#--##################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Gareth Lewis and Intuit, Inc. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php # # Contributors: # Gareth Lewis - Initial contribution. # Intuit Partner Platform. #++##################################################################### require 'rexml/document' require 'net/https' require 'json' require 'QuickBaseMisc' begin require 'httpclient' USING_HTTPCLIENT = true rescue LoadError USING_HTTPCLIENT = false end module QuickBase # QuickBase client: Version 1.0.0: Ruby wrapper class for QuickBase HTTP API. # The class's method and member variable names correspond closely to the QuickBase HTTP API reference. # This class was written using ruby 1.8.6. # Use REXML to process any QuickBase response XML not handled by this class. # The main work of this class is done in initialize(), sendRequest(), and processResponse(). # The API_ wrapper methods just set things up for sendRequest() and put values from the # response into member variables. class Client attr_reader :access, :accessid, :accountLimit, :accountUsage, :action, :admin attr_reader :adminOnly, :ancestorappid, :app, :appdbid, :appdata, :applicationLimit, :applicationUsage, :authenticationXML attr_reader :cacheSchemas, :cachedSchemas, :chdbids, :choice, :clist, :create, :createapptoken, :createdTime, :databases, :dbdesc attr_reader :dbid, :dbidForRequestURL, :dbname, :delete, :apptoken, :disprec, :domain, :downLoadFileURL attr_reader :email, :errcode, :errdetail, :errtext, :excludeparents, :externalAuth, :fform attr_reader :fid, :fids, :field, :fields, :field_data, :field_data_list, :fieldTypeLabelMap, :fieldValue, :fileContents, :fileUploadToken, :firstName, :fmt, :fname, :fnames, :fvlist attr_reader :hours, :HTML, :httpConnection, :id, :ignoreError, :includeancestors attr_reader :jht, :jsa, :key_fid, :keepData, :label, :lastAccessTime attr_reader :lastError, :lastModifiedTime, :lastName, :lastPaymentDate, :lastRecModTime, :login attr_reader :mgrID, :mgrName, :mode, :modify, :name attr_reader :newappname, :newowner, :newdbdesc, :newdbid, :newdbname attr_reader :num_fields, :numMatches, :num_records, :num_recs_added, :num_records_deleted attr_reader :num_recs_input, :num_recs_updated, :numadded attr_reader :numRecords, :numremoved, :oldestancestorappid, :options, :org, :page, :pages, :pagebody attr_reader :pageid, :pagename, :pagetype, :password, :permissions attr_reader :printRequestsAndResponses, :properties, :qarancestorappid, :qdbapi, :qbhost attr_reader :qid, :qname, :queries, :query, :record, :records, :records_csv attr_reader :requestHeaders, :requestNextAllowedTime, :requestSucceeded, :requestTime, :requestURL, :requestXML attr_reader :responseElement, :responseElementText, :responseElements, :responseXML attr_reader :responseXMLdoc, :rid, :rids, :role, :roleid, :rolename, :roles, :saveviews, :screenName attr_reader :serverStatus, :serverVersion , :serverUsers, :serverGroups, :serverDatabases, :serverUptime, :serverUpdays attr_reader :showAppData, :skipfirst, :slist, :standardRequestHeaders, :status, :stopOnError attr_reader :table, :tables, :ticket, :type, :udata, :uname, :update_id, :user, :userid attr_reader :username, :users, :value, :validFieldProperties, :validFieldTypes, :variables attr_reader :varname, :version, :vid, :view, :withembeddedtables attr_reader :eventSubscribers, :logger attr_writer :cacheSchemas, :apptoken, :escapeBR, :fvlist, :httpConnection, :ignoreCR, :ignoreLF, :ignoreTAB attr_writer :printRequestsAndResponses, :qbhost, :stopOnError, :ticket, :udata, :rdr, :xsl, :encoding =begin rdoc 'Plumbing' methods: These methods implement the core functionality to make the API_ wrapper methods and the 'Helper' methods work. =end # Set printRequestsAndResponses to true to view the XML sent to QuickBase and return from QuickBase. # This can be very useful during debugging. # # Set stopOnError to true to discontinue sending requests to QuickBase after an error has occured with a request. # Set showTrace to true to view the complete stack trace of your running program. This should only be # necessary as a last resort when a low-level exception has occurred. # # To create an instance of QuickBase::Client using a Hash of options, # use QuickBase::Client.init(options) instead of QuickBase::Client.new() def initialize( username = nil, password = nil, appname = nil, useSSL = true, printRequestsAndResponses = false, stopOnError = false, showTrace = false, org = "www", apptoken = nil, debugHTTPConnection = false, domain = "quickbase", proxy_options = nil ) begin @org = org ? org : "www" @domain = domain ? domain : "quickbase" @apptoken = apptoken @printRequestsAndResponses = printRequestsAndResponses @stopOnError = stopOnError @escapeBR = @ignoreCR = @ignoreLF = @ignoreTAB = true toggleTraceInfo( showTrace ) if showTrace setHTTPConnectionAndqbhost( useSSL, org, domain, proxy_options ) debugHTTPConnection() if debugHTTPConnection @standardRequestHeaders = { "Content-Type" => "application/xml" } if username and password authenticate( username, password ) if appname and @errcode == "0" findDBByname( appname ) if @dbid and @errcode == "0" getDBInfo( @dbid ) getSchema( @dbid ) end end end rescue Net::HTTPBadRequest => @lastError rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => @lastError rescue Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError => @lastError rescue StandardError => @lastError end end # Class method to create an instance of QuickBase::Client using a Hash of parameters. # E.g. qbc = QuickBase::Client.init( { "stopOnError" => true, "printRequestsAndResponses" => true } ) def Client.init( options ) options ||= {} options["useSSL"] ||= true options["printRequestsAndResponses"] ||= false options["stopOnError"] ||= false options["showTrace"] ||= false options["org"] ||= "www" options["debugHTTPConnection"] ||= false options["domain"] ||= "quickbase" options["proxy_options"] ||= nil instance = Client.new( options["username"], options["password"], options["appname"], options["useSSL"], options["printRequestsAndResponses"], options["stopOnError"], options["showTrace"], options["org"], options["apptoken"], options["debugHTTPConnection"], options["domain"], options["proxy_options"]) end # Initializes the connection to QuickBase. def setHTTPConnection( useSSL, org = "www", domain = "quickbase", proxy_options = nil ) @useSSL = useSSL @org = org @domain = domain if USING_HTTPCLIENT if proxy_options @httpConnection = HTTPClient.new( "#{proxy_options["proxy_server"]}:#{proxy_options["proxy_port"] || useSSL ? "443" : "80"}" ) @httpConnection.set_auth(proxy_options["proxy_server"], proxy_options["proxy_user"], proxy_options["proxy_password"]) else @httpConnection = HTTPClient.new end else if proxy_options @httpProxy = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy_options["proxy_server"], proxy_options["proxy_port"], proxy_options["proxy_user"], proxy_options["proxy_password"]) @httpConnection = @httpProxy.new( "#{@org}.#{@domain}.com", useSSL ? 443 : 80) else @httpConnection = Net::HTTP.new( "#{@org}.#{@domain}.com", useSSL ? 443 : 80 ) end @httpConnection.use_ssl = useSSL @httpConnection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end end # Causes useful information to be printed to the screen for every HTTP request. def debugHTTPConnection() @httpConnection.set_debug_output $stdout if @httpConnection and USING_HTTPCLIENT == false end # Sets the QuickBase URL and port to use for requests. def setqbhost( useSSL, org = "www", domain = "quickbase" ) @useSSL = useSSL @org = org @domain = domain @qbhost = useSSL ? "https://#{@org}.#{@domain}.com:443" : "http://#{@org}.#{@domain}.com" @qbhost end # Initializes the connection to QuickBase and sets the QuickBase URL and port to use for requests. def setHTTPConnectionAndqbhost( useSSL, org = "www", domain = "quickbase", proxy_options = nil ) setHTTPConnection( useSSL, org, domain, proxy_options ) setqbhost( useSSL, org, domain ) end # Return an array of all the public methods of this class. # Used by CommandLineClient to verify commands entered by the user. def clientMethods Client.public_instance_methods( false ) end # Sends requests to QuickBase and processes the reponses. def sendRequest( api_Request, xmlRequestData = nil ) fire( "onSendRequest" ) resetErrorInfo # set up the request getDBforRequestURL( api_Request ) getAuthenticationXMLforRequest( api_Request ) isHTMLRequest = isHTMLRequest?( api_Request ) api_Request = "API_" + api_Request.to_s if prependAPI?( api_Request ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :udata, @udata ) if @udata and @udata.length > 0 xmlRequestData << toXML( :rdr, @rdr ) if @rdr and @rdr.length > 0 xmlRequestData << toXML( :xsl, @xsl ) if @xsl and @xsl.length > 0 xmlRequestData << toXML( :encoding, @encoding ) if @encoding and @encoding.length > 0 if xmlRequestData @requestXML = toXML( :qdbapi, @authenticationXML + xmlRequestData ) else @requestXML = toXML( :qdbapi, @authenticationXML ) end @requestHeaders = @standardRequestHeaders @requestHeaders["Content-Length"] = "#{@requestXML.length}" @requestHeaders["QUICKBASE-ACTION"] = api_Request @requestURL = "#{@qbhost}#{@dbidForRequestURL}" printRequest( @requestURL, @requestHeaders, @requestXML ) if @printRequestsAndResponses @logger.logRequest( @dbidForRequestURL, api_Request, @requestXML ) if @logger begin # send the request if USING_HTTPCLIENT response = @httpConnection.post( @requestURL, @requestXML, @requestHeaders ) @responseCode = response.status @responseXML = response.content else @responseCode, @responseXML = @httpConnection.post( @requestURL, @requestXML, @requestHeaders ) end printResponse( @responseCode, @responseXML ) if @printRequestsAndResponses if not isHTMLRequest processResponse( @responseXML ) end @logger.logResponse( @lastError, @responseXML ) if @logger fireDBChangeEvents rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => error @lastError = "Bad HTTP Response: #{error}" rescue Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError => error @lastError = "Bad HTTP header syntax: #{error}" rescue StandardError => error @lastError = "Error processing #{api_Request} request: #{error}" end @requestSucceeded = ( @errcode == "0" and @lastError == "" ) fire( @requestSucceeded ? "onRequestSucceeded" : "onRequestFailed" ) if @stopOnError and !@requestSucceeded raise @lastError end end # Resets error info before QuickBase requests are sent. def resetErrorInfo @errcode = "0" @errtext = "" @errdetail = "" @lastError = "" @requestSucceeded = true self end # Determines whether the URL for a QuickBase request is for a # specific database table or not, and returns the appropriate string # for that portion of the request URL. def getDBforRequestURL( api_Request ) @dbidForRequestURL = "/db/#{@dbid}" case api_Request when :getAppDTMInfo @dbidForRequestURL = "/db/main?a=#{:getAppDTMInfo}&dbid=#{@dbid}" when :authenticate, :createDatabase, :deleteAppZip, :dumpAppZip, :getUserInfo, :findDBByname, :getOneTimeTicket, :getFileUploadToken, :grantedDBs, :installAppZip, :obStatus, :signOut @dbidForRequestURL = "/db/main" end end # Returns the request XML for either a ticket or a username and password. # The XML includes a apptoken if one has been set. def getAuthenticationXMLforRequest( api_Request ) @authenticationXML = "" if @ticket @authenticationXML = toXML( :ticket, @ticket ) elsif @username and @password @authenticationXML = toXML( :username, @username ) + toXML( :password, @password ) end @authenticationXML << toXML( :apptoken, @apptoken ) if @apptoken end # Returns whether a request will return HTML rather than XML. def isHTMLRequest?( api_Request ) ret = false case api_Request when :genAddRecordForm, :genResultsTable, :getRecordAsHTML ret = true end ret end # Returns whether to prepend 'API_' to request string def prependAPI?( request ) ret = true ret = false if request.to_s.include?("API_") or request.to_s.include?("QBIS_") ret end # Turns program stack tracing on or off. # If followed by a block, the tracing will be toggled on or off at the end of the block. def toggleTraceInfo( showTrace ) if showTrace # this will print a very large amount of stuff set_trace_func proc { |event, file, line, id, binding, classname| printf "%8s %s:%-2d %10s %8s\n", event, file, line, id, classname } if block_given? yield set_trace_func nil end else set_trace_func nil if block_given? yield set_trace_func proc { |event, file, line, id, binding, classname| printf "%8s %s:%-2d %10s %8s\n", event, file, line, id, classname } end end self end # Called by sendRequest if @printRequestsAndResponses is true def printRequest( url, headers, xml ) puts puts "Request: -------------------------------------------" p url if url p headers if headers p xml if xml self end # Called by sendRequest if @printRequestsAndResponses is true def printResponse( code, xml ) puts puts "Response: ------------------------------------------" p code if code p xml if xml self end # Prints the error info, if any, for the last request sent to QuickBase. def printLastError if @lastError puts puts "Last error: ------------------------------------------" p @lastError end self end # Except for requests that return HTML, processes the XML responses returned from QuickBase. def processResponse( responseXML ) fire( "onProcessResponse" ) parseResponseXML( responseXML ) @ticket ||= getResponseValue( :ticket ) @udata = getResponseValue( :udata ) getErrorInfoFromResponse end # Extracts error info from XML responses returned by QuickBase. def getErrorInfoFromResponse if @responseXMLdoc errcode = getResponseValue( :errcode ) @errcode = errcode ? errcode : "" errtext = getResponseValue( :errtext ) @errtext = errtext ? errtext : "" errdetail = getResponseValue( :errdetail ) @errdetail = errdetail ? errdetail : "" if @errcode != "0" @lastError = "Error code: #{@errcode} text: #{@errtext}: detail: #{@errdetail}" end end @lastError end # Called by processResponse to put the XML from QuickBase # into a DOM tree using the REXML module that comes with Ruby. def parseResponseXML( xml ) if xml xml.gsub!( "\r", "" ) if @ignoreCR and @ignoreCR == true xml.gsub!( "\n", "" ) if @ignoreLF and @ignoreLF == true xml.gsub!( "\t", "" ) if @ignoreTAB and @ignoreTAB == true xml.gsub!( "
", "<BR/>" ) if @escapeBR @qdbapi = @responseXMLdoc = REXML::Document.new( xml ) end end # Gets the value for a specific field at the top level # of the XML returned from QuickBase. def getResponseValue( field ) @fieldValue = nil if field and @responseXMLdoc @fieldValue = @responseXMLdoc.root.elements[ field.to_s ] @fieldValue = fieldValue.text if fieldValue and fieldValue.has_text? end @fieldValue end # Gets the value of a field using an XPath spec., e.g. field/name def getResponsePathValue( path ) @fieldValue = "" e = getResponseElement( path ) if e and e.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and e.has_text? @fieldValue = e.text end @fieldValue end # Gets an array of values at an Xpath in the XML from QuickBase. def getResponsePathValues( path ) @fieldValue = "" e = getResponseElements( path ) e.each{ |e| @fieldValue << e.text if e and e.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and e.has_text? } @fieldValue end # Gets an array of elements at an Xpath in the XML from QuickBase. def getResponseElements( path ) if path and @responseXMLdoc @responseElements = @responseXMLdoc.get_elements( path.to_s ) end @responseElements end # Gets the element at an Xpath in the XML from QuickBase. def getResponseElement( path ) if path and @responseXMLdoc @responseElement = @responseXMLdoc.root.elements[ path.to_s ] end @responseElement end # Returns a string representation of the attributes of an XML element. def getAttributeString( element ) attributes = "" if element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_attributes? attributes = "(" element.attributes.each { |name,value| attributes << "#{name}=#{value} " } attributes << ")" end attributes end # Gets a field name (i.e. QuickBase field label) using a field ID. # getSchema() or doQuery() should be called before this if you don't supply the dbid. def lookupFieldNameFromID( fid, dbid=nil ) getSchema(dbid) if dbid name = nil if @fields field = lookupField( fid ) if fid label = field.elements[ "label" ] if field name = label.text if label end name end # Returns the name of field given an "fid" XML element. def lookupFieldName( element ) name = "" if element and element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) name = element.name if element.name == "f" and @fields fid = element.attributes[ "id" ] field = lookupField( fid ) if fid label = field.elements[ "label" ] if field name = label.text if label end end name end # Returns a QuickBase field type, given an XML "fid" element. def lookupFieldType( element ) type = "" if element and element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) if element.name == "f" and @fields fid = element.attributes[ "id" ] field = lookupField( fid ) if fid type = field.attributes[ "field_type" ] if field end end type end # Returns an array of XML field elements matching a QuickBase field type. def lookupFieldsByType( type ) findElementsByAttributeValue( @fields, "field_type", type ) end # Returns the value of a field property, or nil. def lookupFieldPropertyByName( fieldName, property ) theproperty = nil if isValidFieldProperty?(property) fid = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) field = lookupField( fid ) if fid theproperty = field.elements[ property ] if field theproperty = theproperty.text if theproperty and theproperty.has_text? end theproperty end # Returns whether a field will show a Total on reports. def isTotalField?(fieldName) does_total = lookupFieldPropertyByName(fieldName,"does_total") ret = does_total and does_total == "1" end # Returns whether a field will show an Average on reports. def isAverageField?(fieldName) does_average = lookupFieldPropertyByName(fieldName,"does_average") ret = does_average and does_average == "1" end # Returns whether a field ID is the ID for the key field in a QuickBase table. def isRecordidField?( fid ) fields = lookupFieldsByType( "recordid" ) (fields and fields.last and fields.last.attributes[ "id" ] == fid) end # Returns whether a field ID is the ID for a built-in field def isBuiltInField?( fid ) fid.to_i < 6 end # Returns a human-readable string representation of a QuickBase field value. # Also required for subsequent requests to QuickBase. def formatFieldValue( value, type, options = nil ) if value and type case type when "date" value = formatDate( value ) when "date / time","timestamp" value = formatDate( value, "%m-%d-%Y %I:%M %p" ) when "timeofday" value = formatTimeOfDay( value, options ) when "duration" value = formatDuration( value, options ) when "currency" value = formatCurrency( value, options ) when "percent" value = formatPercent( value, options ) end end value end # Recursive method to print a simplified (yaml-like) tree of the XML returned by QuickBase. # Translates field IDs into field names. # Very useful during debugging. def printChildElements( element, indent = 0 ) indentation = "" indent.times{ indentation << " " } if indent > 0 if element and element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_elements? attributes = getAttributeString( element ) name = lookupFieldName( element ) puts "#{indentation}#{name} #{attributes}:" element.each { |element| if element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_elements? printChildElements( element, (indent+1) ) elsif element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_text? attributes = getAttributeString( element ) name = lookupFieldName( element ) text = formatFieldValue( element.text, lookupFieldType( element ) ) puts " #{indentation}#{name} #{attributes} = #{text}" end } elsif element and element.is_a?( Array ) element.each{ |e| printChildElements( e ) } end self end def _printChildElements() printChildElements( @qdbapi ) end # Recursive method to generate a simplified (yaml-like) tree of the XML returned by QuickBase. # Translates field IDs into field names. def childElementsAsString( element, indent = 0 ) ret = "" indentation = "" indent.times{ indentation << " " } if indent > 0 if element and element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_elements? attributes = getAttributeString( element ) name = lookupFieldName( element ) ret << "#{indentation}#{name} #{attributes}:\r\n" element.each { |element| if element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_elements? ret << childElementsAsString( element, (indent+1) ) elsif element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_text? attributes = getAttributeString( element ) name = lookupFieldName( element ) text = formatFieldValue( element.text, lookupFieldType( element ) ) ret << " #{indentation}#{name} #{attributes} = #{text}\r\n" end } elsif element and element.is_a?( Array ) element.each{ |e| ret << childElementsAsString( e ) } end ret end def _childElementsAsString() childElementsAsString( @qdbapi ) end # Recursive method to process leaf and (optionally) parent elements # of any XML element returned by QuickBase. def processChildElements( element, leafElementsOnly, block ) if element if element.is_a?( Array ) element.each{ |e| processChildElements( e, leafElementsOnly, block ) } elsif element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_elements? block.call( element ) if not leafElementsOnly element.each{ |e| if e.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and e.has_elements? processChildElements( e, leafElementsOnly, block ) else block.call( e ) end } end end end # Enables alternative syntax for processing data using id values or xml element names. E.g: # # qbc.bcdcajmrh.qid_1.printChildElements(qbc.records) # - prints the records returned by query 1 from table bcdcajmrh # # puts qbc.bcdcajmrf.xml_desc # - get the description from the bcdcajmrf application # # puts qbc.dbid_8emtadvk.rid_24105.fid_6 # - print field 6 from record 24105 in table 8emtadvk def method_missing(missing_method_name, *missing_method_args) method_s = missing_method_name.to_s if method_s.match(/dbid_.+/) if QuickBase::Misc.isDbidString?(method_s.sub("dbid_","")) getSchema(method_s.sub("dbid_","")) end elsif @dbid and method_s.match(/rid_[0-9]+/) _setActiveRecord(method_s.sub("rid_","")) @fieldValue = @field_data_list elsif @dbid and method_s.match(/qid_[0-9]+/) doQuery(@dbid,nil,method_s.sub("qid_","")) elsif @dbid and method_s.match(/fid_[0-9]+/) if @field_data_list @fieldValue = getFieldDataValue(method_s.sub("fid_","")) else lookupField(method_s.sub("fid_","")) end elsif @dbid and method_s.match(/pageid_[0-9]+/) _getDBPage(method_s.sub("pageid_","")) elsif @dbid and method_s.match(/userid_.+/) _getUserRole(method_s.sub("userid_","")) elsif @dbid and @rid and @fid and method_s.match(/vid_[0-9]+/) downLoadFile( @dbid, @rid, @fid, method_s.sub("vid_","") ) elsif @dbid and method_s.match(/import_[0-9]+/) _runImport(method_s.sub("import_","")) elsif @qdbapi and method_s.match(/xml_.+/) if missing_method_args and missing_method_args.length > 0 @fieldValue = @qdbapi.send(method_s.sub("xml_",""),missing_method_args) else @fieldValue = @qdbapi.send(method_s.sub("xml_","")) end elsif QuickBase::Misc.isDbidString?(method_s) getSchema(method_s) else raise "'#{method_s}' is not a valid method in the QuickBase::Client class." end return @fieldValue if @fieldValue.is_a?(REXML::Element) # chain XML lookups return @fieldValue if @fieldValue.is_a?(String) # assume we just want a field value self # otherwise, allows chaining of all above end # Returns the first XML sub-element with the specified attribute value. def findElementByAttributeValue( elements, attribute_name, attribute_value ) element = nil if elements if elements.is_a?( REXML::Element ) elements.each_element_with_attribute( attribute_name, attribute_value ) { |e| element = e } elsif elements.is_a?( Array ) elements.each{ |e| if e.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and e.attributes[ attribute_name ] == attribute_value element = e end } end end element end # Returns an array of XML sub-elements with the specified attribute value. def findElementsByAttributeValue( elements, attribute_name, attribute_value ) elementArray = [] if elements if elements.is_a?( REXML::Element ) elements.each_element_with_attribute( attribute_name, attribute_value ) { |e| elementArray << e } elsif elements.is_a?( Array ) elements.each{ |e| if e.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and e.attributes[ attribute_name ] == attribute_value element = e end } end end elementArray end # Returns an array of XML sub-elements with the specified attribute name. def findElementsByAttributeName( elements, attribute_name ) elementArray = [] if elements elements.each_element_with_attribute( attribute_name ) { |e| elementArray << e } end elementArray end # Returns the XML element for a field definition. # getSchema() or doQuery() should be called before this. def lookupField( fid ) @field = findElementByAttributeValue( @fields, "id", fid ) end # Returns the XML element for a field returned by a getRecordInfo call. def lookupFieldData( fid ) @field_data = nil if @field_data_list @field_data_list.each{ |field| if field and field.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and field.has_elements? fieldid = field.elements[ "fid" ] if fieldid and fieldid.has_text? and fieldid.text == fid.to_s @field_data = field end end } end @field_data end # Returns the value for a field returned by a getRecordInfo call. def getFieldDataValue(fid) value = nil if @field_data_list field_data = lookupFieldData(fid) if field_data valueElement = field_data.elements[ "value" ] value = valueElement.text if valueElement.has_text? end end value end # Returns the printable value for a field returned by a getRecordInfo call. def getFieldDataPrintableValue(fid) printable = nil if @field_data_list field_data = lookupFieldData(fid) if field_data printableElement = field_data.elements[ "printable" ] printable = printableElement.text if printableElement and printableElement.has_text? end end printable end # Gets the ID for a field using the QuickBase field label. # getSchema() or doQuery() should be called before this if you don't supply the dbid. def lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName, dbid=nil ) getSchema(dbid) if dbid ret = nil if @fields @fields.each_element_with_attribute( "id" ){ |f| if f.name == "field" and f.elements[ "label" ].text.downcase == fieldName.downcase ret = f.attributes[ "id" ].dup break end } end ret end # Get an array of field IDs for a table. def getFieldIDs(dbid = nil, exclude_built_in_fields = false ) fieldIDs = [] dbid ||= @dbid getSchema(dbid) if @fields @fields.each_element_with_attribute( "id" ){|f| next if exclude_built_in_fields and isBuiltInField?(f.attributes["id"]) fieldIDs << f.attributes[ "id" ].dup } end fieldIDs end # Get an array of field names for a table. def getFieldNames( dbid = nil, lowerOrUppercase = "", exclude_built_in_fields = false ) fieldNames = [] dbid ||= @dbid getSchema(dbid) if @fields @fields.each_element_with_attribute( "id" ){ |f| next if exclude_built_in_fields and isBuiltInField?(f.attributes["id"]) if f.name == "field" if lowerOrUppercase == "lowercase" fieldNames << f.elements[ "label" ].text.downcase elsif lowerOrUppercase == "uppercase" fieldNames << f.elements[ "label" ].text.upcase else fieldNames << f.elements[ "label" ].text.dup end end } end fieldNames end # Get a Hash of application variables. def getApplicationVariables(dbid=nil) variablesHash = {} dbid ||= @dbid qbc.getSchema(dbid) if @variables @variables.each_element_with_attribute( "name" ){ |var| if var.name == "var" and var.has_text? variablesHash[var.attributes["name"]] = var.text end } end variablesHash end # Get the value of an application variable. def getApplicationVariable(variableName,dbid=nil) variablesHash = getApplicationVariables(dbid) variablesHash[variableName] end # Returns the XML element for a record with the specified ID. def lookupRecord( rid ) @record = findElementByAttributeValue( @records, "id", rid ) end # Returns the XML element for a query with the specified ID. # getSchema() or doQuery() should be called before this if you don't supply the dbid. def lookupQuery( qid, dbid=nil ) getSchema(dbid) if dbid @query = findElementByAttributeValue( @queries, "id", qid ) end # Returns the XML element for a query with the specified ID. # getSchema() or doQuery() should be called before this if you don't supply the dbid. def lookupQueryByName( name, dbid=nil ) getSchema(dbid) if dbid if @queries @queries.each_element_with_attribute( "id" ){|q| if q.name == "query" and q.elements["qyname"].text.downcase == name.downcase return q end } end nil end # Given the name of a QuickBase table, returns the QuickBase representation of the table name. def formatChdbidName( tableName ) tableName.downcase! tableName.strip! tableName.gsub!( /\W/, "_" ) "_dbid_#{tableName}" end # Makes the table with the specified name the 'active' table, and returns the id from the table. def lookupChdbid( tableName, dbid=nil ) getSchema(dbid) if dbid unmodifiedTableName = tableName.dup @chdbid = findElementByAttributeValue( @chdbids, "name", formatChdbidName( tableName ) ) if @chdbid @dbid = @chdbid.text return @dbid end if @chdbids chdbidArray = findElementsByAttributeName( @chdbids, "name" ) chdbidArray.each{ |chdbid| if chdbid.has_text? dbid = chdbid.text getSchema( dbid ) name = getResponseElement( "table/name" ) if name and name.has_text? and name.text.downcase == unmodifiedTableName.downcase @chdbid = chdbid @dbid = dbid return @dbid end end } end nil end # Get the name of a table given its id. def getTableName(dbid) tableName = nil dbid ||= @dbid if getSchema(dbid) tableName = getResponseElement( "table/name" ).text end tableName end # Get a list of the names of the child tables of an application. def getTableNames(dbid, lowercaseOrUpperCase = "") tableNames = [] dbid ||= @dbid getSchema(dbid) if @chdbids chdbidArray = findElementsByAttributeName( @chdbids, "name" ) chdbidArray.each{ |chdbid| if chdbid.has_text? dbid = chdbid.text getSchema( dbid ) name = getResponseElement( "table/name" ) if name and name.has_text? if lowercaseOrUpperCase == "lowercase" tableNames << name.text.downcase elsif lowercaseOrUpperCase == "uppercase" tableNames << name.text.upcase else tableNames << name.text.dup end end end } end tableNames end # Get a list of the dbids of the child tables of an application. def getTableIDs(dbid) tableIDs = [] dbid ||= @dbid getSchema(dbid) if @chdbids chdbidArray = findElementsByAttributeName( @chdbids, "name" ) chdbidArray.each{ |chdbid| if chdbid.has_text? tableIDs << chdbid.text end } end tableIDs end # Get the number of child tables of an application def getNumTables(dbid) numTables = 0 dbid ||= @dbid if getSchema(dbid) if @chdbids chdbidArray = findElementsByAttributeName( @chdbids, "name" ) numTables = chdbidArray.length end end numTables end # Get a list of the names of the reports (i.e. queries) for a table. def getReportNames(dbid = @dbid) reportNames = [] getSchema(dbid) if @queries queriesProc = proc { |element| if element.is_a?(REXML::Element) if element.name == "qyname" and element.has_text? reportNames << element.text end end } processChildElements(@queries,true,queriesProc) end reportNames end # Builds the XML for a specific item included in a request to QuickBase. def toXML( tag, value = nil ) if value ret = "<#{tag}>#{value}" else ret = "<#{tag}/>" end ret end # Returns whether a given string represents a valid QuickBase field type. def isValidFieldType?( type ) @validFieldTypes ||= %w{ checkbox dblink date duration email file fkey float formula currency lookup phone percent rating recordid text timeofday timestamp url userid icalendarbutton } @validFieldTypes.include?( type ) end # Returns a field type string given the more human-friendly label for a field type. def fieldTypeForLabel( fieldTypeLabel ) @fieldTypeLabelMap ||= Hash["Text","text","Numeric","float","Date / Time","timestamp","Date","date","Checkbox","checkbox","Database Link","dblink","Duration","duration","Email","email","File Attachment","file","Numeric-Currency","currency","Numeric-Rating","rating","Numeric-Percent","percent","Phone Number","phone","Relationship","fkey","Time Of Day","timeofday","URL","url","User","user","Record ID#","recordid","Report Link","dblink","iCalendar","icalendarbutton"] @fieldTypeLabelMap[fieldTypeLabel] end # Returns whether a given string represents a valid QuickBase field property. def isValidFieldProperty?( property ) if @validFieldProperties.nil? @validFieldProperties = %w{ allow_new_choices allowHTML appears_by_default append_only blank_is_zero bold carrychoices comma_start cover_text currency_format currency_symbol decimal_places default_kind default_today default_today default_value display_dow display_graphic display_month display_relative display_time display_today display_user display_zone does_average does_total doesdatacopy exact fieldhelp find_enabled foreignkey format formula has_extension hours24 label max_versions maxlength nowrap num_lines required sort_as_given source_fid source_fieldname target_dbid target_dbname target_fid target_fieldname unique units use_new_window width } end ret = @validFieldProperties.include?( property ) end # Encapsulates field values to be set and file uploads to be made during addRecord() and editRecord() calls. class FieldValuePairXML attr_reader :parentClass def initialize( parentClass, name, fid, filename, value ) @parentClass = parentClass name = name.downcase if name name = name.gsub( /\W/, "_" ) if name if filename or value @xml = "#{value}" elsif filename value = encodeFileContentsForUpload( filename ) @xml << ">#{value}" else @xml << "/>" end else raise "FieldValuePairXML::initialize: must specify 'filename' or 'value'" end end def verifyFilename( filename ) if filename filename.slice!( 0, filename.rindex( '\\' )+1 ) if filename.include?( '\\' ) filename.slice!( 0, filename.rindex( '/' )+1 ) if filename.include?( '/' ) filename = @parentClass.encodeXML( filename ) end filename end def encodeFileContentsForUpload( fileNameOrFileContents ) if fileNameOrFileContents if FileTest.readable?( fileNameOrFileContents ) f = File.new( fileNameOrFileContents, "r" ) if f encodedFileContents = "" f.binmode buffer = f.read(60) while buffer encodedFileContents << [buffer].pack('m').tr( "\r\n", '' ) buffer = f.read(60) end f.close return encodedFileContents end elsif fileNameOrFileContents.is_a?( String ) encodedFileContents = "" buffer = fileNameOrFileContents.slice!(0,60) while buffer and buffer.length > 0 buffer = buffer.to_s encodedFileContents << [buffer].pack('m').tr( "\r\n", '' ) buffer = fileNameOrFileContents.slice!(0,60) end return encodedFileContents end end nil end def to_s @xml end end # Adds a field value to the list of fields to be set by the next addRecord() or editRecord() call to QuickBase. # * name: label of the field value to be set. # * fid: id of the field to be set. # * filename: if the field is a file attachment field, the name of the file that should be displayed in QuickBase. # * value: the value to set in this field. If the field is a file attachment field, the name of the file that should be uploaded into QuickBase. def addFieldValuePair( name, fid, filename, value ) @fvlist ||= [] @fvlist << FieldValuePairXML.new( self, name, fid, filename, value ).to_s @fvlist end # Replaces a field value in the list of fields to be set by the next addRecord() or editRecord() call to QuickBase. def replaceFieldValuePair( name, fid, filename, value ) if @fvlist name = name.downcase if name name = name.gsub( /\W/, "_" ) if name @fvlist.each_index{|i| if (name and @fvlist[i].include?(" 0 fids.each { |id| fid = lookupField( id ) if fid fname = lookupFieldNameFromID( id ) @fnames ||= [] @fnames << fname else raise "verifyFieldList: '#{id}' is not a valid field ID" end } @fids = fids else raise "verifyFieldList: fids must be an array of one or more field IDs" end elsif fnames if fnames.is_a?( Array ) and fnames.length > 0 fnames.each { |name| fid = lookupFieldIDByName( name ) if fid @fids ||= [] @fids << fid else raise "verifyFieldList: '#{name}' is not a valid field name" end } @fnames = fnames else raise "verifyFieldList: fnames must be an array of one or more field names" end else raise "verifyFieldList: must specify fids or fnames" end @fids end # Builds the request XML for retrieving the results of a query. def getQueryRequestXML( query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil ) @query = @qid = @qname = nil if query @query = query == "" ? "{'0'.CT.''}" : query xmlRequestData = toXML( :query, @query ) elsif qid @qid = qid xmlRequestData = toXML( :qid, @qid ) elsif qname @qname = qname xmlRequestData = toXML( :qname, @qname ) else @query = "{'0'.CT.''}" xmlRequestData = toXML( :query, @query ) end xmlRequestData end # Returns the clist associated with a query. def getColumnListForQuery( id, name ) clistForQuery = nil if id query = lookupQuery( id ) elsif name query = lookupQueryByName( name ) end if query and query.elements["qyclst"] clistForQuery = query.elements["qyclst"].text.dup end clistForQuery end # Returns the slist associated with a query. def getSortListForQuery( id, name ) slistForQuery = nil if id query = lookupQuery( id ) elsif name query = lookupQueryByName( name ) end if query and query.elements["qyslst"] slistForQuery = query.elements["qyslst"].text.dup end slistForQuery end # Returns a valid query operator. def verifyQueryOperator( operator, fieldType ) queryOperator = "" if @queryOperators.nil? @queryOperators = {} @queryOperatorFieldType = {} @queryOperators[ "CT" ] = [ "contains", "[]" ] @queryOperators[ "XCT" ] = [ "does not contain", "![]" ] @queryOperators[ "EX" ] = [ "is", "==", "eq" ] @queryOperators[ "TV" ] = [ "true value" ] @queryOperators[ "XEX" ] = [ "is not", "!=", "ne" ] @queryOperators[ "SW" ] = [ "starts with" ] @queryOperators[ "XSW" ] = [ "does not start with" ] @queryOperators[ "BF" ] = [ "is before", "<" ] @queryOperators[ "OBF" ] = [ "is on or before", "<=" ] @queryOperators[ "AF" ] = [ "is after", ">" ] @queryOperators[ "OAF" ] = [ "is on or after", ">=" ] @queryOperatorFieldType[ "BF" ] = [ "date" ] @queryOperatorFieldType[ "OBF" ] = [ "date" ] @queryOperatorFieldType[ "ABF" ] = [ "date" ] @queryOperatorFieldType[ "OAF" ] = [ "date" ] @queryOperators[ "LT" ] = [ "is less than", "<" ] @queryOperators[ "LTE" ] = [ "is less than or equal to", "<=" ] @queryOperators[ "GT" ] = [ "is greater than", ">" ] @queryOperators[ "GTE" ] = [ "is greater than or equal to", ">=" ] end upcaseOperator = operator.upcase @queryOperators.each { |queryop,aliases| if queryop == upcaseOperator if @queryOperatorFieldType[ queryop ] and @queryOperatorFieldType[ queryop ].include?( fieldType ) queryOperator = upcaseOperator break else queryOperator = upcaseOperator break end else aliases.each { |a| if a == upcaseOperator if @queryOperatorFieldType[ queryop ] and @queryOperatorFieldType[ queryop ].include?( fieldType ) queryOperator = queryop break else queryOperator = queryop break end end } end } queryOperator end # Get a field's base type using its name. def lookupBaseFieldTypeByName( fieldName ) type = "" fid = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) field = lookupField( fid ) if fid type = field.attributes[ "base_type" ] if field type end # Get a field's type using its name. def lookupFieldTypeByName( fieldName ) type = "" fid = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) field = lookupField( fid ) if fid type = field.attributes[ "field_type" ] if field type end # Returns the string required for emebedding CSV data in a request. def formatImportCSV( csv ) "" end # Returns the human-readable string represntation of a date, given the # milliseconds version of the date. Also needed for requests to QuickBase. def formatDate( milliseconds, fmtString = nil, addDay = false ) fmt = "" fmtString = "%m-%d-%Y" if fmtString.nil? if milliseconds milliseconds_s = milliseconds.to_s if milliseconds_s.length == 13 t = Time.at( milliseconds_s[0,10].to_i, milliseconds_s[10,3].to_i ) t += (60 * 60 * 24) if addDay fmt = t.strftime( fmtString ) elsif milliseconds_s.length > 0 t = Time.at( (milliseconds_s.to_i) / 1000 ) t += (60 * 60 * 24) if addDay fmt = t.strftime( fmtString ) end end fmt end # Converts milliseconds to hours and returns the value as a string. def formatDuration( value, option = "hours" ) option = "hours" if option.nil? if value.nil? value = "" else seconds = (value.to_i/1000) minutes = (seconds/60) hours = (minutes/60) days = (hours/24) if option == "days" value = days.to_s elsif option == "hours" value = hours.to_s elsif option == "minutes" value = minutes.to_s end end value end # Returns a string format for a time of day value. def formatTimeOfDay(milliseconds, format = "%I:%M %p" ) format ||= "%I:%M %p" timeOfDay = "" timeOfDay = Time.at(milliseconds.to_i/1000).utc.strftime(format) if milliseconds end # Returns a string formatted for a currency value. def formatCurrency( value, options = nil ) value ||= "0.00" if !value.include?( '.' ) value << ".00" end currencySymbol = currencyFormat = nil if options currencySymbol = options["currencySymbol"] currencyFormat = options["currencyFormat"] end if currencySymbol if currencyFormat if currencyFormat == "0" value = "#{currencySymbol}#{value}" elsif currencyFormat == "1" if value.include?("-") value.gsub!("-","-#{currencySymbol}") elsif value.include?("+") value.gsub!("+","+#{currencySymbol}") else value = "#{currencySymbol}#{value}" end elsif currencyFormat == "2" value = "#{value}#{currencySymbol}" end else value = "#{currencySymbol}#{value}" end end value end # Returns a string formatted for a percent value, given the data from QuickBase def formatPercent( value, options = nil ) if value percent = (value.to_f * 100) value = percent.to_s if value.include?(".") int,fraction = value.split('.') if fraction.to_i == 0 value = int else value = "#{int}.#{fraction[0,2]}" end end else value = "0" end value end # Returns the milliseconds representation of a date specified in mm-dd-yyyy format. def dateToMS( dateString ) milliseconds = 0 if dateString and dateString.match( /[0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9]\-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/) d = Date.new( dateString[7,4], dateString[4,2], dateString[0,2] ) milliseconds = d.jd end milliseconds end # Converts a string into an array, given a field separator. # '"' followed by the field separator are treated the same way as just the field separator. def splitString( string, fieldSeparator = "," ) ra = [] string.chomp! if string.include?( "\"" ) a=string.split( "\"#{fieldSeparator}" ) a.each{ |b| c=b.split( "#{fieldSeparator}\"" ) c.each{ |d| ra << d } } else ra = string.split( fieldSeparator ) end ra end # Returns the URL-encoded version of a non-printing character. def escapeXML( char ) if @xmlEscapes.nil? @xmlEscapes = {} (0..255).each{ |i| @xmlEscapes[ i.chr ] = sprintf( "&#%03d;", i ) } end return @xmlEscapes[ char ] if @xmlEscapes[ char ] char end # Returns the list of string substitutions to make to encode or decode field values used in XML. def encodingStrings( reverse = false ) @encodingStrings = [ {"&" => "&" }, {"<" => "<"} , {">" => ">"}, {"'" => "'"}, {"\"" => """ } ] if @encodingStrings.nil? if block_given? if reverse @encodingStrings.reverse_each{ |s| s.each{|k,v| yield v,k } } else @encodingStrings.each{ |s| s.each{|k,v| yield k,v } } end else @encodingStrings end end # Modify the given string for use as a XML field value. def encodeXML( text, doNPChars = false ) encodingStrings { |key,value| text.gsub!( key, value ) if text } text.gsub!( /([^;\/?:@&=+\$,A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'()# ])/ ) { |c| escapeXML( $1 ) } if text and doNPChars text end # Modify the given XML field value for use as a string. def decodeXML( text ) encodingStrings( true ) { |key,value| text.gsub!( value, key ) if text } text.gsub!( /&#([0-9]{2,3});/ ) { |c| $1.chr } if text text end # Called when a response is returned from QuickBase. # Subscribers listening for onSetActiveTable, onSetActiveRecord, onSetActiveField events # will be notified if the 'active' table, record, or field changes. def fireDBChangeEvents() if @dbid and @prev_dbid != @dbid resetrid resetfid fire( "onSetActiveTable" ) end @prev_dbid = @dbid if @rid and @prev_rid != @rid resetfid fire( "onSetActiveRecord" ) end @prev_rid = @rid if @fid and @prev_fid != @fid fire( "onSetActiveField" ) end @prev_fid = @fid end private :fireDBChangeEvents # Set the @rid ('active' record ID) member variable to nil. def resetrid @rid = nil end # Set the @fid ('active' field ID) member variable to nil. def resetfid @fid = nil end # Reset appropriate member variables after a different table is accessed. def onChangedDbid _getDBInfo _getSchema resetrid resetfid end # Called by client methods to notify event subscribers def fire( event ) if @eventSubscribers and @eventSubscribers.include?( event ) handlers = @eventSubscribers[ event ] if handlers handlers.each{ |handler| handler.handle( event ) } end end end private :fire # Subscribe to a specified event published by QuickBase::Client. def subscribe( event, handler ) @events = %w{ onSendRequest onProcessResponse onSetActiveTable onRequestSucceeded onRequestFailed onSetActiveRecord onSetActiveField } if @events.nil? if @events.include?( event ) if handler and handler.is_a?( EventHandler ) if @eventSubscribers.nil? @eventSubscribers = {} end if not @eventSubscribers.include?( event ) @eventSubscribers[ event ] = [] end if not @eventSubscribers[ event ].include?( handler ) @eventSubscribers[ event ] << handler end else raise "subscribe: 'handler' must be a class derived from QuickBase::EventHandler." end else raise "subscribe: invalid event '#{event}'. Valid events are #{@events.sort.join( ', ' )}." end end # Set the instance of a QuickBase::Logger to be used by QuickBase::Client. # Closes the open log file if necessary. def setLogger( logger ) if logger if logger.is_a?( Logger ) if @logger and @logger != logger @logger.closeLogFile() end @logger = logger end else @logger.closeLogFile() if @logger @logger = nil end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------ API_ wrapper methods. -------------------------- # Each method expects the 'Input Parameters' of the equivalent HTTP API request. # Each method returns the 'Output Parameters' of the equivalent HTTP API response. # (Ruby methods can return multiple values) # Input and Output Parameters are all stored in '@' member variables. # This makes it easy to reuse parameters across multiple requests. # Methods returning lists can be called with an iteration block, e.g. doQuery(){|record|, puts record } . # # Each method with dbid as the first parameter has a corresponding method with '_' before the name. # The '_' methods re-use @dbid instead of a requiring the dbid parameter. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # API_AddField def addField( dbid, label, type, mode = nil ) @dbid, @label, @type, @mode = dbid, label, type, mode if isValidFieldType?( type ) xmlRequestData = toXML( :label, @label ) + toXML( :type, @type ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :mode, mode ) if mode sendRequest( :addField, xmlRequestData ) @fid = getResponseValue( :fid ) @label = getResponseValue( :label ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @fid, @label else raise "addField: Invalid field type '#{type}'. Valid types are " + @validFieldTypes.join( "," ) end end # API_AddField, using the active table id. def _addField( label, type, mode = nil ) addField( @dbid, label, type, mode ) end # API_AddRecord def addRecord( dbid, fvlist = nil, disprec = nil, fform = nil, ignoreError = nil, update_id = nil, msInUTC =nil ) @dbid, @fvlist, @disprec, @fform, @ignoreError, @update_id, @msInUTC = dbid, fvlist, disprec, fform, ignoreError, update_id, msInUTC setFieldValues( fvlist, false ) if fvlist.is_a?(Hash) xmlRequestData = "" if @fvlist and @fvlist.length > 0 @fvlist.each{ |fv| xmlRequestData << fv } #see addFieldValuePair, clearFieldValuePairList, @fvlist end xmlRequestData << toXML( :disprec, @disprec ) if @disprec xmlRequestData << toXML( :fform, @fform ) if @fform xmlRequestData << toXML( :ignoreError, "1" ) if @ignoreError xmlRequestData << toXML( :update_id, @update_id ) if @update_id xmlRequestData << toXML( :msInUTC, "1" ) if @msInUTC xmlRequestData = nil if xmlRequestData.length == 0 sendRequest( :addRecord, xmlRequestData ) @rid = getResponseValue( :rid ) @update_id = getResponseValue( :update_id ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @rid, @update_id end # API_AddRecord, using the active table id. def _addRecord( fvlist = nil, disprec = nil, fform = nil, ignoreError = nil, update_id = nil ) addRecord( @dbid, fvlist, disprec, fform, ignoreError, update_id ) end # API_AddReplaceDBPage def addReplaceDBPage( dbid, pageid, pagename, pagetype, pagebody, ignoreError = nil ) @dbid, @pageid, @pagename, @pagetype, @pagebody, @ignoreError = dbid, pageid, pagename, pagetype, pagebody, ignoreError if pageid xmlRequestData = toXML( :pageid, @pageid ) elsif pagename xmlRequestData = toXML( :pagename, @pagename ) else raise "addReplaceDBPage: missing pageid or pagename" end xmlRequestData << toXML( :pagetype, @pagetype ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :pagebody, encodeXML( @pagebody ) ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :ignoreError, "1" ) if @ignoreError sendRequest( :addReplaceDBPage, xmlRequestData ) @pageid = getResponseValue( :pageid ) @pageid ||= getResponseValue( :pageID ) # temporary return self if @chainAPIcalls @pageid end # API_AddReplaceDBPage, using the active table id. def _addReplaceDBPage( *args ) addReplaceDBPage( @dbid, args ) end # API_AddUserToRole def addUserToRole( dbid, userid, roleid ) @dbid, @userid, @roleid = dbid, userid, roleid xmlRequestData = toXML( :userid, @userid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :roleid, @roleid ) sendRequest( :addUserToRole, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_AddUserToRole, using the active table id. def _addUserToRole( userid, roleid ) addUserToRole( @dbid, userid, roleid ) end # API_AssertFederatedIdentity (IPP only) def assertFederatedIdentity( dbid, serviceProviderID, targetURL ) @dbid, @serviceProviderID, @targetURL = dbid, serviceProviderID, targetURL xmlRequestData = toXML( :serviceProviderID, @serviceProviderID ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :targetURL, @targetURL ) sendRequest( :assertFederatedIdentity, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_AttachIDSRealm (IPP only) def attachIDSRealm( dbid, realm ) @dbid, @realm = dbid, realm xmlRequestData = toXML( :realm, @realm ) sendRequest( :attachIDSRealm, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_DetachIDSRealm (IPP only) def detachIDSRealm( dbid, realm ) @dbid, @realm = dbid, realm xmlRequestData = toXML( :realm, @realm ) sendRequest( :detachIDSRealm, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_DeleteAppZip def deleteAppZip( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :deleteAppZip ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @responseCode end # API_DumpAppZip def dumpAppZip( dbid ) @dbid = dbid @noredirect = true xmlRequestData = toXML( :noredirect, "1" ) sendRequest( :dumpAppZip, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @responseCode end # API_GetIDSRealm (IPP only) def getIDSRealm( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getIDSRealm ) @realm = getResponseValue( :realm) return self if @chainAPIcalls @realm end # API_Authenticate def authenticate( username, password, hours = nil ) @username, @password, @hours = username, password, hours if username and password @ticket = nil if @hours xmlRequestData = toXML( :hours, @hours ) sendRequest( :authenticate, xmlRequestData ) else sendRequest( :authenticate ) end @userid = getResponseValue( :userid ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @ticket, @userid elsif username or password raise "authenticate: missing username or password" elsif @ticket raise "authenticate: #{username} is already authenticated" end end # API_ChangePermission (appears to be deprecated) def changePermission( dbid, uname, view, modify, create, delete, saveviews, admin ) raise "changePermission: API_ChangePermission is no longer a valid QuickBase HTTP API request." @dbid, @uname, @view, @modify, @create, @delete, @saveviews, @admin = dbid, uname, view, modify, create, delete, saveviews, admin xmlRequestData = toXML( :dbid, @dbid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :uname, @uname ) viewModifyPermissions = %w{ none any own group } if @view if viewModifyPermissions.include?( @view ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :view, @view ) else raise "changePermission: view must be one of " + viewModifyPermissions.join( "," ) end end if @modify if viewModifyPermissions.include?( @modify ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :modify, @modify ) else raise "changePermission: modify must be one of " + viewModifyPermissions.join( "," ) end end xmlRequestData << toXML( :create, @create ) if @create xmlRequestData << toXML( :delete, @delete ) if @delete xmlRequestData << toXML( :saveviews, @saveviews ) if @saveviews xmlRequestData << toXML( :admin, @admin ) if @admin sendRequest( :changePermission, xmlRequestData ) # not sure the API reference is correct about these return values @username = getResponseValue( :username ) @view = getResponseValue( :view ) @modify = getResponseValue( :modify ) @create = getResponseValue( :create ) @delete = getResponseValue( :delete ) @saveviews = getResponseValue( :saveviews ) @admin = getResponseValue( :admin ) @rolename = getResponseValue( :rolename ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @username, @view, @modify, @create, @delete, @saveviews, @admin, @rolename end # API_ChangePermission (appears to be deprecated), using the active table id. def _changePermission( *args ) changePermission( @dbid, args ) end # API_ChangeRecordOwner def changeRecordOwner( dbid, rid, newowner ) @dbid, @rid, @newowner = dbid, rid, newowner xmlRequestData = toXML( :dbid, @dbid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :rid, @rid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :newowner, @newowner ) sendRequest( :changeRecordOwner, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_ChangeRecordOwner def _changeRecordOwner( rid, newowner ) changeRecordOwner( @dbid, rid, newowner ) end # API_ChangeUserRole. def changeUserRole( dbid, userid, roleid, newroleid ) @dbid, @userid, @roleid, @newroleid = dbid, userid, roleid, newroleid xmlRequestData = toXML( :userid, @userid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :roleid, @roleid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :newroleid, @newroleid ) sendRequest( :changeUserRole, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_ChangeUserRole, using the active table id. def _changeUserRole( userid, roleid, newroleid ) changeUserRole( @dbid, userid, roleid, newroleid ) end # API_CloneDatabase def cloneDatabase( dbid, newdbname, newdbdesc, keepData, asTemplate = nil, usersAndRoles = nil ) @dbid, @newdbname, @newdbdesc, @keepData, @asTemplate, @usersAndRoles = dbid, newdbname, newdbdesc, keepData, asTemplate, usersAndRoles @keepData = "1" if @keepData.to_s == "true" @keepData = "0" if @keepData != "1" xmlRequestData = toXML( :newdbname, @newdbname ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :newdbdesc, @newdbdesc ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :keepData, @keepData ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :asTemplate, @asTemplate ) if @asTemplate xmlRequestData << toXML( :usersAndRoles, @usersAndRoles ) if @usersAndRoles sendRequest( :cloneDatabase, xmlRequestData ) @newdbid = getResponseValue( :newdbid ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @newdbid end # API_CloneDatabase, using the active table id. def _cloneDatabase( *args ) cloneDatabase( @dbid, args ) end # API_CreateDatabase def createDatabase( dbname, dbdesc, createapptoken = "1" ) @dbname, @dbdesc, @createapptoken = dbname, dbdesc, createapptoken xmlRequestData = toXML( :dbname, @dbname ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :dbdesc, @dbdesc ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :createapptoken, @createapptoken ) sendRequest( :createDatabase, xmlRequestData ) @dbid = getResponseValue( :dbid ) @appdbid = getResponseValue( :appdbid ) @apptoken = getResponseValue( :apptoken ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @dbid, @appdbid end # API_CreateTable def createTable( tname, pnoun, application_dbid = @dbid ) @tname, @pnoun, @dbid = tname, pnoun, application_dbid xmlRequestData = toXML( :tname, @tname ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :pnoun, @pnoun ) sendRequest( :createTable, xmlRequestData ) @newdbid = getResponseValue( :newdbid ) @newdbid ||= getResponseValue( :newDBID ) #temporary @dbid = @newdbid return self if @chainAPIcalls @newdbid end # API_DeleteDatabase def deleteDatabase( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :deleteDatabase ) @dbid = @rid = nil return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_DeleteDatabase, using the active table id. def _deleteDatabase() deleteDatabase( @dbid ) end # API_DeleteField def deleteField( dbid, fid ) @dbid, @fid = dbid, fid xmlRequestData = toXML( :fid, @fid ) sendRequest( :deleteField, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_DeleteField, using the active table id. def _deleteField( fid ) deleteField( @dbid, fid ) end # Delete a field, using its name instead of its id. Uses the active table id. def _deleteFieldName( fieldName ) if @dbid and @fields @fid = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) if @fid deleteField( @dbid, @fid ) end end nil end # API_DeleteRecord def deleteRecord( dbid, rid ) @dbid, @rid = dbid, rid xmlRequestData = toXML( :rid, @rid ) sendRequest( :deleteRecord, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_DeleteRecord, using the active table id. def _deleteRecord( rid ) deleteRecord( @dbid, rid ) end # API_DoQuery def doQuery( dbid, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) @dbid, @clist, @slist, @fmt, @options = dbid, clist, slist, fmt, options xmlRequestData = getQueryRequestXML( query, qid, qname ) @clist ||= getColumnListForQuery(qid, qname) xmlRequestData << toXML( :clist, @clist ) if clist xmlRequestData << toXML( :slist, @slist ) if slist xmlRequestData << toXML( :fmt, @fmt ) if fmt xmlRequestData << toXML( :options, @options ) if options sendRequest( :doQuery, xmlRequestData ) if @fmt and @fmt == "structured" @records = getResponseElement( "table/records" ) @fields = getResponseElement( "table/fields" ) @chdbids = getResponseElement( "table/chdbids" ) @queries = getResponseElement( "table/queries" ) @variables = getResponseElement( "table/variables" ) else @records = getResponseElements( "qdbapi/record" ) @fields = getResponseElements( "qdbapi/field" ) @chdbids = getResponseElements( "qdbapi/chdbid" ) @queries = getResponseElements( "qdbapi/query" ) @variables = getResponseElements( "qdbapi/variable" ) end return self if @chainAPIcalls if block_given? if @records @records.each { |element| yield element } else yield nil end else @records end end # API_DoQuery, using the active table id. def _doQuery( *args ) doQuery( @dbid, args ) end # Runs API_DoQuery using the name of a query. Uses the active table id . def _doQueryName( queryName ) doQuery( @dbid, nil, nil, queryName ) end # version of doQuery that takes a Hash of parameters def _doQueryHash( doQueryOptions ) doQueryOptions ||= {} raise "options must be a Hash" unless doQueryOptions.is_a?(Hash) doQueryOptions["dbid"] ||= @dbid doQueryOptions["fmt"] ||= "structured" doQuery( doQueryOptions["dbid"], doQueryOptions["query"], doQueryOptions["qid"], doQueryOptions["qname"], doQueryOptions["clist"], doQueryOptions["slist"], doQueryOptions["fmt"], doQueryOptions["options"] ) end # API_DoQueryCount def doQueryCount( dbid, query ) @dbid, @query = dbid, query xmlRequestData = toXML( :query, @query ) sendRequest( :doQueryCount, xmlRequestData ) @numMatches = getResponseValue( :numMatches ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @numMatches end # API_DoQueryCount, using the active table id. def _doQueryCount( query ) doQueryCount( @dbid, query ) end # Download a file's contents from a file attachment field in QuickBase. # You must write the contents to disk before a local file exists. def downLoadFile( dbid, rid, fid, vid = "0" ) @dbid, @rid, @fid, @vid = dbid, rid, fid, vid @downLoadFileURL = "http://#{@org}.#{@domain}.com/up/#{dbid}/a/r#{rid}/e#{fid}/v#{vid}" if @useSSL @downLoadFileURL.gsub!( "http:", "https:" ) end @requestHeaders = { "Cookie" => "ticket=#{@ticket}" } if @printRequestsAndResponses puts puts "downLoadFile request: -------------------------------------" p @downLoadFileURL p @requestHeaders end begin if USING_HTTPCLIENT response = @httpConnection.get( @downLoadFileURL, nil, @requestHeaders ) @responseCode = response.status @fileContents = response.body.content if response.body else @responseCode, @fileContents = @httpConnection.get( @downLoadFileURL, @requestHeaders ) end rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => @lastError rescue Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError => @lastError rescue StandardError => @lastError end if @printRequestsAndResponses puts puts "downLoadFile response: -------------------------------------" p @responseCode p @fileContents end return self if @chainAPIcalls return @responseCode, @fileContents end # Download a file's contents from a file attachment field in QuickBase. # You must write the contents to disk before a local file exists. # Uses the active table id. def _downLoadFile( rid, fid, vid = "0" ) downLoadFile( @dbid, rid, fid, vid ) end # API_EditRecord def editRecord( dbid, rid, fvlist, disprec = nil, fform = nil, ignoreError = nil, update_id = nil, msInUTC =nil ) @dbid, @rid, @fvlist, @disprec, @fform, @ignoreError, @update_id, @msInUTC = dbid, rid, fvlist, disprec, fform, ignoreError, update_id, msInUTC setFieldValues( fvlist, false ) if fvlist.is_a?(Hash) xmlRequestData = toXML( :rid, @rid ) @fvlist.each{ |fv| xmlRequestData << fv } #see addFieldValuePair, clearFieldValuePairList, @fvlist xmlRequestData << toXML( :disprec, @disprec ) if @disprec xmlRequestData << toXML( :fform, @fform ) if @fform xmlRequestData << toXML( :ignoreError, "1" ) if @ignoreError xmlRequestData << toXML( :update_id, @update_id ) if @update_id xmlRequestData << toXML( :msInUTC, "1" ) if @msInUTC sendRequest( :editRecord, xmlRequestData ) @rid = getResponseValue( :rid ) @update_id = getResponseValue( :update_id ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @rid, @update_id end # API_EditRecord, using the active table id. def _editRecord( *args ) editRecord( @dbid, args ) end # API_FieldAddChoices # The choice parameter can be one choice string or an array of choice strings. def fieldAddChoices( dbid, fid, choice ) @dbid, @fid, @choice = dbid, fid, choice xmlRequestData = toXML( :fid, @fid ) if @choice.is_a?( Array ) @choice.each { |c| xmlRequestData << toXML( :choice, c ) } elsif @choice.is_a?( String ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :choice, @choice ) end sendRequest( :fieldAddChoices, xmlRequestData ) @fid = getResponseValue( :fid ) @fname = getResponseValue( :fname ) @numadded = getResponseValue( :numadded ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @fid, @name, @numadded end # API_FieldAddChoices, using the active table id. def _fieldAddChoices( fid, choice ) fieldAddChoices( @dbid, fid, choice ) end # Runs API_FieldAddChoices using a field name instead ofa field id. Uses the active table id. # Expects getSchema to have been run. def _fieldNameAddChoices( fieldName, choice ) if fieldName and choice and @fields @fid = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) fieldAddChoices( @dbid, @fid, choice ) end nil end # API_FieldRemoveChoices # The choice parameter can be one choice string or an array of choice strings. def fieldRemoveChoices( dbid, fid, choice ) @dbid, @fid, @choice = dbid, fid, choice xmlRequestData = toXML( :fid, @fid ) if @choice.is_a?( Array ) @choice.each { |c| xmlRequestData << toXML( :choice, c ) } elsif @choice.is_a?( String ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :choice, @choice ) end sendRequest( :fieldRemoveChoices, xmlRequestData ) @fid = getResponseValue( :fid ) @fname = getResponseValue( :fname ) @numremoved = getResponseValue( :numremoved ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @fid, @name, @numremoved end # API_FieldRemoveChoices, using the active table id. def _fieldRemoveChoices( fid, choice ) fieldRemoveChoices( @dbid, fid, choice ) end # Runs API_FieldRemoveChoices using a field name instead of a field id. Uses the active table id. def _fieldNameRemoveChoices( fieldName, choice ) if fieldName and choice and @fields @fid = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) fieldRemoveChoices( @dbid, @fid, choice ) end nil end # API_FindDBByname def findDBByname( dbname ) @dbname = dbname xmlRequestData = toXML( :dbname, @dbname ) sendRequest( :findDBByname, xmlRequestData ) @dbid = getResponseValue( :dbid ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @dbid end alias findDBByName findDBByname # API_GenAddRecordForm def genAddRecordForm( dbid, fvlist = nil ) @dbid, @fvlist = dbid, fvlist setFieldValues( fvlist, false ) if fvlist.is_a?(Hash) xmlRequestData = "" @fvlist.each { |fv| xmlRequestData << fv } if @fvlist #see addFieldValuePair, clearFieldValuePairList, @fvlist sendRequest( :genAddRecordForm, xmlRequestData ) @HTML = @responseXML return self if @chainAPIcalls @HTML end # API_GenAddRecordForm, using the active table id. def _genAddRecordForm( fvlist = nil ) genAddRecordForm( @dbid, fvlist ) end # API_GenResultsTable def genResultsTable( dbid, query = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, jht = nil, jsa = nil, options = nil ) @dbid, @query, @clist, @slist, @jht, @jsa, @options = dbid, query, clist, slist, jht, jsa, options @query = "{'0'.CT.''}" if @query.nil? xmlRequestData = toXML( :query, @query ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :clist, @clist ) if @clist xmlRequestData << toXML( :slist, @slist ) if @slist xmlRequestData << toXML( :jht, @jht ) if @jht xmlRequestData << toXML( :jsa, @jsa ) if @jsa xmlRequestData << toXML( :options, @options ) if @options sendRequest( :genResultsTable, xmlRequestData ) @HTML = @responseXML return self if @chainAPIcalls @HTML end # API_GenResultsTable, using the active table id. def _genResultsTable( *args ) genResultsTable( @dbid, args ) end # API_GetAncestorInfo def getAncestorInfo( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getAncestorInfo ) @ancestorappid = getResponseValue( :ancestorappid ) @oldestancestorappid = getResponseValue( :oldestancestorappid ) @qarancestorappid = getResponseValue( :qarancestorappid ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @ancestorappid, @oldestancestorappid, @qarancestorappid end def _getAncestorInfo() getAncestorInfo(@dbid) end # API_GetAppDTMInfo def getAppDTMInfo( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getAppDTMInfo ) @requestTime = getResponseElement( "RequestTime" ) @requestNextAllowedTime = getResponseElement( "RequestNextAllowedTime" ) @app = getResponseElement( "app" ) @lastModifiedTime = getResponsePathValue( "app/lastModifiedTime" ) @lastRecModTime = getResponsePathValue( "app/lastRecModTime" ) @tables = getResponseElement( :tables ) return self if @chainAPIcalls if @app and @tables and block_given? @app.each { |element| yield element } @tables.each { |element| yield element } else return @app, @tables end end # API_GetAppDTMInfo, using the active table id. def _getAppDTMInfo() getAppDTMInfo( @dbid ) end # API_GetBillingStatus def getBillingStatus( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getBillingStatus ) @lastPaymentDate = getResponseValue( :lastPaymentDate ) @status = getResponseValue( :status ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @lastPaymentDate, @status end # API_GetBillingStatus, using the active table id. def _getBillingStatus() getBillingStatus(@dbid) end # API_GetDBInfo def getDBInfo( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getDBInfo ) @lastRecModTime = getResponseValue( :lastRecModTime ) @lastModifiedTime = getResponseValue( :lastModifiedTime ) @createdTime = getResponseValue( :createdTime ) @lastAccessTime = getResponseValue( :lastAccessTime ) @numRecords = getResponseValue( :numRecords ) @mgrID = getResponseValue( :mgrID ) @mgrName = getResponseValue( :mgrName ) @dbname = getResponseValue( :dbname) @version = getResponseValue( :version) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @lastRecModTime, @lastModifiedTime, @createdTime, @lastAccessTime, @numRecords, @mgrID, @mgrName end # API_GetDBInfo, using the active table id. def _getDBInfo() getDBInfo( @dbid ) end # API_GetDBPage def getDBPage( dbid, pageid, pagename = nil ) @dbid, @pageid, @pagename = dbid, pageid, pagename xmlRequestData = nil if @pageid xmlRequestData = toXML( :pageid, @pageid ) elsif @pagename xmlRequestData = toXML( :pagename, @pagename ) else raise "getDBPage: missing pageid or pagename" end sendRequest( :getDBPage, xmlRequestData ) @pagebody = getResponseElement( :pagebody ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @pagebody end # API_GetDBPage, using the active table id. def _getDBPage( pageid, pagename = nil ) getDBPage( @dbid, pageid, pagename ) end # API_GetDBVar def getDBvar( dbid, varname ) @dbid, @varname = dbid, varname xmlRequestData = toXML( :varname, @varname ) sendRequest( :getDBvar, xmlRequestData ) @value = getResponseValue( :value ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @value end # API_GetDBVar, using the active table id. def _getDBvar( varname ) getDBvar( @dbid, varname ) end # API_GetEntitlementValues def getEntitlementValues( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getEntitlementValues ) @productID = getResponseValue( :productID ) @planName = getResponseValue( :planName ) @planType = getResponseValue( :planType ) @maxUsers = getResponseValue( :maxUsers ) @currentUsers = getResponseValue( :currentUsers ) @daysRemainingTrial = getResponseValue( :daysRemainingTrial ) @entitlements = getResponseElement( :entitlements ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @productID, @planName, @planType, @maxUsers, @currentUsers, @daysRemainingTrial, @entitlements end # API_GetEntitlementValues, using the active table id. def _getEntitlementValues() getEntitlementValues( @dbid ) end # API_GetFileAttachmentUsage def getFileAttachmentUsage( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getFileAttachmentUsage ) @accountLimit = getResponseValue( :accountLimit ) @accountUsage = getResponseValue( :accountUsage ) @applicationLimit = getResponseValue( :applicationLimit ) @applicationUsage = getResponseValue( :applicationUsage ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @accountLimit, @accountUsage, @applicationLimit, @applicationUsage end # API_GetFileAttachmentUsage, using the active table id. def _getFileAttachmentUsage() getFileAttachmentUsage( @dbid ) end # API_GetNumRecords def getNumRecords( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getNumRecords ) @num_records = getResponseValue( :num_records ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @num_records end # API_GetNumRecords, using the active table id. def _getNumRecords() getNumRecords( @dbid ) end # API_GetOneTimeTicket def getOneTimeTicket() sendRequest( :getOneTimeTicket ) @ticket = getResponseValue( :ticket ) @userid = getResponseValue( :userid ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @ticket, @userid end # API_GetFileUploadToken def getFileUploadToken() sendRequest( :getFileUploadToken) @fileUploadToken = getResponseValue( :fileUploadToken ) @userid = getResponseValue( :userid ) return self if @chainAPIcalls return @fileUploadToken, @userid end # API_GetRecordAsHTML def getRecordAsHTML( dbid, rid, jht = nil ) @dbid, @rid, @jht = dbid, rid, jht xmlRequestData = toXML( :rid, @rid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :jht, "1" ) if @jht sendRequest( :getRecordAsHTML, xmlRequestData ) @HTML = @responseXML return self if @chainAPIcalls @HTML end # API_GetRecordAsHTML, using the active table id. def _getRecordAsHTML( rid, jht = nil ) getRecordAsHTML( @dbid, rid, jht ) end # API_GetRecordInfo def getRecordInfo( dbid, rid ) @dbid, @rid = dbid, rid xmlRequestData = toXML( :rid , @rid ) sendRequest( :getRecordInfo, xmlRequestData ) @num_fields = getResponseValue( :num_fields ) @update_id = getResponseValue( :update_id ) @rid = getResponseValue( :rid ) @field_data_list = getResponseElements( "qdbapi/field" ) return self if @chainAPIcalls if block_given? @field_data_list.each { |field| yield field } else return @num_fields, @update_id, @field_data_list end end # API_GetRecordInfo, using the active table id. def _getRecordInfo( rid = @rid ) getRecordInfo( @dbid, rid ) end # API_GetRoleInfo def getRoleInfo( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :getRoleInfo ) @roles = getResponseElement( :roles ) return self if @chainAPIcalls if block_given? role_list = getResponseElements( "qdbapi/roles/role" ) if role_list role_list.each {|role| yield role} else yield nil end else @roles end end # API_GetRoleInfo, using the active table id. def _getRoleInfo() getRoleInfo( @dbid ) end # API_GetSchema def getSchema( dbid ) @dbid = dbid if @cacheSchemas and @cachedSchemas and @cachedSchemas[dbid] @responseXMLdoc = @cachedSchemas[dbid] else sendRequest( :getSchema ) if @cacheSchemas and @requestSucceeded @cachedSchemas ||= {} @cachedSchemas[dbid] ||= @responseXMLdoc.dup end end @chdbids = getResponseElement( "table/chdbids" ) @variables = getResponseElement( "table/variables" ) @fields = getResponseElement( "table/fields" ) @queries = getResponseElement( "table/queries" ) @table = getResponseElement( :table ) @key_fid = getResponseElement( "table/original/key_fid" ) @key_fid = @key_fid.text if @key_fid and @key_fid.has_text? return self if @chainAPIcalls if @table and block_given? @table.each { |element| yield element } else @table end end # API_GetSchema, using the active table id. def _getSchema() getSchema( @dbid ) end # API_obstatus: get the status of the QuickBase server. def obStatus sendRequest( :obStatus ) @serverVersion = getResponseElement("version") @serverUsers = getResponseElement("users") @serverGroups = getResponseElement("groups") @serverDatabases = getResponseElement("databases") @serverUptime = getResponseElement("uptime") @serverUpdays = getResponseElement("updays") @serverStatus = { "version" => @serverVersion.text, "users" => @serverUsers.text, "groups" => @serverGroups.text, "databases" => @serverDatabases.text, "uptime" => @serverUptime.text, "updays" => @serverUpdays.text } end # Get the status of the QuickBase server. def getServerStatus obStatus end # API_GetUserInfo def getUserInfo( email = nil ) @email = email if @email and @email.length > 0 xmlRequestData = toXML( :email, @email) sendRequest( :getUserInfo, xmlRequestData ) else sendRequest( :getUserInfo ) @login = getResponsePathValue( "user/login" ) end @name = getResponsePathValue( "user/name" ) @firstName = getResponsePathValue( "user/firstName" ) @lastName = getResponsePathValue( "user/lastName" ) @login = getResponsePathValue( "user/login" ) @email = getResponsePathValue( "user/email" ) @screenName = getResponsePathValue( "user/screenName" ) @externalAuth = getResponsePathValue( "user/externalAuth" ) @user = getResponseElement( :user ) @userid = @user.attributes["id"] if @user return self if @chainAPIcalls @user end # API_GetUserRole def getUserRole( dbid, userid, inclgrps = nil ) @dbid, @userid, @inclgrps = dbid, userid, inclgrps xmlRequestData = toXML( :userid , @userid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :inclgrps , "1" ) if @inclgrps sendRequest( :getUserRole, xmlRequestData ) @user = getResponseElement( :user ) @userid = @user.attributes["id"] if @user @username = getResponsePathValue("user/name") @role = getResponseElement( "user/roles/role" ) @roleid = @role.attributes["id"] if @role @rolename = getResponsePathValue("user/roles/role/name") access = getResponseElement("user/roles/role/access") @accessid = access.attributes["id"] if access @access = getResponsePathValue("user/roles/role/access") if access member = getResponseElement("user/roles/role/member") @member_type = member.attributes["type"] if member @member = getResponsePathValue("user/roles/role/member") if member return self if @chainAPIcalls return @user, @role end # API_GetUserRole, using the active table id. def _getUserRole( userid, inclgrps = nil ) getUserRole( @dbid, userid, inclgrps ) end # API_GrantedDBs def grantedDBs( withembeddedtables = nil, excludeparents = nil, adminOnly = nil, includeancestors = nil, showAppData = nil ) @withembeddedtables, @excludeparents, @adminOnly, @includeancestors, @showAppData = withembeddedtables, excludeparents, adminOnly, includeancestors, showAppData xmlRequestData = "" xmlRequestData << toXML( :withembeddedtables, @withembeddedtables ) if @withembeddedtables xmlRequestData << toXML( "Excludeparents", @excludeparents ) if @excludeparents xmlRequestData << toXML( :adminOnly, @adminOnly ) if @adminOnly xmlRequestData << toXML( :includeancestors, @includeancestors ) if @includeancestors xmlRequestData << toXML( :showAppData, @showAppData ) if @showAppData sendRequest( :grantedDBs, xmlRequestData ) @databases = getResponseElement( :databases ) return self if @chainAPIcalls if @databases and block_given? @databases.each { |element| yield element } else @databases end end # API_ImportFromCSV def importFromCSV( dbid, records_csv, clist, skipfirst = nil, msInUTC = nil ) @dbid, @records_csv, @clist, @skipfirst, @msInUTC = dbid, records_csv, clist, skipfirst, msInUTC @clist ||= "0" xmlRequestData = toXML( :records_csv, @records_csv ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :clist, @clist ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :skipfirst, "1" ) if @skipfirst xmlRequestData << toXML( :msInUTC, "1" ) if @msInUTC sendRequest( :importFromCSV, xmlRequestData ) @num_recs_added = getResponseValue( :num_recs_added ) @num_recs_input = getResponseValue( :num_recs_input ) @num_recs_updated = getResponseValue( :num_recs_updated ) @rids = getResponseElement( :rids ) @update_id = getResponseValue( :update_id ) return self if @chainAPIcalls if block_given? @rids.each{ |rid| yield rid } else return @num_recs_added, @num_recs_input, @num_recs_updated, @rids, @update_id end end # API_ImportFromCSV, using the active table id. def _importFromCSV( *args ) importFromCSV( @dbid, args ) end # API_InstallAppZip def installAppZip( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :installAppZip ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @responseCode end # API_ListDBPages def listDBPages(dbid) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :listDBPages ) @pages = getResponseValue( :pages ) return self if @chainAPIcalls if block_given? if @pages @pages.each{ |element| yield element } else yield nil end else @pages end end # API_ListDBPages, using the active table id. def _listDBPages() listDBPages(@dbid) end # API_ProvisionUser def provisionUser( dbid, roleid, email, fname, lname ) @dbid, @roleid, @email, @fname, @lname = dbid, roleid, email, fname, lname xmlRequestData = toXML( :roleid, @roleid) xmlRequestData << toXML( :email, @email ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :fname, @fname ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :lname, @lname ) sendRequest( :provisionUser, xmlRequestData ) @userid = getResponseValue( :userid ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @userid end # API_ProvisionUser, using the active table id. def _provisionUser( roleid, email, fname, lname ) provisionUser( @dbid, roleid, email, fname, lname ) end # API_PurgeRecords def purgeRecords( dbid, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil ) @dbid = dbid xmlRequestData = getQueryRequestXML( query, qid, qname ) sendRequest( :purgeRecords, xmlRequestData ) @num_records_deleted = getResponseValue( :num_records_deleted ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @num_records_deleted end # API_PurgeRecords, using the active table id. def _purgeRecords( query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil ) purgeRecords( @dbid, query, qid, qname ) end # API_RemoveUserFromRole def removeUserFromRole( dbid, userid, roleid ) @dbid, @userid, @roleid = dbid, userid, roleid xmlRequestData = toXML( :userid, @userid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :roleid, @roleid ) sendRequest( :removeUserFromRole, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_RemoveUserFromRole, using the active table id. def _removeUserFromRole( userid, roleid ) removeUserFromRole( @dbid, userid, roleid ) end # API_RenameApp def renameApp( dbid, newappname ) @dbid, @newappname = dbid, newappname xmlRequestData = toXML( :newappname , @newappname ) sendRequest( :renameApp, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_RenameApp, using the active table id. def _renameApp( newappname ) renameApp( @dbid, newappname ) end # API_RunImport def runImport( dbid, id ) @dbid, @id = dbid, id xmlRequestData = toXML( :id , @id ) sendRequest( :runImport, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_RunImport, using the active table id. def _runImport( id ) runImport( @dbid, id ) end # API_SendInvitation def sendInvitation( dbid, userid, usertext = "Welcome to my application!" ) @dbid, @userid, @usertext = dbid, userid, usertext xmlRequestData = toXML( :userid, @userid ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :usertext, @usertext ) sendRequest( :sendInvitation, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_SendInvitation, using the active table id. def _sendInvitation( userid, usertext = "Welcome to my application!" ) sendInvitation( @dbid, userid, usertext ) end # API_SetAppData def setAppData( dbid, appdata ) @dbid, @appdata = dbid, appdata xmlRequestData = toXML( :appdata , @appdata ) sendRequest( :setAppData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @appdata end # API_SetAppData, using the active table id. def _setAppData( appdata ) setAppData( @dbid, appdata ) end # API_SetDBvar def setDBvar( dbid, varname, value ) @dbid, @varname, @value = dbid, varname, value xmlRequestData = toXML( :varname, @varname ) xmlRequestData << toXML( :value, @value ) sendRequest( :setDBvar, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_SetDBvar, using the active table id. def _setDBvar( varname, value ) setDBvar( @dbid, varname, value ) end # API_SetFieldProperties def setFieldProperties( dbid, properties, fid ) @dbid, @properties, @fid = dbid, properties, fid if @properties and @properties.is_a?( Hash ) xmlRequestData = toXML( :fid, @fid ) @properties.each{ |key, value| if isValidFieldProperty?( key ) xmlRequestData << toXML( key, value ) else raise "setFieldProperties: Invalid field property '#{key}'. Valid properties are " + @validFieldProperties.join( "," ) end } sendRequest( :setFieldProperties, xmlRequestData ) else raise "setFieldProperties: @properties is not a Hash of key/value pairs" end return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_SetFieldProperties, using the active table id. def _setFieldProperties( properties, fid ) setFieldProperties( @dbid, properties, fid ) end # API_SetKeyField def setKeyField( dbid, fid ) @dbid, @fid = dbid, fid xmlRequestData = toXML( :fid, @fid ) sendRequest( :setKeyField, xmlRequestData ) return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # API_SetKeyField, using the active table id. def _setKeyField(fid) setKeyField( @dbid, fid ) end # API_SignOut def signOut sendRequest( :signOut ) @ticket = @username = @password = nil return self if @chainAPIcalls @requestSucceeded end # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: API_UploadFile # To do the equivalent of API_UploadFile, use the updateFile method below. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #def uploadFile( dbid, rid, uploadDataFileName ) #end #def _uploadFile( rid, uploadDataFileName ) # API_UserRoles def userRoles( dbid ) @dbid = dbid sendRequest( :userRoles ) @users = getResponseElement( :users ) return self if @chainAPIcalls if block_given? if @users user_list = getResponseElements("qdbapi/users/user") user_list.each{|user| yield user} else yield nil end else @users end end # API_UserRoles, using the active table id. def _userRoles() userRoles( @dbid ) end # ------------------- End of API_ wrapper methods ----------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------- Helper methods --------------------------------------------------------- # These methods are focused on reducing the amount of code you # have to write to get stuff done using the QuickBase::Client. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use this if you aren't sure whether a particular record already exists or not def addOrEditRecord( dbid, fvlist, rid = nil, disprec = nil, fform = nil, ignoreError = nil, update_id = nil ) if rid editRecord( dbid, rid, fvlist, disprec, fform, ignoreError, update_id ) if !@requestSucceeded addRecord( dbid, fvlist, disprec, fform, ignoreError, update_id ) end else addRecord( dbid, fvlist, disprec, fform, ignoreError, update_id ) end end # Get a record as a Hash, using the record id and dbid . # e.g. getRecord("24105","8emtadvk"){|myRecord| p myRecord} def getRecord(rid, dbid = @dbid) rec = nil iterateRecords(dbid, getFieldNames(dbid),"{'3'.EX.'#{rid}'}"){|r| rec = r } if block_given? yield rec else rec end end # Loop through the list of Pages for an application def iterateDBPages(dbid) listDBPages(dbid){|page| if page.is_a?( REXML::Element) and page.name == "page" @pageid = page.attributes["id"] @pagetype = page.attributes["type"] @pagename = page.text if page.has_text? @page = { "name" => @pagename, "id" => @pageid, "type" => @pagetype } yield @page end } end # Get an array Pages for an application. Each item in the array is a Hash. def getDBPagesAsArray(dbid) dbPagesArray = [] iterateDBPages(dbid){|page| dbPagesArray << page } dbPagesArray end alias getDBPages getDBPagesAsArray # - creates a QuickBase::Client, # - signs into QuickBase # - connects to a specific application # - runs code in the associated block # - signs out of QuickBase # # e.g. QuickBase::Client.processDatabase( "user", "password", "my DB" ) { |qbClient,dbid| qbClient.getDBInfo( dbid ) } def Client.processDatabase( username, password, appname, chainAPIcalls = nil ) if username and password and appname and block_given? begin qbClient = Client.new( username, password, appname ) @chainAPIcalls = chainAPIcalls yield qbClient, qbClient.dbid rescue StandardError ensure qbClient.signOut @chainAPIcalls = nil end end end # This method changes all the API_ wrapper methods to return 'self' instead of their # normal return values. The change is in effect only within the associated block. # This allows mutliple API_ calls to be 'chained' together without needing 'qbClient' in front of each call. # # e.g. qbClient.chainAPIcallsBlock { # qbClient # .addField( @dbid, "a text field", "text" ) # .addField( @dbid, "a choice field", "text" ) # .fieldAddChoices( @dbid, @fid, %w{ one two three four five } ) # } def chainAPIcallsBlock if block_given? @chainAPIcalls = true yield end @chainAPIcalls = nil end # Set the active database table subsequent method calls. def setActiveTable( dbid ) @dbid = dbid end # Set the active database and record for subsequent method calls. def setActiveRecord( dbid, rid ) if dbid and rid getRecordInfo( dbid, rid ) end @rid end def _setActiveRecord( rid ) setActiveRecord( @dbid, rid ) end # Change a named field's value in the active record. # e.g. setFieldValue( "Location", "Miami" ) def setFieldValue( fieldName, fieldValue, dbid = nil, rid = nil ) @dbid ||= dbid @rid ||= rid if @dbid and @rid clearFieldValuePairList addFieldValuePair( fieldName, nil, nil, fieldValue ) editRecord( @dbid, @rid, @fvlist ) end end # Set several named fields' values. Will modify the active record if there is one. # e.g. setFieldValues( {"Location" => "Miami", "Phone" => "343-4567" } ) def setFieldValues( fields, editRecord=true ) if fields.is_a?(Hash) clearFieldValuePairList fields.each{ |fieldName,fieldValue| addFieldValuePair( fieldName, nil, nil, fieldValue ) } if editRecord and @dbid and @rid editRecord( @dbid, @rid, @fvlist ) end end end # Change a field's value in multiple records. If the optional test # field/operator/value are supplied, only records matching the test field will be # modified, otherwise all records will be modified. # e.g. changeRecords( "Status", "special", "Account Balance", ">", "100000.00" ) def changeRecords( fieldNameToSet, fieldValueToSet, fieldNameToTest, test, fieldValueToTest ) if @dbid and @fields and fieldNameToSet and fieldValueToSet and fieldNameToTest and test and fieldValueToTest numRecsChanged = 0 numRecs = _getNumRecords if numRecs > "0" fieldType = "text" if fieldNameToTest fieldNameToTestID = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldNameToTest ) field = lookupField( fieldNameToTestID ) if fieldNameToTestID fieldType = field.attributes[ "field_type" ] if field end fieldNameToSetID = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldNameToSet ) if fieldNameToSetID clearFieldValuePairList addFieldValuePair( nil, fieldNameToSetID, nil, fieldValueToSet ) (1..numRecs.to_i).each{ |rid| _getRecordInfo( rid.to_s ) if @num_fields and @update_id and @field_data_list if fieldNameToTestID and test and fieldValueToTest field_data = lookupFieldData( fieldNameToTestID ) if field_data and field_data.is_a?( REXML::Element ) valueElement = field_data.elements[ "value" ] value = valueElement.text if valueElement.has_text? value = formatFieldValue( value, fieldType ) match = eval( "\"#{value}\" #{test} \"#{fieldValueToTest}\"" ) if value if match editRecord( @dbid, rid.to_s, @fvlist ) if @rid numRecsChanged += 1 end end end else editRecord( @dbid, rid.to_s, @fvlist ) if @rid numRecsChanged += 1 end end end } end end end numRecsChanged end # Delete all records in the active table that match # the field/operator/value. e.g. deleteRecords( "Status", "==", "inactive" ). # To delete ALL records, call deleteRecords() with no parameters. This is the # same as calling _purgeRecords. def deleteRecords( fieldNameToTest = nil, test = nil, fieldValueToTest = nil) if @dbid and @fields and fieldNameToTest and test and fieldValueToTest numRecsDeleted = 0 numRecs = _getNumRecords if numRecs > "0" fieldNameToTestID = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldNameToTest ) fieldToTest = lookupField( fieldNameToTestID ) if fieldNameToTestID fieldType = fieldToTest.attributes[ "field_type" ] if fieldToTest if fieldNameToTestID (1..numRecs.to_i).each{ |rid| _getRecordInfo( rid.to_s ) if @num_fields and @update_id and @field_data_list field_data = lookupFieldData( fieldNameToTestID ) if field_data and field_data.is_a?( REXML::Element ) valueElement = field_data.elements[ "value" ] value = valueElement.text if valueElement.has_text? value = formatFieldValue( value, fieldType ) match = eval( "\"#{value}\" #{test} \"#{fieldValueToTest}\"" ) if value if match if _deleteRecord( rid.to_s ) numRecsDeleted += 1 end end end end } end end elsif @dbid numRecsDeleted = _purgeRecords end numRecsDeleted end # Get all the values for one or more fields from a specified table. # # e.g. getAllValuesForFields( "dhnju5y7", [ "Name", "Phone" ] ) # # The results are returned in Hash, e.g. { "Name" => values[ "Name" ], "Phone" => values[ "Phone" ] } # The parameters after 'fieldNames' are passed directly to the doQuery() API_ call. # # Invalid 'fieldNames' will be treated as field IDs by default, e.g. getAllValuesForFields( "dhnju5y7", [ "3" ] ) # returns a list of Record ID#s even if the 'Record ID#' field name has been changed. def getAllValuesForFields( dbid, fieldNames = nil, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) if dbid getSchema(dbid) values = {} fieldIDs = {} if fieldNames and fieldNames.is_a?( String ) values[ fieldNames ] = [] fieldID = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldNames ) if fieldID fieldIDs[ fieldNames ] = fieldID elsif fieldNames.match(/[0-9]+/) # assume fieldNames is a field ID fieldIDs[ fieldNames ] = fieldNames end elsif fieldNames and fieldNames.is_a?( Array ) fieldNames.each{ |name| if name values[ name ] = [] fieldID = lookupFieldIDByName( name ) if fieldID fieldIDs[ fieldID ] = name elsif name.match(/[0-9]+/) # assume name is a field ID fieldIDs[ name ] = name end end } elsif fieldNames.nil? getFieldNames(dbid).each{|name| values[ name ] = [] fieldID = lookupFieldIDByName( name ) fieldIDs[ fieldID ] = name } end if clist clist << "." clist = fieldIDs.keys.join('.') elsif qid.nil? and qname.nil? clist = fieldIDs.keys.join('.') end if clist clist = clist.split('.') clist.uniq! clist = clist.join(".") end doQuery( dbid, query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt, options ) if @records and values.length > 0 and fieldIDs.length > 0 @records.each { |r| if r.is_a?( REXML::Element) and r.name == "record" values.each{ |k,v| v << "" } r.each{ |f| if f.is_a?( REXML::Element) and f.name == "f" fid = f.attributes[ "id" ] name = fieldIDs[ fid ] if fid if name and values[ name ] v = values[ name ] v[-1] = f.text if v and f.has_text? end end } end } end end if values and block_given? values.each{ |field, values| yield field, values } else values end end alias getRecordsHash getAllValuesForFields # Get all the values for one or more fields from a specified table. # This also formats the field values instead of returning the raw value. def getAllValuesForFieldsAsArray( dbid, fieldNames = nil, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) ret = [] valuesForFields = getAllValuesForFields(dbid, fieldNames, query, qid, qname, clist, slist,fmt,options) if valuesForFields fieldNames ||= getFieldNames(@dbid) if fieldNames and fieldNames[0] ret = Array.new(valuesForFields[fieldNames[0]].length) fieldType = {} fieldNames.each{|field|fieldType[field]=lookupFieldTypeByName(field)} valuesForFields.each{ |field,values| values.each_index { |i| ret[i] ||= {} ret[i][field]=formatFieldValue(values[i],fieldType[field]) } } end end ret end alias getRecordsArray getAllValuesForFieldsAsArray # Get all the values for one or more fields from a specified table, in JSON format. # This formats the field values instead of returning raw values. def getAllValuesForFieldsAsJSON( dbid, fieldNames = nil, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) ret = getAllValuesForFieldsAsArray(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options) ret = JSON.generate(ret) if ret end alias getRecordsAsJSON getAllValuesForFieldsAsJSON # Get all the values for one or more fields from a specified table, in human-readable JSON format. # This formats the field values instead of returning raw values. def getAllValuesForFieldsAsPrettyJSON( dbid, fieldNames = nil, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) ret = getAllValuesForFieldsAsArray(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options) ret = JSON.pretty_generate(ret) if ret end alias getRecordsAsPrettyJSON getAllValuesForFieldsAsPrettyJSON # Set the values of fields in all records returned by a query. # fieldValuesToSet must be a Hash of fieldnames+values, e.g. {"Location" => "Miami", "Phone" => "343-4567"} def editRecords(dbid,fieldValuesToSet,query=nil,qid=nil,qname=nil) edited_rids = [] if fieldValuesToSet and fieldValuesToSet.is_a?(Hash) verifyFieldList(fieldValuesToSet.keys,nil,dbid) recordIDs = getAllValuesForFields(dbid,["3"],query,qid,qname,"3") if recordIDs numRecords = recordIDs["3"].length (0..(numRecords-1)).each {|i| @rid = recordIDs["3"][i] setFieldValues(fieldValuesToSet) edited_rids << @rid } end else raise "'fieldValuesToSet' must be a Hash of field names and values." end edited_rids end # Loop through records returned from a query. Each record is a field+value Hash. # e.g. iterateRecords( "dhnju5y7", ["Name","Address"] ) { |values| puts values["Name"], values["Address"] } def iterateRecords( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) if block_given? queryResults = getAllValuesForFields(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options) if queryResults numRecords = 0 numRecords = queryResults[fieldNames[0]].length if queryResults[fieldNames[0]] (0..(numRecords-1)).each{|recNum| recordHash = {} fieldNames.each{|fieldName| recordHash[fieldName]=queryResults[fieldName][recNum] } yield recordHash } end else raise "'iterateRecords' must be called with a block." end end # Same as iterateRecords but with fields optionally filtered by Ruby regular expressions. # e.g. iterateFilteredRecords( "dhnju5y7", [{"Name" => "[A-E].+}","Address"] ) { |values| puts values["Name"], values["Address"] } def iterateFilteredRecords( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) fields = [] regexp = {} fieldNames.each{|field| if field.is_a?(Hash) fields << field.keys[0] regexp[field.keys[0]] = field.values[0] elsif field.is_a?(String) fields << field end } regexp = nil if regexp.length == 0 iterateRecords(dbid,fields,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options){|record| if regexp match = true fields.each{|field| if regexp[field] match = false if not record[field].match(regexp[field]) end } yield record if match else yield record end } end # e.g. getFilteredRecords( "dhnju5y7", [{"Name" => "[A-E].+}","Address"] ) { |values| puts values["Name"], values["Address"] } def getFilteredRecords( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) filteredRecords = [] iterateFilteredRecords(dbid, fieldNames, query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt = "structured", options){ |filteredRecord| filteredRecords << filteredRecord } filteredRecords end # Get records from two or more tables and/or queries with the same value in a # 'join' field and loop through the joined results. # The 'joinfield' does not have to have the same name in each table. # Fields with the same name in each table will be merged, with the value from the last # table being assigned. This is similar to an SQL JOIN. def iterateJoinRecords(tablesAndFields) raise "'iterateJoinRecords' must be called with a block." if not block_given? if tablesAndFields and tablesAndFields.is_a?(Array) # get all the records from QuickBase that we might need - fewer API calls is faster than processing extra data tables = [] numRecords = {} tableRecords = {} joinfield = {} tablesAndFields.each{|tableAndFields| if tableAndFields and tableAndFields.is_a?(Hash) if tableAndFields["dbid"] and tableAndFields["fields"] and tableAndFields["joinfield"] if tableAndFields["fields"].is_a?(Array) tables << tableAndFields["dbid"] joinfield[tableAndFields["dbid"]] = tableAndFields["joinfield"] tableAndFields["fields"] << tableAndFields["joinfield"] if not tableAndFields["fields"].include?(tableAndFields["joinfield"]) tableRecords[tableAndFields["dbid"]] = getAllValuesForFields( tableAndFields["dbid"], tableAndFields["fields"], tableAndFields["query"], tableAndFields["qid"], tableAndFields["qname"], tableAndFields["clist"], tableAndFields["slist"], "structured", tableAndFields["options"]) numRecords[tableAndFields["dbid"]] = tableRecords[tableAndFields["dbid"]][tableAndFields["fields"][0]].length else raise "'tableAndFields[\"fields\"]' must be an Array of fields to retrieve." end else raise "'tableAndFields' is missing one of 'dbid', 'fields' or 'joinfield'." end else raise "'tableAndFields' must be a Hash" end } numTables = tables.length # go through the records in the first table (0..(numRecords[tables[0]]-1)).each{|i| # get the value of the join field in each record of the first table joinfieldValue = tableRecords[tables[0]][joinfield[tables[0]]][i] # save the other tables' record indices of records containing the joinfield value tableIndices = [] (1..(numTables-1)).each{|tableNum| tableIndices[tableNum] = [] (0..(numRecords[tables[tableNum]]-1)).each{|j| if joinfieldValue == tableRecords[tables[tableNum]][joinfield[tables[tableNum]]][j] tableIndices[tableNum] << j end } } # if all the tables had at least one matching record, build a joined record and yield it buildJoinRecord = true (1..(numTables-1)).each{|tableNum| buildJoinRecord = false if not tableIndices[tableNum].length > 0 } if buildJoinRecord joinRecord = {} tableRecords[tables[0]].each_key{|field| joinRecord[field] = tableRecords[tables[0]][field][i] } # nested loops for however many tables we have currentIndex = [] numTables.times{ currentIndex << 0 } loop { (1..(numTables-1)).each{|tableNum| index = tableIndices[tableNum][currentIndex[tableNum]] tableRecords[tables[tableNum]].each_key{|field| joinRecord[field] = tableRecords[tables[tableNum]][field][index] } if currentIndex[tableNum] == tableIndices[tableNum].length-1 currentIndex[tableNum] = -1 else currentIndex[tableNum] += 1 end if tableNum == numTables-1 yield joinRecord end } finishLooping = true (1..(numTables-1)).each{|tableNum| finishLooping = false if currentIndex[tableNum] != -1 } break if finishLooping } end } else raise "'tablesAndFields' must be Array of Hashes of table query parameters." end end # Get an array of records from two or more tables and/or queries with the same value in a 'join' field. # The 'joinfield' does not have to have the same name in each table. # Fields with the same name in each table will be merged, with the value from the last # table being assigned. This is similar to an SQL JOIN. def getJoinRecords(tablesAndFields) joinRecords = [] iterateJoinRecords(tablesAndFields) { |joinRecord| joinRecords << joinRecord.dup } joinRecords end # Get values from the same fields in two or more tables and/or queries and loop through the merged results. # The merged records will be unique. This is similar to an SQL UNION. def iterateUnionRecords(tables,fieldNames) raise "'iterateUnionRecords' must be called with a block." if not block_given? if tables and tables.is_a?(Array) if fieldNames and fieldNames.is_a?(Array) tableRecords = [] tables.each{|table| if table and table.is_a?(Hash) and table["dbid"] tableRecords << getAllValuesForFields( table["dbid"], fieldNames, table["query"], table["qid"], table["qname"], table["clist"], table["slist"], "structured", table["options"]) else raise "'table' must be a Hash that includes an entry for 'dbid'." end } else raise "'fieldNames' must be an Array of field names valid in all the tables." end else raise "'tables' must be an Array of Hashes." end usedRecords = {} tableRecords.each{|queryResults| if queryResults numRecords = 0 numRecords = queryResults[fieldNames[0]].length if queryResults[fieldNames[0]] (0..(numRecords-1)).each{|recNum| recordHash = {} fieldNames.each{|fieldName| recordHash[fieldName]=queryResults[fieldName][recNum] } if not usedRecords[recordHash.values.join] usedRecords[recordHash.values.join]=true yield recordHash end } end } end # Returns an Array of values from the same fields in two or more tables and/or queries. # The merged records will be unique. This is similar to an SQL UNION. def getUnionRecords(tables,fieldNames) unionRecords = [] iterateUnionRecords(tables,fieldNames) { |unionRecord| unionRecords << unionRecord.dup } unionRecords end # (The QuickBase API does not supply a method for this.) # Loop through summary records, like the records in a QuickBase Summary report. # Fields with 'Total' and 'Average' checked in the target table will be summed and/or averaged. # Other fields with duplicate values will be merged into a single 'record'. # The results will be sorted by the merged fields, in ascending order. # e.g. - # iterateSummaryRecords( "vavaa4sdd", ["Customer", "Amount"] ) {|record| # puts "Customer: #{record['Customer']}, Amount #{record['Amount']} # } # would print the total Amount for each Customer, sorted by Customer. def iterateSummaryRecords( dbid, fieldNames,query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) getSchema(dbid) slist = "" summaryRecord = {} doesTotal = {} doesAverage = {} summaryField = {} fieldType = {} fieldNames.each{ |fieldName| fieldType[fieldName] = lookupFieldTypeByName(fieldName) isSummaryField = true doesTotal[fieldName] = isTotalField?(fieldName) doesAverage[fieldName] = isAverageField?(fieldName) if doesTotal[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Total"] = 0 isSummaryField = false end if doesAverage[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"] = 0 isSummaryField = false end if isSummaryField summaryField[fieldName] = true fieldID = lookupFieldIDByName(fieldName) slist << "#{fieldID}." end } slist[-1] = "" count = 0 iterateRecords( dbid, fieldNames, query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt, options) { |record| summaryFieldValuesHaveChanged = false fieldNames.each{ |fieldName| if summaryField[fieldName] and record[fieldName] != summaryRecord[fieldName] summaryFieldValuesHaveChanged = true break end } if summaryFieldValuesHaveChanged summaryRecord["Count"] = count fieldNames.each{|fieldName| if doesTotal[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Total"] = formatFieldValue(summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Total"],fieldType[fieldName]) end if doesAverage[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"] = summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"]/count if count > 0 summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"] = formatFieldValue(summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"],fieldType[fieldName]) end } yield summaryRecord count=0 summaryRecord = {} fieldNames.each{|fieldName| if doesTotal[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Total"] = 0 end if doesAverage[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"] = 0 end } end count += 1 fieldNames.each{|fieldName| if doesTotal[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Total"] += record[fieldName].to_i end if doesAverage[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"] += record[fieldName].to_i end if summaryField[fieldName] summaryRecord[fieldName] = record[fieldName] end } } summaryRecord["Count"] = count fieldNames.each{|fieldName| if doesTotal[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Total"] = formatFieldValue(summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Total"],fieldType[fieldName]) end if doesAverage[fieldName] summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"] = summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"]/count summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"] = formatFieldValue(summaryRecord["#{fieldName}:Average"],fieldType[fieldName]) end } yield summaryRecord end # Collect summary records into an array. def getSummaryRecords( dbid, fieldNames,query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) summaryRecords = [] iterateSummaryRecords(dbid, fieldNames,query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt = "structured", options){|summaryRecord| summaryRecords << summaryRecord.dup } summaryRecords end # Loop through a list of records returned from a query. # Each record will contain all the fields with values formatted for readability by QuickBase via API_GetRecordInfo. def iterateRecordInfos(dbid, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil) getSchema(dbid) recordIDFieldName = lookupFieldNameFromID("3") fieldNames = getFieldNames fieldIDs = {} fieldNames.each{|name|fieldIDs[name] = lookupFieldIDByName(name)} iterateRecords(dbid, [recordIDFieldName], query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt, options){|r| getRecordInfo(dbid,r[recordIDFieldName]) fieldValues = {} fieldIDs.each{|k,v| fieldValues[k] = getFieldDataPrintableValue(v) fieldValues[k] ||= getFieldDataValue(v) } yield fieldValues } end # Returns table or record values using REST syntax. e.g. - # puts processRESTRequest("8emtadvk/24105") # prints record 24105 from Community Forum # puts processRESTRequest("8emtadvk") # prints name of table with dbid of '8emtadvk' # puts qbc.processRESTRequest("6ewwzuuj/Function Name") # prints list of QuickBase Functions def processRESTRequest(requestString) ret = nil request = requestString.dup request.gsub!("//","ESCAPED/") requestParts = request.split('/') requestParts.each{|part| part.gsub!("ESCAPED/","//") } applicationName = nil applicationDbid= nil tableName = nil tableDbid = nil requestType = "" requestParts.each_index{|i| if i == 0 dbid = findDBByName(requestParts[0].dup) if dbid applicationDbid= dbid.dup # app/ applicationName = requestParts[0].dup ret = "dbid:#{applicationDbid}" elsif QuickBase::Misc.isDbidString?(requestParts[0].dup) and getSchema(requestParts[0].dup) tableDbid = requestParts[0].dup # dbid/ tableName = getTableName(tableDbid) ret = "table:#{tableName}" else ret = "Unable to process '#{requestParts[0].dup}' part of '#{requestString}'." end elsif i == 1 if applicationDbid getSchema(applicationDbid) tableDbid = lookupChdbid(requestParts[1].dup) if tableDbid # app/chdbid/ tableName = requestParts[1].dup ret = "dbid:#{tableDbid}" else getSchema(applicationDbid.dup) tableDbid = lookupChdbid(applicationName.dup) if tableDbid # app+appchdbid/ tableName = applicationName ret, requestType = processRESTFieldNameOrRecordKeyRequest(tableDbid,requestParts[1].dup) else ret = "Unable to process '#{requestParts[1].dup}' part of '#{requestString}'." end end elsif tableDbid ret, requestType = processRESTFieldNameOrRecordKeyRequest(tableDbid,requestParts[1].dup) else ret = "Unable to process '#{requestParts[1].dup}' part of '#{requestString}'." end elsif (i==2 or i == 3) and ["keyFieldValue","recordID"].include?(requestType) fieldValues = ret.split(/\n/) fieldValues.each{|fieldValue| if fieldValue.index("#{requestParts[i].dup}:") == 0 ret = fieldValue.gsub("#{requestParts[i].dup}:","") break end } elsif i == 2 and tableDbid ret, requestType = processRESTFieldNameOrRecordKeyRequest(tableDbid,requestParts[2].dup) else ret = "Unable to process '#{requestString}'." end } ret end def processRESTFieldNameOrRecordKeyRequest(dbid,fieldNameOrRecordKey) returnvalue = "" requestType = "" getSchema(dbid) fieldNames = getFieldNames if fieldNames.include?(fieldNameOrRecordKey) # name of a field in the table requestType = "fieldName" iterateRecordInfos(dbid){|r| returnvalue << "#{fieldNameOrRecordKey}:#{r[fieldNameOrRecordKey]}\n" if r } elsif @key_fid # key field value requestType = "keyFieldValue" iterateRecordInfos(dbid,"{'#{@key_fid}'.EX.'#{fieldNameOrRecordKey}'}"){|r| r.each{|k,v| returnvalue << "#{k}:#{v}\n"} if r } elsif fieldNameOrRecordKey.match(/[0-9]+/) # guess that this is a Record #ID value requestType = "recordID" iterateRecordInfos(dbid,"{'3'.EX.'#{fieldNameOrRecordKey}'}"){|r| r.each{|k,v| returnvalue << "#{k}:#{v}\n"} if r } else # guess that the first non-built-in field is a secondary non-numeric key field requestType = "field6" iterateRecordInfos(dbid,"{'6'.TV.'#{fieldNameOrRecordKey}'}"){|r| if r returnvalue << "Record:\n" r.each{|k,v| returnvalue << "#{k}:#{v}\n"} end } end return returnvalue, requestType end # Find the lowest value for one or more fields in the records returned by a query. # e.g. minimumsHash = min("dfdfafff",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"]) def min( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) min = {} hasValues = false iterateRecords(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options){|record| fieldNames.each{|field| value = record[field] if value baseFieldType = lookupBaseFieldTypeByName(field) case baseFieldType when "int32","int64","bool" value = record[field].to_i when "float" value = record[field].to_f end end if min[field].nil? or (value and value < min[field]) min[field] = value hasValues = true end } } min = nil if not hasValues min end # Find the highest value for one or more fields in the records returned by a query. # e.g. maximumsHash = max("dfdfafff",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"]) def max( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) max = {} hasValues = false iterateRecords(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options){|record| fieldNames.each{|field| value = record[field] if value baseFieldType = lookupBaseFieldTypeByName(field) case baseFieldType when "int32","int64","bool" value = record[field].to_i when "float" value = record[field].to_f end end if max[field].nil? or (value and value > max[field]) max[field] = value hasValues = true end } } max = nil if not hasValues max end # Returns the number non-null values for one or more fields in the records returned by a query. # e.g. countsHash = count("dfdfafff",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"]) def count( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) count = {} fieldNames.each{|field| count[field]=0 } hasValues = false iterateRecords(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options){|record| fieldNames.each{|field| if record[field] and record[field].length > 0 count[field] += 1 hasValues = true end } } count = nil if not hasValues count end # Returns the sum of the values for one or more fields in the records returned by a query. # e.g. sumsHash = sum("dfdfafff",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"]) def sum( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) sum = {} hasValues = false iterateRecords(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options){|record| fieldNames.each{|field| value = record[field] if value baseFieldType = lookupBaseFieldTypeByName(field) case baseFieldType when "int32","int64","bool" value = record[field].to_i when "float" value = record[field].to_f end if sum[field].nil? sum[field] = value else sum[field] = sum[field] + value end hasValues = true end } } sum = nil if not hasValues sum end # Returns the average of the values for one or more fields in the records returned by a query. # e.g. averagesHash = average("dfdfafff",["Date Sent","Quantity","Part Name"]) def average( dbid, fieldNames, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil ) count = {} fieldNames.each{|field| count[field]=0 } sum = {} iterateRecords(dbid,fieldNames,query,qid,qname,clist,slist,fmt,options){|record| fieldNames.each{|field| value = record[field] if value baseFieldType = lookupBaseFieldTypeByName(field) case baseFieldType when "int32","int64","bool" value = record[field].to_i when "float" value = record[field].to_f end if sum[field].nil? sum[field] = value else sum[field] = sum[field] + value end count[field] += 1 end } } average = {} hasValues = false fieldNames.each{|field| if sum[field] and count[field] > 0 average[field] = (sum[field]/count[field]) hasValues = true end } average = nil if not hasValues average end # Query records, sum the values in a numeric field, calculate each record's percentage # of the sum and put the percent in a percent field each record. def applyPercentToRecords( dbid, numericField, percentField, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil) fieldNames = Array[numericField] total = sum( dbid, fieldNames, query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt, options ) fieldNames << "3" # Record ID# iterateRecords( dbid, fieldNames, query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt, options ){|record| result = percent( [total[numericField],record[numericField]] ) clearFieldValuePairList addFieldValuePair( percentField, nil, nil, result.to_s ) editRecord( dbid, record["3"], fvlist ) } end # Query records, get the average of the values in a numeric field, calculate each record's deviation # from the average and put the deviation in a percent field each record. def applyDeviationToRecords( dbid, numericField, deviationField, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil, clist = nil, slist = nil, fmt = "structured", options = nil) fieldNames = Array[numericField] avg = average( dbid, fieldNames, query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt, options ) fieldNames << "3" # Record ID# iterateRecords( dbid, fieldNames, query, qid, qname, clist, slist, fmt, options ){|record| result = deviation( [avg[numericField],record[numericField]] ) clearFieldValuePairList addFieldValuePair( deviationField, nil, nil, result.to_s ) editRecord( dbid, record["3"], fvlist ) } end # Given an array of two numbers, return the second number as a percentage of the first number. def percent( inputValues ) raise "'inputValues' must not be nil" if inputValues.nil? raise "'inputValues' must be an Array" if not inputValues.is_a?(Array) raise "'inputValues' must have at least two elements" if inputValues.length < 2 total = inputValues[0].to_f total = 1.0 if total == 0.00 value = inputValues[1].to_f ((value/total)*100) end # Given an array of two numbers, return the difference between the numbers as a positive number. def deviation( inputValues ) raise "'inputValues' must not be nil" if inputValues.nil? raise "'inputValues' must be an Array" if not inputValues.is_a?(Array) raise "'inputValues' must have at least two elements" if inputValues.length < 2 value = inputValues[0].to_f - inputValues[1].to_f value.abs end # Get an array of the existing choices for a multiple-choice text field. def getFieldChoices(dbid,fieldName=nil,fid=nil) getSchema(dbid) if fieldName fid = lookupFieldIDByName(fieldName) elsif not fid raise "'fieldName' or 'fid' must be specified" end field = lookupField( fid ) if field choices = [] choicesProc = proc { |element| if element.is_a?(REXML::Element) if element.name == "choice" and element.has_text? choices << element.text end end } processChildElements(field,true,choicesProc) choices = nil if choices.length == 0 choices else nil end end # Get an array of all the record IDs for a specified table. # e.g. IDs = getAllRecordIDs( "dhnju5y7" ){ |id| puts "Record #{id}" } def getAllRecordIDs( dbid ) rids = [] if dbid getSchema( dbid ) next_record_id = getResponseElement( "table/original/next_record_id" ) if next_record_id and next_record_id.has_text? next_record_id = next_record_id.text (1..next_record_id.to_i).each{ |rid| begin _getRecordInfo( rid ) rids << rid.to_s if update_id rescue end } end end if block_given? rids.each { |id| yield id } else rids end end # Finds records with the same values in a specified list of fields. # The field list may be a list of field IDs or a list of field names. # Returns a hash with the structure { "duplicated values" => [ rid, rid, ... ] } def findDuplicateRecordIDs( fnames, fids, dbid = @dbid, ignoreCase = true ) verifyFieldList( fnames, fids, dbid ) duplicates = {} if @fids cslist = @fids.join( "." ) ridFields = lookupFieldsByType( "recordid" ) if ridFields and ridFields.last cslist << "." recordidFid = ridFields.last.attributes["id"] cslist << recordidFid valuesUsed = {} doQuery( @dbid, nil, nil, nil, cslist ) { |record| next unless record.is_a?( REXML::Element) and record.name == "record" recordID = "" recordValues = [] record.each { |f| if f.is_a?( REXML::Element) and f.name == "f" and f.has_text? if recordidFid == f.attributes["id"] recordID = f.text else recordValues << f.text end end } if not valuesUsed[ recordValues ] valuesUsed[ recordValues ] = [] end valuesUsed[ recordValues ] << recordID } valuesUsed.each{ |valueArray, recordArray| if recordArray.length > 1 duplicates[ valueArray ] = recordArray end } end end if block_given? duplicates.each{ |duplicate| yield duplicate } else duplicates end end # Finds records with the same values in a specified # list of fields and deletes all but the first or last duplicate record. # The field list may be a list of field IDs or a list of field names. # The 'options' parameter can be used to keep the oldest record instead of the # newest record, and to control whether to ignore the case of field values when # deciding which records are duplicates. Returns the number of records deleted. def deleteDuplicateRecords( fnames, fids = nil, options = nil, dbid = @dbid ) num_deleted = 0 if options and not options.is_a?( Hash ) raise "deleteDuplicateRecords: 'options' parameter must be a Hash" else options = {} options[ "keeplastrecord" ] = true options[ "ignoreCase" ] = true end findDuplicateRecordIDs( fnames, fids, dbid, options[ "ignoreCase" ] ) { |dupeValues, recordIDs| if options[ "keeplastrecord" ] recordIDs[0..(recordIDs.length-2)].each{ |rid| num_deleted += 1 if deleteRecord( dbid, rid ) } elsif options[ "keepfirstrecord" ] recordIDs[1..(recordIDs.length-1)].each{ |rid| num_deleted += 1 if deleteRecord( dbid, rid ) } end } num_deleted end # Make one or more copies of a record. def copyRecord( rid, numCopies = 1, dbid = @dbid ) clearFieldValuePairList getRecordInfo( dbid, rid ) { |field| if field and field.elements[ "value" ] and field.elements[ "value" ].has_text? if field.elements[ "fid" ].text.to_i > 5 #skip built-in fields addFieldValuePair( field.elements[ "name" ].text, nil, nil, field.elements[ "value" ].text ) end end } newRecordIDs = [] if @fvlist and @fvlist.length > 0 numCopies.times { addRecord( dbid, @fvlist ) newRecordIDs << @rid if @rid and @update_id } end if block_given? newRecordIDs.each{ |newRecordID| yield newRecordID } else newRecordIDs end end # Import data directly from an Excel file into a table # The field names are expected to be on line 1 by default. # By default, data will be read starting from row 2 and ending on the first empty row. # Commas in field values will be converted to semi-colons. # e.g. importFromExcel( @dbid, "my_spreadsheet.xls", 'h' ) def importFromExcel( dbid,excelFilename,lastColumn = 'j',lastDataRow = 0,worksheetNumber = 1,fieldNameRow = 1,firstDataRow = 2,firstColumn = 'a') num_recs_imported = 0 if require 'win32ole' if FileTest.readable?( excelFilename ) getSchema( dbid ) excel = WIN32OLE::new( 'Excel.Application' ) workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open( excelFilename ) worksheet = workbook.Worksheets( worksheetNumber ) worksheet.Select fieldNames = nil rows = nil skipFirstRow = nil if fieldNameRow > 0 fieldNames = worksheet.Range("#{firstColumn}#{fieldNameRow}:#{lastColumn}#{fieldNameRow}")['Value'] skipFirstRow = true end if lastDataRow <= 0 lastDataRow = 1 while worksheet.Range("#{firstColumn}#{lastDataRow}")['Value'] lastDataRow += 1 end end if firstDataRow > 0 and lastDataRow >= firstDataRow rows = worksheet.Range("#{firstColumn}#{firstDataRow}:#{lastColumn}#{lastDataRow}")['Value'] end workbook.Close excel.Quit csvData = "" targetFieldIDs = [] if fieldNames and fieldNames.length > 0 fieldNames.each{ |fieldNameRow| fieldNameRow.each{ |fieldName| if fieldName fieldName.gsub!( ",", ";" ) #strip commas csvData << "#{fieldName}," targetFieldIDs << lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) else csvData << "," end } csvData[-1] = "\n" } end rows.each{ |row| row.each{ |cell| if cell cell = cell.to_s cell.gsub!( ",", ";" ) #strip commas csvData << "#{cell}," else csvData << "," end } csvData[-1] = "\n" } clist = targetFieldIDs.join( '.' ) num_recs_imported = importFromCSV( dbid, formatImportCSV( csvData ), clist, skipFirstRow ) else raise "importFromExcel: '#{excelFilename}' is not a readable file." end end num_recs_imported end # Import data directly from an Excel file into the active table. def _importFromExcel(excelFilename,lastColumn = 'j',lastDataRow = 0,worksheetNumber = 1,fieldNameRow = 1,firstDataRow = 2,firstColumn = 'a') importFromExcel( @dbid, excelFilename, lastColumn, lastDataRow, worksheetNumber, fieldNameRow, firstDataRow, firstColumn ) end # Add records from lines in a CSV file. # If dbid is not specified, the active table will be used. # values in subsequent lines. The file must not contain commas inside field names or values. def importCSVFile( filename, dbid = @dbid, targetFieldNames = nil, validateLines = true ) importSVFile( filename, ",", dbid, targetFieldNames, validateLines ) end # Import records from a text file in Tab-Separated-Values format. def importTSVFile( filename, dbid = @dbid, targetFieldNames = nil, validateLines = true ) importSVFile( filename, "\t", dbid, targetFieldNames, validateLines ) end # Add records from lines in a separated values text file, using a specified field name/value separator. # # e.g. importSVFile( "contacts.txt", "::", "dhnju5y7", [ "Name", "Phone", "Email" ] ) # # If targetFieldNames is not specified, the first line in the file # must be a list of field names that match the values in subsequent lines. # # If there are no commas in any of the field names or values, the file will be # treated as if it were a CSV file and imported using the QuickBase importFromCSV API call. # Otherwise, records will be added using addRecord() for each line. # Lines with the wrong number of fields will be skipped. # Double-quoted fields can contain the field separator, e.g. f1,"f,2",f3 # Spaces will not be trimmed from the beginning or end of field values. def importSVFile( filename, fieldSeparator = ",", dbid = @dbid, targetFieldNames = nil, validateLines = true ) num_recs_imported = 0 if FileTest.readable?( filename ) if dbid getSchema( dbid ) targetFieldIDs = [] if targetFieldNames and targetFieldNames.is_a?( Array ) targetFieldNames.each{ |fieldName| targetFieldIDs << lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) } return 0 if targetFieldIDs.length != targetFieldNames.length end useAddRecord = false invalidLines = [] validLines = [] linenum = 1 IO.foreach( filename ){ |line| if fieldSeparator != "," and line.index( "," ) useAddRecord = true end if linenum == 1 and targetFieldNames.nil? targetFieldNames = splitString( line, fieldSeparator ) targetFieldNames.each{ |fieldName| fieldName.strip! targetFieldIDs << lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) } return 0 if targetFieldIDs.length != targetFieldNames.length else fieldValues = splitString( line, fieldSeparator ) if !validateLines validLines[ linenum ] = fieldValues elsif validateLines and fieldValues.length == targetFieldIDs.length validLines[ linenum ] = fieldValues else invalidLines[ linenum ] = fieldValues end end linenum += 1 } if targetFieldIDs.length > 0 and validLines.length > 0 if useAddRecord validLines.each{ |line| clearFieldValuePairList targetFieldIDs.each_index{ |i| addFieldValuePair( nil, targetFieldIDs[i], nil, line[i] ) } addRecord( dbid, @fvlist ) num_recs_imported += 1 if @rid } else csvdata = "" validLines.each{ |line| if line csvdata << line.join( ',' ) csvdata << "\n" end } clist = targetFieldIDs.join( '.' ) num_recs_imported = importFromCSV( dbid, formatImportCSV( csvdata ), clist ) end end end end return num_recs_imported, invalidLines end # Make a CSV file using the results of a query. # Specify a different separator in the second paramater. # Fields containing the separator will be double-quoted. # # e.g. makeSVFile( "contacts.txt", "\t", nil ) # e.g. makeSVFile( "contacts.txt", ",", "dhnju5y7", nil, nil, "List Changes" ) def makeSVFile( filename, fieldSeparator = ",", dbid = @dbid, query = nil, qid = nil, qname = nil ) File.open( filename, "w" ) { |file| if dbid doQuery( dbid, query, qid, qname ) end if @records and @fields # ------------- write field names on first line ---------------- output = "" fieldNamesBlock = proc { |element| if element.is_a?(REXML::Element) and element.name == "label" and element.has_text? output << "#{element.text}#{fieldSeparator}" end } processChildElements( @fields, true, fieldNamesBlock ) output << "\n" output.sub!( "#{fieldSeparator}\n", "\n" ) file.write( output ) # ------------- write records ---------------- output = "" valuesBlock = proc { |element| if element.is_a?(REXML::Element) if element.name == "record" if output.length > 1 output << "\n" output.sub!( "#{fieldSeparator}\n", "\n" ) file.write( output ) end output = "" elsif element.name == "f" if element.has_text? text = element.text text.gsub!("
","\n") text = "\"#{text}\"" if text.include?( fieldSeparator ) output << "#{text}#{fieldSeparator}" else output << "#{fieldSeparator}" end end end } processChildElements( @records, false, valuesBlock ) if output.length > 1 output << "\n" output.sub!( "#{fieldSeparator}\n", "\n" ) file.write( output ) output = "" end end } end # Upload a file into a new record in a table. # Additional field values can optionally be set. # e.g. uploadFile( "dhnju5y7", "contacts.txt", "Contacts File", { "Notes" => "#{Time.now}" } def uploadFile( dbid, filename, fileAttachmentFieldName, additionalFieldsToSet = nil ) if dbid and filename and fileAttachmentFieldName clearFieldValuePairList addFieldValuePair( fileAttachmentFieldName, nil, filename, nil ) if additionalFieldsToSet and additionalFieldsToSet.is_a?( Hash ) additionalFieldsToSet.each{ |fieldName,fieldValue| addFieldValuePair( fieldName, nil, nil, fieldValue ) } end return addRecord( dbid, @fvlist ) end nil end # Upload a file into a new record in the active table. # e.g. uploadFile( "contacts.txt", "Contacts File" ) def _uploadFile( filename, fileAttachmentFieldName ) uploadFile( @dbid, filename, fileAttachmentFieldName ) end # Update the file attachment in an existing record in a table. # Additional field values can optionally be set. # e.g. updateFile( "dhnju5y7", "6", "contacts.txt", "Contacts File", { "Notes" => "#{Time.now}" } def updateFile( dbid, rid, filename, fileAttachmentFieldName, additionalFieldsToSet = nil ) if dbid and rid and filename and fileAttachmentFieldName clearFieldValuePairList addFieldValuePair( fileAttachmentFieldName, nil, filename, nil ) if additionalFieldsToSet and additionalFieldsToSet.is_a?( Hash ) additionalFieldsToSet.each{ |fieldName,fieldValue| addFieldValuePair( fieldName, nil, nil, fieldValue ) } end return editRecord( dbid, rid, @fvlist ) end nil end # Update the file attachment in an existing record in the active record in the active table. # e.g. _updateFile( "contacts.txt", "Contacts File" ) def _updateFile( filename, fileAttachmentFieldName ) updateFile( @dbid, @rid, filename, fileAttachmentFieldName ) end # Remove the file from a File Attachment field in an existing record. # e.g. removeFileAttachment( "bdxxxibz4", "6", "Document" ) def removeFileAttachment( dbid, rid , fileAttachmentFieldName ) updateFile( dbid, rid, "delete", fileAttachmentFieldName ) end # Remove the file from a File Attachment field in an existing record in the active table # e.g. _removeFileAttachment( "6", "Document" ) def _removeFileAttachment( rid , fileAttachmentFieldName ) updateFile( @dbid, rid, "delete", fileAttachmentFieldName ) end # Translate a simple SQL SELECT statement to a QuickBase query and run it. # # If any supplied field names are numeric, they will be treated as QuickBase field IDs if # they aren't valid field names. # # * e.g. doSQLQuery( "SELECT FirstName,Salary FROM Contacts WHERE LastName = "Doe" ORDER BY FirstName ) # * e.g. doSQLQuery( "SELECT * FROM Books WHERE Author = "Freud" ) # # Note: This method is here primarily for Rails integration. # Note: This assumes, like SQL, that your column (i.e. field) names do not contain spaces. def doSQLQuery( sqlString, returnOptions = nil ) ret = nil sql = sqlString.dup dbid = nil clist = nil slist = nil state = nil dbname = "" columns = [] sortFields = [] limit = nil offset = nil options = nil getRecordCount = false queryFields = [] query = "{'[" queryState = "getFieldName" queryField = "" sql.split(' ').each{ |token| case token when "SELECT" then state = "getColumns";next when "count(*)" then state = "getCount";next when "FROM" then state = "getTable";next when "WHERE" then state = "getFilter" ;next when "ORDER" then state = "getBy";next when "BY" then state = "getSort";next when "LIMIT" then state = "getLimit";next when "OFFSET" then state = "getOffset";next end if state == "getColumns" if token.index( "," ) token.split(",").each{ |column| columns << column if column.length > 0 } else columns << "#{token} " end elsif state == "getCount" getRecordCount = true elsif state == "getTable" dbname = token.strip elsif state == "getFilter" if token == "AND" query.strip! query << "'}AND{'[" queryState = "getFieldName" elsif token == "OR" query.strip! query << "'}OR{'[" queryState = "getFieldName" elsif token == "=" query << "]'.TV.'" queryState = "getFieldValue" queryFields << queryField queryField = "" elsif token == "<>" or token == "!=" query << "]'.XTV.'" queryState = "getFieldValue" queryFields << queryField queryField = "" elsif queryState == "getFieldValue" fieldValue = token.dup if fieldValue[-2,2] == "')" fieldValue[-1,1] = "" end if fieldValue[-1] == "'" fieldValue.gsub!("'","") query << "#{fieldValue}" else fieldValue.gsub!("'","") query << "#{fieldValue} " end elsif queryState == "getFieldName" fieldName = token.gsub("(","").gsub(")","").gsub( "#{dbname}.","") query << "#{fieldName}" queryField << "#{fieldName} " end elsif state == "getSort" if token.contains( "," ) token.split(",").each{ |sortField| sortFields << sortField if sortField.length > 0 } else sortFields << "#{token} " end elsif state == "getLimit" limit = token.dup if options.nil? options = "num-#{limit}" else options << ".num-#{limit}" end elsif state == "getOffset" offset = token.dup if options.nil? options = "skp-#{offset}" else options << ".skp-#{offset}" end end } if dbname and @dbid.nil? dbid = findDBByname( dbname ) else dbid = lookupChdbid( dbname ) end dbid ||= @dbid if dbid getDBInfo( dbid ) getSchema( dbid ) if columns.length > 0 if columns[0] == "* " columns = getFieldNames( dbid ) end columnNames = [] columns.each{ |column| column.strip! fid = lookupFieldIDByName( column ) if fid.nil? and column.match(/[0-9]+/) fid = column columnNames << lookupFieldNameFromID(fid) else columnNames << column end if fid if clist clist << ".#{fid}" else clist = fid end end } end if sortFields.length > 0 sortFields.each{ |sortField| sortField.strip! fid = lookupFieldIDByName( sortField ) if fid.nil? fid = sortField if sortField.match(/[0-9]+/) end if fid if slist slist << ".#{fid}" else slist = fid end end } end if queryFields.length > 0 query.strip! query << "'}" queryFields.each{ |fieldName| fieldName.strip! fid = lookupFieldIDByName( fieldName ) if fid query.gsub!( "'[#{fieldName} ]'", "'#{fid}'" ) end } else query = nil end if getRecordCount ret = getNumRecords(dbid) elsif returnOptions == :Hash ret = getAllValuesForFields(dbid, columnNames, query, nil, nil, clist, slist,"structured",options) elsif returnOptions == :Array ret = getAllValuesForFieldsAsArray(dbid, columnNames, query, nil, nil, clist, slist,"structured",options) else ret = doQuery( dbid, query, nil, nil, clist, slist, "structured", options ) end end ret end # Translate a simple SQL UPDATE statement to a QuickBase editRecord call. # # Note: This method is here primarily for Rails integration. # Note: This assumes, like SQL, that your column (i.e. field) names do not contain spaces. # Note: This assumes that Record ID# is the key field in your table. def doSQLUpdate(sqlString) sql = sqlString.dup dbname = "" state = nil fieldName = "" fieldValue = "" sqlQuery = "SELECT 3 FROM " clearFieldValuePairList sql.split(' ').each{ |token| case token when "UPDATE" state = "getTable" unless state == "getFilter" next when "SET" state = "getFieldName" unless state == "getFilter" next when "=" sqlQuery << " = " if state == "getFilter" state = "getFieldValue" unless state == "getFilter" next when "WHERE" sqlQuery << " WHERE " state = "getFilter" next end if state == "getTable" dbname = token.dup sqlQuery << dbname elsif state == "getFieldName" fieldName = token.gsub('[','').gsub(']','') elsif state == "getFieldValue" test = token if test[-1,1] == "'" or test[-2,2] == "'," fieldValue << token if fieldValue[-2,2] == "'," state = "getFieldName" fieldValue.gsub!("',","") end fieldValue.gsub!("'","") if fieldName.length > 0 addFieldValuePair(fieldName,nil,nil,fieldValue) fieldName = "" fieldValue = "" end else fieldValue << "#{token} " end elsif state == "getFilter" sqlQuery << token end } rows = doSQLQuery(sqlQuery,:Array) if rows and @dbid and @fvlist idFieldName = lookupFieldNameFromID("3") rows.each{ |row| recordID = row[idFieldName] editRecord(@dbid,recordID,@fvlist) if recordID } end end # Translate a simple SQL INSERT statement to a QuickBase addRecord call. # # Note: This method is here primarily for Rails integration. # Note: This assumes, like SQL, that your column (i.e. field) names do not contain spaces. def doSQLInsert(sqlString) sql = sqlString.dup dbname = "" state = nil fieldName = "" fieldValue = "" fieldNames = [] fieldValues = [] index = 0 clearFieldValuePairList sql.gsub!("("," ") sql.gsub!(")"," ") sql.split(' ').each{ |token| case token when "INSERT", "INTO" state = "getTable" next when "VALUES" state = "getFieldValue" next end if state == "getTable" dbname = token.strip state = "getFieldName" elsif state == "getFieldName" fieldName = token.dup fieldName.gsub!("],","") fieldName.gsub!('[','') fieldName.gsub!(']','') fieldName.gsub!(',','') fieldNames << fieldName elsif state == "getFieldValue" test = token.dup if test[-1,1] == "'" or test[-2,2] == "'," fieldValue << token.dup if fieldValue[-2,2] == "'," fieldValue.gsub!("',",'') end fieldValue.gsub!('\'','') if fieldValue.length > 0 and fieldNames[index] addFieldValuePair(fieldNames[index],nil,nil,fieldValue) fieldName = "" fieldValue = "" end index += 1 elsif token == "," addFieldValuePair(fieldNames[index],nil,nil,"") fieldName = "" fieldValue = "" index += 1 else fieldValue << "#{token.dup} " end end } if dbname and @dbid.nil? dbid = findDBByname( dbname ) else dbid = lookupChdbid( dbname ) end dbid ||= @dbid recordid = nil if dbid recordid,updateid = addRecord(dbid,@fvlist) end recordid end # Iterate @records XML and yield only 'record' elements. def eachRecord( records = @records ) if records and block_given? records.each { |record| if record.is_a?( REXML::Element) and record.name == "record" @record = record yield record end } end nil end # Iterate record XML and yield only 'f' elements. def eachField( record = @record ) if record and block_given? record.each{ |field| if field.is_a?( REXML::Element) and field.name == "f" and field.attributes["id"] @field = field yield field end } end nil end # Log requests to QuickBase and responses from QuickBase in a file. # Useful for utilities that run unattended. def logToFile( filename ) setLogger( Logger.new( filename ) ) end # Add method aliases that follow the ruby method naming convention. # E.g. sendRequest will be aliased as send_request. def alias_methods aliased_methods = [] public_methods.each{|old_method| if old_method.match(/[A-Z]+/) new_method = old_method.gsub(/[A-Z]+/){|uc| "_#{uc.downcase}"} aliased_methods << new_method instance_eval( "alias #{new_method} #{old_method}") end } aliased_methods end # ------------------- End of Helper methods -------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end #class Client ---------------------------------------------------- # To subscribe to events fired by the Client class, derive from this # class, override handle( event ), and call subscribe( event, self ). # See Client.subscribe() for a list of events. class EventHandler def handle( event ) puts event if event and event.is_a?( String ) end end # To log QuickBase requests and responses to a file, make an instance # of this class and call Client.setLogger( loggerInstance ). # Call Client.setLogger( nil ) to turn logging off. # The log file is written in CSV format to make it importable by QuickBase. class Logger attr_reader :file, :filename, :append def initialize( filename, append = true ) @requestEntryNum = @responseEntryNum = 0 changeLogFile( filename, append ) end def closeLogFile() if @file @file.close @file = nil @filename = nil @append = true @requestEntryNum = @responseEntryNum = 0 end end def changeLogFile( filename, append = true ) if @file and @filename and @filename != filename closeLogFile() end begin @append = append skipHeader = (@append == true and FileTest.exist?( filename )) @file = File.open( filename, @append ? "a" : "w" ) @filename = filename @file.print( "entry,request time,dbid,api,request,response time, response" ) unless skipHeader rescue StandardError => e closeLogFile() puts "Logger error: #{e}" end end def logRequest( dbidForRequestURL, api_Request, requestXML ) if @file @requestEntryNum += 1 entry = "\n#{@requestEntryNum}," entry << "#{getTimeString()}," entry << "#{dbidForRequestURL}," entry << "#{api_Request}," maxChars = requestXML.length > 256 ? 256 : requestXML.length request = requestXML[0,maxChars] request.gsub!( ",", "_" ) entry << "#{request}" @file.print( entry ) end end def logResponse( error, responseXML ) if @file @responseEntryNum += 1 if @responseEntryNum != @requestEntryNum entry = "\n#{@responseEntryNum},,,,#{getTimeString()}," else entry = ",#{getTimeString()}," end maxChars = responseXML.length > 256 ? 256 : responseXML.length response = responseXML[0,maxChars] response.gsub!( ",", "_" ) entry << "#{response}" @file.print( entry ) end end def getTimeString() t = Time.now t.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" ) end end # class Logger -------------- end #module QuickBase --------------------------------------------- # This enables finding XML elements recursively using Ruby method syntax class REXML::Element attr_accessor :element_hash def method_missing(method_name,*method_args) ret = nil if elements if method_args and method_args.length > 0 if method_args[0].length > 1 searchProc = proc { |e| if e.is_a?(REXML::Element) and e.name == method_name.to_s and e.attributes if e.attributes[method_args[0][0].to_s] and e.attributes[method_args[0][0].to_s] == method_args[0][1].to_s ret = e end end } else searchProc = proc { |e| if e.is_a?(REXML::Element) and e.name == method_name.to_s and e.attributes if e.attributes["id"] and e.attributes["id"] == method_args[0][0].to_s ret = e end if ret.nil? and e.attributes["name"] and e.attributes["name"] == method_args[0][0].to_s ret = e end end } end else searchProc = proc { |e| if e.is_a?(REXML::Element) and e.name == method_name.to_s ret = e end } end end processChildElements( self, false, searchProc ) if ret and !ret.has_elements? and ret.has_text? ret = ret.text.dup end ret end # Convert REXML Element tree into Hash. # Sibling elements with duplicate names become Arrays. def to_h(include_element=proc{|e|true}) to_hash_proc = proc {|e| if e.is_a?(REXML::Element) and include_element.call(e) e.element_hash = {} e.element_hash["name"] = e.name if e.has_attributes? e.element_hash["attributes"] = {} e.attributes.each{|k,v|e.element_hash["attributes"][k]=v} end if e.has_text? text = e.text.strip e.element_hash["value"] = text if text.length > 0 end if e.parent and e.parent.is_a?(REXML::Element) if e.parent.element_hash and e.parent.element_hash[e.name] if e.parent.element_hash[e.name].is_a?(Array) e.parent.element_hash[e.name] << e.element_hash elsif e.parent.element_hash tmp = e.parent.element_hash[e.name].dup e.parent.element_hash[e.name] = [] e.parent.element_hash[e.name] << tmp e.parent.element_hash[e.name] << e.element_hash end elsif e.parent.element_hash e.parent.element_hash[e.name] = e.element_hash end end end } processChildElements( self, false, to_hash_proc ) element_hash end def processChildElements( element, leafElementsOnly, block ) if element if element.is_a?( Array ) element.each{ |e| processChildElements( e, leafElementsOnly, block ) } elsif element.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and element.has_elements? block.call( element ) if not leafElementsOnly element.each{ |e| if e.is_a?( REXML::Element ) and e.has_elements? processChildElements( e, leafElementsOnly, block ) else block.call( e ) end } end end end end if __FILE__ == $0 and ARGV.length > 0 if ARGV[0] == "run" if ARGV.length > 1 puts "Please type 'ruby QuickBaseCommandLineClient.rb run #{ARGV[1]}'" else puts "Please type 'ruby QuickBaseCommandLineClient.rb run'" end elsif ARGV[0] == "runwebclient" ARGV.shift if ARGV.length > 1 puts "Please type 'ruby QuickBaseWebClient.rb runwebclient #{ARGV[0]} #{ARGV[1]}'" elsif ARGV.length > 0 puts "Please type 'ruby QuickBaseWebClient.rb runwebclient #{ARGV[0]}'" else puts "Please type 'ruby QuickBaseWebClient.rb runwebclient #{ARGV[0]}'" end end end