shared_examples_for "a zset-only command" do it "raises an error for non-zset values" do key = 'mock-redis-test:zset-only' method = method_from_description args = args_for_method(method).unshift(key) @redises.set(key, 1) lambda do @redises.send(method, *args) end.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end shared_examples_for "arg 1 is a score" do before { @_arg_index = 1 } it_should_behave_like "arg N is a score" end shared_examples_for "arg 2 is a score" do before { @_arg_index = 2 } it_should_behave_like "arg N is a score" end shared_examples_for "arg N is a score" do before do key = 'mock-redis-test:zset-only' @method = method_from_description @args = args_for_method(@method).unshift(key) end it "is okay with positive ints" do @args[@_arg_index] = 1 lambda { @redises.send(@method, *@args) }.should_not raise_error end it "is okay with negative ints" do @args[@_arg_index] = -1 lambda { @redises.send(@method, *@args) }.should_not raise_error end it "is okay with positive floats" do @args[@_arg_index] = 1.5 lambda { @redises.send(@method, *@args) }.should_not raise_error end it "is okay with negative floats" do @args[@_arg_index] = -1.5 lambda { @redises.send(@method, *@args) }.should_not raise_error end it "rejects non-numbers" do @args[@_arg_index] = 'foo' lambda { @redises.send(@method, *@args) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end