) end end def initialize(block) instance_exec(&block) if block end def attribute(*names, &block) raise'Cannot pass multiple attribute names if block given') if block_given? and names.length > 1 @attributes ||= {} names.each do |name| @attributes[name.to_s] = block_given? ? { |o| o.instance_eval(&block) } : { |o| o.send(name) } end end alias :attributes :attribute def add_attribute(*names, &block) raise'Cannot pass multiple attribute names if block given') if block_given? and names.length > 1 @additional_attributes ||= {} names.each do |name| @additional_attributes[name.to_s] = block_given? ? { |o| o.instance_eval(&block) } : { |o| o.send(name) } end end alias :add_attributes :add_attribute def get_attributes(object) object.class.unscoped do res = @attributes.nil? || @attributes.length == 0 ? object.attributes : Hash[ { |name, value| [name.to_s, ] }] @additional_attributes.each { |name, value| res[name.to_s] = } if @additional_attributes res end end def geoloc(lat_attr, lng_attr) add_attribute :_geoloc do |o| { lat: o.send(lat_attr).to_f, lng: o.send(lng_attr).to_f } end end def tags(*args, &block) add_attribute :_tags do |o| v = block_given? ? o.instance_eval(&block) : args v.is_a?(Array) ? v : [v] end end def get_setting(name) instance_variable_get("@#{name}") end def to_settings settings = {} OPTIONS.each do |k| v = get_setting(k) settings[k] = v if !v.nil? end settings end end # these are the class methods added when AlgoliaSearch is included module ClassMethods def algoliasearch(options = {}, &block) @index_settings = ? : nil) @settings = @index_settings.to_settings @options = { type: full_const_get(model_name.to_s), per_page: @index_settings.get_setting(:hitsPerPage) || 10, page: 1 }.merge(options) attr_accessor :highlight_result if options[:synchronous] == true after_validation :mark_synchronous if respond_to?(:before_validation) end unless options[:auto_index] == false after_validation :mark_must_reindex if respond_to?(:after_validation) before_save :mark_for_auto_indexing if respond_to?(:before_save) after_save :perform_index_tasks if respond_to?(:after_save) end unless options[:auto_remove] == false after_destroy { |searchable| searchable.remove_from_index! } if respond_to?(:after_destroy) end end def without_auto_index(&block) @without_auto_index_scope = true begin yield ensure @without_auto_index_scope = false end end def reindex!(batch_size = 1000, synchronous = false) return if @without_auto_index_scope ensure_init last_task = nil find_in_batches(batch_size: batch_size) do |group| objects = { |o| @index_settings.get_attributes(o).merge 'objectID' => object_id_of(o) } last_task = @index.save_objects(objects) end @index.wait_task(last_task["taskID"]) if last_task and synchronous == true end def index!(object, synchronous = false) return if @without_auto_index_scope ensure_init if synchronous @index.add_object!(@index_settings.get_attributes(object), object_id_of(object)) else @index.add_object(@index_settings.get_attributes(object), object_id_of(object)) end end def remove_from_index!(object, synchronous = false) return if @without_auto_index_scope ensure_init if synchronous @index.delete_object!(object_id_of(object)) else @index.delete_object(object_id_of(object)) end end def clear_index!(synchronous = false) ensure_init synchronous ? @index.clear! : @index.clear @index = nil end def search(q, settings = {}) ensure_init json =, Hash[ { |k,v| [k.to_s, v.to_s] }]) results = json['hits'].map do |hit| o = @options[:type].where(object_id_method => hit['objectID']).first o.highlight_result = hit['_highlightResult'] o end AlgoliaSearch::Pagination.create(results, json['nbHits'].to_i, @options) end def ensure_init return if @index @index = current_settings = @index.get_settings rescue nil # if the index doesn't exist @index.set_settings(@settings) if index_settings_changed?(current_settings, @settings) end def index ensure_init @index end def must_reindex?(object) return true if object_id_changed?(object) @index_settings.get_attributes(object).each do |k, v| changed_method = "#{k}_changed?" return true if object.respond_to?(changed_method) && object.send(changed_method) end return false end def index_name name = @options[:index_name] || model_name.to_s.gsub('::', '_') name = "#{name}_#{Rails.env.to_s}" if @options[:per_environment] name end private def object_id_method @options[:id] || @options[:object_id] || :id end def object_id_of(o) o.send(object_id_method).to_s end def object_id_changed?(o) m = "#{object_id_method}_changed?" o.respond_to?(m) ? o.send(m) : false end def index_settings_changed?(prev, current) return true if prev.nil? current.each do |k, v| prev_v = prev[k.to_s] if v.is_a?(Array) and prev_v.is_a?(Array) # compare array of strings, avoiding symbols VS strings comparison return true if { |x| x.to_s } != { |x| x.to_s } else return true if prev_v != v end end false end def full_const_get(name) list = name.split('::') list.shift if list.first.blank? obj = self list.each do |x| # This is required because const_get tries to look for constants in the # ancestor chain, but we only want constants that are HERE obj = obj.const_defined?(x) ? obj.const_get(x) : obj.const_missing(x) end obj end end # these are the instance methods included module InstanceMethods def index! self.class.index!(self, synchronous?) end def remove_from_index! self.class.remove_from_index!(self, synchronous?) end private def synchronous? @synchronous == true end def mark_synchronous @synchronous = true end def mark_for_auto_indexing @auto_indexing = true end def mark_must_reindex @must_reindex = new_record? || self.class.must_reindex?(self) true end def perform_index_tasks return if !@auto_indexing || @must_reindex == false index! remove_instance_variable(:@auto_indexing) if instance_variable_defined?(:@auto_indexing) remove_instance_variable(:@synchronous) if instance_variable_defined?(:@synchronous) remove_instance_variable(:@must_reindex) if instance_variable_defined?(:@must_reindex) end end end